The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-05-16, Page 2OF
*Children% Books
Properly owners not in
contravention of any guidelines
The reeve and all councillors were pre-
sent for the Way $ meeting of the
Lucknow Village council, for one of the
shorter meeths s burse officials have had
in the last few
Peter Steer, Fire Chief and Jack
Crosier, Bylaw Enforcement Officer
waited on council to discuss a possible
fire hard located within the village.
Council agreed to handle the matter and
instructed Councilor George Gibson to
write a letter to Mike Thu, instruc-
ting him to clean uphis property
(Havelock Street North).
Harold Humphrey waited on council
during which time matters pertaining to
the property' on the north east corner of
Havelock and Campbell Streets were
discussed. Council agreed to check with.
Ministry of Transportation Ontario rept.-
ding . regulations and guidelines. • It hes
been determined since the meeting that
the property owners (Rebryna and
Heron). are not in contravention of any
building, property or bylaw regulations or
Gary Austin, town foreman,Will spray
BBQ Slice
Asls't, Varietlas, 455 nil. Jar
Coupon i.S�
Frozen 2 L. Carton
the dandelkes at the ,Media ire, find
o also contact certain A property owners
to remove debris on their
flag will be obtained for the Medical
Rod of ItcDreagh Inmrance
was intt and presented the
report from Frank Cowan Insurance on
Municipal Insurance.
Correspondence, regarding the Bruce
CountyStudy' on Restructuring, from
Donne Fid, Reeve of Tiverton,
was read to council, along with accclnpa.
nying copies of letters: from John
Sweeney, Minister of Municipal Affairs
and Murray Elston, AffoP, Bruce {see
last week's Sentinel).
In other village matters council was
advised that painting of the stripe has
been started. Council agreed to pppply
five pins each to seven Girl Guides going
to International •Camp in Mexico and
Ontario. •
Councillors Pollard, Anderson- and Gib-
son volunteered to help on. Pitch -In Day
May -26, along with members of the
Business 'Association, •
Young offender -charged
with break, enter, auto theft
Kincardine .Ontario Provincial Police
report that on Saturday, May 12 at
11;30 p.m. a Kincardine young offender
approached the residence of Ken Bridge
of Kincardine 'Township and beat upon.
the door until he broke the door jamb
and a panel; He was frightened off by
Ababy-sitter and left in Mr. Bridge's
1987Chev Blazer, which was parked in
the Janeway with keys in the ignition.
,<. The youth drove the Blazer west' on. C2
for about, one kilometre when he ::lost
control and drove into the ditch. ' The
subject was apprehended at ”"the scene
and. now faces charges of break, and
enter and auto theft. There was no
damage to Mr. Bridge's vehicle..
Members of the bomb disposalunit.
from ' C.F.B. Borden attending the
Regular 30's
Sugarless 24's SAVE .40
Regular or BBQ
Economy Pak
Pork Chops
Each Pkg. contains
3 Rib Enda, 3 Centro Cute L
3 Tenderloin End Chops • 77 La.
Sweet Navel
io Lb. Bag
Fresh Red:_ .. �.
L UCKNO IW 528-3001
We Reserve The Right To Limit fivantltles To Normal Family Requirements
BNPD. on May 14 to take possession of
a marine flare which washed ashore on
Hydro property on May 13. The flare is
described as an aluminum cylinder
' about three inches in diameter by 24 in- .
-cies in length: Some of these flares
contain high eaplosivee and are. ex-
tremely dangerous. The- public. . should
be alert to the danger of handling .these
object and leave them lying where
found and contact : the OPP
Gravel running season' 'appears to be
upon us once again as OPP members
laid ten liquor chargeslast week and
issued nine 12 hour licence suspensions..
This ever popular pastime continues
despite increased enforcement, public'. .
ty and :monetary fines.
Kinloss Couizcil appoints
waste site attendant
The Kinloss Township Council met May
1 for their regular session with the Reeve
and all council members in attendance.
During the meeting, . council accepted
the application of Ray Bucbmeier as the
Waste Site Attendant for the township
and also appointed Guy Anderson as the
RRAP agent until such time as Michelle
Hodgins returns from vacation.
In other business tended to at the
meeting, council ' instructed the road
superintendent to prepare specs and,a
.tender agreement for a class six ar-
ticulated motor grader with a class seven.•
..grader as a second option.
Also, two building permits and a by-law
to designate .a site plan control area were
discussed and passed. •
General accounts of $11,902.75 and road
accounts of $17,109.98 were approved and
The meeting adjourned until May 14 or
at the call of the Reeve.
W:estWawan�sh Council
considers draft zoning by-law
The regular meeting of . the West
Wawanosh Township Council was held
May 1 with Reeve Cecil Cranston and all
council members' save Joeeph Hickey in
attendance. Following the approval of
minutes, council was attended by
• Dungannon Zoning Comndttee members
Katherine McNee and Claude D'Aoustt
Discussions with planner Cynthia. Fisher,
student planner Jun Chen, and Huron
County Health Inspector John Orr
resulted in final details for inclusion in
the Draft Zoning By -Law for Dungannon .
to be considered • by council.
Tenders for consfruction of, the Sharpe's
Creek Culvert on the 4th concession are
due on May 22 and council has agreed to
meet that evening at 7 p.m. to�o der
all tenders received by that tit
Council instructed the clerk to write to
the owner of the parcel of land at Part
Lot 14, • Concession 10 and instruct that
immediate steps be taken to control the
weeds on that lot. The township has ask-
sked to be notified by May 31 as to what
methods have been employed.
Council agreed to the payment of two
grants to local associations. The Dungan-
non Agricultural Society will receive $100
in support of the annual Fall Fair, while
the Huron County, Road. Superintendents'
Association will receive $60 from council.
A total of nine building permits were
'discussed and passed at the•meethng and
road accounts totalling $10,185.71 were
authorized for payment. In, addition,
general ptotadlling $16,494.10 were