HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-02-07, Page 22,s
Page iuekaow Semi, Why, February 7, Il18
47. Card Of Thanks
I would like to thank everyone for cards,
ry visits and phone cabs while a patient in
Wingbom and University Hospital Wi-
dow Gordon .14011s. -6X
Sine thanks for your thoughtful expes-
iions of d thy is the recent loss of.
our dear i, ' • r, grandmother and great
;grandmother. 'We extend, our deep ap-
jpreciatiou to all our relatives, friends And
neighbours for the cards, floral tributes, ,•
donations ta the MS. Society and food
sentto our homes. Also to Rev. Gerald
McFarlane. for his comforting messages,
the U.C.W. for the lunch served after the
service, Mr. A. Stickings• for the Music
and to . Joan- Pollard for helping' us
through a difficult time. A heartfeltthank
you to Drs. Corrin, Shubat, Beltasiak and
the nurses for their care and many kind-
nesses shown to our Mother. Ken, Ruth
and family, Alice. and family. -6a
I would like to thank everyone for
flowers, .cards, gifts, phone calls and
visits while I. was in Wiegham . and
University Hospital, A special thanks to
Rev. G. McFarlane for his' visits,
Dewayne.- -bar
Words felt to express the comfort and
help my family ,have given me these past •
3 months. Also Rev. McFarland for his
visits and prayers. Each one of you who
visited wrote, phoned or remembered me
in other ways a heartfelt• thank you.
Thanks. to Oncologisand Radiologists in '-
London Victoria. Hospital and to the staff
at'Thameswood Lodge. A special thanks
to Roy Havens. and to a .special person
Margie LoUgheed. Believe me when you
donate to the Cancer Society or Cancer •
research Foundation -your money is -well
used. Edith Webster. -6x
We would like to thank friends and
relatives for the donations of food,
flowers 'and cards, as expressions of sunt
pathy at the time of my brother's death.
Anna May and Vernon Hunter: -6x
We would like to thank all who have
helped us so much during Allister's il-
lness and since the loss of our dear bus
band, father and son. Thank you for Dr.
Hugh Barr, Neurosurgeon, and Dr. David
MacDonald,' London Cancer Clinic,, for
your • medical expertise and guidance,
since 1985. Allister had complete faith in
your abilities. To staff in the various
areas of London Victoria Hospital'.for
your unfailing devotion to making Allister
as comfortable .as possible and for keep-,
ing us informed; to ist floor and 2nd
west staff at Goderich Hospital for your
constant care, encouragement and ad-
vice; to Kingsmills, London and to the
Lucknow Legion for loaning us
wheelchairs; to Dr. Mario Cauchi; to
Darlene from Home Care, to Communi-
ty Nursing Services' and. to Ethel from
Town. and Country Homemakers: 'Your
assistance and cooperation since
Allister's return home on Aug: 18, 1989"
have been greatly appreciated.. We
could not have had him with us without
your help. To Rev. Roberts for your.
visits, down -to earth 'counselling and for
your beautiful funeral service; to
McCallum and Palls Funeral. Home for
your kindness and guidance; to the will-
ing workers for preparing and serving.
the lovely lunch follotvhrg the funeral
Cancer, like other serious illnesses, can
take the form of a" thief.. It Can take one's
ability to earn a diving, deprlee one of
taking part in fun things one enjoys, steal
personal ' dignity, privacy and in-
dependence. We are so grateful that it
didn't steal what we all needed most
these past years and especially these past
few month.To yeti, we owe the biggest
thank you of all for, food.. sent to our
home, for the lovely ' tidy/erg, for
memorial donations, for sympathy cards,
for prayers and for gifts but most .of all
for your visits,for your caring and for
your sharing in the life of our loved one,
right to the end. Thank you, for being`
here when we .needed 'jou, Most. . Carol,.
andLo• me Hasty. -6 Brenda, .and Barb, Mary
147. 'Card Of Thor;
1 would like to thank the nurses on 1st &
21)d floor at the Wingham Holpitat for
their kindness and good care, also to the
Doctors at the Lucknow Medical Centre.
Special thanks to MY family and friends
for their many visits, With, cards, •etc.
Gertrude Leddy-6
.1 would like to express my sincere thank
you to niy relatives, friendat and
neighbours for all of the cards, flowers,
phone calls and visits while I was a pa-
tient at the - Wingham and District
Hoepltal, Thank you also for those who
sent best wishes and food to the house
upon my return, std especially' to the
nursing staff _ of the T.C.U., and Dr.'s
Bekasiak, Corrin, and Omole, Cindy. -6
I . would like to thank all who
remembered me with flowers, cards and
visits during my stay in Wingham
Httspital. Special thanks to the Drs. of the
Lucknow Medical Centre and the nurses
on 2nd .floor, also to Rev. Margaret
Kinsman. I also express my thanks for
kindnesses shown to me at the time of
the passing. of my sister,' Jean Reid,
Wallace "Wilson. --6
48, .Coming Events
Enjoy Old Fashion Country Meals at the.
Kinloss. Community Centre between` 4 and
6 p.m. on February 11, February 25,
" March ' 11 and March 25. Everyone,
wetcome,i-, 6x.
White Carnation Hall, Hoimesville, Satur-
day,February 10. Music by.Tiffins (2n4
, Anniversary . Dance). Dancing 9.L No
jeans please. -6
Tuesday February 13 at 8 p.m. Lucknow
Legion. Hall. Allmembers please
will be held Wednesday, February 7 at 8
p.m: Holyrood .Hall, lunch provided.
Everyone welcome. -6 .
meet in the Lucknow Legion Hall, Mond
day , February .12=12:15 p.m.' Pot luck,
Valentines, cards (prizes). -6x `
Lucknow and District Lions Club, Dabber
Bingo, every Sunday night, Lucknow
Community Centre. Doors open 6:15 p.m.
Bingo at 715 p.m. Air conditioned,
wheelchair accessible.. Potential prize
board over $3,000. $1;000 jackpot on 54
calls or less. $500 must go!—tfnar
A public meeting will be heli Tuesday,
February 13 at, 8 p.m. at Dungannon
Agricultural Hall concerning • the
Dungannon north ball diamond. All
concerned ball teams & residentsare
asked to please. attend. Anyone
wishing more information please con
tact 529-7522 or 529-3175. ' '
Frederick Andrew Bidwell
Frederick Andrew Barkwell, of 552
yea Street, Lucknow, passed away in
Wingham and District Hospital, on
January 30, 1990, in his 72nd year.
Mr. Barkwell was boron on June' 21, 1915
in Asi ftedd Township, a son of the late
Flesman and Agnes (MacTavish)
Backwell, He attended Lochalsh school
and then farmed the family faun in
Ashfield until 1973, He then moved to
Huron Township with his sister, Edna
McDonald, where they farmed until 1.977.
After moving to Lucknow he worked for
Henderson Lumber Ltd., until bis
Many will remember Mr. Barkwell for
his efficient, quiet, unassuming manner,
which made him many friends.
He was a member of the Lucknow
United Church.
Mr. Backwell leaves to mourn his
sister, Edna'McDonald and several
He was predeceased by his parents and
his brother-in-law, John McDonald.
Funeral service was held at MacKenzie:
and McCreath Funeral Home, Lucknow
on February 2, with Rev. G. McFarlane
officiating. Donalda Moffat was organist.
Spring interment in Greenhill
Clarence Ronald Treleaven
Clarence Ronald Treleaven passed
away at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener,
on Monday, January 22, 1890, is. his 68th
Mr. Treleaven was the beloved husband.
of Marjory (Sillib), loving father of
James of Germany, Linda, and her hus-
band James Patterson of • Waterloo.. He
48. Coming Events
Friends andneighbours are 'invited to a
Come and go tea; February 17th 1990
:from 2 p.m. to: 4 pan. in honor of Mrs.
Mrytle Calkins • 80th, 'birthday, at • her
Home, R R 5 Lucknow. Requested by her
daughter, Evelyn. Shelly. Best wishes
only. --6,7x .
Saturday, Feb. 10s Dungannon
Agricultural Hall, Registration 1-2 p.m.
Euchre at 2 p.m. Entrey fee $5.00 per
person, cash prizes $50.00, $40,00, and
$30.00, lunch and special contests. Play-
laying cards, courtesy of DOMTAR.-5,6ar
Goderich Knights of Columbus, Thursdays
7:30 p.m. Saltford Valley Hall, $3200 in
• prizes. $1000 jackpot must go.-5tfar •
tibles Show, .showcasing quality artisans
from Ontario and Quebec, March 8.10,
Metro. East Trade' Centre, Pickering,
Free Ontario brochure and listings. Con-
tact Craftworld/Cryderman Productions
Inc. 019) 351.8344.--5bc
every Tuesday at 7:30 pm Blyth and
District Community Centre, $300 Jackpot
must go. Over $1000 hi ,prizes.-43tf
P:'dej Manor Retirement Haim
Tuesday, February 1324 p.m.
Come and see our new addition on the
main 'floor. Refreshments. Rooms.still
available, reasonable rates.
- I
• r�
will be dearly missed by his grand"
children, Tina and Harry Patterson.
. He is also survived by -his sisters, An-
• na May and her husband, Vernon Hunter
of Lucknow, Beatrice and her husband,
Larry Tremain of ertville and Gwen-
dolyn Parker of W Ontario.
Mr. Treleaven was predeceased by his
parents • Bert and Amelia Treleaven,
. sister Eileen Curran and brothers -in -.law,
Jack Curran and Tom •Parker.
The funeral service took place at
Highland Road United Church on January .
24. Interment will be later at Greenhill
Cemetery, Lucknow.
Elwood Austin Solo16uin
Elwood Austin Solomon passed away at
Abbotsford, British Columbia on January
24, 1990, in his 75th, year. Mr. Solomon
was born in Lucknow on. February 28, .
1915, a son of the late Austin and
• Margaret Solomon.
He is survived by his. wife Vera; four
sisters, Muriel Wilcox of Syracuse, New
York, . Marjorie Solomon of Lucknow, . .
Alma Haller of King City, and Beryle;
nephews, Steve Marshall, Chris and
Henry . Wilcox and one niece, Jennifer
Mr, Solomon was predeceased by his.
brother Murvin.
Cremation took: place at Abbotsford,
by Loraine McGuire
Congratulations , to Judy ,and. Gerald •.
Colling, who recently became nem grand-
parents to a little boy • born to •Darlene
and John McIntosh of R. 3, ;Lucknow. • •';
Our • deepest sympathy goes out to
friends and relatives of Andrew Backwell,
who passed away suddenly on. Tuesday
evening, January 30, in Wingham
'Hospital. Mr. Barkwell farmed for many
years in, the Lochalsh area and was a,
member of the Olivet church: A number.
of years ago he moved to Lucknow •`and
made his home with his sister, 'Edna
An. 80th• birthday party is planned for •
Myrtle Calkins, on February 17, in the
form of .a come' and go tea. Watch the
paper for further announcem\nts.,
Mary Black, Anna Dexter of Lticknow,.,
Lorraine ; McGuire of Olivet and. Dorothy
Engel of Pine River left last Thursday
morning by plane for Florida, where they
will be enjoying the warm weather for
three weeks. :
• rsztu..,
PAUL ZINN 528.2411,
ALVIN ROBB 3954174
WARREN ZINN 528.3110
RIVER: PROPERTY 3 bedroom, 11/2 storey
stone/stucco home, 24 x 28 workshop, Nine Mile
River plus large dug pond. Reduced to $79,900.
COUNTRY LOT with St. Helens creek; .8 acre,
48 x 40 shop, perfect site for dream home.
LUCKNOW"- 3 bedroorn bungalow with finish-
ed basement, all new windows, central vac,
Main floor laundry, quiet location. *88,000.00. .
baths, 28 x 56 shop,.4large bedrooms, 24 x 27
deck small creek. •
2.5 ACRE LOT • close to town, 30 x 30 shed
excellent building site.
• HURON TWP. - Solid 3'bedroom home,100
acres, 97 workable, ,1/2 drained, bank barn,
2 steel; barna, set up for hogs/veal, 40 x 60
steel shed, *139,900.
95 ACRES - 4th Ashfield, drained, all
workable. .
99 ACRES • Ashfield, 9 mile river flows
through, 75 workable, 40 x 70 barn, 20 acres
200 ACRES pasture; partially drained, well fenc-
ed, 130 acres cleared, Asking !110,000.
ASHFIELD 100 acres cash crop, drained at60
ft. level.
100 ACRE FARM - 3 bedroom home, 3
:barns, driving shed, 97 workable, Huron Twp.
$130,000. .
garage, move in Condition, 1,100 so: ft,
SIbESPLIT - 3 bedroom with garage, new
Carpets, well decorated,quallty boilt home.