The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-02-28, Page 14Vie I4-11.aelbeser Somdimel, Wsdsmodey, SPellesary SS. AN
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Shari Anna MacDonald
R.R1 Lucknow
• March.. 0; 1987. n`
3 Yeara°Old
Rev. Margaret Kinsman
�) Sunday School - 0;45 am
Worship' :Serv$ce .11;00 am
Everyone Welcome
Sunday, MARCH 4, 1990.,
Worship l 11 .A19
Sunday School 11 AM
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Funeral held for former
Kinlough resident
Mrs. Mark (Mary) Joint= fernier of
conemilen $ pal away on Moodily
night at Pinecrest Nursing Home,
mow in her 97th year. was a
reddest there for a number of yars and
was the dear mother of elf Johnston,
Jean Deyell and Mary Martin of
Winglism, Vera Hedging; afHome%Dorie
Moen of East Wawanoh, Uoyd Johnston
of Mississauga and was predecu*ed by
her husband Mark and two sons Everett
and Keith. The remains rested at the
MacKenzie -McCreath Funeral Home
where the funeral was held on Thu qday
afternoon. We extend our thy.
Mr, and Mrs. Ken Brown of
visited relatives here on Wedneadi.
The yrood Women's Institute held .a
card •.party at the hall on Wednesday
evening with a good attendance. Prisea.
went to Sara Haldenby, Eric Haldenby,
Olive Sheet and Ellwood Elliott. Lunch
was served by the committee in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lane returned
home after a holiday in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonald visited
with Dr. and Mrs. Mae MacDonald and
Jeffery a at Kincardine.
Mable slVicEwan, Joan Barr, Myrtle
Percy, Nina McDonald,Margaret Lane,_.
Bessie Madden and Judy Burt attended
a quilting at the home of Bernice -Burt in
Kincardine on Friday.
Presbyterian WMS
The Kinlough Presbyterian W,M.S. met
,on Wednesday at the home of Joan Barr.
Lorraine MacPherson presided; welcom-
ed all and had the.opening prayer writ-
ten by a : l7th Century nun.
All repeated the and sang the
hymn, '10 love that not let me go".
The roll call was "A .freedom that we
take for granted" this was followed by
the Minutes, . Correspondence sand
business.. •
The Presbyterial will be held at. South
'Unless Church rch on May 5. Mrs. Tom
McDonald had the devotions and divided
the ladies into groups.. The theme was.
li‘by May Boyle
"fie New Me", with a question and
answer period discussion, "Weavers
and Webs , are we" concluding with a
reading oan a weaver, and a prayer.
Gladria Robertson had the program and
introduced the Study 'bookon the
Phillipines to enable we of North
American to understand more about the
people there and the struggle which they
have endured.
Pentecostal ostaal .Waoten's
The February aaeeiing of the
Pentecostal Women's
on Monday evening in . thewaachurcshelhd
fellowship room, Cathy Chatten Vice
presidenPatricia Makipepened the meeting with
prayer after which Cathy read a letter
- from Donna. Thorne, director with the
theme "Love" Both the secretary and
treasurer, Laura Dahmer and Mary
Brickles reported respectively. Lula
Stanley gave the offertory prayer.
Cathy Chatten announced that 'there
would be. W. M. retreats for members in
April and May,
Ursula Krahn presented this Mission
Study with many knalng things on the
work in Malawi. Mrs. M. Christensen led
the devotions with the theme Amp
and from Hebrews 13:5 on happiness.
A time was spent in prayer,
Coffee and tea were served by Anna
Schaurwater and Joan Finlayson. Laura
Dahmer conducted the craft work time..
#emelt enjoyed the meeting and time of
Joeh Erneat was a patient in Walkerton
Mrs. Delbert Hedley and Karen int
Sal zrday at Kim visiting with Mr.
and. Mrs. 'Howey and children
Paddy Redly spent theweek-end -in
Ripley with Mr. and Mrs Michael
Weans da Night Mke„d
Men's high se land triple went 'Bowulia .
Gerald Rhody with 275 and 697
Marie Scott took the high 'single and.
triple for the ladies with 197 and 516.
Games over 200 Harold Errington 213, .
Gerald Rhody 208, 275, 214, Bev McNay
217, Atone Van Osch 237, Ralph 'Vibert
240, Brian Van Oseh 237 and 'Joe Agnew, .
218. :•
Team standings: Squirrels 222,. Chip-
munks 221; Tigers 207, Kangaroos 197,
Wolverines 181, Gophers 162. .•
Town and Conn .
Evelyn Henderson was h lady with
singles of 229 and 160 for a double 389.
Fraser McKinnon once again rolled
high for the men with st'_single 197.and a
double 319.
-Gaines 150 and over: Fern McDonald
211, 163, Anne Anderson 166, 160, Mary
Levis 169, 156, Joyce Swan 182, Evelyn
Phillips 177, 159,. -Cliff Menary 182, JQhn
McKinnon 169, Gordon Johnstone 168,
Kay Crawford 168, Kay McCormick 168,
Tom Phillips 162, ,Alice Taylor 157, Dave
Sween _152, Bill, Uuldriks 151. .
Team standings: Snowdrops 57, Tulips
52, pansies 52, Crocuses 50, Daffodil 48,
Hya inths 51.
Monday Night Mixed .
Brian. Martyn's 288 took the high e
for the men with Eric Taylor rolling
for the triple, -
Hannah Hartemink took high ladies'
siiigle with 278 and Shani Webb Ziegler
rolled the. triple with 579.
Games over 200: Lucy Miller 207, Don-
na Pepper 208, Hannah Hartemink 278,
Brian Martyr 268, Fred deBoer 255, Eric
Taylor 242.
Tqams standings: Aces 216, Gutter 9
Balls 206, Head Pins 197 1/2, Spares 195
1/2, Five Pins ;193, Strike Outs 191.
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