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PPOQ Box 400, t,ucknow, Ontario NOG 2H0
525.a22; Fax (1519) 528-3629
mom N
Eatabiished 1073
Thornas Thompson *-- Advertising Manager Ste'. ranee advance:
Pat Livingston --General Manager . erns °timid. cane* IOQN
• — .Editor •14e11 outside CavMda M'Senior Oben
Secant .Lees Maiftng mg. no. 0047
Advertising isaccepted ors the condition that in the :vent of a typographical error, the por-
ton of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable
allowance for signature, will not be charged for. but the balance of the advertisement wiil
be paid at the applicable' ratio.
Looking back,
A eeserraeaeeriiou I .aefaawari reesatiy,
tea tsar heek to the days warn Narieber
One Sas wsas to Ogle mina Yeats keew
the da7s I mesa - these ism
14s die the seism fair ere-
reis des
NcUi;.nGi'Citizenship Week
makes its mirk,
If yaw kid to like mine wee, the gro-
ject was musibr left to the last minute.
Two days before the dee date, it was a
mad granny to COM sip with .se idea.
Once you bed assisted theoffupriaig with
condog ep with as lase,
your workwas
Children beingneverairsitt
shied aboutthe Polies they need to pet
science project Living in a
days ewe* more of a . What do
when as `Mom, I need two pieces of
brisk board"! Oh, .sure the local.
Backers store is open, but
miles; to obtain
child should. have��bout
pasha a:. parent's patience to the limits,.
knowThe pencil crayons needed to work on
are at school. Magic markers
thewer have dried up, .thank* to
someone leaving the tops off. You don't
by Pat Living on
have the ! r alr:is old mt in the Vow lasso sed
hauler houses Mr.ani
de plod es Vasrajret, I c prymy
edam" markNever being a vade A aids* in
science, I as Waft, with the pudic*
meat, bet for geodesist Sib tt* MO a
little load hr time!
Sonash w, 4 aY comes tapas' and the +
offapring carts lets (7) project eft to
school, ant (WIN we pOst we are
oels and
at the bdalent iddsss .. • in the
�Awa►,*weere over the
. projects to see hew. I . ,the
other perste subashisions are and get
ideas for the following year, when we
know we will go through, the same
rigmarole h
Before all you parents out there get
with, me,your child does
own project do not judge all
ansdents by my own Member One Sas (or
the many others I know) - I am shuPlY
pointing out that amhappy
science fair days are ova my
Good luck students (and parents) with
Your projects:
(NC) This April, ' Canadians' nationwide will Smi brat. their Canadian
cltis.nsldp'+during National Cltlzinship W..k (NCW) ,1990.
• lho Mark of a, Nation is she thornil of this yoarr`s National ,Citizon-
ship . Work., which' runs froter April' 1$ 'to .it'f,. This theme com-
nr.morates the Canadian .flap'EF'25th'anniversary - a quawrtoir.century .
throughout whish thi national flag ;has proudly symbollzid the
distinctive' vales and the unique spirit of 'Canadian citizenship..
NOV:was first proclalm.d by •the Pram. M!niet+sr In. 1957 to colo
cid. ",;with 'the 11014aunniviirsany , of 'Canadi4n • r itlz. n b(p.. Each *oar 2.
stoic) then ,:National. CItiz ship •Walk Ins -.born. c lolwatar i Aurid
that week of Aprli' 'ty, thcr.anniversary wf the proclamation of the
Canadian' Charter of Right. *nd'F ;
,NCM/,. mor. than bang zinnply a , col•bration:+ le also intended to
oncouragsr Canadians "tea reofisect onf the value .which` •unlmata Cana-
` dlan citizenships'. Among, these • c tlz.nship values are ar ***poet for
and ptida. in .C41irdiclo'.a diverse.theile.and lingulatic Writes... and a
commltm *t to the ,principle of .quafty for all. Canadians, Wh.thor
citizns• by birth. or by choto►.. Equally important are tla►Canadian
spirit of• community and sense► of ,compassion .which _form' the foun-
dation of the country's unique social programs.. In addition, through •
the Infanta of National Citizenship Week, Canadians "will ba remind -
mindid of, tho•nation's .commitment to f . thisin and • falirmem of the tan
porton.. of:Citizen participatiofl in : thnt_ affairs of their Country; and • ,.
9f Canada's leading rola. in, arias as disarms as International peas.
and-` Asir onvlronm.nt ;
While National Citis.nshlp W..k'.ducataa Canadians about th•iar.
tights as Canadian citiz ns, : It also .mphaslz. s this individual rospon-
sibility of .och Canadian to uphold and protect this* rights and the.
fundamental citizcrnship . values : which • underlie them.
Aprons ani a House Dr�ss
ens ember when?
Council asks foi assistance in enforcing Temperance Act, 1920
79 Vitus Ago- April 8, 1920
r meeting of the Village Council
d on the +evening of. April 8th, the
Council unanimously declared itself in
favor of the, strict enforcement of the On-
tario mow Act.. to this connection
the Coturequest the citizens to assist
them in their efforts by pnfor-
mita any member of the boor any in-
fringement . of the law which may cane
under their notice..
A special officer has been appointed to
look after the following bylaws: To stop
horse and cattle from running. loose. To
stop fowl running at large. To fast
driving on the streets. To stop cls
riding, on the sidewalks. To fist : the
stores be closed promptly at the time
asked for in the tion signed by' the
merchants anti inma law pass-
ed by the council,
Any person having. any complaint will
please' notify Mr. Bell (the engineer at
the waterworks). He will inform, the
special officer, and the c�>rnplaitrt will be
attended to prtimptly.
M, .Years Ago - April 11, 1940
$li, :weld' last Friday night, is
an annual event, and a popular one. Car-
ried out as advertised, as an old time
dance, the program catered to those who
like the reels and .,quart, two steps and
old time . wares, and what's more it
pleased them.
There wail a nor capacity crowd in at-
tendance that danced until about 3 a.m.
to the music of Donald Mca iarles and
'Roy MacKe nzie's combined orchestras,
the McLennan and McDonald a
-of Lochalsh and the McDonald orchestra
of Amberley. Pipers ledthe grand
march. Roy McCreight and Donald Blue
were halters off.
25 Yeas Aga - April 14, 1,915
KINLOSS. Mrs. Lawry (Peggy) Taylor of
Wingham has resigned as Grade. 1
teacher iii~ Lucimow Public School. She
has taught here for two years. The beard
ie presently advertising for a successor.
Mrs. Allan Iliac n yre has resigned as
1 and 2 teacher at.Kinlons Central
� Sebool. Mrs. Macintyre has taught
there since the new school was .built.
A prl inion received by Kinloss
School Area Board .is that of
Mervyn Campbell who has been teaching'
for a number of years at 154, No. 1
Kinloss. • -
All these applications are effective at
the end of the present school term.
l0Veen Age -Apcil0,1le0
Bruce farmers are p a tractor
demonstration at Queen's in Toronto
. on Thursday to protest high interest rates
and the
effect they are having
on the farm industry' in the province.
The protest is to torsade with MPP
Robert McKessock's bill in the leglslature
which asks the Ontario government to
see that the province's farmers are given
the same competitive opportunity as
other Canadian farmers in Canada who
are not being a ubeddtzed by their Irwin-.
cial high $
:states the crippling t
McKesebck's .rest bill asks the government
to reduce hydro rates, reduce interest ,
rates, increase drainage loans the
urban encroaciart on farmlaM and.
fsttop the foreign ownership of :Ontario
According to Tom Clark, a Chesney
area fancier, who is organizing the trac-
tor demonstration, the movement is glum
roots organization and is not affiliated
with any farmers' organization in the
'Weather Memoirs
April 10, 1989 - Above -normal
temperatures and below -normal precipita-
tion over the Great Lakes Basin brought
about a subetantial drop in water levels
since the ,fall of 1988. By April 1909, Lake
Huron had fallen 1.2 m below its -October
1906 level
April 13, 1858 - Toronto island .was
formed when strong lake winds breached
the narrow isthmus connecting the har-
hour's outer perlingual to the mainland.
Winds were ENE at 40 km/h over the ci-
ty but much stronger over the water.