HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-04-11, Page 12POP U.-4.4111E1WWW 80100601• Weilmodalp111111 II* we
fencing time is here
' . is the time of yaw when we are
out fiaan the teas, getting readyfoe
another meason s_ . I'm py to
soy that this activity
• of its fanner popularity; city; posturing cattle
can be a very profitable twee for our
and I've often spoken about the erosdon
control benefits of perennial forages.
I was brougIa�stup short today when so--
o-m e said, Look at that creek!! It tilt-
ed to run clear when we won cropping
all the fields around here, and now it's'
may." What happened?
The answer is that while cattle don't a o
much harm tramping ware a pasture
field .,they con make a real mess of a
river or They sit' aedhnent
from the river bottoms, and tir traffic
up and down stream banks destroys the
natural vegetation and increases' erosion
in. themes areas, •
The answer is tofence the cattle out of
the streams or at cwt limit thea access.
Keep this in Mind when you are out fen-
cing, Specially if you are building any
new fences this spring, For more Infor:
motion,. there aretwo new factaheets in
our "office, are on "Livestock Watering
Devisee" and one on "Low Lever Cross
Bruce County C?#AAF
Cllsmorla ABlaiee>iiaM
The Serwkw
chop to talcs place
en pilot beds fear
the of MS. Participate to and
host familia; are needed.
Participants must be between is and
30. They should have pra I farm ex.
perigees or be welled in a aril agricultural
course at a college or university. Work
will average SO to 40 hours per week in-
cluding training. Wages will be Net on a
pric ovincial
Windthe sis to give Canadians interested
agriculture the dunce to
d pin
experience in their owncountry.
r r.Host
families will be • r, 1 - • . 1 eto � the
in their 1 I+, and comments-
ty es ne well. as their working
For more informations and M tion
forms for hod families Or , *ants
contact the . Ontario M 1 try , of
Agriculture and Food office or
*Auditing *Financial Accounting
*Personal 1 Corporale Tax Consultation
*Personal Financial Planning
*Computettesci Bookkeeping
•Mtxtgool & Amortization Schedules
SOO Josephine $t. Winslow, NOG 2WO OI'flae: 3574522
Lucknow Beef Calf Club
bolds organizational meeting
The. Luckoow Beef Calf Clint started off;
its I99.0. season with an organisational
meeting on April 4 at the St. Helen's
Hall; A record number of Members. at-
tended and there were four absent to
make a final total of 27 members.
The Beef Club leaders for this year are
KishRantoul,, Ken :Mewhinney,. 'and' Don
Alton. Officers are as follows: President,
Dianne Black; Vice Pres., Darlene
Black; Secretary, Maryon Dow;
Treasurer, Vanessa : Alton;- :Press,
Reporter, Steve Rantoul.
Study analyzes
to conser at o z
Practical demonstration of conservation
farming techniques may be the key to in-
creasing adoption of soil 'conservation'.
practices among southweiternsouthwestern Ontario
farmerb, according to a recently publish
ed survey` conducted" on •behalf of
SWEEP; the Sad and Water Environmen
tal Enhanternent.Program
Agriculture Canada' commissioned the
study to • •find' out why more . farmers,
aren't adopting. conservation practices.
The study.,revealed.that Nearly two-thirds.
of those surveyed want ied.:to'add ponser-
vation practicee to their farm manage:
ment systems. .
Many of .the' farmers surveyed reported
that they did not encounter any barriers r
to conservation adoption, aside from the
perceived eornplexity'•of new tools' and
techniques. COO* °Wades cited were
start-up costs and concerns about'
changes to indinagement systems. such as
Weed and, Peet control.
. The reportcoi�twi�dpri'`pad Mop.
Introductions were made and a 'ques--
Annaauire• was handed out for everyone's
ideas on improvements for the coming,.
year, '
Leaders then: discussed the topic,
"Breading and roof Health". Members
were •treated .to ,chocolate milk' and
donuts, n
The next meeting. is scheduled for May
2 at 7:30 p.m. Luo aw Sale batt
• Anyone - who is rested in 9ag us is
still welcome at this first regular 's ..
tion • of conservation practices likely 're-
quires more stability la the agriculture
sector, as well ; as demonstrated proof.
that the practices work and are
"That's' why. we focus our .efforts on
• getting • out there and . showing • farm
operators, how . and why ,conservation.
system work," says Agriculture Canada's
Rick Sequin; • the: economist who
ed the study. "Misconceptions still
about 'conservation farming,. but we're ate.
•dressing them through SWEEP activities '.
like field demonstrations and research in... .•
to applying conservation technology."
The survey of more than 200 Ontario
fanners utas conducted by University of
• Guelph geography► professor Dr. Barry
Smit and ralearcher John Smithers.
SWEEP is a five-year,. $30 million,
federal -provincial program: toreduce •
,phosphorus losof -the Lake Erie
Basan frorn ' culrral sources through
control of 'sdegradation.
. .. n.-..�../�_n...n.
WASION WO111114710
HIGHWAY LOCATION » 100 acres, brick
home, well maintained barn, 2 silos, 85
workable, hardwood bush.
RIVM!PROiI 'Y• .11storey
aianeistuoco 20 workshop, Nine
Mile River dug pond..R.duoed470,000.
60 ACRE FARM near Selgrave, 5 bedroom
home. 40x 00 brain, 42 hes drained, 5 hard-
wood. 'Ii5,000.
50 ACRES , On 9 mile river,. 30 aacres.
workable. 20 cedar mixed bush. •
WEST WAWANOBH - 100 acre pasture
fano, good treed buildino site,' 50,500.
2.5 ACRE LOtown. 30x30 shed,
excellent bui
2.2 ACRE'- 3 bed nom country home, small
shed; 5 Miles from Lucknow. 400104
VINYL S - 2 storey. horse, 3 bedroom,
luted, sun porch, 2 baths, deep .tot,
90 ACRES -: AShflaid, d mile river flows
through. 75 workable, 40x 70 bern, 20acreee
holt •
200 ACRES pasture, partially drained, well
fenced, 130 acres cleared. Asking 4110,000. •
ASHF1ELD-100 acres cash crop, drained,
at 430 ft. level.
4T ACRES - Ashtiieid, a acres bush. located
On highway. $47,500.
CUSTOM MILT HOME. 1:76 acre country
lot, 2 fireplaces, finished basement Pictures
• nue. setting.
• ASHFIELD TWP, . 50 acres systematically
tiled,spring possession: •
residence, coater location: Very profitable.
Capacity for 30 patrons.:
12 it 60 eioa.E near Windham, large lot
overlooking Maitland. Vendor will hold mor-
tgage. $49,900.
VICTORIAN BRICK HOME .4 bedrooms, */z
ONO , lot Good family home Over 260O:sq. ft,
3* ACRE TREED LOT on 9 mile river:
You'll Love ..
for Years LC
*easy to start
*exclusive 5-s
transmission for
self-propelled can-
*30 day money back
Brian McBurney 335-3761
Tom Pollard 523-4310
Henry Winters 235-1108
Lcaw, & Garden
(7:: \7;R/:
to Division of Huron Tr?cta'l�
NJ• N 4 N
(,f Y..l'. 111•.
1.444 NO 4 N
,5141 ''O4:44
bIt .C�urs
1 ,
Tr. nter^
� �,a �
4 •1 ,
•rufnrr +Appllarurii HP
Tea. 1 Flooring
•Pak* a Will CovMnpr
•k*.do OoteraW On Stott
/loris• Flooring Spoils! . .
`Ful Installation
Oil carpN4..ei3.a9 sq. yd
PEACH n$00011LaUtOPer
08OO 2636755
ednedey, April 11/90
7:0 PM
All members and the public are invited to see.
the services and facilities we have to offer..
Come and meet CURTISLABELLE'our new
C.P.G.A. Professional. • f •
At 9:00 PM all 1990 Prepaid Season Members
will be eligible for thefollowing draws:
(A) Refund of $150.00 on any membership
(B) 11 pc. set of custom• made and fitted
golf clubs ;
For further information contact:
RR #1: Kincardine N22 2X3
(519) 395-5555 •