The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-05-16, Page 13Expert on bubbles visits LCPS
Grade 1
Mrs. leil/Maelutyre
Grade One have enjoyed woikiog and
reading all year with the Grade 6 lir
Huddles from Mr. Sen tt'>s class. On
Thursday they were the leaders for
Grade One and Kindergarten in an ex-
xciting day at McGregor Park. We all errs
joyed a 3cavengerntt,Survival WOWS
Pines* Nature Studies along he,
beautiful lake Shore and. the
"boardwalk" swan* area Tank yuu
Grade 5/6, for well -organized and fun
day. Cluisdne, Jordan, and Clayton were
outlast "Special Me's" and each pew.
in Grade` One now have their own
"Special Me" books made by their
Grade 1/2 - Mrs.. Black
Everyone enjoyed Grandparent's :Hay.,
A big thank you to all the Grandrtua's,
Grandpa's, and to the people drat' helped
out in special ways. We welcome Tim
and Samantha to L°C.P.S. They are both •
joining Grade 2.
Grade 2/3 - Mrs OilnPben
We were thrilled to have Bruce Coun-
ourty Dairy Princess, Janet Lane, visit our
class. We loved the homemadekbutterr on
some crackers. Thank you. Janet Lane.
Winners in the "Save Our World" Poster
contest Grade 20 1. Danielle. Stanley, 2.
Alexis Sitarz, 3. Amanda Humphrey. Win-
ners Grade 3: 1. Jamie Aubie and Margo
Abbot tied, 2. Cory Hayes, 3. Jamie
Grade 3/4
Mrs. Inwood/Mrs. Clooney
We have just about completed our
spring centres. In conjunction with
"Earth Week" we wrote poems entitled
"What is Green?" May's sunny weather
is perfect for our new topic in .-En-
vironmental Studies. We are. studying
"Bubbles". A special guest, Nathan Pike, -
visited our classroom because he is an
by Bev Hanson
Hope all the Mothers had a ' super
Mother's Day on Sunday. All those in
Point Clark sure did.
The bus left the community centre at 7:30
a.m. on Thursday, May 10 loaded with
members of the Huron Lakeshore Friend-
ship Club and the Ripley Happy Hearts
Club enroute to the Conestoga Mall and the
Stockyards in Kitchener. Supper was
enjoyed at the Stone Crock in St. Jacobs
before returning home in time for cards and
games at the community centre. Everyone
had a super day even though the weather
was -quite miserable.
The Huron Lakeshore Friendship Club's
card and games night on Thursday, May 10
was well attended with 13 tables playing.
Pitch -In Day
The Council of the Village of
Lucknow in conjunction with
the Lucknow Tourism Com-
mittee hereby declare Satur-
day, May 26, 1990, as PITCH -
IN DAY in Lucknow. All
residents are urged to par-
ticipate in this event to make
Lucknow a cleaner, better
place to live and to visit. RAIN
DATE: June 1, 1990.
Ab Murray
Village of Lucknow
as the topic. After testing several
erent solutiona'to see which one was
beat for bubble -making, he presented his
findings and placed first hi the Science'
1! air at RiFloY. We had fwi t+t thng many
different solutions as well as various .ob-
• jet which helped to form the bubbles.
Grade 4/5
Weedy Armstrong/Wpm
The Grade 4/5 class has been training
hard for hetrack and field
meet. They :hai�earning all about
geometry angles,segments sod rays..
Grade 5 iss looidng forward to .staling
a reading unit on pigs while the 4's are
going to be studying Charlie and •the
Chocolate Factory.
Grade 5/1- Mr. Bennett
The Grade 5/6 clash enjoyed organizing
a *special daay,. for their reading buddies in
Kindergarten and Grade One.
Grade 8 - Mr. McKeon
Our students have had a taste of the
job Marketas a result of our
shadowing" day, The' real world, as "job
found out may not be quite as attractive
as we first imagined. This, was .a
valuable experience for us and we hope
to do it 'again next year. A special. thank . .
you to those interested people whosmade ,
this day so worthwhile.
Grade 4/5 discovered .how useful an in-
dex is when doing research one birds. The
Grade 2 children are also doing follow up
exercises on sea creatures.
Our detectives . are still looking for
missing encyclopedias and books;
Hopefully sprue' cleaning'will unearth the,
Lukas, Wednesday, May 11,11N—Page
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