HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-05-30, Page 11WINGHAM RECREATION DEPARTMENT (Swimming Programs) Pubiic Swimming Saturday June 2 - Public 12-4 & 6-8 Teen 8-9:30 Sunday June 3 - Public 12-4 Family6-9:30 May 20,10 0 J, Juy9"9 I1 $0 *0733 -.Aug. 3 Aug. Ri-Aug, 17 ° Aug. 20 -Aug. 31 Laval *nee an1'cOnstarrt for all four'eessions. 10.30 -11:00 a.m. 11:00-1130a.m. 9:30-10:00a.m. 11:00-11 0a.m. POOI, OPENiNQ DATE: ° rani Dales: Yellow 9:00- 9:30a.m.. 9A5 - 10:15 a.m. 10:30- 11:00a.m. 9:00 9:30 a.m. 10:00-,10:30 a.m. Maruot►l3lua . Green: Grey: White FIRST SESSION ONLY 9:00- 9:45 a.m, • 9:90 10:15 a.m. 9:00 -, 1.0.00 a.m. 10:16-11:15 a.m. 1.0:00 11:00 am, combined with White 11;00 -12:00 • 10:00 -11:00"a m. combnted.with 11:00.12:W • Bronze Medallion or Bronze Criss 12:00-2:00p.m,; Membership Costs are as tallows Adult $50.00 Child; $a00 Senior $25:00 Family $100.00 Teen $37.60 • Couple $75.00 MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE WWI Pool User Fees: - Single Admissions Passes (Book of 6) Adult • $2.25 Senior 1.25 Students (High School) 1.75 Child 1.25 Family 5.00 $9.0n'" 5.00 7.00 ' 5.00 20.00 Level I. Yellow. OrartgaRad 1/2 hr ur Iililla $27.00 limBletsiga ..Pfiarooniel 32740 3/4 IOW *22.00 Greven. Gmy, White, hour $30.00 1 •;Bronze Medallion/Brom Cross $40.00 " third child $20,00 *" children must beat least 4 years old and 44 inches is 1. Parent & Tot- $1,50/day. Wednesday and Friday (no registration recluired). Adult Lesson, will be available during. the evening of adult swim -.Monday thru Thursday' (no registration required). PLEASE NOTE: (A) • Season memberships (season tickets) will allow free admission to all open swims as well asa reduced rate on swimming lessons. (8) Bronze Medallion/Bronze Cross we not at reduced rates, (0) Swimming lessons will not be Included -In the daycamP Pregronts, Registration for *Wimmining lestonel be -done separately, 925,00 $15.00 REGISTRATION PROCEDURES WHEN: Saturday, June 9, 1990 TIME: 10.:00 a.m. - 3.;00 a.m. WHERE:. Wingharn Town Hal PROCEDURE:; 1. Please complete registration forms fully, • 2. Please nmke all cheques payable to the Town of Wingham a An registrants will be accepted on a first come firstserved basis as follows: We will take 5 M person registrations, followed by 5 mail in .registrations, then 5 in person registrations and 5 mail in registrations, eto. DAYCAMP PROGRAMS July9-July 20 July 23 - Aug. 3 Aug, 6 - Aug. 17 Aug. 20 -Aug. 31 New Horizons: Ages: 5 to 7 Fee: $45.00 per child per session Location: Gazebo((Band Shelter) Time: 9:00 - 3:30 - Monday thw .Friday Participants will be involved in outdoor games, sports, crafts, special events, and field trips. Ages: 8 to 10 Fee: $45.00 per chill per session Location: Pavillion Time: 9:00 - 3:30 - Monday thru Friday Camping skills, sports, crafts, hikes, singsongs and special' events will be this summer's features for Outdoor Bound Participants. , CUP, FILL OUT AND RETURN TO: WINGHAM PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 274 JOSEPHINE STREET BOX 90 NOG' 2W0 357-1200 SUMMER REGISTRATION FORK (One registration. form per participant "Extra forms available at Wingham Town Hall) Outdoor Alive: Ages: 11 to 13 I Fee: $45.00 per chid per Session Location: Galbraith Shed • Time: • , 9:00 - 3:30 » Monday thnr Friday Hiking, camping skills, outdoor cooking, sports, crafts. singsongs campfires and much 'more - an exciting way to spend part of the summer. (A) Swimming lessons will not be Included in the dajrcamp program. Registrations for swimming lessons MUST be done separately. (B) Lunch - Partidpants are required'to bring their lunch daily to the programs' (C) The third child and altar, of the same family, may register for hal( price ($22.60) - POOL PROGRAMS; ' DAYCAMP PROGRAMS: $salon; 1. Sessions (s): 1 2 3. 3 4 Level: • Group: New Horizons Outdoor Bound Time: , Outdoor Alive Season Memberships: Adult, Childd Senior �.. Family Teen Couple Swim Team: $16.00 for the summer: • • - Pt.F-ASE NOTE: Swimming Lossons will not be included in the Daycamp Programs. Registration for•swimming lessons MUST be done awl - siimimwr .-mo voi. lvorr111411.101111-1,00,011111111 111111.1.1 rpm suiviliiraturei-- _.