HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-04-11, Page 19• Advice to Bachelors (from 1920 Sentinel) • p— by a Booster Orem Ile Seektinel) Mydear bachelor friend*, - take notice, take advice, take warning! France la a• ten per cent tax upon every, to take effect Arai/ 1, 1.10, and ' aa * raga there is a great boom in the marriage 'busing** in that cotmtry. We think that the action of the. French government Is a wise one, and we feel likesuggesting and recommending a similar course Of action by our Federal authorities. The U*1'08000;18 marriage is one of that the Dominion Government controls. The II.F.O., has nothing to do" with it We would almost wish that the.. O.F;0.,had control of this matter, in114 We. feel sure that they would soon set mo- tionlaws that would make the bachelors monmp„,,, You remember, MY dear ''.‘Baches" that article entitled "Leap Year Pro- spects" in issue •March 10, we gently reminded the maiden ladies, of the pro- spects and showed them what they were up against. And now it is only fair to take the other' side and show to the bachelors` what their duty is, end at the .same time say a few' words of encourage- ment for the gills. • • It is the .duty of every inan who is .in a position, or can afford it at all,totake unto himself a wife. The bachelor's faculties become blunted and sometimes much disorganized, and it is upon record that , a large nwnber of bachelors go crazy or to the Poor House. So to be -forewarned is to be 'forearmed. Act without delay and save trouble and humiliation, and- avoid the necessity of our town constable (B.W.) rounding up whole batches of bachelors and trotting them off tet London. • — See what a good wife will do for you. She will sympathize with you when you, are in anandattroehle„ pour oil. into, your.., • - wounds, bathe your feet in tepid water. (using plenty of soap) and rub you down with a bride, or otherwise, whin you are pained in Vat: of the stoma& Now my him*, a /ilk ad- vice - Don't put a wall of *dm* aratmd your aff.ctioea. Give the ladies a chance. Remember that it is their privilege this year to take the initiative. So he willing to go heN way and stand tse to the ordeel like it The Doke of Well- ington once auto a man turn pale as he walked up before a battery. The great Duke remarked "There's a brave Man, he knows his danger and he feces it," If our town gents prove intractable the ladies have the privilege of going out of town inquest of the article. By way of a llttle Information I might tell the ladies that there are about forty bachelors within ,a radius of five miles from loacknow. Some good owe who have been pith* well elf during the past five years selling hogs and fano produce in general, and' can well- afford to provide comfor- table homes for any of the fair ones who will do them the honor of selecting them - for hubbies. Rural bachelors, let me tell you that the Lucknow girls are as good as can be found an this turf. They are good looking, /good housekeepers, gentle and graceful Of manner, and, by the way, good cooks. I mention this last quality becahse I know ,that with may men the avenue to their hearts is by way of their stomachs. In conclusion , allow me to tell you a legend, "Once .batch of twenty men sought entrance to the Pearly Gates. the angel who guarded the door said "A few questions gentlemen, please. Were you married men when on earth?" They said we are bachelors." Then, said the angel, "Sony, but we can not admit you. Celibacy is. your sin. There is a place for bachelors, ballot in here." We "do not know where they went after. that. Hoping that the above remarks and suggestions will bear ihnt. I remain as, before, Booster Latkams Iliadmodryt 4,11114 110-4/te 19 Taussig the funniest piano recital at Blyth When was the kit time yen kit a piano mita crying with langiderl Not recently...unleue, you are one el the grow- ing number of heas who have discovered the whom virtuosity and the dunning, offthearall Wawa' of Elyakim Tun* - one of Canada's beet kaon concert pianists. 'rus* and Enenilea, combiners a delightful array of piano favourites - from lio:rtiyia6lags Iva Mario= satire, comedy and musical fun. Hell per- form at Memorial Hall on Satur- day, May 5th at 8 pm which concludes the Spring Festival of Entertainment offerings. Taussig portrays the character of a small-time piano virtuoso with an over- blown ego, in whoee concert everytldng than can go wrong - does. One by one,. we are introduced to the "enemies", who seem determined to turn a serious classical *concert into a side-splitthtg farce:Altage halals,' piano teachers, the musicians' union, usiktv'the Kiwanis Festival and the gOvemnent all end up on Taussig's satirical .zopping black, Between the laughs, fans of Taussig's piano artistry can tell.* such musical gems as" Bach's "Toccatta and Fugue.* D minor", List's "Liebeetrasan" and Gershwhi's "I Get Rhythm". Bern in - Ceedondevakia in 1144, he emigrated to Wail we he lived until VA and since that fte has made Cued% his hems. la addon to his eon - cart and recording comer, Taamig WAS magical director of the She, Festival (1072-711), meiotic director of the Stratford Summer Musk Festival (110042) and a member of the Camemta easemble which he formed -(197241). As a soloist he has been a frequent guest with most major orchestras in Canwk. He has performed 13 thirteen countries, and in major Euro- pean festivals including London, Amster- dam, Paris, and Bucharest. Elyakim Taussig appears on nine albums and dur- ing the past eight years he has recorded over 200 radio broadcasts and numerous television programmes for the CBC and othernetworks. In his spare time Taussig is an amateur film and video artist. He ismarried to pianist Kathryn Root. Tickets 13 Taus* and Enemies are on sale now at the Blyth Festival Box Of- fice. Tickets are 110 each. Special dis- counts for groups. For information and ticket reservations call 523-9300/9245. Quebec man visits Emerson farm A good corwd was present for the Pur- ple Grove Institute annual meeting, Fran Farrell chaired the meeting and convenor Dianne Simpson addded to a lively meeting. The officers for 1990-91 are: past president, Janet Farrell; presideht, Fran Farrell; first vice Brenda Bridge; secretary -treasurer, vice, 'Reid; assis- tant secretary -treasurer, Katherine Collins; district director, Janet Farrell; - branch directors, Deanna Scott, Sandra Forster' and Shirley MacDonald; public relations officer, Bette McLeod; program co- ordinator, Wilma Sutton; assistant,' Joyce Farrell; curator of Tweedsmuir history, Deanna Scott; resolutions convenor, Shirley MacDonald; assistant, June ,Elliott; auditors, Sandra McGillivary and Dianne Simpson. Edna Stanley was a supper guest with Mac and Anne M.acInnes . on Thursday. evening. Mr. Stephan St. Vincent of St. Cutherts Quebec, Easter breed co-ordinator of Cana- dian Charolais visited at Bob Emerson's on Tuesday and Wednesday and conducted a cow -calf information and instruction meeting on Tuesday evening .at the centre. The following day he visited with neighbor- ing farms to view the different herds. On Monday a senior citizen's bus trip to Alliston was enjoyed by Bette McLeod, Don and Anne McCosh, Gladys Arnold, Marion Gamble, Mildred Wylds and Edna Stanley. Thompson Feed Mill took a bus to Maple Ontario, to the Surgain Feeds on Tuesday. A card party was enjoyed at the centre on Friday evening. Prizes went to Katherine Collins, Bob Emerson, Tanya Farrell and Don Forster. Morley and Deanna Scott visited Jim Blue of Paisley on Saturday. Earl and June Elliott returned home from Florida oh Fftiday. On the way back they visited with June's blather and *ter'. in-law Roy and Vivian Stephen at their URPLE GROVE . . home in Westland, Michigan. From there. they motored to Ingersoll for a short stay with Ian and Shari Elliott. Theyarrived home just in time for a fun' tient with friends and neighbours at the euchre par- ,ty at the. Purple Grove community centre. Rose and Rolph Kositamp. of the 6th Con- gestion and Marjorie Thompson spent an evening this week with Don and Anne McCosh. • • • The, science fair at .Ripley District School on Tuesday evening • was well attended. The Purple Grove children did some fine to ects Visiting with Jack and Janet Farrell this Week -were Susan Roberts, ,Garrett and Curtis, -Kathy Martin, Jaret and Scott . of Kitchener. A bridal shower for Cheryl Rivett was, held at the Purple Grove community cen- • tre on Sunday afternoon. Sympathy to. the family of the late Wilbert Handenby formerly' of lOnlough' and lately of Kitchener. Bette McLeod got moved into Huron/ Villa on Saturday. Willing helpers were Keith Van der Hoek, Darren, , Bryce' and Donnie Pollard. Cameron and Olwyn McAuley took DOn and Anne McCosh and Gladys Arnold to Chest to a Happy 90th birthday patty for „ Bill Oswald a former Bruce County Warden. Gladys Huston, Margaret Scott, Donalda Pollard and Marion Gamble attended the Memorial service for Amelia Vogan at Macintosh United Church, Bebnore. • Kay Small, Khicardine visited with Mazy Ann liockuly. CLASSIFIEDS BUY IT, SELL IT, FIND IT • • • Find' a. room witha view, • Or a -bicycle built for two....; Even romance, . Can' be found at glance! Search out really good deals, On a new set of wheels... • Change your career... I3uy some used sporting gear! Remember one man's junk Is another man's treasure, So turn to -the Claistfieds • For results you can Measure! • 0 •