HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-02-07, Page 8Page $ -.Ludlam Stuthicill yt irtAllninfy 79 UN
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AREA'S sesr setEcrioN QF
BO 0%11
39607012 0244901 .Children* Boas
February 14th
"Brighten You's. Day"
Riwidv.s „
"Free Carnation"
with yotw purchane
Swing Into Spring
CO-OP seeds, potting soils & garden kits
1 1 "
For New Contributions, Renewals or Transfers
ON 1 or 3 YEAR, 20, 30 or 40 MONTH TERMS
528-2031 LUCKNOW 528-3406
Red Meat II info meetings scheduled
By DOW MOIlt beer producers enrolled in
the veRed Mast iormstion
11 includinprogrambwill have
on the program in with they have
enrolled, aelmowledgeensid femur, great
application forms and weight sheets.
You will note some changers to Rad
Ideat 11. Three information meetings are
being Planned n the following locatiots.
to ampulla the details of the various sec -
lions of the program: Winton Arena and
Cotx*aatyCentre - Monday, Feb. 12-8
p.m. PaisIsy Commun4 Centre - 'ruse -
day, Feb. 13- $ p.m. -.loss COMMUDI-
ty Centre - Thursday, March $ - 1:15
Plan now to attend to update yourself
to the dime in deadlines and benefits
of Red Meat IL
Sea lianageniest
Don't forgetWth°14.1P-Soll Management
Workshop on February 12 and 19 in the
Walkerton Ontario
limited, ao preregister today.
and Food Board Room..Enroment
la ."The idea Is to appeal to You_ng PmPle
1..I.V.E. Workshops
'who may not be familiar with 444 saYa
ran° ThrdeaeevoursLeawdoceth _ask* InwillVobelunthearbi 71andag‘sirpartuipusi paarents'Ttion.o :
Thruvday eveidngs in Mar .•0 in Prdsley.
Rural org:anizationa from Bruce Coun- the ramizililn will be toped Off by one
ty have the opportunity to send two or more Family Information • Nights,
repreeentatIves item their Organization* 'slated for March er April 1914 which will
to this sedes of meetings starting march be hooted by local 4-11 organizers. Behind
1. There is a limited enrollment. the scenes, a solid awareness Mite iS
histitheyericaThlea whoa": an ag BUrVeYteoverixidlial: al"To Part of
tlittecamPaiglicounty comMittees. , a
those which received the most response: complete program of promotional
March 1 - MotivatlnR Members - Get- materials and strategy has been provid-
ting The Best From, Best Involving ed by the 4-11 program. This includes a
The Rest • detailed guide on how to prepare for
March 8 - Meeting Mania - How To Family Information. Nights through acz
Make Meetings More Effective th'ittessseh as ilotibhili local newspapers
March 15 Where Do We Go From 1121 radio statl?ns, distlibuting posters
Here? Planning The Future. and flyers, and .most 'inrrtantlY, ,by
,,,,Preretgistration is required by February tath4-: to people about
the Th:ricome please$5 perreosteSessironboyr $1O for for culmeawareals essPrOlgmpaigablY the mmerostiatutdcompledlete,„
Sharon Gardiner or Brita Ball at the s saYs Plant"Thelme has come for more
andWallcFertftood 13noffitarl4ce. Ilillistrf AgtieulthM YgeoZgymovnePeoliTdni:"Testb:11:dv.ine anbecomingi"Isnih:dt:
Ontario 44sick; off ed in the marketing campaign or hosting
New Marketing Program a Family Information Night in theie.area
Ontario's 44; program has launched an should contact the Ontario ' Ministry of
ambitious marketing campaign for 1990, Agriculture and Food office in Walkerton.
Bruce County OMAF
featuring a brand new look. "The cam-
's goal is to bring in new members
froin the province's non -urban popula-
tion", says Qatari+) 441 President, Linda
Plant ef Powesean.
"We wait to remind people that to-
day's 4-11 isn't just for sortie people and
not for others. It's for everyone," says
Plant. "4-11 has a lot to offer all Young
people. We want to make awe anyone
who wants to get involved has the oppor.
tunny to do so."
The theme of the nest 441 campaign is
"4-11 is CM Footers, brochures and radio
announcements will carry the me -m0e
across Ontario. The lively crunpaign *11
convey the message that 4 -II is for fun,
for friends and for learning by doing.
Madill offers•• • • . .• •
credit, courses
school program
• •n rnght••,.
Thanks to high school night courses be-
ing offered at F.E. Madill Secondary
School, area residents will find it easier
to complete their high school education.
According to a report in the Wingham
Advance Times, Paul Elgie, night school •
principal, was quoted as saying, 4This, is
• the first time, to my memory, that the
school has offered full credit courses
through a night school program."
Recent registration brought out 25
adults for Grade 11 level math and
'another 18 are interested in taking Ac-
counting at the Grade 11 level. Later this
year, courses will be offered in English, •
Computer Studies, Consumer Studies and
Personal Life Management, allot various
credit levels up to Grade 12.
Weekly classes are combined with the
flexibility and independence of cor-
respondence courses, using the course
material supplied by the Ontario Ministry
of Education. The material can be taken
home, work completed andtests written
at the end of each section. A teacher
marks the tests and helps students with
the work.
The advantage of the correspondence
format gears complete a credit to the in-
dividual student. A credit could be obtain-
ed in as little as three months, or a stu-
dent may proceed mope slowly.
The is an excellent opportunity for
adults wishing to obtain their high school
diploma. The aim -of the program is to
make education available to people who
are employed full-time or perhaps at
home with their children Most of the day.
Late. registration is available For more
information call'Mr. Elgie at the school,
Happy birthday to Mrs. Irwin
Recent visitors with Biretta and Marion '111111.1.11.11111MIMMIMMIIIMMIRIMM
MacLennan were Louise Miller of OCHALSH
Palmerston and Donald MacLennan of
Welland. by Kae Webster
David and Liz Dodson of Ingersoll nimaiiiiimemmili
visited on the weekend with their respec-
tive parents, Gordon and Shirley Dodson
of Amberley. and Charles and Mayme spent a long weekend with his brothertn-
Wilkins. law and rdece, Atlee, Jean and Tricia
Bob and Sandra Darling and fetidly of Wise of Richfield Ohio. Northern Ohio
Chesley visited on Sunday with Gordon certainly took,the brunt of the storm that
and Nora Robb. hit southern Ontario -on Monday. By noon
Barry and Betty Jones visited on the (Monday) they had receivedapprox.
weekend with their daughters and son -in-• inlet* eight inches of snow and still
law, Jim and Sherry Bullard and snowing. •
Charlene Jones of Guelph.
Jim Webster of Waterloo was home on Mrs. Stella Irwin celebrated her 89th
the weekend with his mother Kae birthday on February ard, 1990. Happy
Webster, while his brother Cecil Webster - bhilidar