HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-04-25, Page 18ifir—Liatkihow **Wet Wedatady,Aptitz,
o fc,uM lie
Vow and in Iia, 'Diego We ere washing' Oa
SUiler Nero Owe
' Last week we, made a vibe° tape and
sent it• to our penpdb in
In*del atoll*we hsdia tat on
Vie are noparliamentw studying' #ad all did L onthat.
`moo Wier Grade at
Becauae the spring concert cowing
up v soon, grade fax has been work-
ing an G4iU end things" mum. Our
elaris is dig three numbers and moat of
us hale learned the song by heart.
oiir jungle bulletin beard is taking
shape. Several pythons ate climbing the
tree trunks in search of unwary prey. A
fiamiego is on the ,maargin, of the lace
looker for fish while beautiful butterflies
fly in search et nectsw-fdowersed dos too.
in math we are studying freebies. No
Grade SevenillIght
• Thisweek awe a doing tragi and field.
We ere jot nutlet around the gym. To -
!day la .Donath we started gem and
the grade sevwas arra doing
In French the grade eights had l�en
hirstary we are , an essay est dif-
ferent things. In we finished the
bet episode in By Choice. The
concerts is on May 3 and it is "Kings
and Things". In. Art we started on the
IVIr. iihaauiitt, Grade not
This week in math we are adding and
subtracting fractions. We are elate doing
another fantastic history eereay en Many
different Copies. In English we are doing
a arnasgasine review.
Our wh el had the pleasure o1 having
the Ssniior Girl'sBiakethall tournament
and Brookside did very well. Fro;ni. our
close we had fear peopleon the
team: Tract r
Lidiva Sprat, Koury Baliker.mood wet
skis and good work teem!Library
Severalof aprimg have sprouted
in the Lithary. Mr. Y'ea's grade
three/four has beguns rowel)
lag, . , and ;Sc utt's grade
two is . . . to the rabbit books, as a
reresearch centre.roup into the Library for a
Mrs. Worsell's grade five completed
their pattern books last week. Musks to
the help of an expert team asst volunteer
bookmakers. Some excellent stories are
waiting to be shared for oar' Author's
Day Workshop in May!
Mies Rennie's grade five/six has been
learning how to make point form notes
writing about people featured in a
"Femme Folks" centre.
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It was Grandparents' Day at Lueirnow and District Christian School on Monday. Grand-
parents had a chance to tour the classrooms • and see the children being given *their
lessons. Kindesgarten student Sonya Sealing shows. grandma Alice. Sealing of Drayton
how she does spatter painting. (Pat Livingston photo)
Kairshea Women's Institute
has busy annual meeting
President, Muriel MacKenzie presided May 15. Kairshea W,1 was asked to lead
for the Annual Meeting. of airshea W.I. a sing -along in the afternoon.
held April 19 at the home of Sharon Mac- ' A quilt already made will be donated to
Dougall. Muriel welcomed all and read a Participation Lodge. The quilters agreed
poem, Time. Betty Finlayson read the : to do another . quilt for Margaret
scripture,.. Psalm 23. Mowbray. The Fair Display was
The minutes of the March meeting discussed.
were read by the secretary, Una Mata Motions were passed that $25 be sent to
thews and the treasurer's report given by the District Annual for Pennies for
Marion MacKinnon. Friendship and a similar donation sent to, `
There was a lot of coiespondence. One the Queen Bush Ministries, also $25 to the
letter told of leader's courses, another •Sunshine Committee. ..
stated : that the Dairy Princess could The roil call was'\answered with the
, come to a meeting and the subjects on payment of fees. ' •
which she might speak. The 'an- After lunch the secretary, Una Mat-
nouncements were: Huron County Quilt thews, read the nunutes of the last Ali-
Show at the museum in Goderich Aug, 4 Waal Meeting andgave her report. Five
to Sept. 16, Quilt Auction to support Par- members had perfect attendance. Elsie
ticipation Lodge at the Meaford Apple Houston, Margaret Collyer, Mary Lavis,
Harvest Craft Show to be held Sept.. 28, Marian MacKinnon and Ann MacDougall.
29, 30, Quilting Guild Quilt Show in The treasurer's report by Marian
Teeswater, Oct. 19 and 20. An invitation MacKinnon showed a good balance. Pro -
was received to attend Lucknow W.I. gram Co -Ordinator, Maimie Roulston,
meeting at .2 p.m. May 8: Miss Janet gave a concise report of all the year's
Love, Dairy Princess will be guest activities. Others giving annual reports .
speaker. • ' • were P.R.O. Elizabeth Dickie, curator
• The resignation of Elsie Houston as : 'Una Matthews, Sunshine • Committee,
first Vice President was received- with Sharon MacDougall.
regret. There were thank you notes from Marion MacKinnon read the report of
Brian Ireland for a donation to the Queen the nominating committee and Sharon
Bush Ministries and from Allene Bradley MacDougall conducted the installation of
for . cards and good wishes received officers. There were a few changes from
following her accident. last year. First vice-president, 'J!Viaimie
Irene. Haldenby attended the District Roulston, Program co-ordinator, Irene
• Directors' meeting in Armow in March Haldenby, P.R.O. Allen Bradley.
• and presented her report The, Loaf of A planning committee ung to make
Bread and Safe Water projects are now out the new program will be held in the
closed. The program for all Bruce South Kairshea Hall, May 3 at 7 p.m.
• Institutes Will be published in a booklet Courtesy remarks were given by Betty
again this year. • - • Finlayson to which the hostess replled.
Lucknow, Kairshea and Holyrood • In- The May meeting will be at Marian
stitutes will host the Area Convention in MacKinnon's home May 17 at 8 p.m.
Lucknow Oct. 4, 1990, the bylaws were A cordial invitation is extended to the
read. • ladies in the 'community to come to our
The District Annual will be held in the meetings and maybe join the Kairshea
Presbyterian Church at Whitechurch. on Women's institute.