HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-03-21, Page 181 1 u 3L Service Directory PLUMBER -RENOVATIONS, new work, r install*. tr Reasonable softeners, at Phone central AK Mac- Donald Donald 3> 5.-1 5x ARE YOU PLANNING * Church, Fami- ly or Commualty History . Book, FRIESEN PRINTERS will be holding an .IIformsttion sen roar kx -yeur. area* .Fair -. More infermatioa please call (Mt) 3518137.-12bc DON'T MISS the 11th Annual London Arta and Crafts Spring Slow and Bale at the Canada da Building Western , London. Saturday, April noon - 0 p.m. Sunday, Apra. 8, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Admission $2. Over 100 quality crafspeoplel Organized by Olga. Trahter (519) 679-1810..:.12bc • 1 HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. ,New home, $tulY .course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed! Also organ and electronic keyboard courses. For FREE informa- tion, write: Popular Musk . SYsterns, Studio 52, 3264 BoucherIe Road, Kelowna,. VIZ 212.E 11bc - SPRING, PAINTING? For all interior and. exterior painting, call. John Mowbray 395.5373; ...10.12uc CLOCKS REPAIRED Mantle, wall,' cuckoo, grandfathers,. grandmothers, FREE ESTIMATES Pick up and delivery can be arranged, Agnew Jewellery,Gift, and Children's Wear. Lucknow 528.3532..: 9-12ar FOR ALL YOUR Funks cont andgrass seed needs, call Walter or Barry Elliott 357-1358 or 357-1532.-8418xc A BETTER TAX * RETURN! The best way to get it is with TaxGuard. When we prepare your tax return, you'll receive every break coming to you. You'll pay the least tax possible. Home appoint- ments available now! Call Toll Free:. 1-800-205-1002. Farm Business Consultants - your !Atm, form, tax .. experts for, 37 years!--4bc PHOTOCOPYING. The Lucknow Sentinel now does photocopying. Drop in and see• us or call 528-2822 for details.-44tfnx Tax Returns GotYou Down? See A Professional Tax Preparer For Appointment Call 528-2209 please leave message Patricia Maki Tax Time Services Graduate WHIN HICKEY CONSTRUCTION •New Construction •Renovations •Decks *Aluminum Trim Work •Farm Buildings Licensed carpenter 13 yearn, Port Albert •Replacement Windows and Doors •Rooting after 6 p.m. 529-7872 SNOWDEN INSULATION Now Available BLOWN IN CELLULOSE Sprayed on Urethane Foam Agricultural, Industrial, Residential, Commercial FREE ESTIMATES CALL TODAY R.R. 1 Lucknow 5284128 JAMES SYMES PAVING & MATERIALS ASPHALT & CONCRETE DRIVEWAY Grading •O vel•TApSON Paving of Roads, Parking Lots & Tennis Courts 528.3047 Lucknow 1 31. 'Service Directory SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - lawn � and,g,��garden, concrete, auttoomyjottiyve,y]il�y-- i ■ng, �,' clueing,, power tools, much more. Domes Equipment Ltd., 3 Hailes East of Kincardine on No. 9 highway. 3.-4r PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & Service. Dependable minks tor' akell, and mod* of major appliances, Phone 1-887.1012,,- ittor REFRIGERATION AND Appliances Ser- vice - rebuilt appliances; cash for your used appliarwes. Call Lucknow Centre, 528-2940. far AUCTIONEER SERVICE, Grant McDonald, Ripley; Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater. Licensed Auctioneer, Sales of AU Types. Phone Ripley 395-5353, Teeswater 392.6170.-ifar CUSTOM SEWING- and alterations, reasonable rates. Call Ruth Ritchie at 5284141.or. in at 471 Wolsley Street, Lucknow.-+ SEE US FOR YOUR STARTER, alter- nator, lternator, generator and regulator needs. Albrecht Auto Electric, • north of Whitechut'ch. Phone 357.3495.--18Nnar 34. Personal PACE OF.LIFE TOO FAST? Slow down with true stories about life' and growing up farming with ozen, mules, and horses. Plus much morel For FREE details send self-addressed stamped envelope and this ad to Sox 982, Winkler, MB, ROW 4B1. 12bc NEW BABY in the 'family? • Give the* ,' most personalized, unique gift baby will ever receive, - treasured for a lifetime. Send . name, birthday and $5 to Baby. Backgrounder., Glencairn, . Ontario, LOM 1K0.-12bc IF YOU WOULD LIKE to 'know more 'about a Christian Feu in your area lives,: worships, ministers in the love and simple manner of ' the original New Testament 'Church, , please call 1800-203.0154.-12bc • PREGNANT AND CONFUSED? A `happy • and healthy future awaits your baby. Young professional couple `, hoping to • adopt. Call Colleen, collect (807) 475.4264: 12bc. • Leciumter fiestilseit Wel sy, Merck *1, I' N age 17 i35. Notice To Creditors 36. Announcements UNCLAIMED PROT . Do you bave an unclaimed pinto at the Sentinel. We think you'd like to have them bock, but we met kcep thereayourPhase drop Iphoto n t�oour dace 1Z y TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS • 'IC to Melon Township rrtopuyers, pro- . posit for a>,unlclp.l .protea •r.pslr for tin. your •1!!!O should iro sent to the► Clerk's: office, by April 12, 1990 for tionsidonition or phonier O. 1%04 * . Dlroin Inspector, 01154257 or Mork R.ckor Ci.r k-Troosur.r 395.5313. Murk lil.ck*r Cleric Tr re.urew Township of Kinloss Hlelyrooel, O merle fO 200 FINANCIALLY . SECURE, ; -sincere •. • gentlemen, all ages, desire cor • sndence, communication, "etc., with e ous ladies. Age, race no factor. (604) 547-2020, anytime.-l0bc HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA' can help., Phone Goderich 5244001 or Walkerton' 881.3635.--40tf stn c�ugct:1II)' fr(ml working «ith'oinconc ho h:i' All)% NO! Get the facts. Let'sTalk4 Cali the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotline 1.800 -668 -AIDS' LOCATE A DENTIST AT 3AM • 38. Auction Sole 1 AUCTION SALE:. FARM MACHINERY will be h&d. for Lorne .Ritchie South Half Lot 32, Conc.12, Huron Twp. 2V miles. North of Ripley then 4 miles West on Conc.12 or 1 mile East of Hwy. 21 on Conc. 12 Huron. Twp. Saturday, March.31/90 • 10:30 A.M. 2140 J.D. tractor with cab, radio and duals 18.4 x 30; 710 J.D. tractor; 42 Nuffield trace for and loader; 15' Glenco cultivator; 10' Pitt- sburgh ittsburgh 36 plate double disc; Kongskitde 3 furrow Triple OK 1416,1IV' •,bottom plow 10' Caseland packer; 16' pony harrows; drag harrows; 300 gallon Hanson weed sprayer • with 32' . boom; Mayraith 3 PTH weed sprayer; Tote4 ton fertilizer spreader - good condition; 512 N.H. double beater manure spreader; 268 Hayliner N.H. baler. with thrower; 2-20' bale thrower racks on wagons; 51' New; idea hay elevator - PTO • or, motor driven; 32' Skeleton hay elevator; 8' Ouvatona swather;.NJ. hay crimper, 4 bar side delivery. rake on steel; Massey Harris mower; McKee harvester and pipes; #410 M.F. diesel com- bine with. cab, grain and pickup header;, - #422 -36 4 row com head; a grain bins and wagons; 2 grain bins; gravity bin on rubber tired wagon; 16''grain auger; 21' grain auger; 7' ,deo Smythe single auger snowblower; #0355 N.H. Mixmill with long unloading auger; 1700 bushel steel granary; 3800 biushel steel . • granary. . MISCELLANEOUS:. S-92 J.D. riding lawnmower;. Forney portable alternator- generator; acetelyne welder with oxygen and .aceteiyne tanks; post hole auger; 1000 pressure washer; air compressor, Acorn stable cleaner; various sized'. stable fans; 2000 Ib. weigh scales; standard size cap for a pick-up truck; quantity', of toots; farrowing crates; water bowls; . mineral feeders; tire chains 18.4 x 30, 14.9 by 28 and 16.9 by 30; logging chain% 16' steel gates; 011 furnace with 1500 square foot capacity; two wheel • trailer; parts for a 419 M.F. combine; kerosene heaters barbecue; picnic tables; 3 larger tables; approx. 3500 bales of wheat straw. • ARTICLES CONSIGNED • BY JACK AIT C HISON:Int. M row crop tractor; 2000 Renn. 12' swather with hay conditioner; 3d0 M.F. combine with direct cut and accessory pickup; New Ideal row com picker; otherar- ticles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash or cheque with .proper I.D. day of sale , • • FARM SOLD • LUNCH BOOTH ON GROUNDS All verbal announcements:takes precedence over any written ads, Owners and auctioneers Will not be respon- sible for any accidents or injuries connected with the sale. ' AUCTIONEEf4S GRANT McDCNALD Ripley, 395-5353' WALLACE BALLAGH Teeswater. 392-5170 NOTICE TO caannoss AND OTHERS In the Estate of GEORGIA DONELDA MSL, retired housewife, who died on the 20th day of March 1190. TAKE NOTIClr. THAT all person having claims against Oh; mate are required to send to heundernimed solicitors their =nes, oddment; end pt,rWulars of their claims srliis o . %legato the day of Marv*, 1900, after which date the Estate will be distributed hartinl regard only to the claims of which the.xeodors have notice at or to the date of distribution. paw at this 8th day of March, 1990. LASCRUK & FARR Banisters & Solicitors, Box 99, 807 Queen Street,KINCARDINE, Ontario N2Z 2Ys. Solicitors for the Executors, Lillian ' Georgia Pollard and Donald James Mitchell -10,11,12x 39. Educational YOUR FUTURE starts with..Trl-County Truck ' Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search, assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Financial assistance on approved credit. 1900.2654400. Cambridge.-12bc HOME STUDY DIPLOMA .PROGRAMS: Prepare for a better career at home, in. Your spare time! Low tuition fees! Pay- ment plan. Job search assistance. Many curses available. FREE. BROCHURE GOTS i -800-668-1213.-12C MARKEL 1-800.265.7173: Class AZ DZ • Professional. Transport Driver Training. Careers? .Financing? Tax Deductible? We've got the 'answers: Markel -Institute • of " Professional " Transport. Training. Guelph 1.800-265.7173.,-11bc• FREE 1990 guide to study -at-home 'cor- respondence correspondence Diploma coursesfor, prestigious careers; Accounting, Aircon '• ditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, . Psychology, Travel, Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto.1-800-950.1972 -50bc LEARN ' AUCTIONEERING at ' the, Southwestern Ontario :School of Am? tioneering. Next class; :February 10.17/89. For information contact: Southwestern Ontario School of : 4uctioneering; R.R. 5 Woodstock . Ontario, • N4S 7V9 (519)537-2115.-44bc" 46, In Memoriam JOHNSTON In loving memory of a dear 'father, grandfather and great grandfather Bill Johnston, who passed away March 16, 1989.. . Gone from us but, leaving memories,. Death can never take away. Memories that will always linger, • While• upon this earth we stay, Remembered by' family, grandchildren and great grandchildren. -12 1LAIVNA In loving memory of a dear husband and • father, Ernest Gordon Hanna, who pass- ed away March 21, 1988. Gone, dear father, gone to rest, Away from sorrow, care and pain. May you rest in 'peace dear father, Until w meet again. Lo remembered by family. -12 MACINTYRE In loving memory sof our. ;grandfather Joseph, who passed array March 24, 1975.. God gave ,us a precious grandfather, The dearest in all the world. He fashioned his smile out of sunshine, And moulded his heart of gold., It broke our hearts to lose him, But he did not .go alone, • Because part of us went with him; The day Gad calledhim home. So please God take a message To our dear grandfather up above. And tell himthat, we miss him, • And give him all our love, Sadly missed, but always remembered by Lori, Janice, Julie, and Shelly Collins, and Mike, " Jackie and Wanda. MacIntyre.-12 err