HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-02-28, Page 12Page 12.-Ludisow Sentbsel, Wedatidoty, February 214 1*1 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT BOARD, IN THE MFW R OF the Environmental Aseesament Act, RS.Q. IO ci4O,tia enianded, and gm figUistiOns IN THE MITER OF the initervenor Funding Proiect Act wes, at). voes, C,71; -and- MINE Ammar Clan Underlakkig by Ontario Hyde, Consiating nts Pwgram in respect et activities aisoCialled with meeting future electricity regolibinents in Ontario,. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • TAKE NaricE MOW A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD TO CONSIDER ONTARIO HYDROS PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR MEETING FUTURE ELECTRICITY REQUIRE- MENTS IN ONTARIO, AND Rows) MATTERS. ANDTAKE NOTICETHAT IF YOU DO NOT AMEND a THE HEARING OR MAKE A • WRITTEN REPRESEMATION, THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT BOARD MAY PROCEED VOITH THE HEARING IN YOUR ABSENCE AND YOU WILL NOT BE ENMLED TO ANY FURTHER NOTICE IN THESE PROCEEDINGS. PLEASE mow THIS NOTICE CARES:ULM " YOU AMY BE AFFEQTED BY THE °(JTOW QF THIS HEARING. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Ontario Hydroas published a Demand/Supply Plan Report setting out proposals to ensure that a continuing reliable electricity supply is provided in Ontario, That Report, and its Environmental Analysis, have been submitted for review under the Environment& Assessment Act. Each alternative Demand/Supply Plan include: • management of the demand for electricity; • non-utility generation; • rehabilitation and retirement of generating stations; • redevelopment extensions and new developments at eleven hydraulic generation sites; • the purchase of electrical power and energy from Manitoba; and, • new fossil and nuclear generation. The approval being requested is set out in Chapter 19 of the Demand/Supply Plan Report, and pertains to: • , • a)the otwirement and rationale fpr transmission in Ontario to incorporate purchases from Manitoba; and, b) them rregikagtanantjenate for specified generation • and transmission facilities, including nuclear, fossil and hydraulic generation. The approval requested in this application relates only to the regebrnent and rationale for additional facilities. Site- specific issues and construction approvals will be the subject of future applications, LOcations to be considered for new facilities will include at least those locations shown on the map included in this notice, as well as additional locations which may be identified following siting studies. • Additional radial transmission facilities would be required to connect new generation Into the power system. The transmission connections required for each of the altematiVe generation sites are set out in the Environmental Assessment documentation. A copy of the Demand/Supply Plan'Report rnay be obtairsild from: Mr. C.L. Taylor Community Studies and Public Hearings Department Ontario Hydro Room H19 D12 700 University Avenue TORONTO, Ontario M5G 1X6 Tel. (416) 592-3393 (collect) REVIEW MIK ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The Minister of the Environment has: a) instructed Mat a review be prepared of the Environmental Assessiaent, pursuant to Section 7(1Xa) of the EnvironmentalAssesiment ,4ct; and, b) required that the Environmental Assessment Board hold • a hearing in respect of the matters set out in Section 12(2Xc), (d) and (e) of the Environmental Msessment Act. Upon completion, the Review of the Environmental Assessment will be made public. A Notice advertising the completion of the Review will be published by the Minister • in or about June, 1990. • . POWERS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT BOARD The purpose of the Environmental Assessment Board Main Hearing is to enable the Environmental Assessment Board to make a decision regarding: i) the acceptance or amendment and acceptance of the environmental assessment; ii) whether approval to proceed with the undertaking in • respect of which the environmental assessment was submitted, should or should not be given; and, iii) whether the approval mentioned in clause (ii) should be given subject to terms and conditions and, if so, the provisions of such terms and conditions. TIME AND PLACE OF PREUMINARY HEARING ' The Environmental Assessment Board will convene: AT: Hearing Room 1, 2nd Floor, 5 Park Home Avenue, North York (at North York Civic Centre subway stop) ON: 4 April, 1990 AT: 9:06 a.m. for the purpose of dealing with oregmlea, ry and procedural !natters, including, but not necessarily restricted to: a) identification of the parties; b) identification of issues; c) arranging for the exchange among parties Of documents relevant to the issues; d) establishing a procedure for filing witness statements; e) the schedule for the hearing; aref, 1) setting and announcing the dates and location(s) for the presentation of evidence to the Environmental Assessment Board. • NO EVIDENCE OR OPENING STATEMENTS VALI. BE GIVEN At THE PREUMINARY HEARING. FUNDING FOR INTERVENORS A PARTY IN THIS PROCEEDING MAY APPLY TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT BOARD PURSUANT TO PART I OF THE INTERVENOR FUNDING PROJECT AC7; 1988, FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING. At the Preliminary Hearing on 4 Apri1,1990. the Board will decide which persons who have applied for party or intervenor status will be granted such status and the Board will set a deadline for receipt of applications for funding for those pOrsons granted status. ONLY THOSE PERSONS WHO ARE GRANTED STATUS AS A PARTY OR AN INTERVENOR WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING. . Following the Board's determination of which persons will be granted party or intervenor status, a Funding Panel will be appointed under the Intervenor Funding Project Act, 1988. In accordance with the criteriaset out inthat Act, the Funding Panel will consider the funding applications and will determine whether, to whom, and in what amounts funding will be granted to the intervenors and parties whaapplied for funding. • At the completion and publication of the Review by the to determine the dates, times and location for the Hearing as it proceeds, The Environmental Assessment Board • accepts collect calls. A toll-free information number will be available during the Hearing to provide pre-recorded information as to the status of the proceedings. Notice : of the time, date and location of the, Main Hearing will also appear in various Ontario newspapers at least one month in advance of the commencement of the Main Hearing. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Environmental Assessment Board will give notice of its decision and - reasonstiy placing them in the record of public hearing. DATED at Toronto this 15th day of February, 1990. "James Curren" • Board Secretary (Pour obtenir une copie du present avis en frangais, comMuniquer avec le secretaire de to Commission au (416) 323-4806.) Sae -specific Issues and construction approvals will be the subject of future applications. Locations to be considered for new facilities will Include at least the foltowing: M1011411 Wm( JAMES BAY M. Kw/ \09— 4*..4V• \mar Sudbury 1 '94, LAKE HURON ) • HYDRAULIC 1 Little Jacklish 2 Moose River Basin Sites 3 Big Chute 4 Sir Adam Beek 5 Lake GibsOn NI NUCLEAR 6 DarPngton 7 BILICO III FOSSIL 8 Lennox I) Hearn • 10 Lakeview . 11 Nanticoke •s 12 Larnbton 13 J.C..Keith UNDEVELOPED SITES (NUCLEAR OR FOSSIL) A14 Wesleyville ow 15 Nonh Channel Siting Zone r:o Sawn RAw Nikon R4er Manitoba Purchase Incorporation vc-c-‘44 (North Ontario Transmission Expansion) rm Potential racial transmission r62-4— to Incorporate new generation Minister Snvironment. the Board may reconvene the Preliminary Jaring to identify any additional persons who may then wish to seek status as parties or intervenors and to set another deadline for receipt of applications for funding for those persons granted such status on that occasion. Those applications will also be determined by the Funding Panel in accordance with the criteria set out In the Intervenor Funding Project Act, 1988. • • IF YOU INTEND TO SEEK STATUS AS A PARTY OR INTERVENOR AT THE HEARING - If you intend to seek status as a party or an intervenor at the Preliminary Hearing whether or not you intend to apply for intervenor funding, you are asked to complete the enclosed registration form and forward it to the Board Secretary by 13 March, 1990. You should also obtain the Environmental Assessment Board's Rules of Practice from the Office of the Environmental Assessment Board at 2300 Yonge Street, Suite 1201, Toronto, Ontario, M4P 1E4 (telephone: (416)323-4806; fax: (416)323-4997). IF YOU DO NOT INTEND TO SEEK STATUS AS A PARTY OR INTERVENOR if you do not wish to participate in the Preliminary Hearing but do wish to receive a copy of the Environmental . Assessment Board's Order resulting from the Preliminary Hearing, telephone collect (416)323-4806 or complete the encloSed registration form and mail it to the Board Secretary. • ,• It is your responsibility to contact the Board Secretary r REGISTRATION FORM 11you wish to participate In me PrelimlnarY and Main Hearings Or if you WW1 to receive copies of all Orders and Decisions of the Environmental Amassment Board. please complete 101 form and mail it by 13 March, 1990 to: . Board Secretary Environmental Assessment Board 23001bnge Street, Suite 1201 Toronto, Warta PUP 1E4 Please algid the Bored with its scheduling for the Hearings by providing the following Inforinattion (placing a check mark In each applicable box): NAME: ADDRESS: POSTAL'CODE. TELEPHONE: DAY ( •) • EVENING ( ) 01 Intendlo melte submiesionon prOceduralmstlem itthePreliminesyHeeting. 01 intend 10 make a whittle/on .1 11* Main Heartng. 0 Even though 1 do not wish to take an active peal in the proceedings. I nevertheless wish to receive took* of ail Orders and Decisions of the Ertrironrnarital Assessment Board. Olinlendto apply for intervenor funding. My interest in the Hearing relates to: The extent to shish I Intend to Odic/Pato Is: