The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-04-25, Page 34Pese May I introduce you to beau" Rambo Hi! toy mete 13Jordan. live *Lis:know. naive bine eyes and blood hair. I am 7 and Wain n grade 1/2. 14yyte acberli name is Ursa. B13ek, birthday+,�iisAt lbnd.,Myhest friends are Chris W,, M y B•, Aaron B., Ruse M., Wyatt 11., Wycoff,. and Alicia T. My nomad's name is Jenine and my Dad's name is. Greg and y brothers name is Shea. My favourite game is checkers. I play it with my Granerally Grandma. I ways but'sshe doesn't ore. matey is my favourite sport R� a I play on the Laacknow novice. team 'In the summer I go fialang'with my dad, We .have a lot of fun. • Chris Hackett My nano is Chris Hackett. My favourite food is pizza. My favourite sport is hocikey. My best friends ere grade 1/2's. What fauns favourite movie? It is Batman. My favourite T.V. show is. Ninja Turtles. I like school. My favourite boob are Mercer Meyer. Alicia Thacker "HP' my name is Alicia Thacker. My eyes. are blue. My hair is blond in the summer and in the winter. My bat friends are the whole classroom, My favourite games are crockinole,.checkers and cards. The people in my family are Lynda, Eric, Lucus, Tara,. and me. My teacher's name is Mrs.: Black. I have a dog. Her name is Muffin. My Grandmas name is Kay. My favourite food is pizza. My favourite movies are: Back to the Feiture, Perris Buler's Day Off and Chipmunk's Adventure. My favourite poem QEORGE OPHY LI4WYERV dead 'rttbeBa t."Ilibel°► go tothepet store m Inthepet'Omit le Wept, that is au l have to soy about Alicia Thacker for nor. aura Sande 111! My name is Laura Elizabeth Sande. I have blond hair and blue hooted eyes. My two esters names are Heather and Angela. My birth4yisanthex4tbo!fFebrur . arae in Grade ,1/S. My teacher is Mrs. Black.: I like school. It is fun. Once we got a brown dog! It was a she. We called her Lady. Once she got sick and threw up all aver- Heather on the way to Grandmas. She diad. Next we got a white dog, We bad her for quite a few days. But one day, Jim, our aid neighbour was driving out our lane when Lady our .dog went chasing arMu and ggotldiled by getting run over; Atrtd one day whet dad came kyle he had a realsurialrae. He bought me dog called Rebel. A few days liar Rebel got turn over. Me and Heather were very sad. So we're never getting a dog again. Owls Taber Myname isCl nriatopherLo e n Tabor. My eyes are brown and my hair is brown. My favourite video game is "Gas Hog," .My, favourite T.V. show is "Count Dracula." I go to bed ata o'clock at night, and get up at 7:00 a.m. I moved from Cargill where I went to school 'at. Walkerton Brant Central Bull. Dogs. Before I moved to Cargill T lived in Paisley. I went` to Paisley school. My teacher's name wasMrs. Orlens. My friend was .. Shawn. I miss. him. We told ghost stories to each other when Shawn slept over at my house. Mike McEwan My favourite fowl is !nit cocktail. My animas OW is velletable man Pod 427 Wendt* sow* is moss and teacher'sMy Ctrs. Black now. I beve lob of Mende "Hi"' My name Sharon. aron. Ily eyes are hazel. I have brown hair. I am seven, going al Grade ins two. My Mende in are tbee whole clam I have tw-sheers and one brothea . I have a Mom and a Dad. I have* dog and three cats. r share a room with my sister. My favourite food is Pius Delight! My favourites game is croidnole and Rainbow Bright. Ithink the bestMovle Is, "The little Mermaid." One of my favourite aatorrlee ls, "The Caae of the Cat's Meow," Myteacher is Mrs. Black. My birthday is Jur 13, but my mom and dad say I should have my party on June 15 became Ken and Karen are doing the reherrrsel for their we da will getmarried the day after my Nrthday and that is wbymyparty is on the 15th. We will be getting a new Vim some dry this year. be glad when we do because there will be more room for the family when we are travelling, Sarah Aileen Mann Ili my name is Sarah Aileen Mann. I have brown hair and blue eyes. I' have a lot of friends in my class. My favourite friends are Lindsey and Halley. My family took a trip to Florida. We went swimming most of the time. It was a good trip but I was glad to come hack home. I have one sister. Her name is Jessica Lynne Mann. I love her! freed lots of super tem ideonilso Block. wish is to see thein in concert. Wiley Hi icy name is Lindsey. I live on 115 Stauffer Street, Lucknow, Ont. I live with my mother and father and MY brother and my dog. I have friend* they are Sarah, Jaime, Halley, Angela. and Laura. My favourite isfavouritefoodisPlass. At school I hike to leim. My favorite book is about holidays. On Wednesday I bad sunrgery. It was not very and my Grandpa had surgery too. They put stitches in. Whentheyputthe *itches Ittihad. sham. And .. 'whenwere done the' nurse told my father�y his head down. He didn't like watching me get stitclues. Dead and I both hope I don't have to get stitches again, Russ Hi my name is Russ. My favourite hero is: Mario Lemieux and Rosa Car. My favourite food is pizza, My favourite candy is a crunchy bar and a Bazooka Joe. When I ddemybike I go to the puddleducks .' or Kwan'e Restaurant parking lot with Wyatt. Ashy beat friends are Dan M., Wyatt K., Chris W., Jordan H. E., Andrew P., Steven H., and my second beat friends are the class, Bye! Bye! My name is Andy Evans. an the smallest in my house. I have Brown eyes and Brown hair. I like to play games. I like to ride my bike in the summer. My brother and I, my Dad and my Dads Mend, helped to build my tree house last year. Another thing i like to do is ride my lawn mower and watch T.V. Ninja Turtles is my favourite show. 8u5WeSs : gag- ash( R -S113E VCE: 5 ?-' as 1 'Montgower Buses LUE B tRD. 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