HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-02-14, Page 8Page $ .-ALucluww se.Ri.ey weir, FeIorary 14, aiM$
Grade one and two celebrate the lOOth day of school
By Grasp 3/4 • balloons, blew 100 bubbler with chewing
gum, estimated 100cm and 1110 footsteps
and best of all ate 100bwhich
Sharon Keith's mom for the
celebretiun, It was really something to
see 100 candles all bating at the same
We would like to welcome Steven Hare
to -our class. He comes to us from Kit
, Valerie Vasine had her tonsils out
and everyone hopes she feels better.Hal-
i -ley Sitars was our Super Star this week.
Grade 2/3
Grades Two/Three are delighted that
Jamie Aubie as the Library Lotto winner
this week. We have been busy rising to
some wonderful speeches. Most students'
took part, mid tried) their very best.
Ainsley Colwell and JaimeJones are the
brave students that will represent our
Blass next Wednesday in the gym.
• Grade 3/4
The Grade Three/Four class was thrill-
ed to be declared the winners of the
"Garbage -free lunch" contest when all of
the garbage was collected after each
lunch each student averaged only 4.
grams, (tile equivalent' of four pen caps)
of waste.
..The students divided into groups of four
andhad. to. try and, come up with a way
to save an ice cube. The ideas which the
groups tried were very creative. Shredd
The artee
lrhili en ti about winter
birds and we are making a winter bird
booklet, After we .Made our snowman
books we shared them with Many of the
other classes. We are excited about
knowing our numbers up to 10. Alan, this
week, we counted by 10's to 100. On Fri-
riday the class enjoyed some homemade
bread that Katherine and her mom
Grade 1
The Grade One class has been very
buy making Valentine .books, and lear-
ning Valentine wards. Birthday people
this month are, Sarah Morrison and
Thora Cooper, Grade One enjoyed being
entertained by the band last Friday in
the. gym. •
Grade 1/2
The Grade One and Two class enjoyed
getting. ready for and, celebrating the
100th day of school. They made a 100
word dictionary. A pattern book of the
most exciting things that happened in the
last 100 days, shared „collections' of 100,
made 100 hand prints, trade 100 valen-
tines, and tookthemto the Nursing
Home. We also counted .100 kernels of
"torn andthen popped them, read the
book "101 Daltrtations", blew up 100
ed newspapershavings, stryafosm, tin
foil, containers were some of the
ftems used In the contort. Carrie Lynn
Cooper,ry ti ang, Nick
Mang, psi ckkJed
their ice cubes se that it melted last.
They wrapped it in plastic, pink insula-
tion and an insulated box.
Congratulations. 4/p
The Grade Four/Five class has started
a unit that is just out of this world! They
are learning all about the solar system
and even creating some of the planets..
The hockey sticker club has been busy
a cing hockey stickers and filling their
Grade 5/$
We are doing to our E.S. projects on
Birds of Prey in our area.
Friday was the last day with our
Grade One and Kindergarten reading
buddies. We had lots of fun. On Monday
we will finish our unit on fractions. We
await the Science Fair and hope we can
produce, good projects. We have four
speeches in our class. We have had a
good month. Happy Valentine's Day from
Grade 5/6,
ecJai Education
Education class is enjoying.
Now is the iimeio renew yoar •
Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS*)
Renewal application kits
have been mailed to
everyo id who receives the
Guaranteed Income •
Supplement. If you°have
already returned your
completed application, it is
now being processed. If
approved, your payments
will continue in April.
If you have not . returned your
application, you should do so
today in order to avoid
interruption in your
payments. When applying,,
please remember to:
• fill out your renewal
--application completely;
• include all the necessary
income information;
I+1 Health and Welfare Santo et aten4tte sCciat
■ return your renewal
application in the self-
addressed envelope
elfaddressedenvelope by .
March 31, 1990.
If you did not receive your
renewal kit, or if you want
more, information, contact
your nearest Income Security
Programs office. The
telephone number and
address are in the
government listings of the
telephone book under
"Health and Welfare Canada,
Income Security Programs."
*The Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) is
an income -tested, monthly benefit for Old Age
Security pensioners with limited income apart
from the Old Age Security pension..
CaI lid.
«ring for and admiring several kinds of
green plants. Most students are giving
extra effort to finish their assignments
before report card time. They are also
looking forward tothe end of winter and
the approaching holidays.
Grade i/7
This week the Grade Six/Seven's have
been working on the icons. The grade
sixes have been working on type away to
improve their typing skills. The grade
sevens have been wording on making pic-
tures and .facts for their history
assignments. Everybody has been busily
working on their science fair projects.
Grade' 7/8. '
Grade Seven/Eight were thrilled to
welcome back Mrs. Forest. She really •
missed us.
We are looking forward to going skiing
at Talisman on Thursday, Feb, 15 with
the grade eight and six/seven classes.
With report cards going home . on
March 2, we have been writing tests+un
history, mathematics, and geography. We
will be happy to. see March
Grad 8
Startingin the near future will be a
unique unit in literature: This study will
take the form of a TV series titled
"Brothers by Choice". As a critical au-
dience, we hope to gain a better
understanding of `Visual literature". This
is also 'the time of year for oµr annual.
alpine ski experience at Talisman Moun-
tain. Resort near Kimberley, Ontario. We
hopethat the weather co-operates.
Mrs. Mad/gyre spent three days at the
Ontario School Library Association Con-
ference (O.S.L.A.) in Toronto. She attend-
ed many informative workshops which
tied curriculum. to the resource centre
Schools are encourged to take advantage •
of the public' library service.
Involving parents as reading' partners
Ls something Mrs. Bell :has done and
helps promote a positive attitude toward '
the value of looks. Publisher.distalis
were hard to resist and Mrs. Maclntyre bought many new books. to share. - . .
Voice. for. Life
members hear
about Ramoth
Life Centre
The February meeting of the Wingham
Voice 'for .Life was held at the home of
Ed and Kelly Skinn Rev. John Vaudry
led devotions with an inspirational song
titled, "Who` Will". This song asks, Who
will stand up for the children, the
children who have no voice?". John Van
den A:ssem welcomed all members.
Terry°Tubmann from the Mount Forest
Crisis Pregnancy Centre informed the
group about the centre's worthwhile ser-
vices. This centre is also called Ramoth.
Life Centre and offers , counselling and
friendship .with a 24-hour hotline. All ser-
vices are completely free of charge and
all matters are treated with confide ntiali-
ty. Mr. Tubtnan has agreed to be the
speakerat the 16th annual Voice for Life
banquet, on April 25, at the St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, Wingham. Tickets
are available from all board members.
The group decided to continue sponsor-
ing radio ads on CKNX FM 102 for
another month. The television ads will
also continue: .
The Southwestern regional group has
chosen a new name - Alliance for Life:
Southwestern Ontario. On July 5,6,7 there
will be a general meeting for all of
Canada held in Ottawa. The next board
meeting is March 5. •