HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-05-30, Page 1812 NIP` Page k*aw l> lifediseadayt May $, R.A. McD ONAGH REAL ESTATE d. INSURANCE LTD. 528.1 : LUCIQW HURON TWP,-95serest drained, fairlylevel 4474aeres Workahle, balance bush, 20 .acres fail wheat. .Googtf oanc- lug available to suitable .purchaser;. LUCKNOW-1%'to>r+ey brick 2 bedroom) 2 & 3 pe, Oath, large Verandah. , LUCKNOW COMM ERCIAL PROPEI TY - 2 bedroom modern .apartment, many extras. Office space with lease, rented basement, new roof & furnace, Good Investment. RINLOSS-33 acres onwest side of Coun- ty Rd.1 north of Hwy. 9. % workable, balance bush with dug farm pond. 2 LUCKNOW BUILDING LOTS - Both serviced,78.5 z 252.5; 100.28 x 115,80, Listings Wanted FRASER MacKINNON 5284013 BARRY McDONAGH 528-3821 DAVID MacKINNON 395-2483 Lordy, I rdy H.J.'s "4 May. 27 *f! LOVE: Mary Loin, Howie Jr, Wendy, Mike, Tammy, Peter. WINGHAM & DISTRICT HOSPITAI, Annum Fund -Raising BAR-B-QUE and DANCE June 22nd, isse at MAITIAND VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY GROUNDS BRUSSELS, ONTARIO 6:00 PM -1:00 AM Dress - Semi -Formal Tickets 5100.00 per couple A receipt for tax purposes will be issued after expenses are deducted for a portion of the purchase price. w Tickets available from: . Mrs. P. Whitehead-TeeswaterMiddleton's Home. Fumilshings-Wingham 392-6847 357-1411 . . Mr. H. Ten Pas -Brussels Mr. N. Hayes-Wingham & District Hospital 887-6486 357-3210 Report from the meeting of Bruce Presbyteriai Women ke The Bence Pial United Church Women met on Mferday, May 14, at Lucknow United mach. The Reverend Gerald McFarlane (Minister) and Laura Lee Caylley (UCW l�resklatt) weirdo of welcome to them attending. our Opening_ 'r+y�a by Margaret direcour ted thoughts toward the "beauty in our world" - a wide range of "colour" through readings from Psalm 104 and Exodus. In the morning business plans for the RETREAT DAY were finalized; this special event will be held at Silver Lake Camp on June 4, 9:30 a.m. tient 3:00 p.m. The Resource Person for the Retreat Day will be Helen Smith of Durham, and the theme is "FOR BEAUTY OF THE EARTH", Details are available from your local UCW representatives — plan to attend the RETREAT event! Also, some preliminary arrangements were made regarding those able to attend the School for Leaders at Five Oaks on .Oc- tober 10 and 11. A special treat at this meeting of Bruce Presbyterial UCW was a visit from • a group. of Grades 2 4 students of Lucknow Public School. Under the direc- tion of ,loan Black, and accompanied by Joanne Scott, these young people enter- tained us with singing, including songs about the weather and the environment and Earth Day. The afternoon session was presented by the CITIZENSHIP DIVISION,with a panel discussion on the question "Should •we have religiouseducation' in our schools today?" We recognize that the world, the country, and the individual has changed over the years. We looked at the importance of religious education in the schools from our personal experiences, and from the standpoint of the govern- ment's ecumenical study commission. We see the change to new guidelines such as VIP programs, positive self-image, respect for self and the environment. Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russell of Paisley at- tended to speak to us further on this issue of .Religion tin the Schools. His message for us was based on the scrip- ture passage, Matthew • 5: 13 -- 16, en- couraging us to meet the full potential of life. Whereas the decision of the Appeal Court of Ontario ends the promoting of the Christian faith in our public schools, it does not rule out the possibility of . the learning of other religions in the school system. As the Sunday. Schools would supplement what is taught in our homes, we would advocate the the Boards of Education implement the research and subsequent teaching the multi -faiths we , have in this multi -cultural world of today. As the "salt" and "light" of the world, Agrichemicals for a growing world If you have triazine-resistant broadleaf weeds in corn... For more information about Laddok®, contact your local agrichemical supplier. .Sorry Gordon BASF Sales ftepreseittative 'Laddok is a registered trademark o1 BASF AG. ®ASF Canada Inc. is the registered user. you need. Laddok®! Agricultural Chemicals we eau the . ., world wkil a new► and a .. . thank* to Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russell lnt�� L o these thoughts with us. Stevenson, our UCW Con- ferennee. Stewardship Convenor, reported on attending the recent meeting, and of- fered several suggestions for Stewardship awareness at the local level. She also noted for an upcoming workehop on VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT/AD- MINISTRATION ANAG M AD -MINISTRATION IN THE CHURCH SET- TING, to be held in Brantford September 28-30. Those who attended the DCVII Con- ference Annual Meeting at Brantford, April 18 - 19, reported on the highlights of this event. The theme was "Christ Calls....to Love, Care and Serve". Presen- tations tations included "Multiculturalism" - by the Leadership Division, "Stereotyping m the media", by the Citizenship Division, • and "Individuals Making An Environmen- tal Difference" by the Stewardship Divi- sion. ivision. The theme speaker was our. Moderator, Right Reverend Doctor Sang Chul Lee. Other highlights included the message frons the President, Mae Doerrr, the entertainment by students of the' W. Ross MacDonald School for the Blind, .celebrating the 75th Anniversary of C.G.I.T., the book display, the Music, worship and Communion, service. In our closing worship, we talked of "warm fuzzies", or compliments. Using the scripture passage,"Proverbs 22: 6, we note that "moulding" is the essence of all trust. Adapting this to our earlier presen- tation, we have been provided with the. roots to grow, now we must :use the wings to go, Mould Me....Shape Me....Guide Me....Lead Me. Multiple Scierosis - SOCIETY OF CANADA supports NATIONAL ;AccEss AWARENESS. WEEK JUNE 10-16 Won'tyou? Moreconsignments being taken Call thesalesbarn at 887-6461 •f&9BDO ALOETTE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS •Off**iNurasp aWilITYlleocimillitilog, accwiliting.bI pionsieg, *toms 4* Ow nporsould iug, wl; A➢ikei.Myo WA ai.liwisige, Mk XS. W.. VA I, II. VOW CA R:i, MM VA XX Aeiok VA mr.. atom, CA #A Wit. VA 6.11. Wow, 11. Ilan Vik • 4,.e47l okuo A . =Au Aiwa/. R.A. McD ONAGH REAL ESTATE d. INSURANCE LTD. 528.1 : LUCIQW HURON TWP,-95serest drained, fairlylevel 4474aeres Workahle, balance bush, 20 .acres fail wheat. .Googtf oanc- lug available to suitable .purchaser;. LUCKNOW-1%'to>r+ey brick 2 bedroom) 2 & 3 pe, Oath, large Verandah. , LUCKNOW COMM ERCIAL PROPEI TY - 2 bedroom modern .apartment, many extras. Office space with lease, rented basement, new roof & furnace, Good Investment. RINLOSS-33 acres onwest side of Coun- ty Rd.1 north of Hwy. 9. % workable, balance bush with dug farm pond. 2 LUCKNOW BUILDING LOTS - Both serviced,78.5 z 252.5; 100.28 x 115,80, Listings Wanted FRASER MacKINNON 5284013 BARRY McDONAGH 528-3821 DAVID MacKINNON 395-2483 Lordy, I rdy H.J.'s "4 May. 27 *f! LOVE: Mary Loin, Howie Jr, Wendy, Mike, Tammy, Peter. WINGHAM & DISTRICT HOSPITAI, Annum Fund -Raising BAR-B-QUE and DANCE June 22nd, isse at MAITIAND VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY GROUNDS BRUSSELS, ONTARIO 6:00 PM -1:00 AM Dress - Semi -Formal Tickets 5100.00 per couple A receipt for tax purposes will be issued after expenses are deducted for a portion of the purchase price. w Tickets available from: . Mrs. P. Whitehead-TeeswaterMiddleton's Home. Fumilshings-Wingham 392-6847 357-1411 . . Mr. H. Ten Pas -Brussels Mr. N. Hayes-Wingham & District Hospital 887-6486 357-3210 Report from the meeting of Bruce Presbyteriai Women ke The Bence Pial United Church Women met on Mferday, May 14, at Lucknow United mach. The Reverend Gerald McFarlane (Minister) and Laura Lee Caylley (UCW l�resklatt) weirdo of welcome to them attending. our Opening_ 'r+y�a by Margaret direcour ted thoughts toward the "beauty in our world" - a wide range of "colour" through readings from Psalm 104 and Exodus. In the morning business plans for the RETREAT DAY were finalized; this special event will be held at Silver Lake Camp on June 4, 9:30 a.m. tient 3:00 p.m. The Resource Person for the Retreat Day will be Helen Smith of Durham, and the theme is "FOR BEAUTY OF THE EARTH", Details are available from your local UCW representatives — plan to attend the RETREAT event! Also, some preliminary arrangements were made regarding those able to attend the School for Leaders at Five Oaks on .Oc- tober 10 and 11. A special treat at this meeting of Bruce Presbyterial UCW was a visit from • a group. of Grades 2 4 students of Lucknow Public School. Under the direc- tion of ,loan Black, and accompanied by Joanne Scott, these young people enter- tained us with singing, including songs about the weather and the environment and Earth Day. The afternoon session was presented by the CITIZENSHIP DIVISION,with a panel discussion on the question "Should •we have religiouseducation' in our schools today?" We recognize that the world, the country, and the individual has changed over the years. We looked at the importance of religious education in the schools from our personal experiences, and from the standpoint of the govern- ment's ecumenical study commission. We see the change to new guidelines such as VIP programs, positive self-image, respect for self and the environment. Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russell of Paisley at- tended to speak to us further on this issue of .Religion tin the Schools. His message for us was based on the scrip- ture passage, Matthew • 5: 13 -- 16, en- couraging us to meet the full potential of life. Whereas the decision of the Appeal Court of Ontario ends the promoting of the Christian faith in our public schools, it does not rule out the possibility of . the learning of other religions in the school system. As the Sunday. Schools would supplement what is taught in our homes, we would advocate the the Boards of Education implement the research and subsequent teaching the multi -faiths we , have in this multi -cultural world of today. As the "salt" and "light" of the world, Agrichemicals for a growing world If you have triazine-resistant broadleaf weeds in corn... For more information about Laddok®, contact your local agrichemical supplier. .Sorry Gordon BASF Sales ftepreseittative 'Laddok is a registered trademark o1 BASF AG. ®ASF Canada Inc. is the registered user. you need. Laddok®! Agricultural Chemicals we eau the . ., world wkil a new► and a .. . thank* to Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russell lnt�� L o these thoughts with us. Stevenson, our UCW Con- ferennee. Stewardship Convenor, reported on attending the recent meeting, and of- fered several suggestions for Stewardship awareness at the local level. She also noted for an upcoming workehop on VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT/AD- MINISTRATION ANAG M AD -MINISTRATION IN THE CHURCH SET- TING, to be held in Brantford September 28-30. Those who attended the DCVII Con- ference Annual Meeting at Brantford, April 18 - 19, reported on the highlights of this event. The theme was "Christ Calls....to Love, Care and Serve". Presen- tations tations included "Multiculturalism" - by the Leadership Division, "Stereotyping m the media", by the Citizenship Division, • and "Individuals Making An Environmen- tal Difference" by the Stewardship Divi- sion. ivision. The theme speaker was our. Moderator, Right Reverend Doctor Sang Chul Lee. Other highlights included the message frons the President, Mae Doerrr, the entertainment by students of the' W. Ross MacDonald School for the Blind, .celebrating the 75th Anniversary of C.G.I.T., the book display, the Music, worship and Communion, service. In our closing worship, we talked of "warm fuzzies", or compliments. Using the scripture passage,"Proverbs 22: 6, we note that "moulding" is the essence of all trust. Adapting this to our earlier presen- tation, we have been provided with the. roots to grow, now we must :use the wings to go, Mould Me....Shape Me....Guide Me....Lead Me. Multiple Scierosis - SOCIETY OF CANADA supports NATIONAL ;AccEss AWARENESS. WEEK JUNE 10-16 Won'tyou? Moreconsignments being taken Call thesalesbarn at 887-6461