HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-05-16, Page 5Rintouis celebrate 54th
Contiratolatione goals Ott to Donut sad
'Gordon lthitoal Whitechureh, who
quit' celebrated their 50th wedding an-
ar en May I1, A, Wily dheler
WAS held .at an* o Sunday.
by Jean Rose
Mildred MeClenielhan attended the 40th Merle WIloon give the motto,
wedding *universal"? on riay ut Mr. , are like tea bags, they nearer know their
and Mrs. Harold Mules et 'Wroxeter own strength, until they get into flat
United Chinch, Mullets arse former. , water.
ly� of (Ottawa uid�' Mildred was a fear .py_M_..r'ate_: DI► i 'educed t #e guest allesker,
e to of Mrs, M� , Donna J� ri Clinton. She had a
beautiful dy of china she.
Newts Witold returned homy' Friday bad done and also to
after Kitchener on china Plate*. Everyone enjoyed
Waterloo her family. � (lean McGuire presented
Mr.and. Mrs. Ted Meelenaghan, Mr. Mrs. Johnstonwith a gift by way of
and Mrs, Ren Finlay of Kitchener were . oRereciated. .
recent visitors with Mildred . Cathy Lubbers awe aboutthe hue trip
meteenaghan, .planned for June 23 to the mean in
whitechurch Ltutitute Milton. The bua leaves Whitechurch at 0
The Family and. Consumer. Affairs eau, pickingivIn W� alit the way.
-nig. of the Whitechurch institute was Bus. fare/a-910 and You should take a box
held May 9 in 'thee hall. Gertrude Mifflin lurtch..Anyone interested contact Cathy
Was hostess and Brenda Day was l4ubbe sor Norma. Rintoui.
convener. The rollca]l was tel or show something
Marjorie Wall opened the meeting with in your home that can be recycled.
the Opening Ode, Mary Stewart. Collect Plans Were finalised.far the District An-
and Lord's prayer. , nual to be held in Whitechurch May 15.
The 441 members were present and
Presented a short skit ons landscaping.
Maryon Dow remonstrated how to, pack Be slow of speech and quick of- action.
a suitcase.,' The meinbers. had a display�
of their Breadventures project, with dii- Drunkenness is merely `voluntary
ferent' bbreadsnn. display.. madness. .
Eckert submits resignation=
to Huron Perth MSS J3oa�
The Huron -Perth Roman Catholic
Separate School Board accepted with
great regret the resignation of William
(Bill) Eckert, effective June 381, 19p0. The
trustees and administration tona.. Mr...
Eckert with a standing ;aviation' 'as a
tribute to his many accomplishments as
Director of Education i Inipr'ovements of
the past 14 years halve significantly and
in a .positive way affected the quality of
)earning and the quality of life, for
children and sttaff.in.the Catholic schools
of_,Huron . and Perth Counties,
Mr. Eckert wrote in his letter of
resignation that "change can be 'a very
positive revitalizing thing and with this
decision, I will be able to involve myself
in new endeavours and,areas of interests.
I wish to thank the Board for having
given, me the opportunity to ' serve
Catholic Education in this -jurisdiction. I
feel particularly honoura to have held
the position of Director of Education an
shall retain many fond• memories. of what
have been very interesting and satisfying
In a letter to the staff he wrote ",I have
been extremely fortunate to have been
able to 'work with teachers, support. staff
Rev. Margaret klnron
Sunday School - 9:45 -am
Worship Service 11:00 am. ;
Everyone Welcome r
Invites You To Worship With Them On
Sunday. May 20. 1990
10 a.m. and 700 p.m.
Nursery downstairs morning i ofternoOn
and administration who are .competent,
conldent,and committed to the ;welfare of
our students' `,lit; our classrooms and
schools. If I have been •at all successful
in my work it, has been considerable
measure `because: of your rt."
Being only in his early, f�aBill will'
have many optlons,to persue,. many. new
endeavours and areas of ,neva intereste.
that he will contemplateduring the suirr
finer months -
The Iuran7Perth R.C.S.S,,$oard. sthick
a hiring; Committee to begin thesearch
fora successor to Mr. Eckerrt.'The Chair-;
Man -of the Board indicated that it won't
be an easy task to find as'able: a ..Direc
ter.: Mr. Eckert will continue' to be a
close friend and, supporter of the Huron -
Perth Catholic Schools,:
Visits always give pleasure, some c om-
There is a :greatdifference, between
worry , and concern..A, worried' 'person,
sees sn problem and the concerned person
1J11 11' W651IIIIIiEN V _ii,..1.6411. h
NIONWAY LOCATION • 100 amok luiak
home. ,gall meinIainsd barn, 2 swat. OS
workable, hardwood tach.'1130.000.
TRIPLEX- 2 -1 & 1.2 bidiroon+,
affordable houe��good investment,
50 Acre FAM. near llolgrave, 5 indrawn
home, LIQ xSO barn, 42+mowdrWt S herd-
e d -
R{ , *95,000./� y,,,. w�
50 ��{�{., /��ACRES -,.�O�n�y9..�{ e river, 30 scree
workable 20 csdw mixed bush.
WEST WAWANOSH 100 acre pasture
farm, good treed building site,. x,500.
100 ACRE - **Meld, 90 workable, weS
draisied. *00000,.
15 ACRE LOT - approx. south of huoknow
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• VINYL. SIDED - 2storey tome, 3 bedroom,
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ASHFIEI.D TWP. - 50 acres systematically