HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-01-10, Page 8Page $ -444ieblaw Sentinel, Wednesday* Jafittuy 110, 111110
Whitechurch folk were busy corn
Mr. awl Mrs. Mord Laidlaw were their family were guests:- Mr. and Mrs.
guests before Chriatinas with Mr. and Bill Gibson Jr. of Goderidi, Mr. and Mrs.
M %Want Winger and family of Strut- Bruete Newman and (*milk of Ayton and
ford and Christmas day with Mr„ and Greg Giboon.
' Mrs. Leroy Winger and ,femily of Ethel. - Cluistmas day Pods with Pdr. and
.On Bozhig day they visited with Mr. andMrs.,Don Ross were Mr. and /biro. Doug
Mrs. Raymond Laidlaw of Wingharn, Ross, Michael and Sherrilyn of Maoism,
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Jamin of Kit- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ross, Waterloo; Mr,
chew were last Sunday avows *tors and Mrs. David Roos and Andrew and
With the Lakliews, and Irene Bonin of Brian Roos.
Toronto was a Thursday visitor. Mr, and Jiro- Hugh Simpson Mont.
Jean Slathers of Illuevole, Mr. and 011003380 Day with Mr. and Mrs. Mur -
Mrs. Bill "McPherson of 1411C1010W and ray .Shapoon and Alex.
CragCook of New Zealand were Appel' • Mr. and.. ,1419; Terry Ono, Mr. and Mrs.
guests Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mac 'Waterlrorth and boys of Goderich
Mrs, Walter Elliott. • • ,spent Christmas: with Mrs. Pauline .
— Mr. and hfrs, Elgin Sleighthlhu and Adams.
. • family of St. ThOmas were New Year's• . Mr. and Mrs. Greg Dwyer of Kitchener
Day visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Ebner and Glen Miasma Of: Wingham were
$1 -eghtham, and on . Thursday Mr.' and . Christmas poets with Mr. and Mrs. •
' MM. 'Lloyd SleighthOlta end family of ' Ernest Beeson.
Brantford were visitors. • Cluistmasvisitors with Mrs and Mrs.
• ,COMmunion. will he Observed in :Wallace Milligan were Mr. and Mrs.
MOM= PreabYterisli 'Chen* .January • Man Falconer, Tann Um* and Amy
14 with special mask front the St. An- '• of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs, Pat Pow/11y,
• 'dream Jadies trio from"Andreitegi - Anglea and Jill of Etobiooke.
Presbyter Lan ctorch, and Mrs. Falconer sad •family
Mr. and 94143; Elroy Laidlawi Mr. and arta Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Midianite of Goderichand : • '
Gertrude Durnitiluid an early.:Clubbnas
on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs...Cameron Point look residents wlsh ,aapeedy
• Simmons. at Morton. Allitheirlamilina reeoveil to Nick-IWO-who is recuperating
were . 'attendance_ . • - at his home after having eurenrin OW,
Mrs. 'Dwain retilnied -home. On;liati.u. , •oetext tieestet,.., • , • . :
• dai•eoenint.,sd, I*: and hfra, tlaytea On Thursday Jane 11 the. Seniors hati's
Sholts of Gedetith Mr.'and •MrS; 400- trait' daY t the: cOninninitt 'centre. '•
. DOthanne Staked SAO lona af .•..Qulltinghas darted and akVoneinterested
• g
Mrs. Paut,tlitv‘, of Dorehestor;: and. " whelping:out- withthelieloVeb! 94or
Mr. and'Ara- Mai WOOF' 404044wlth. :Would like to learn, come on out 10r
en -
Mr. and Mrs.TOW Lainbert. joyame afteineon. •L.— • ••• •
Oii Sunday. Mr. and MPmd Laidlinv • in ,the evenlngof Thareday, Jan. -11:171
had the Laidlaw Chrlstmas with all the- aim and Girig night.* 8 et
Willy attendingrliling, . the COMMunity centre:4441c sixth! WA 13Y.
Mrs. Ivan Dambroivirs and sons Huron ...Lakeshore - .Friendship oak.
Chalmers Presbyterian Chereli, London' Everyone ' is welcemele come. �n out and
as guests. also.,• have some fun.
Nelson Smith•of Maiiham visaed Monday Jan.' *1' the sentotigi
days last:*e! with tat!:!"0, 'Reheard ntartsi.at'lAni. at the eommlni----
Capma. - '-•• ty. centre,. sn:CoMe Oat for it great time
. "The Whitechireh Branch : of the'llthle• and Itlittle.exercise,,
• soeisty wish to thank *Lee 000600,7 - litaday, Jan. 15 at 0.P.111; the Aural.
including ,lifargitietSieighttiohn, /Pt, 111;.• • •Inkeilicat,F iidsJij, �IbIS hOldhig a Pet
Purrloni".Pauline Aden*, Mrs. '. Van 111Y4 luck .supper at the community tate-
Jean Rossand•Agnal 'Farrier. Total n- Don't - forget to Whit your .dishes and
tributions amounted to $997.5a. cutlers% Come and enjoy yourself and sam-
' Mr- and Mrs.''Gordon:. FIsnar .were ple all the food you didn't have to Make., ;
Saturday and Sunday visitors with mr, Don't forget on Thursday 0 Jan 18 the Mrs. Bill Gibson. On -Christman Day• ..... . • ,
ing and going over holidays
1141.4iness Farrier Mgus ' spent althstrus with of HITECHURCH
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Farrier and girls W
Guelph. She returned borne Tuesday Row
evsnmg and lir. old /gm Fred Davis
by jean
and bop arrived in the evening to spend IN101111111.011111111111111110111111110111111111111111•11
the rest of the holiday there. • Cranston.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ron Nicholson and bard- Ilse Pre-schoolora with Karen Elliott as
brat Sesforth, Mr. and mra. Jim de Beer teacher presented the Little Quistmas
of Lucknow were. Boning Day •visitors iv* followed by Kathleen Elliott's Junior
with lir and min, joint de Beer. class with The Christmas Givers.
I&. and myt, Neon Fewer and fan.* A Christmat Video called the
ly of Ex,eter, Mr. and mre. mon. Ciwistroas Stranger was shown.
tgomery of willowy', were M.1,ag The senior clam with Hazel Laidlaw as
Eve visitors with Mr. and Angus the towbar Promoted Meager at God,
Falconer, Christmas Blessings an Way to •
Cludniers Sunday Bethlehem.
• Scheel Concert The Christmas pageant was preeented
theirChainiersSundayPreelbSchoolYterianconcegmrchon FrihdejadY sethjeanGrealt"sylibsuerintendea glit hatavingPrealtaft:it
Dec. 22 at 8;30 p.m. in the church. Rev. attendance fer the ei seedily,„ol
John Neilson was chairman. The This gut was given to the Sunday School
children, under the leadership 0(j by intercom
teachers and The presentean Pawn- •
by all the Sunday School.
their chorus was 'The closing chorus, It's a Saudi World;
over a ei and I= 1,0 sing at and Susie Snowflake were sing and Co -
1 :4 11
1/.• 7
Christmas I I
follewed with' the open-gritilint:riulver oe gtiiivVe clo°1;114 1:1111,1"°n.
ing welcome recitation by •Shannon .
. .d*din er'e
LOCATED AT cAmaniticiest,,,113eNad the Beer Sterol
Vftwn it comes to tires. we 'stack' up to
the rest, carrying such famous brands as,.,
—10,41IMMITC. -
WSW: &kW*
PASSENGER VEHICLES & LIGkirgelrtgrzr makes!
7 7
',opt H,1-559.2324
011tir CLARK .•
by Bev Hanson •
:1111T00. Lakeshore Friendship Club Will he
UMW; the general Meeting at 10:30 a•ni
at the •commuhity centre. • -
• Ler* try it again! On Friday, Jan. 19,
the FACES Club Is hostinge skating par-
ty at the Attaviandaran Park for au kids
:and the, young at heart. So come on .Idda,
grab • your skates and your parents and
cone have some fun starting at Vp.m...
• Come on the bus, leave the driVing to,
nal 'FACES Pub night la slated for Satur-
day Jan. 27, leaving .the community centre
at 6 p.m. sharp; For further information
contact Pam at 395-5059 or •Pattie at
39,5-5834- •• ‘' •
• t •• • :
sot the. wean Whentwo glasses get
tuds together—fill the top glass with cold
Water. and place the bottom glass in
- George and Pat of Blyth are
pleased to announce the birthof their '
:Christmas baby; Devin William Gordon,
on December 25, 1909 in Wingliam' and
Dbtrict Ilospital.•Devin, who weighed 7
• lbs. 15 oz., is a wee' brother for .JOel and • .
Jill. Happy 'grandparents are LOW: Scott. -•
of Relgrave and Mr. and Mrs.-. Bill
Jenkins of Clinton,. •
iielITIOS11.- John and Darlene (nee Col-
ling) 'are happy to announce the arrival
"of their son, Shawn Joseph, born en•
I December 29, 1989 at Kincardine District .•af.
• General Hospital. Shawn -tipped the ••
scales, weighing •In at 9 lbs. oz: Proud
grandparent*. are Gerald. and' :tidy Coll-
of Ripley and Mary McIntosh of
- •, • • •
tanner .cif,.hot water. Gentil,ture • • •
guo,...andksho!ddirov.e , .
W /**. C 1 .
. ,
.171 'S tallan Alin' ..y."-- .ing at, in 0.74 • . . • .:. ..
a .a
,.. .Wish tkthank all those who supported our Chrisimas'Appesi,10
'ea.siet in helpingatomake those who had special needs enjey this
blessed Season - - ' - . - ,.' ' •
God bles& each and everyone and may r9•0,be.a prosperous year
. • Captain B. Llnkletter
T [E1
PAILS* . 520-2411 ,
ALVIN ROBB 3054174'
MINIMA ZINN .6204710 '
leven PROPERTY -3 bedroom, 11/2 storey
stonelatucco home, 24 x 28 workshop. Nine Mils
River plus large dug pond. Reduced to 479,900.
COUNTRY LOT with St. fielens creek, .6 acre,
48. x.40 shop, perfect site for dream home.
LUCKNOW - 3 bedroom bungalow with finish-
ed basement, all new windows, central vac,
main floor laundry, quiet location. 068,000.00.
baths, 20 x se shop, 4 large bedrooms, 24 x 27
deck, small creek.
0EORtioli vinyl sided home on well treed,
• 10*. 1 bedroom &4 pc. bath on main floor,
well insulated, deck, 1 block from dovmtown.
• Minna% corner 100 acre acreage with 7
acres hardwood, 70 workable, steel clad bam
with shed, several maples:
• LUeKtiOW bowing , 66 x 105 - .15,000. 185
X 264 $10,500.
200 *oils pasture, pettedly drained, well fenc.
ed, 130 acres cleared. Asking 7110,000,
WORT FARM near Auburn, 200 ecres, 41 cows,
brick home with many renovations, steel Shed.
GoExcallentFccialdnio4Put(000"1b..0siumMithilindabko- Ri'imr
•/WINFIELD 100 acres cash crop, dralned at 60
It level. •
Rev. Margaret IKInsman r
Sunday Scheel .•9:45 am
Worship Service 11:00 am
InvIto* You To Woriblp With Thom On
• 'Sunday, January 14, 1900
ito o.nt. anal 2:30- p.m,
Nursery downstairs morning & afternoon
aunday, January 14, 1990
• Worship SarvIco 11 AM
Sunday School 11 AM
MInistm: Rev. Gerald McFarlane
• Everyone