HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-02-07, Page 1Hospital notes Aceerang to a report in the Winm Advance Times, Dr. Marie Gear, Medical Staff President, thinks the hospital's policy on smoking is a disgrace. At a recent meeting of the hospital's Board of Governs, Dr. Gear Painted out that there is no place where non-smoking patients can go in the hoapital to get away from smoke. All public buildings in Ontario are currently designated smoke-free except in specially designated areas under pro- vincial legislation. The hospital's smok- ing committee has designated both doe - tors' lounges, patient lounge areas, the adjacent to the Outpatient and the back four tables of the cafeteria as smoking areas. Hospital Treasurer Gordon Baxter, a member of the smoking policy commit- tee, believes smoking areas should be easily accessible to patients so there Would be no illicit smoking in washrooms or hospital rooms, and hi fairness to patients who do smoke. Following mon, the Wit, along with suggestions from the board, has been sent ' back to the committee - for revision. •.t F'. R• • `iter fug.' in the sun! Last Sunday's bright blue skiesbrought families, out for a fun game of pickup hockey on the old mill pond. Moms, dads, kids and friends took advantage of a great winter day . to get some exercise and have a good time. Taking, part were the Greg Hamilton family, Jim Murray family and area youngsters. Shown in net is Jackie Murray showing her dad that she kuoWs what this game is all about. In the back (with shades) is Greg Hamilton watching the action as Clint Murray (left) provides back up for \ Jordan Hamilton (centre right) and"hiai friend. Left inset is Shea Hamilton, who when he got too tired simply wanted to go home for a hot dog. Right inset is Agnes Mur- ray competing with Jordan Hamilton for the puck. (Pat Livingston photo) - Outstanding Junior Farmer The Huron County Junior Farmers honoured their own at their annual ban- quet and dance held January 27 in the Wingham Legion. Anne Alton was the deserving recipient of the Bill Armstrong Outstanding Junior Farmer Award. Anne has been a very active junior farmer for 11 years. To be eligible for this award a junior farmer must be involved in their club at the county, zone and provincial levels. Nominees are judged on the basis of their involvmement in junior farmer pro- grams and what they give back, by way of experience and time, to their club, always following the motto "Self -Help and Community Betterment". Nominees must submit a resume and are interview- ed nterviewed by a panel of judges. Other nominees for the award included Dave van Beers, R. 1, Blyth and Annette Losereit, Auburn. Various other individual and club awards were presented rewarding Anne Alton members for their involvement in Junior Farmers. The Huron County Junior Farmer' Broomball Award was presented to Kathy Vanneste, R. 1, Kippen and Earl Flynn, Seaforth, Clinton and District Junior Farmers received the Huron Coun- ty Federation of Agriculture Community Betterment Award. The Vincent Farin Equipment Participation Award was won by the Seaforth Junior Farmers. Debbie Craig won .the .President's Award for Outstanding First Year Member. Other nominees were Rick Fowler, Kathy Roberts .an Melissa Logtenberg. Jim Phelan of Blyth, me 1979-80 presi- dent of the Junior Farmers Association of Ontario, performed the Candlelight Induc- tion Cerennony of. the 1990 County Ex- ecutive. The next executive consists of President, Anne, Alton, Wiuigha m Vice President,,Eoss McIntosh, R. 4, Seaferth; Secretary, • Lisa Ramnneloo, Blyth; Treasurer, Linda Axtnnann,' Wingham; Agricultural Contact, Rick Fowler, Seaforth and Assistant, Fred llakkers, R. 5 Goderich; zone Rep, Joan Bergsma, Goderich; Newsletter Editor, Debbie Craig;. Blyth;: Public Relations Officer, Stacey Bean, Goderich; Provincial Direc tor, Sandra Regele, R. 1, Dublin and Assistant Robert thinking, R. 1, Auburn, Committee chairs are held by Lynda Feagan, Culture; Kathy Roberts, Sports; and Paul Pentland, Special Activities. An additional highlight of the evening Was the incorporation of the County King and Queen Competition into the program. The winners for the 1990 Huron County Junior Farmers' King and Queen were Rick Fowler and. Debbie Craig. They were crowned by Warren Wray, Guelph and Laurie Pentland, R. 6, Goderich, past King and Queen. Other contestants were Paul Pentland and Melissa _Logtonberg. N• 4-H Leaders kick off 75th anniversary 4-11 hasbeen celebrating 75 years of activity in Ontario - that's terrific. 4-11 leaders from all over the county met Tuesday, January 30th for their annual meeting; It's really exciting to see the increase in the number of 4-11 members participating in local projects. Just under 1500 4-11 projects were taken in 1969 and they were all led by the 197 who clpated. volunteer o4$ ieader. .Hon ur. l'hiaunk ,co.you to ail A unty is the 3rd a 4-H participator '.hi the province, Stepping into the 1990 executive posi- tions- ares;' Past President - Ken Ramsey, President Dave Townsend, 1st vice president Isobel Campbell, 2nd vice president . - Bevan Shapton Sec.-. Treas. Janet Webster, Directors - Joann Campschroer, Yvonne Knight, Sandra Turner, -Joan Bergsma, Jenny Storer: and Don. Alton. Bowl FOrMinions Local bowling leagues . at Webb's "Lanes,' Lucknow, participated between February 3 to -10 in the North Huron Big ' Brothers 'Association 'Bowl for Millions. Lucknow is a satellite of the North Huron . Association based in Goderich. Funds raised go toward Big Brother programs and promotions.' The Lucknow satellite,was establish ed in. January 1989. If you know of a Little Brother who would benefit from being teamed. with a Big Brother call Walter Arnold, Lucknow. Mushball tourney The Lucknow and District Kinsmen's third mushball tournament is scheduled for this Saturday. Games will take place between 12:30 and 4:30 p.m. and depending on ole man winter, May be played m snow, sleet, rain or mud. For a fun afternoon be sure you check out this action. • In the evening the Kinsmen have in- vited those over 19 to bring their snow bunny out for an evening of dancing. All 'proceeds from the day's events go towards community projects. Valentine's Day Seven days from today (Wednesday) is Valentine's Day. Included in this issue is a look at how and when Valen- tine's Day. originated. Local branches of the Bruce County Library are displaying "bighearts" bet- ween February 12 and 17., People with overdue books will have their fines forgiven during these days, so if you are one of these culprits take advantage of their "No Fines for Valentines".