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Creatures of au ancient planet
As once ,tares -an an Outlet* pi'anet, humans aro llfefonim :of Only:
the lost few million yram, The :world be: . . out time surviv*d suf...
focating ice ages and cOtaclysmlc collisions with m.teors. 71:0.
animals before our time didn't: 9g par tent of all species that ever
lived aro now extinct. •
Will Mankind .be next?
Today, the sombr0 litany of damag .r to the, planet rings in this .Mor
of eternity. A •tbird of the rain 'forests aro gone. The oacsrhe layer
is disappearing.. The Orions are polson.d. The cloggad.:and damag-
ed atmosphere could bring climate change more •drostic and' ' mora
rapid than evr• 'before.
Changing ,course is net • Sr matter of° saving thii4 fragile planet.
it is a matter of -sowing a fragile species. M.
That ,destruetton WO hov. 'wrought since' the industrial Revolution
Is not so .much to the earth, but: to , the condltions ,on earth that sup=:
port human iifei,
Thom is wry tIm 'left;°The volcss \gree urgent;
' ,''Ws hawo only ;10 "Harr..., to change. course," says Thomas i-ovajoyi
a Washington hlologlst credltad' 'with bringing tl e,..plunder `f of *hi-,
rain forists to tho attention of the world
"What we do or don't do 10 the next deead+s will. largely'set;the ,
courso...lf we don't,. we Oro on the pathway to tha demise .of the'
human specie►;," says Main ice Strong, hood of 'the., Unit.d NE/flans
first forest anvtronmant• program. •
— "Those :are also the voices of optimists. 'Strong and dozens of
other* beiliows the 990's will: bei►...they'tvrriaround decade`.', •that wo
will maks tbs. drastk' chongos . requlrsd in time.
Ten..years to turn it around. Two slectlOn cycles.
Children-=• born .today will ;4e In 'Grotto FIMe. Their world wilt bo
defied 'by, what we do Or don't: d0,•00:11, thee' got there..
The *world• of "their children: will depend on it. •
Reprintsd bi perailssion The Vancouver Sun. .
Express it by sending a letter to the editor -of the
Luclknow Sentinel. It must be signed and -accompanied
by a telephone number, should we need to clarify, any
The Sentinel also reserves the right to edit letters.
by Pat Livingston
Rambler gets big results
from ads
Being in the newspaper -b►ainess, I am
of course a believer in "gine kadvertis-
(,1h, I know, you'ire Probably saying,,
"Mehas to hs 'a, believer". But welt,
Mateo to tits story and1'1% make you a
In last week's paper I advertised that.
we had a pony and a 'Husky looking for
new homtes.'The response was over-
that'1s en under
yjpublicati n, the calls
started t
When•, callert were unable to reams
they went so.. far" as <to check the .
the number ' . ed to. .Thal those ttho
know me proceeds to call the office try=
ing to tuck me *down. Being hdormedT
was on holidays, 'their had ,so recourse '
other than to try catebing me at home.
I arrived home at lunch •lime and the
phone was Wig' off the wall. For a
period of 90 minutes, during which time
I attempted to devour a .sandwich, the
pone.. rang constantly -' all tells free, Peo-
ple interested in our pony. Within 45
minutes of the first call, Snowball had a
new home. The calls continued, on and
on. .
One animal loving woman, whose
employment takes her on the • road,
radioed her bass Wring her to phone •
about the pony, When she finally manag-
.0d toraft" me PerSonally, she said she
would have taken him without even see-
d�g� h_i�hn a� the adults were many
�who�a� wanting the pony. As
I explained, over and over, that the pony
was already gene, i could sense the
ldiinee gmnthlevotehetre ennmbrthoef
people looking for. ponies. Of course, the
fact that' he was free, was an added
attmetion. •
At thetime of writing :(Frfday after'
noon) I had received 60 cam haphing
about Snowball! This. pony had been part
of our family for 13 years and our main
concern was to find a good, loving home
where he wouldbe caved for,
Our Husky dog, Skipper, wasn'tquitem
as popular. He received 13 calls fro
adults and children wanting to give him"
a good home. He went to the first caller
as well andhad a new home with ,a
family With two- children by that first
For pet lovers, finding a home for
those ands you bye so attached to.
can be quite an ordeal. trust the new
homes Snowball and Skipper are' in were
the right. choices
Now, did T make you a `believer?
'The "yippy-stle'ks" made by Verb Wilkins were a real conversation piece at the in-
door .ilea Mitre, sponosred by the Dungann.n Agricultural Society on Saturday. Ron
• DeLeory of Godertcb cosldart resift purchasing this fascinating little piece of wood.
(Marg Salami ;photo) • - •
70 Years Ago - May .20, DM
The old frame building known as. The
McGarry House, which since the early
days occupied the corner of Campbell
and Ingle streets has completely disap-
peared within the past week. For four
weeks a gang of men have been at wprk
tearing down and removing the material,
and by Monday they had completed the
job. The lumber and timber was not
broken in the removing as it would have
been in days gone by. Lumber is Lumber
now and every board and piece even to
the old lath was carefully removed and
piled away. The heavy material was
bought by the Lucknow Flax Mill Co. and
will be used in their building.
On the site of the hotel will be erected,
just as soon as the workmen can do it,
a splendid modern garage and auto
repair shop, and a dwelling. The garage
will occupy the corner and the dwelling
will be next to the Molson's I3ank. There
will be another dwelling or "Flat" over
the garage.
50 Years Ago - May .190
MAIN STREET - No more fire crackers
explosions to be heard on Main Street. At
least if they are, the offender is liable to
get into trouble with the, law,
This is a particularly '" Satur-
day night,activity and the boys who
toilet) off the fuses .get a kick out of hear
ing the cannonading that follows, Satur-
aturday night shoppers have been complain-
inl of -j the nuisance and menace thus
cr ted.
o ladies were reported to have silk
kings ruined and another lady had
her coat burned by fire erackers ex-
xploding around their feet, on Saturday
night, while the Pentecostal Open-air
gospel service was broken up by a per-
sistent barrage' of explosives.
On top of this there is the fire menace
that let create d by these, explosions, and
so All in all it has been deemed
necessary to ban them from Main Streetr
especially 7on opp-
ing nights.
35 Years Ago - Msy lel, 1915
wind, hail and rain storm, that has been
described by some as a "baby tornado"
cut a path of destruction through this
area shortly after 4 p.m. 'Sunday after-
noon leaving a considerable toll of pro-
petty damage.
The storm came up quickly and ended
just as quickly. Most severe damage was
done to homes in the village resulting.
from toppled trees.
Part of a large tree toppled in the wind
and lit on the roof of Harold "Toby"
Greet's house on Outram Street. The
Greer family were in the house at the
timebut to one was injured. The tree
severely damaged' the roof of the home
and punched a hole through the roof in-
to a clothes. closet where rant poured in.
The frame work of the house was visibly
shifted and was apparent in examining
the house, •
Jim, Boyle's ear was covered bya por-
ortion of ' a tree while parked in his _
driveway on =Willoughby'St-Damagewas y j-
dotte to the back fenderand roof of the
10 Years Ago - May 21, 1x90
NUISANCE Lucktww Village Council
heard complaints concerning motorbikes
and U./Mikes creating excess noise and
perfornting dangerous stunts on the
towns` main street, when they met May
Councillor Russel Whitby said the bike
riders are using Willoughby Street as a
drag strip. They pull wheel stands and
drive down the street four abreast, not
bothering to stop at the Havelock Street
"If they ever hit somebody, there
would be nothing but Strawberry Jain,"
tormented Whitby.
1her couneiilo rs said they have receiv-
ed complaints from town residents about
lawns being Tipped up by bikers trespass-
ing and someone on a trailblke or motor-
bike tore acrosS the bowling green.