HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-02-14, Page 5L.ei..w w•+w+q.lrMrref 11. 1,115—t+a i Manitoulin Islanders have Kinloss Gentleman offers their say on "so-called" huntersisiamissimmemminam suggestions for reciprocation Dear editor It was with, a mixture of disgust and anger with which we,. read "PrOrterlY owner outraged With; hunters" (Sentinel Jan. ). Pivoted ed with twee buffoons Masquerading as hunters who invaded +acid alarm ply. owned by Mr. and. Uri. SWOPS, who, in the Vint .el dation turned their property into a Wildlife sanctuary; anger at the authorities who are efnpowered to put a halt to this crude and dangerous behayiour,, but didn't. Thele so.calle d hunters who threaten and tem peaceful nature ring' people . shouldn'tbe allowed to carry' .a TO THE EDITOR 11,0110110.1111111110111111111111111111.111111111111111111111 gun lit, let alone a hunting license. We reside on Manitoulin 'sh rd, a vast rural area relmownel for lie wildlife and cloee4nit communities, � here grew Irate roved the toresources. We . ti a Steveee the beet of luck in Or* .efforts. for the suurvival of our quicc iy .disneearing wildlife and its environ- inept, nvironinept, Thant you, Anne Gb Mike Chandler. Writer says offering choice.. leads to :hOUgbtS of approves To the Editor, I :am writing m response to last week's" letter by nursesOberle an Ilobbishu They took exception to my letter :of ' Dec. 1989. The aim"of that letter was twofold: Si* to warn people 'that condom use in the prevention of. AIDS risks death, : a point I believe 18 dverlooi ed; by the general public today, and secondly, to assert that nubile health messages ought not to offer choices that include the pro- babilityof spreading a deadly- disease'. WhilI.agthat what is being tOught; through the health unit is accurate,.1 am convinced that -people still dor not under*, tend the seriousness of the `risks they would take if they followed guidelines, 3 and 4 as presented in Article 4 of the AIDS This Month column mentioned by the nurses.. It is no' myth or misconception that once something has been; offered as a choice it's thought of as being, approved, no matter what qualifiers are attached. People hear the part they want to hear, in this case that the Canadian health establishment endorses the use of con- doms ondoms in controlling the spread of AIDS. What they don't hear is that the use of condoms in intercourse with an AIDS virus carrier is extremely dangerous. It is also no myth. or misconception that as contraceptives have -been made more available to young people there has been an increase m promiscuity. If school boards decide to install condom vending machines no one need be surprised at the increase in' sexual activity among- the students. In their minds it would be .con- doned, even expected of them by the school authorities. A recent World Health Organization report stated that the breakdown of tradi- tional customs, increasingly leading to multiple sex partners is helping to spread AIDS and VD in the developing nations. The same holds true for North America. The apparent endorsement and ready availability of condoms contributes to the breakdown of the custom of abstinence before marriage and fidelity within" it, leading to multiple sex partners, which in turn helps to spread AIDS. The Canadian' Public Health Association which is responsible for the public health. messages brought to us by our local" health unit is held in a position of trust by the Canadian people. I maintain that Drop In Centre hosts shoot and bridge - There were seven tables of shoot and five tables of bridge played at the last Drop In Centre card party. High lady for shoot was Donalda Moffat, low lady Irene Haldenby, high man Tom Culbert, low man Stanley Cooper. Most shoots went to Tom Phillips. A crokinole party is planned for February 20. • their message with regards to protection from AIDS should not include options that will lead to the spread of this killer '. diseag"e.. Sincerely, ;Joanne Nolan Dear Pat: It's mid-February and St. Vg's Day is upon us. We just had one of throe last year, did't we? I think that it's a neat excuse to spend money on perishables to earn a smile. It's a reason to do things for your lady that common sense would have youdo all year. Flowers, a kind word, tloolibtfol ge$ure or gentle touch are the order of the day. But what about equal Warm t oand ' ere bouoc eel slighted if they feel not allowed to reciprocate. I feel they are driog to spend money on us. Flowers are nice, but not what every Hila• wants. Too retch aftershave and cologne might leave him a. tad insecure. The .solution could be seasons ticker: to the Blue Jaya. Bow about a trip tol Florida, or Tahiti, Australia maybe? Don't say that a dozen room can't equate to a world era*. Of _course riot, but think of all the years we have to make up. When's the last • time a man was served breakfast in bed February 14? Was hee taken out to dinner? Wlllingiy? KINLOSS SENTIeDIAN My wife, reeding over my *pokier, su that maybe I was abet. She moteeren to get even ,., er ... make . for ,all the ase -sided goings on at this time of year. She says a breakfast of tacos and wares, beer might, come close to up for the time we mowed on February 14. Then maybe some itch power in . the shorts to compensate for missed Valentine's Days. Poesibiy` some castor oil in the coffee to r going borer. How come I don't remember .all these, inadequacies? . Here's a rose dear. No need to get my anything. Really,, Hiram ASIANSHOULD Ric .4AREFI L h—Not to is etse pact too many. p to keep -Not to expect too much from his money,. no smatter how much he la's. —About choosing the people to whom he will tell his troubles. NEW! :Nieman -Yale line of bathroom and kitchen- sinks, fixtures 'and tubs. Also featuring a complete line of: •Framed Cabinets opining Room Furniture *Full range of Bath!oom • Whirlpools and Tubs KINCARDINE 190 Queen .St., Kincardine 896-7665 (opposite Wilkinson & Kompass) OPEN: Tues -Sat. 10-6 "'Thursdays open 'til 8 pin.