HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-01-10, Page 14e 14--LtiekROW Seel, Wedilleadity, January 11* 48, Coming Evuots HURON COUNTY VATILEMENS AN NUAL MEMO = Tuesday- Amory i6, Clinton Legion/11X Tinie: 11:15 st.m. Tickets moo from directors. Guest Speaker: The Heraurebie David 1lisinsaY,-02 MISCIELLANE: SLIOWPA for Heather Fentilit SW3411Y, January 14 2:34 pm, St,. Augustine liall.'Everyont WelCotne- SPOnaored, by St, *Opaline SERVICE WORD SACRAMENT will be celebrated in Chalmer's Presbyterian Church, Whitechurch, January 14, 11 :41.1n, SPeeial. Musk by the New Life Singers of Winighturg,--2 LUCKNOW TOWN AND COUNTRY CLUB meet in the Lucknow Won 111111, Mow ' day, January 15- 12:15 p,m. .Pot luck meal, Scottish programme. -02x • FiOWER ARRANGING 1)o you have trouble arranging yaw flowers? Come andlearn a few tricks from the "Valley Green Flowers" staff on Wednesday, JanficaY 17, 945. am. Lucknow United Church. Child care pre, vided. Donations appreciated to cover the cost. Sponsored by the Lucknow Coffee Break Program.-02ar 48. Coming Events DUNGANN0b1 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S ANNUAL air Tuesday January 21 at Dragoman Ma 6:30 'pm -racial time, 7:00 p.m.- Pot luck supper followed by video oil* Fair and Family Fun Dip, meeting at 9:30 p.m. Everyone welconse.-2,3,ar KUMASI& COMMUNITY CENTRE Enjo,y Old Fashion Coventry Meals at the Rinks* Community Centre between 4 and 6 p.m. on January 14, January' S. Feftvat7 11, February 25, March 11 rind March 25. Everyone. Welcome.Mx • . CATCH THE Daum at the tith Ararat louden Sled Deg Der- by. Sponsored by Martin Pet Foods. Pro- • • teak/sal ,racers $22,000 purse. Fun for the whole family. Free for spectators. Jewelry 13 & 14, Minden. Ontario, For more information call 1.306401-7677.-2bc CANCER - INFORMATION SERVICE CALL. • 1-800-263-6750 Mollie sends greetings 4, Min Peas a large contingent from Canada. Did you know that between 1939 and 1945,1 a garter of a million young women joined the Women's Asedlluy Air Force? Out el that great number, 1 met 4nany who'd served with me, one back in 1940 at my fWat permanent station. X recopirad her at once and plan to keep in touch from here on. We had five dela of celebrations with a banquet in the Connaught Room, a trip down the Therese by river boat to the new Thames bonier, a day at Hen- don visiting the R.A.F. Museum; a sere vice of thanksgiving in St. Paul's Cathedral with our Patron, the Dowage Duchess of Glouceeter, aged 411, in full uniform, and a farewell party in the Commonwealth Institute, all a ly super. / remember seeing the Duchess of Gloucester when I was a "rookie" back In 1940, newly bombed out of London and On my first permanent station. She was very sweet and shy with hair the colour 'of autumn beech leaves. In between whiles, 1 managed to see my son who's in London, busily translating books and articles from French, German, Italian and Spanish. He gave me a copy of his latest on the famous conductor Furtwangler and I'm still thrilled to see his name in print, also • • • • BUILDING LOT OWNERS Ifyoirre a. lot owner, you have a big decision' to make. have to ensure stmt you get. thebest value for your building .dolla and -feel confident with your Choices. Accordingly, we've taken the liberty `of Making this rather revealing • comparison. . . Weigh the differences for yourself •at your • • nearest Royal Homes sales centre. Cape Cod irMakk For our full colour catalogue, tend S5.00 to your nearest Royal Homes Sales Centre. Name Addiess City Postal code GSS1 am. =bow - AMaii •SiMemitmplia *ma ow The - FaetOry Home Builders - • Toronto Sates Centre • • • 5 W corner Major McKeown Drown 8 Hwy 0400, Mole. 010400 OA 155 (410 842 1400 1 800 1st 1081 • Pmnrbrirough Sate% Centre • Hvry o I.ot at Hwy .1(4, Oro 4100, Peterlumnrglo. Ontario K91816 t705)144 AMU 1 Reeliel O5.13 elNoicilkon 5.oko Cook • 1 km (M(rdWinghmto on06, Hwy fIr0 1,1014roMm, &oto 1406 4val (5(4) iSi )444, 1 4101) 295 4040 • Chatham Soho Centf4, Mormtheirl lld m gwy 401, Po 1105 1 OM, 1,401.00, °Mono NYM 5W8 St% t4t,42 11)01) 265 9411 1 • I 16064--1 ROYAL HOMES LIMITED e 111 4. to know that he's drooling so much with mu.. when when be &moat decided to major in Ma* hbneelf. His latest la a book on the life al von Karjan, the charismatic conductor who died very recently. Aim I managed to get tickets for "CATS" and S W not surpdaed it has broken ao num records, absolutely fabulous. In August, we entertained my cousin and her husband from Vancouver for a whole nsonth. In this country in the sum- mer, pensioners can travel all day, anywhere in the province, foe onePound so instead of Wing a car, they toured here, there and everywhere, 'getting a great kick out of it all, stoPPhle for a night or two or three wherever they fan - tied. When they'd gone I tock off for the • Highlands of Scotland to visit an ex -Ward who served with me at Fighter Coin - mond. She can't get over the loss of her • husband and is In poor health. From there to Yorkshire to cousins I don't see • nearly often enough, The husband is an 'artist and restores Dresden, Meissen, • priceless pieces that have •suffered damage and which he often collects from antique shops in small bits. His house is • full of beauty as he does this not for gain but for his own pleasure. I flew home in the smallest plane I've ever sat in with only 11 passengers, We all got two 'cups of coffee each to show how they. valued us! In October, my brother flew in from " California for the first time "home" in nearly 20 years and 1 can hardly tell you what a joy that was. I've a feeling he thought there was fighting in the streets • here as he was really astonished by the - warmth of the welcome he received from • EVERYONE and how peaceful and love' •ly it is and lime friendly the people. We had two weeks of absolute bliss with -him and he was se thrilled with everything he saw and everyone he met that he plans another visit in the spring„, this ,time • bringing his wife. She is an ex-Waaf from Aberdeen. His daughter is a doctor in• San Francisco and his son works with mentally handicapped young people in Santa Cruz. Though an ex -pilot, he works on subina.rines-for Lockheeds. Now my sister, is off to Malaysia for three months with her daughter and family in Kuala Lumpur, my son is spen- ding Cluisbnas with his girl friend's • bunny in Cornwall and my husband and I will be alone at Christmas for the first • time EVER. After such a frantic year, • we both look forward to some peace and quiet, gathering up our energies for 1990 which promises to be even more crowd- ed with events of, all kinds, ineluding the • arrival in May of 100 ex -service' Belglan veterans to celebrate the 45th anniver- sary of their arrival in this country for •. training at the end of the 439 - '45 war. We are to arrange Civic and Legion • receptions for them all. I'd .always thought that retirement . would bring tranquility, time for dreams and reflections, but you can see that's not what's happening for us. Never mind. It's a lovely life. And remember, my Cana- dian friends; no matter how rushed we are with thk3 and that, there'll always be a welcome for you here in our Duirgannon. • A Merry awistmas to you all and many many good wishes for a Happy New Year. . • Yours with love, Mollie Whiteside • 59, Killyman Road, DUNGANNON, Co. Tyrone, - N. Ireland a It Isn't Easy To apologize, To begin again, To admit error, To be unselfish, To face a sneer, To be considerate, To endure success To keep on trying, To profit by ndstakes, To forgive and forget. • To think and then act, • To keep out of the rut, ' To make the best of little, To shoulder deserved blame, To subdue an ugly temper, To maintain a high standard, To recognise the silver llnhig, But - it always pays! 0