HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-03-28, Page 6Page 6—Laei>new .ental, Why, Mara 26, l
Miss Maher enjoys seeing smil
R. WkitelyepriacipalMissMortos, Grade 3
We Iveiconied back luny smiling faces Grade 3 Room 3 had wonderful
onlay stories of adventure other pupii4 oBreak. Tory and Jenny both went
after tae.-'areh Break and liked to tine
bad over the holidays. We jumped .lriht •
to Floridan Troy went a Toronto oto
watch a leaf`s garnet) Several students
and many excellent projects were
displayed. We had our openhou a and
many parents and friends carne to see
the fruits of our labour. Special reec,�ogni
tion goes to Jenean Todd, Cedric ruddy,
Duncan Mowbray and Larissa Sproul who.
will represent our school at the Huron
• County Science Fair, Jennifer Black who
'will be an alternate if one of the offers
is: not able to attend. I would like to
•thank Mrs. L Ottwell, Mrs. F. McQuail,
Mr. A. Clark, and Mr. W. Stewart who
judged our projects. Without people like
these our fair would be impassible, •
interview -Midi Mather
Miss Mather grew up in Goderich. She
enjoys reading, sewing and crocheting.
She has taught Grades: 1,1-2,4,5 and .6,
Miss Mather was a supply teacher In
Huron County. She haas also taught up . Several pupils partietpated in the
north on a Cree • Indian 'Reserve .at Science Fair held in the gym last
Kingfisher Lake, Miss Maher wanted to
become a•teacher because of her gown• "InTuesday. . .
teacher.'and she really en oys kids, Mies . a Social Studies • We are: t, Present
Mother's favorite thing about her job Farming a Ontario in the fast, Present
that she likes to see smiles on children's and Future. e •
faces when they succeed, Ronde, Grade 5/6
' In Art we are' finishing stitching and
This week we went to #to wn s• Sugar
Bush near Auburn We learned All About ,Language Arts we are doing- a. study on
into our Selene° Fair the first week back went to London and Kitchener and
everyone had lots of news to share on
Monday. The hocks unit is finally going
to be wrapped up "Writers' Retreat' will
be our next theme. Be prepared for lots
of storywriting and storytelling. Earth
h)ay is fast approaching.
Mrs. Culp, Grade 4/5
No prior -knowledge of hockey is re-
quired to enjoy the. hockey theme centres.
The table top hockeygame is very
Our principal has been given
attend. He had better have his
skills honed because we have some sharp
shooters. Listening, graphing, matching
and research skills are being challenged
at other centres.
Mrs. Worseli's Grade.5 class is learn-
ing about the : Metric System in Math.
Mrs, Canueron,li _.
we started fractions in :Math. In
' heroes and super heroes. In gym we are
Me this month. We know our weight, ad
ngoes to be playing lacrosse. In music we
dress, birthdate, and telephone
Our March birthday is Rose Vance. We are learning "Camelot". for our spring
are so happy that spring is finally herell social studies weave playing
. Miss Watt, Grade . i.. government sand Colin Bris is the prime
We have learned all about bears. Did minister'.
you know a Panda bear eats 10.12 hours Mr. Meyers, Grade 7
Our Grade 7
a day! - Wow! Spring has sprung and we,class has had a good
have begun to discover the birds, flowers, week after our one week break. In
insects and animals that are returning \. interests away to songlish we are me our pictures and
home. Easter is approaching and we are Pe11 �e is in Tuc-
looking forward to that unit. Happy son, Arizona. The science projects were
smiles from grade one. judged on Tuesday the 20th. We.had a lot
" of great projects.. •
Mrs. Graham Grade 7/8:
This week we' had the science fair, The
people who get, to go to the Huron Coun-
' ty fair from the room are Jenean Todd
and Cedric Paddy. In gym we are doing
„ Lacrosse. It's fun but a lot of people get
hurt, an art we are .doing soft sculpture.
In science weare doing soil and plants.
-In English we are doing short stories. On
Friday the school is going skating. •
Miss Mathers, Grade 1,2
On Thursday, March 22nd Miss
Mathers' Grade 1/2 made a visit to
Robinson's Maple Sugar Bush. We en-
joyed tasting the maple products and
listening to the expertise of the Robin-
sons. We only wish that the weather had
co-operated with us!
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es on students' faces
Mr. Hirilitt, Grade $
This week in home •oe we designed our
dream bedrooans. We could put anything
in it. This Friday we are going to the
i unknow Arena to skate. The grade ? &
8 classes have their science fair projects
complete now,
Mrs. Clarke -Library
Mr. Coher's grade 6 Optical Illusions
group have completed their contracts this
week, and will share their research and
activities on illusions,tessellations,
holograms, and as film with their cias,s.
Room 12 has begun a horse theme,
including a horse reaearch centre in the
Library. story -writing group from Mrs.
Worsell's grade 5 are experimenting with.
different forms of pattern books, and are
writing ,some super stories about cars
and tractors. Grade 8 students are lear-
ning a decision-making technique, and
ICONSare using the MiNews program centreacacti famous
women in Canada's history.
Brookside Public School's science fair winners were determined last eek. In the back
row, left to right, Duncan Mowbray and Cedric Paddy who team on Does Weather
Effect Arthritis?, and Jennifer Black (alternate) whose project on Filtering - Which
is Best? Front row left to right, Larissa Sproul who studied "composition and Je-
nean Todd, who experimented on dyeing wool. Duncan, Cedric, Larissa and Jenean
will advance on to the Huron County Fair. Jennifer is the alternate in the event one.
of thestudents is unable to attend:(Pat Livingston photo) 1`
When an octopus is angry or excited its
skin niay turn.bright orange? A'frighten-
ed octopus may turn white.
The . hercules beetle is the largest
known insect and can grow up to 15
centimetres? .•• • .. '
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