The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-02-28, Page 4Page at —Ledamow sestimoal, ►eeafiiiiaiir , FtainlsrX ,1 N
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Thomas Thompson — Advertising Manager Subscriptionrates advance:
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Letters:- to -the editor welco e,
please sign your name
It lottaito rho editor woe retained by The Sentlhrerl thiswweek, express-
karts a poini of ole w of that reader. Unfortunately.. that letter •wall not
be •paubllshed (for now) because the writer did not senna fit to include
his/laser moms, stating It was his/her .privilege to do so.
Unsigned letters. to the editor will, not be published. A writer may use,
o ps.udonym, however, the, real note. of the writer 'must bei On filo. In
the. event anotherreader., a lls'r.qusatlryi the name of the writer.. it will'.
b. roleasad.
• Some l eters May Ise 'Meant ,for th. eidltor's eyes only. if so. - simply
put on the' litter 'not dor pubileatlon", but .plteasana sign your' name, A
' signature on any letter adds credence to the writ r's,vtewpoleet.
• th aetly. a call .was received, at the office questloning why a certain,
matter had not been coverall in The f ontin.I. Measlier was put 'on hold
ears t;.was'at that moment sornporarily busy. 1 believe:it took rine ea little •
loeg. r than would ba considered necessary tweet to the caller. When
1.did°the contioction was broken. i was unable to .aneFwsr the caller's ques-
tion. having, no noniep or phone, number. '
Letters to the editor aro always wee oma , providing theist' are not
libelous, but please raneenibe r, sign your name and includea phone'
number for verrlficeition.
If :you prefer to speak to Me Ina; ptrson,you- aro weilcome to call the
offi_es or drop in'. if rot unavallabl.," please leave your name and phone.
eterinber Mid i will pit beanck` to yau.
The,t+sirllsr of "Rain..,eVeek's lertteris woleomo to drop In and.sign it; at:
.which their', ° It Williepublished.: (P.LQ') •
What ar
Remember, old folks are :worth a .for-
tune - with silver in their lair,. gold in
their teeth, stones in their kidneys, lead
:in their feet and gas in their, marks,
have become a little older= since TM*
you last and a few changes have come
into my life ,...era , I .have become a
frivolous old gal.
• I am seeing' five gentlemen ever* day.
As soon as I,wake up,IViI1 Power helps
sine getout of bead► Then l go to see Joim.
Next, Charlie .Horse • comes' along and
when he fs •.here he takes a lot .of my
time and attentiofi:..When he leaves, Ar-.
thur Ricks shows up and su ys the rest of
rs worth'?
the day. He doesn't like to stay in one
place very long; so he takes me from
joint to joint. After such a busy day, I'm
really tired and glad to go• to bed with
Ben Gay. -What a life!- Oh yes, I'm ani o
flirting with A1,Zymer.
P.& The preacher tame to call the
other day. He,'said .that at my age I
should be thinking about the hereafter. I
'told him, "Oh I do, all the time. No mat-
ter where I am, in the parlour, upstairs,
in the kitchen or down m the basement,
I. ask myself - .now what am I here
(This article was admitted by a Sentinel
subscriber for reading pleasure)
Rambler's a "pig"
I'm eeasldered a ` "; I work with a
`deg" and a i " and live with wa
l y" and a "roster". Dont panic,
I'm not slinging rood on my co-workers
and family, stringy referring to them the
kind of wind repreeenting their birth
date. Last week my lunch group
celebrated the Were Year. Mk is
the year of the hoarse for Chinese folk.
A look at a *mere ashnik guide,
contained is a questionable
elicited the f�owing information about •
those bom under the sign of a horse:
they are carlog, considerate with
a loved of freedom and
They avoid arguments and ving a
calming influence en °theta sad are often
sought . out for advice. They are advised
to speak up this year to get what they
want; stay cautious in business or finan-
cial dealings; be °peen about feelings, and
problems resolve themselves, he are
remindedto take care of fo patnsioierci awe and
to keep in shape.
My animal sign. was ironic in my opi-
nion. Having recently left the ""
business, 1 was not enamored with being
associated with such an animal. Accor..
ding to the astrological sign pigs trot
through. life effortlessly because their in-
telligence makes things easy for them.
by Pat .Livingston
They prenkr gilts and teed to be allow to
take others into their Vie. We are
coneklered very energetic, but can also
be rattiness and slow to recover from
failures. Pigs are deep thinkers who en -
challenges and die jobs and in::
often. We are easitlr award good
looking. For me as a ` ' the year of
the horse will be quite. 'fteift pigs Will
•be called upon to make career moves.
And I thought pigs were stud!
Originally I had thought of ay
with, orareas of my
hor'oecopeesecond thou& I decided
not to. Afterall I would either appear to
be blowing my own horn or , being
• modest.
My 'main concern is that the pig,
monkey and rooster live happily together
.and the pig, dog and rabbit work produc-
tively together.
PUBLIC `SPEARING FINALISTS at . Lucknow Central • Public School include in the
back row, Atesha Moffat (left) and Melissa Brindley, In the intermediate `division. •
>Junior � ) is the front row are Shelley Johnston (left) and Ean Moffat. (Pat Liv•
• -February2
UPS AND DOWNS, On Sunday afternoon
a couple of our town ladies decided that
they would be the better of some fresh
air and. exercise so decided on a tramp,
their objective being the 12th Con. of
Ashfield. Instead of talking about
spiritual matters as one might expect on
the day, they counted the pitch holes in
the road, and declare the number from.
Finlayson's corner to the 12th to 76; and,.
of course, they encountered t'6 holm (the
same ones) on their return, maidng 152
which they bobbed into and out of. How
much farther they travelled thanthe at -
tusk distance would require a mathepnnatt-
chinn ,to figure out. mese brave ladies
were at church inn .the evening apparent-
ly none the worse for their many ups and
downs. • •
50 Years :ago
-February 29, 1940
The twenty-two members of the Lucknow
Trail. Rangers werethe guests of Major
E.R: Dixon at the Bennett Barracks at
Listowel on Wednesday, where they spent
an enjoyable and instructive afternoon.
Major Dixon was to haveaddressed the
Trail Rangers at their last meeting, but
was unable to be present, and in tender-
ing his apologies, invited the gov to
visit and inspect the barracks pi Wm. -
day. The Lucknow party saw the troops
drilling, and were later luncheon.guesttt.
m the Officer's mess.
The Rangers were in charge of Rev.
Mentor, _ r Greg'
Leith, with
Phillip eidinpSt,
Jack Wand Rear. Todd g
sportatitan for the oath*.
SIDY • AMOUNT TO 4210 -The budget
buttermilk. The
east a Vaag truck stele hrtd and
collided with the plow damaging it from
the front fender back to the box. In do-
' ingso, it punched ahole in the gas tank
and gas leaked into the exhaust of the
When the plow driver Carl Weber shut
off the key of the truck, it backfired and
the dripping gas ignited and a gas fire
resulted. Carl and the wingman Donald
MacIntyre of the 2nd of Kinloss township
were able to escape from the burning
vehicle through the right door. The milk
truck was driven by Archie McCartney of
Lucimow Fire Department was phonM
from the fawn of Lorne Wall and
the run in Masud conditions, iitions, The truck
was beyond saving when firemen arrived.
brought down recently in the Provincial
subsidy to munic� from 1 1/2 milts
to 1 mill. The mill reduction means
a loan of revenue locally in the amount of
approximately 2200.00 •
25 Years ago
March 8, 19:5
ACCIDENT -A milk truck -snow plow •col-
Halon last Friday montinng in front of
Alfred Patterson's gate on highway 86
east of Lucknow did an estimated $20,000
damage, .mainly to the Department' of
h�►ays vehicle.
truck was proceeding west to
Lucknow where it was "to pick up a load