HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-02-07, Page 2128. Business Opportunity Nintendo We are rteilleto+els~ed, east, .efficeen i`wee kly rotation. You select your inventory. Catania wid' e: 1. Fax (204)231.11 ROOFING SALES Full or Part-time. 86 Year old, international company offers ex- cellent xcellent int sales opportunity. Fill line ur roof coatings, single plytt11, Owing and tosphalt mail ince tiro- ducts, .Good tech Minn* and train .. .7•r^te:ConSolidated Coatings Cornoration Ltd., 30 Bradford Street, Unit -10, Barrie, Ontario, LON 6S7, Department A 1, EXCELLENT ADD-ON to Toning/Tann. ing/BeautY Salons. R Laser smuking/weight loss programa Weight & Cellulite redwing Praducta New do used facial toners!,, , toning Woe. Spring pridng - SC Marketing, ( 9) 65 1.- 4bc BUSINESS OPPOR'TUNITY.: Dealers.:a l sales agents wanted for Polar Bear. Water Distillers. Full Or part-time.. Ex - celent income possibilftles. Phone Jack Moore collect at 010) 654-081, : Kitchener:--3bc 129. Tenders, FOR `BALE BY TENDER 14 year old 24' x 50' aluminum sided bungalow style 3 tied rooln Moults with electric baseboard heaters and wood tut - mice with air ducts. Souse to be remind from let by Day 3/90: Funpayment for hehuse M be received by April 1/90. Tenders to be submitted to J.A.'Porter Holdings (Lucknow) Ltd. by March 1190. For further Information plisse call (519) 528-3537 between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5p.m. Any or all tenders not necessarily accepted. Mall tenders to: J.A, Porter Holdings• (Lucknow) Ltd. R.R. #1 Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2H0 TOWNSHIP OF ASHFiELD Sealed Tenders, clearly marked as to Con- tents, will be received by the undersign- ed until 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, February20th, 1990, for pushing in the Ashfield Township waste disposal site When required: Please specify: 1) Hourly nate including moving charges 2) Horsepower of .equipment intended to be used Lowest or . any ander not necessarily accepted. —ALSO— • Sealed Tenders, clearly narked as to con- , tents, will be received by .the undeinigii ad until 4:30 p.m. Tussiay, February 20th, ; . 1990, for rental of appretdreetely 34 scree of Township farmland foisted at Int 10, Concession a, Eastern Division. ' Enquiries may be directed to: Linde B. Andrew .A.M.C.T.A. Clerk -Treasurer • R.R. #7, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2110 529-7303 131. Service. Directory i EXTRA INCOME! We train you to grow big baitworms in your 'basement, garage or shed. Odorless operation. Low invest- ment.Market guaranteed! Free informa- tion. Early Bird Ecologhy, R R 1, Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0,. (416) 643-4252. Chatham Kent Bait Fern, R R 7, Chatham, Ontario, NMI 5S7, (519)683-2468. Kumari Bait Farm, Box 69, Camden East, Ontario KOK 130 (613 )378.0023.-6bc SEVEN NEW TONING TABLES. 00,000. 5/yr. guarantee. Digital timers. Futrex 5000 fitness computer $1,500. Col nplete body wrap kit $1,250. Tone "0" Matic Canada Ltd. 1.800'6675825.--6btf "Y1 31,. Service Directory Rt1C21 AND FAMOUS, SWltimillkn dollar 'national farm seeks 2 representatives in your anent. Candidates. selected can earn to $2,000 weekly. Individuals applying be available Immediately for Placement. Call. (416) 751-2111 or (411) 756.7796 for your confidential ilerview.!lib ' LOVE LINGERIE? for extra in- come;. or an full.time job? Call Canada's largest lingerie homey com- pany,. nen en an Pia 's sow.' Call, (519) '273-531 or 1-800-265-8541 t lost-�Ibc HEARING AID SERVICES for year con- venience at Elmer .Umbadt'PJi.rtn ecy every led Monday through winter, 10 a.m.-Span. . Pietrek Hewing Aid Sp Hillside iRQ techurrcb) 3074326. :. February 40 and. March 5.--,7,01,0 THE LADIES AUXILIARY of the Lucknow and District n school will 'be .glad to look after your catering needs no Metter whit shit, For lion contact • Margaret Vandevaart• 396.3617 or Gordo aroma '529.71.--06x NOT ENOUGH TIME? Handyman will do wi ring,. Pluinhing, drYwall & n ' painting, rec. •rooms ,6r , bara, removal, _etc., Reasonable rates, flexible hours. Call anytime day or evening 528.3039, leave message 528244-5,6,7w A BETE , TAX RETURN! The best way to getit is. with. TaxGnard. When we prepare your tax return, you'll receive every break coming to you. You'll pay the least tax possible. Home appoint- meats available nowt Call Toll Free: 1-800.265.1002. Farm Business Consultants - your , farm tax experts for 37 years! --The PHOTOCOPYING.L-The LUcknow.Sentinel- now does photocopying. Drop in and see us or call 528-2822 for details.-44tfna SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - lawn and garden, 'concrete, automotive, mov- ing, pai!ting, leaning, sanders, power tools, mach more. 1)oupes Equipment Ltd., 3 miles East of Kincardine on No. -9 highway. 395.2685..-42tfar PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & Appliances Service.Dependable repairs to Ill makes and models of Major appliances. Phone 1-887-9062. 42tfar REFRIGERATION AND Appliances Ser- vice - rebuilt appliances; cash for your used •appliances. Call Lucknow Appliance Centre, 528•2946. 4tiar AUCTIONEER . -SERVICE,. . Grraiht'. McDonald, 'Ripley; Wallace. Ballagh, Teeswater. Licensed Auctioneer, Sales of A11.. Types. Phone Ripley ' 395-5353, Teeswater 392.6170.^tfar CUSTOM SE vg LNG _ and • alterations, reasonable 'rates. Call. Rutir:Ritchie at. 53141 ordrop in at 471 Wolsley Street,. Lucknow.---JW. SEE US FOR YOUR .STARTER, alter nator, generator and regulator needs. Albrecht Auto Electric, north of Whitechurch. Phone 3574495. lltfnar SNOWDEN 'INSULATI d Naw Arilabh 'BLOWN IN CELLULOSE • Sprayed on Urethane Fawn Agricultural, Indireittrlal, Raid ntlal, Commercial FREE ESTIMATES CML TODAY R.R. Lue:knsw 528-2129 Mother 't .Knows Best. qv CI) ep 110,1 0•11arst7� r/p� `►`' .... MMS, NIW111111N1y • FITTED CLOTH DIAPERS Laurie Alton LUCKNOW;,528-3229 • wqr 41.1 .,e vr. t L r. J " .. ~t��J- +r • Ir * �•t Loeb., Sestikad, Wodlosaily, 114htesty 71.118.•—P *1 I39. Educortionai 31. Service Directory JOH$. fCKEY CONSTRUCTION *Waw .Construction 9101,11**mard giontovaidena Window *Peas and Door* Mkat Trion Work ` *flaplirrg *Fenn Onifdings Licensed emplanes atter 6 p.m. i3 Pm' Tart Albin 529-7872 34. Personal CONCERNED about your baby's future? Young loving professional couple with a dream to adopt a family. Give your baby a happy and healthy future, Call Colleen collect (8y7) 475-4266,--6be HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 5246001 or Walkerton 881-3635.-4Otf WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond wit unattached Christian people, ogee 180, the object being companionship or mar- riage. Write: ASHGROVE, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., Von IMO.--6bc Do you know how to reduce the risk of getting AIDS? Practise safe sex. Get the facts. Let's Talk: Call the Ontario Ministry of. Health AIDS Hotline 1 -800 -668 -AIDS 1, 36. Announcements APL'43CATIONS will be recieved for graving steels 500.700 lbs. on the Bruce Community Pastore Farm for the 1990 season: Applications will also be reciev ed for heavy cattiee.600.I1001bs. For the months of May, June and July. Entry fee -$4.00 pe r head to accompany *Wild'. tion. Gracing fees 25 cent per 'Ib..Applica- -tion forms available from Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Box •1330, Walkerton,, Ontario NOG 2V0 -telephone -881-3301 pr 1-800-265-3023. Application deadline March 16th -6,7. ANYONE wishing to rent the Dungannon Agrucultural Hall please contact Karen Matheson. at 5293175 anytime.--5,6ar UNCLAIMED PHOTOS. Do you have an unclaimed' photo at the Sentinel. We think you'd like to have them back, but we can't keep then indefinitely. Please drop in to our office and reclaim your photo soon.•m•32tfnx 1390 Educational LEARN AUC,TYONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auc- tioneering Newt class: February 1047/89. For information contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. 5 Woodstock, Ontario, . N4S . 7V9 (519)537.2I15.-44bc YOUR FUTURE starts w tb..Tri County Truck Driver in 1978, job search amistnnee available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. 1�mistime. on approved cr�btt. 440 .—c FREE 1900 guide to study -at-home cor- respondence Diploma courses for careers; Accounting, Aircort•" diti • . ' . , Boo�g, Business, Secrestary, frsYChologx, Travel,• Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West,. Toronter 1.811 117$-1Ibc '1 140._ Lost & Found STRAYED- one herford, two limos In. heifers, 601 lbs, last seen West division, Ashfield Township con. 10-11, lot 1, 'sat Monday, February 5th, call 529.7316 Chester r to t. --.lac 44. Engagements F NT0N OYI,E Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Fenton of RR 1 Belgrave, and Leona Boy1e and the late Raymond Boyle of RR 2 Auburn wish to annowlce the forthcoming marriage of their children Heather Anita to Bernard The marriage to take place, F 17th, 1990 at St. A Catholic Church, 'Reception to f ow in Lucknow at 9 pin. -•6 i 6. in Memoriam FOESTER In loving • memory of . our dear father Williams Forster who passed away three years ago, February 6, 1987 and our dear mother Mary Forster who passed away 36 years. ago January 6, 19M. Those we hold most dear never truly leave us, They live on in the kindness they show- ed, the comfort they shared, And the love they brought• into our lives. • Deep in ourjiearts their memoryis kept. To love, and to cherish and never forget. Always remembered with love• by their family, --6x 47. Card of Thanks • MACDONALD The family of the late Clarence Mac- Donald would like to thank all the friends and relatives for expressionsof sympathy received at the . time of his passing. Sisters, Sisters in law, Brother in law, and Brother.--exc 1;tEID .' The family of the late Jean Reid wishes to express their sincere appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for their OW 01 sympathy, cards, "floral hi ,and memorial donations.' We', wouldalso like to thank Jona Pollard of Mackenzie & McCreath Funeral Hone for her help and kindness;` Rev. Peggy Kinsman for her help : and comforting words, at the -service; and the ladies of. the Lucknow Presbyterian Church for providing the lunch after the funeraP. Your thoughtfuhiess, sympathy and kind- ness were all very much appreiciated.. •. John K Reid, Dong and Henry Reid and family. --6x . ' DRENNAN • We would like . to thank our friends, - relatives, and neighbours for their many acts of kindness during our recent bereavement. Thank . you for the sym- pathy cards, floral tributes, memorial donations, food brought our home, and the UCW who 'supplied and served the lovely lunch, Special Thanks to Rev. McFarlane for his comforting words and prayers, the choir and Mrs. Shepherd for her music. MacKenzie and MacCreath Funeral Home for their understanding and guidance. Sincere thanks to Dryden Manor and, staff, visits from friends end ' nieces,' medical help and expert care given by Dr. Corrin, Dr. Shubat, Dr. Bekasiakand the nurses of second floor, Wingham Hospital. Everyone's • thoughtfuhiess and kindness will always •: be remembered. Jim & Emily Drennan, Lorraine & Mel Stewart. -6