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the Chocolate Easter Bunny
by Barbara Knorr
One day I was riding downthe street
i my new
hike. I setepped because I was
out Then I heard something
rattling in the bushes. I looked inside and
there was a Chocolate Beater Bunny
piayiug in the. flowers: He was so cute.
He had lily sitter* on, the top of ilia
I asked him, "Do you have a family?"
He said, •,"no",. y1 said, "why not"
"Because no one. *likes me." FPI do," I
said. "You do?" said the chocolate
Easter bunny. . °Yes" I said. The .
• chocolate baster bunnyasked ineif I
would like. to take him home with me. I
put him in my jacket and drove home. •
When I. got home I took him to the
backyard where the daffodils and tulips
were .growing. "You stay here until I get .
back with the painted", I said,
When I gotback with the peoggo he
was chewing . on some green flower
stems..The chocolates Easter Bunny said
that they were tasty stems. I told the
chocolate Easter Bunny that my mom
said I could keep him and he said
alright.. The end!
Class of the Month
Kelly Steveasen
For a coupled years at L,C,P.S, we have.
had a Class of the Month award. When a
class is well behaved it receives gleamed.
If your class its the winner, a banner is hung
In the classroom for a Month and one hour
of free time laspeatt with Mr. Pike doing fun
activities. The grade 6/7 has had the fun of
going skating.
The way
to Satin Shore
a book report by Sherri McCracken, Gr. 4
• Once there was a Mlle girl, Herrname was
Katey. She had a ulster and her name was
Anna; She was a Year old. Kateydid not like
her mom and dad because her sister got
everything and Katey did not like that.
Katey lived inan old louse by an old lake.
Her house has been there for 90 years. She
. had no friends to play with where she lured.
So every day ahead 'lithe s and and put her
tees in the water. She hada cat that followed •
Tier everywhere. '
One day her mom and dad had a of
tearing er old hawse down and .bi a:
new hew; Her mom and dad told Katey
and Katey was so: happy she yelled,
:HURRAH, HURRAH!" But Katey said,
"Are we moving somewhere else?" "No".
She was more happy, So her new house was
built in 3 months. .She liked her new house; ,
a lot better. They fixed the outside of hAsr
house and it looked like a .mansion.
Avppl rice
re ri' erhofl
pi enc e repair
Mike Cranston
LCPS Science Fair Winners a These students took first place and were eligible to go
on is tine Brace Cosioty .SDC Fair. Lett to right, Ryna Hackett, Grade S. Agronomy
How Nutrients Affect Phants; • Kerrie filkdt{ea, Grade 6, Pump It Up (Heart); Rachael
Bushell, Grade 3 Dehydration, and Rtea; Mama Hare, Grade 1, PoHutioi ,
5, LLearidng AboutAmy Sutherland, Grade �(PatLivi�s Cheese_ i Y) anrd. Lha Swan, Grade
The Lost Heart
by Raabe' Bushell, Gr. 3 • School? I forgot about r chool! My teacher
Hi! Myr name is Joelle. Today I had the is going to be so angry.
moot withaladventure Fveever had inmy Whoa finally gest to school my teacher
life! Do you want to hear it? Well okay but was giving everyone a spelling test. So
hold en to your hats. It% a long one! It all instead of evetyone I just sneaked .
started this when) was walking to to my seat said,. "Joelle why are
school. Iwas just ahiag mindingnay you not working," I would just say"I went
own businesa when I heard something that tuthe washroom," Hopefully it would work,
sounded like ging. I looked under a bush As soon aslunch came I ran home. I was
and what do you think l found? A little baby more than _ Justhtsngry I wantedto visit my
heart. It was so sad you could see the red ssti�p
fading and turning to'blue. T pec ked itup and
she stopped crying. It was a miracle) I took
her home. She said "Moema" when she saw
my sister and "Papa" when she saw my already know I told them about the lost
brother. Luckily they didn't hear or see her. heart. Nobody believed me. They said, "Ya
If they had I would have ,gotten, in big" You're a good story .tellesr,and well
trouble. Youknowwe live in the city lathe it : ' of sounds like astony to me But oh
rule is NO PETS ALLOWED. At least that's you should have heard of sone of the other
what ourlandlord says; But my heart and ' adventures.. My uncle ,and: I once went
Iare going to show him .a thing or two. Well mountain climbing. My uncle fell of the side
back to that big adventure I started to talk and didn't, get hurt at all. What a stork. "^
about. When I got home from school I got a snack
• and went u
As soon as I got homed chatted upto itoy► % sitting on
room. Good thing I . didn't get caught Soon it was
because another rule is NO RUNNING IN then told you
THE HOUSE. As soon as I set her doom on day. I'm getb
the table my mom called uptome. Shesaid, to find• a goodltiding ,place for my heart
"Joelle isthat you." "Yes mammy,"1 because I share a roan with my sister. They
coming down. I ran down the stairs. Mom still don't know about my heart so I'Il have
said, "what are you doing out of sch000l. to be careful:
heart. I had to ehera bed and give
her a name.
In the afternoon at School we were telling
adventures we had, had. As you probably
to my room. My heart was , -
bed playing with my� toy's! �u r;r 3>;
time. I ;derby dinner and
s story -Well it was a long.
kind of tired now, I'll have
Steve Priess