HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-02-07, Page 15Lareknew Oma, Wednesday, Februarys!, ISIOS—P111011
UCW members discuss what congregation does for poverty.
Lueknow U.C.W. met in the church
parlour January 30 at 2 p.m. Laura Lee
Cayley welcomed everyone present, then
turned the meeting over to Lois Goodhue
and the Citisensihip and Social' Action
committee .who teed the theme "The
Fe rre Face of Poverty"' for the war-
ship service. Kay Collyer read the scrip-
ture, the story of Ruth and Naomi, from
Ruth 1„ verses 1416, following which,
Grace Gibson led in prayer. The Ser.
vont Song" from `'Songs for a -Gospel
People' was sung. Mrs. Elsie Huston
accompanying at the piano. The' offering
was received by Mary Boyle and
dedieated by Mrs. Collyer.
Laura Hare presented the " video "A
Woman Named, Mary" • `which was the
story ofa divorced American. woman
with two children, who had lost faith, in
Grants totalling $1.29 million have been
awarded for International Literacy Year
projects alai to support the : work of adult
literacy practitioners in Ontario, Skills.
Development Minister, Sean Conway, an-
nounced recently,
Many . of theprojects will, be cost-,
shared with the federal government, with
funding from the National Literacy
Secretariat. `
"Literacy training is : everyone's
business," Mr. Conway said. "Business,
labour, community, groups and educators
must join 'with °government to meet the
challenge of reducing. illiteracy
throughout the province." -
Federal Multiculturalism and Citzenship
Minister, Gerry Weiner, said: "Interna=
tional Literacy Year provides an ex
cellent opportunity for all sectors of
Canadian society to work together to
ereate a more literate ; Canada. The
federal government is ;pleased to be able
to work with the government of Ontario
fk, support of projects: that: will, enhance
the work of literacy practitioners
throughout the province during ILY."
The projects include funding for three.
resource centres; a literacy and language
training resource centre in, Toronto for
Invites You To Worship With ihem On
_Sunday. February 1.1, 1990
10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Nursery downstairs mornin8 & afternoon.
Sunday, February 11, 1990
Worship Service 11 AM
Sunday School 11 SAM
Minister: Rev. Gerald McFarlane
Everyone Welcome
Rev. Margaret Kinsman
Sunday School • 9:45 am
Worship Servile - 11:00. am
Everyone Welcome
( 1 .
1-8004263-0750 . .
the hardship acountry.
opseleg' ,
when poor. She met her husband at col-
lege and all went well until he was laid
off and home and
find no work. Poor
home and- left them poor. �r oo1
have no choices. They would like
in en unjust society. Peopte are taught to
give to charity( but it is never enough.
The ladies were then divided into two
groups to discuss their reactions to the
video and what our congregation dos for
poverty In our community. Laura then
made some conte between the
U.S. and Canadian systems and stated
that people on social assistance are not
encouraged to better themselves because
of rules and regulations. She mentioned
that Lucknow needs a Food Bank and
that 'we can help by being there when
The president, Mrs. Cay1ey, then open -
ad the business portion of the meethig
Dy tufty "What is a Housewife" from
a Foster newer. Attendance
by. wits was taken and minutes ►folioread,
by correspondence. In the
absence of our treaisarer, Alice Ritchie
g.eve the treseurer'as repartAnd presented
the propelled budget for 1*. The follow-
ing announcements were made.
World Day of Prayer will be held Fri-
day, March 2 at 2 p.m. in the Lucknow
Presbyterian Church with the theme "a
Better Tomorrow » Justice for All".
Bruce Pretbyterlal meeting will beheld
in Palmerston United Church Monday
March 5. Margaret Ferguson of Pine
River and formerly of Luelmow, is, to be
installed as presbyterial president at this
meeting. A bus will be going to
Palmersten, with the fare being 26.09 ner
Our23, ���will be April
be speaking
on "Sleeping Children Around the
May The next general meeting is to be held
The Ontario Women's Caofenrence will
be at the University of Waterloo, June
*40. This conference is sponsored by the
United Church but is open to any woman
wishing to attend.
Coin nittee reports were given. New
furniture has been ordered for the
nursery, It was agreed to start building
a Food Bank for our community. Tin.
goods, Pasta and any food with a good •
shelf life would be appreciated. Donations
may be left in mom one of the Sunday
awarded International Literacy Year
practitioners; a clearing- house in Sud- d c be established duringn' 1990, and a tioner training and accreditation, and
bury for Francophone literacy materials; ' Francophone family literacy, Training will be provid-
and an international literacy collection literacy to be produced by the National ed through conferences, courses and
for,. practitioners to be established through Film Board. The film will deal with the workshops across the province.
the International Council of Adult issue from the point of view of adult : "International Literacy year has pro-
the Signs", " a play produced Grants will alsovided us with ans ideal opportunity ty
by YoungA People's Theatre in Toronto learners
themselves. �support learning net-''►�
"Readingforhighlight the literacy issue, Mr. Conway
eop ' ' g literacy practi- said, "Working together, . we canmove.
andWorld Literacy of. Canada, has been timers: These include funding for special towards our goal of eliminating illiteracy
funded to tour Ontario high schools and . interest groups on topics such; as practl in ,Ontario.
communities. Cosponsored by communi='
ty groups, the performances• will assist in
fund-raising, and ,increase awareness of
literacy "programs.
The funding will also support 25 oral
history projects carried out by students
in English, and native, literacy programs,
throughout the' province. ,
The Regroupement des groupes frac-
cophones d'alphabetisation is. receiving
funding_ for a unique project: involving a
storyteller ler and.; learners who will tour On-
tario on 'bicycles to tell and collect
• Oral histories arid stories 'can act is a-
bridge bjetween the oral tradition and the
written word, and later will be compiled
into literacy resource materials.
Other projects include a computer net-
work for Francophone literacy programs
John Elpick
RR' 3 Lucknow
February 4,1989
1 Year Old. • •
Ashton Chamney
Febriiary7, '1987
3 Years Old
Steven Scott
February 8, 1982
8 'Years Old
Peter Adams
RR 1, bungannon
February 10, 1981
9Years Old
• Ashley Irwin s
February 11, 1986„
4 Years Old
Melissa Taylor
February 13, 1988
2 Years Old
Christopher Van Dyke
RR 3 Lucknow
February 13,1987
3 Yew Old
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