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Page w Sod i, Wednesday, May 311, 11190
Leadership in action
A workshop for tomorrow's leaders to-
day is being herd September I.5, 1990 at
Thislixrdt Lake, members eit
orgawuzationa in
Bruce County.
Leadership in Action is to
Yon learnmore about yas an
viduel, your relationship with others
in a group and your skills as a leader in
your organization.
This program is open to Members of
ruraltllons who are energetic,. en-
thusiastic and committed to thehealth
and " future of their organization. It is
• recommended. for people aged 21-35.
Organizations should select members _ who
would benefit from Leadership in Action
and encourage thein to apply,
Application forms are available at. the
OMA, office, Cost is $90.00 per person.
Registration will, be acceptedon a first
come, first served basis.
4-11 Day at the Skydome-
1990 is the .75th Anniversary of 4-H in
Ontario. Tocelebrate this landmark, 4-11
Day at the Skydome has been planned
for August 9th, Approximately 4,000 4-11
members, friends and their families will
enjoy a Blue Jays game.
Tickets are available for. $24.00. This
price includes the .bus. trip and your
ticket for the ball game. Buses will leave
at 2:15 p.m To obtain tickets please ;con-
tact one of the following people; Joanne Once in the soil,glyplioa ate is readily
Wilhelm - Walkerton. and North Area - broken down by micro-organisms into
364-5887; Jim Gowland - ` Teeswater, non-toxic compounds. The rate, in. dif-
Mildmay Area - 392.6477; Donna Bridge ferent soils varies•greatly; ranging from
- Ripley, Kincardine Area - 395-5010. 109E to 60% breakdown in, one growing
"Where' Does t Roundup Go?"
Roundup is a very widely used her-
bicide because of its effectiveness against
many hard -to -control weeds. With con-
cerns in the press about atrazine in the
Bruce Corny oWiF
ground water and carcinogens in the, 2,
4-1), we have started getting questions
about Roundup, and whether it will have
similar problems, a
The active ingredients of Roundup (or
Wrenler, Laredo, or Vision) is a
eheicaal called, te: In its pure
form, this is a wift solld, which does not
dissolve easily in water. The herbicides
use .a salt form of glyphosate, which is
much more soluble, along with .small •
amounts of surfactants and adjuvants to
increase absorptioninto plants.
Glyphosate .. has very low toxicity to
humans or other maummals and it is not
known to induce cancers or birth defects, •
It is somewhat corrosive, however, and
like any chemicall should be handled
while wearing proper protective gear.
Because of its chemical nature,
glyphosate is readily absorbed when it is
sprayed onto green plants, but itis also
very reactive with soil particles.
Glyphosate is immediately inactivated by
any contact with thesoil by, being bound
tightly to the soil. It cannot leach through
the soil, norcan, it be taken, i by plants.
season. The reason for • this is that while
it is held on the soil particles, it cannot
be metabolized by the bacteria. Once' it
is released from the ,soil, it is broken
down almost immediately.
to sell
Auto?.Boat? Home?
Antiques? Garage Sole?
Or is it a service like
Painting? Plumbing?
Odd jobs? Cabinet work?
Whatever you have to sell,
we can help you sell it faster.
Call 528-2822
and place a classified ad
for so little, you'll never
sell anything without it
again. No question about it.
So, to summarise, Roundup is unlikely
to be as threat to the environment. It is
immobilised immediately in the soil. It
will not leach. It is broken down readily
to nan4oadc products. It is relatively non-
o-toxic to mammala Please remember,
any chemical can be; do your
share for yourself and the environment,
and use diemicals wisely!
OPIIP update
All producers participating in the On-
tario Pork Industry Improvement Plan
are reminded that the deadline to submit
grant applications is June 30, 1890, Dile
to the termination of this a year
early, all materials eligible for grants
Must have been purchased before March
31, 1990,
Production Records for Quarter 1 of
this year are required for people submit-
ting incentive grant forms for the June
• There have been several inquiries on
the future of the Production Record com-
ponent of the program. Many producers
have expressed interest in continuing on.
the record system. 'The Ministry of
Agriculture and Food will . continue to
process OPIIP records for the rest of
1990. You can submit Quarter 1, 2,-3 and
4 records if you wish and receive back
the printed production summary.
However, there will be no payment for
1990 records submitted. The computer
program for OPIIP records will be
released for public use.
If you have any questionsconcerning
the termination of this program, please
contact your local agricultural office:
482-3428 or 1-800-265-5170.
/9411111E STOPPERS
ihr 1-800465-3787
Crime - of Grey -Bruce ore seek -
's audstance in the in-
vestigatlen of a break, eater and theft
which occurred at the Wooico Depart-
ment Store in Owen Sound.
The Owen. Sound Detachment of the
Ontario Provincial Police report they
have eatalaueted all available leads into a
rather spectacular ctaculai< 'break, enter and theft
which took ase during the
evening of a uturday, May 5, after the
close of the store and noon on Sunday,
. May b, 1990. Police believe that, due to
the large amount of merchandise stoles!,
unknown person(s) backed a 1/2 `ton
truck or larger vehicle to the loading
ramp at the rear of the department
store. As this area Is partially hidden, the
culprit(s) were able to carry out their
crime with the assuranceof not being
disturbed. The thieves then broke through
the cement block wall using a sledgeham-
mer or similar object, and removed the
following merchandise; 1/1503 cartons of
Canadian brand cigarettes; 2/ 52 Fami-
ly Rings," 10 kt gold, assorted settings.; 3/
69 Nintendo games, cartridges and
accessories. .
• . The thieves then loaded the 'merchan-
dise intowhat police believe were orange
garbage bags also taken from the store,
and departed the store the same way en-
try had been gained.
Value of the merchandise stolen is
estimated at approximately $60 154.00.
If you feel you can help in this or any
other case, Crime Stoppers of Grey -Bruce
are willing to pay a reward up to $1000
for information leading toan arrest.
AT 1-800-265-3787. You need not identify.
yourself. No one will know who you are. .
You will never have to testify hi court.
• Let us custom apply your
• Round Up • Poast/Basagran
• Tilt/Bayleton • 28% Nitrogen/Chemicals
• Drop Nozzle/Chemicals
With our New
Hi Boy Sprayer
•4 Wheels for Tram Line work.. converts to three wheels for Drop Nozzle spraying
•65' Boom for fewer trips across the field
•Foam markers for superior accuracy
Division of
ruttish & Steamt,ecket, Limited
CaII any of our three locations