HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-05-30, Page 6Page 0 —114ickbow S.e*tb Wednesday, May S,1
Bruce South District Wornen's institute annual in Whitehcurch
On M.ay 15, the 52nd Bruce South
District Women s Institute Annual
Meeting was held at Wi utad urcb, The
president, Jean
�,�yM McGuire called the
m� to order, the opening Ode, '..�.ar
Stewart Collect followed by' the welcome
from Marjorie Wall,
Mrs. McGuire gave a report of her two
years as president „of the district, The
Clark, Directors were ratified by Irma
The .1990 minutes and treasurer's report
were read and adopted., Secretary,
Doreen MacAdam reported that the
district has four life members. Anyone,
sending for a life membership is to get
serial number off the the member's cern
tificate, She also mentionedthe branch
secretaries should. send their fee cheques;
to Bruce. South Distriet W,I, Doris' HMI
gave the auditor's report.
Mrs. Clark gave the ly .W.1.U. Board
Director's report. In July the board dime -
tors and officials are going to Britain for
the A.V.W.W. Convention. She mentioned
the Hospitality biome, where any member
who would like to stay °vend& with a.
WI member to get in touch with her.
The costis $10 a ht, the
There e new for hand.
books. The Blue Bags which are made ui
Mount i+ orest- are to sale. for $$ to ,raise
for' the .1907 Centennial Project.
Hopefully t W.1'k'ssend money for the
Butler Project. There are several
Tweedsmuir Books that have been,
e ihned and hope all of the district .,
books will be mid as well, The
W.I. as the only representation at the
Royal Winter .Pair, Also there are
F•W.I.o, co avaiia�ble.
The public relations report was given
by Margaret Harkness; program coor-
dinator by Marion Lowry; resolutions by
Doris Hays and the curator by Virene
Other diseetings.
presidents attended and
A delicious meal was served, by the
Whitechurch branch. After dinner. a sem•
a -long by Kairshea W,I. followed by In
Mme. by 'Tee atter.
Sharon. Gardiner gave a report on .
Rugal organisations. She told how to
Now is the
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or by phone, you can
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Canada's GSTU It's good business to prepare now.
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Customs and ExxCiso Douanes et Acdse
become a 441 leader which is in great
need., Each leader of a club for five
Yews receives a plaque and a certificate.
Emily Bushell gave heron
Bruce County Tartan and said here are
new items `and this peat year has . been
very busy.
Gwen Harrison reported on the Bruce
County Museum and Archives. After
discussions the committee is not sure if
the . building should be repaired or to
build a new one. Archives books are for
Deanna Scott gave the Scholarship
report. There were four provincial
scholarshipsand the winner will be an-
nounced at the rally,
Lagaret McInnes gave a good report on
the A.C.W.W. Convention that she attend-
ttered. The bylaws were updated.
We are very pleased, to have two
names nominated for board directors of
Sub -17, being Marlon Lowry and Jean •
Mrs. Clark installed the 1990-91 officers
as follows:
Past President Jean McGuire, R. 5, '
Winghem; President Joan Murray, FL. 1,
Holyrood; list Vice, Eleanor Convay, R. 2,
Tiverton; 2nd Vice, vacant; Secretary -
Treasurer Doreen MacAdam, R. 2,
Wingham; Assistant Secretary -Treasurer,
Lorraine McPherson, R. 1, Holyrood;
Program Coordinator Marion Lowry, R.
1, Kincardine; PRO. Margaret Harkness,
R. 4, Kincardine; Curator Viiene Thomp-
son, R. 2, Kincardine; Resolutions-, Doris
Hays, R. 1, Wroxeter;• Museum Gwen
Harrison, R. • 1, Ripley; Scholarship,
Deanna Scott, R. 3, Ripley; Alternate
Janet Farrell, R. 3, Ripley; Tartan Emily
Bushell, R. 2, -Kincardine; Alternate
Largaret McInnes, Teeswater; Nominated
Board Directors for Sub 17 Marion
Lowry, Ripley and . Jean Whitby,:
Computer \gui
helps plan.
A Computerized Directory of Appren-
ticeship Careersha.s been developed to
•` help' young people plan for careers in the
skilled occupations, Skills . Development
Minister, Sean Conway, announced today.
"This innovative directory will enable.
young . people to better understand the
wide rangeof employment -opportunities.
available in the skilled occupations," . said
.. Mr. Conway. "Those interested in a
career in the skilled occupations can use
the information in this directory to plan
a course of study that. can be pursued
through an apprenticeship program."
The interactive software package, joint-
ly developed by the ministry and an On-
tario production company, is accessible,
• easy, to ° use, and comes complete with'
colour graphics and animation. It is a
comprehensive bilingual source of infor-
mation on educational and skills training
programs that leadtto careers in demand
occupations :as varied as patissier and
tool and die maker.
. It its the first . program, of its . kind
developed for use in an educational set;
ting. It will be distributed • to appren-
ticeship office, secondary schools, public
libraries,, community industrial training
committees, Contact North, and a range
• of community-based. °counselling agencies.
There is no question that there exists a
demand for skilled tradespeople in On-
tario," said Mr. Conway. "This directory
is one way in.whaieh this government can
provide a full range of career information
to young people at a time when they are
Making decisions about their future."
JUNE 10-16