HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-01-03, Page 1731. Service- Oh -factory
The Ladies Atakiliary of the Lueknuw and
District Christian school will be glad to
look after your catering needs no scatter
what size. For information contact
Margaret Vatzdevaart 39573617 or Gerda
3uwgsma 5294982.--Q1x
Mantle R wail, cuckoo, grandfathers,
grandmothers, FREE ESTI1VIATES. Pick
up and delivery can be anged. Agnew
Jewellery, • Gift and Cldren's Wear
Lucknow 528-3532.-1
venience at Elsner Umbach Pharmacy
every .2nd Monday through winter, 10
.a.m. d 5 p.m. 'Gary J. ' Pietre4 Hearing
aid Specialist. Hillside Hearing Ina
struments (Whitechurch) '357--2336. Dates:
January 8 & 22.-51,1,2,3
'rand garden, concrete, autom,otive,.;mov-
ing, painting, cleaning, sanders, power
tools, much more. Doupes Equipment.
Ltd., 3 miles East of Kincardine on No.
9 highway. 395.2685.-42tfar
Service. Dependable repairs to all makes
and models of major - appliances. Phone
vice - rebuilt appliances; Bash, for your
used appliances. Call Lucknow Appliance
Centre, 528-2946.-4tfar
McDonald, Ripley; Wallace Ballagh,
Teeswater. Licensed Auctioneer, Sales of
All Types. Phone Ripley 395-5353,
Teeswater 392-6170.—tfar
CUSTOM SEWING and alterations,
reasonable rates. Call Ruth Ritchie at
528-3141 or drop in at 471 Wolsley Street,
nator,' generator and regulator needs.
Albrecht Auto Electric, north of
Whitechurch. Phone 357-3495.-18tfnar
"We Build The Best and Repair The Rest"
George Smyth
Welding and Machine Shop Ltd.
R.R. 2 Auburn, Ont.
529-7212 529-7781
Sprayed on Urethane Foam
Agricultural, Industrial,
Residential, COmmerclal
R.R. 1 Lucknow 528-2129.
34. Personal
positive confidential support. Birthright.
Call 357-1066, 357-1769 or London 432-9197
DO YOU OWN A computer with a
modem? Call 528-2720 free and get on line
with a BBS, or call 357-1818 a multiline
BBS. -01x
VITAMIN DISCOUNTS. Since 1973, offer-
ing high quality -lowest prices,on
Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, Body Building
and Weight Loss, Supplements, Hair
Treatments, Skin Care and More. FREE
COUNTS, DEPT. B.C. 15, 260 S.W.
Marine Drive, V5X 2R5, 1-800663.0747, in
Vancouver (604) '321-7000.--1bc
can help. Phone Goderich 524.6001 or
Walkerton 8M-3$3*.-49tf
36. Announcements
DEE VEE's F� will be closed Mon-
days for the months of January and
February. Store hours Tuesday -Saturday
9: :30,—Olar
will be closed, or vacation from January
3rd to January 20th, -inclusive51,3ar
uNeLAIMIaD PHOTOS. Do you have an,
unclaimed photo at the Sentinel, We think
you'd like to have them back, but we
can't keep them indefinitely. Please drop
in to our office, and reclaim Your photo
soon, 32tfni •
I39, Educational
FREE 1990 guide toyat-home cor-
respondence Diploma courses for
prestigious carers; Accounting, Aircon-
ditioning, Bookkeeping, Business,
Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical
Secreatary, Psychology, Travel, Granton
(5A) 263 Adelaide West,
Southwestern Ontario School of Auc-
tioneering. Next class: February 30-17/89.
For information contact: Southwestern
Ontario School of ' Auctioneering, R.R. 5
Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9
(519)537 2115,---44bc
44. Engagements
The families of Helen MacDonald and
Harold Errington are happy to announce
the forthcoming marriage of their parents
in Dungannon Utaited Church January 20,
1990 at 6:30 p.m, Friends and relatives
this is your invitation to spend a social..
evening -with us to follow in Lucknow .9
p.m. Let your presence be your gilt -1,2
I46. In Memoriam
In loving' memory of • Dunedin .who pass-
ed away January 3, 1988.
Memories are like bands of •gold,
They never tarnish or grow old.. .
Sadly missed and remembered by her
husband Edbert and family. ---01
In loving memory nf Thomas James Wall
who: passed away December 31, 1963;
Looking back with memories,
Uponthe path you trod,
We bless the hours we had with you,
And leave the rest •with GOd.
Resting where no .shadows ,fall, '
In peaceful sleep he awaits us all;
God will link the broken chain,
When one by one we meet again. •
—Son Harry and grandchildren. -1 •
In loving memory of a dear wife, mother,
sister and nephew who passed away very
suddenly on January 5, 1980.
In a quiet . country . graveyard,
Where gentle breezes blow, .
Lies the ones welove so dearly,
Whom we lost ten years ago.
God gave 'us the strength to bear it,
And courage to face the blow,
What it meant to lose you's,
Others will never know.
Sadly missed and always remembered by
husband Joe, sons -Tom, John, Alex, Jim
and Irene, daughters, Mary and Eldon
Austin, Margaret and Ray McLean. -01
In loving memory of a .dear daughter,
wife, mother, . and grandmother, Tinie
Logtenberg,who passed away January 8;
There is a place set apart,
No one can replace it or time erase it,
We keep it for her alone.
Fondly remembered by her family and
friends. -01x
In loving memory of a dear husband and
father Raymond, who passed away \3
years ago December 28, 1986.
We think of him in silence,
No eyes can see us weep;
But still within our hearts,
His memory we keep.
Lovingly remembered by Gertrude and
family. -01x
Loeb.w8, .7�y, Jaxwwiry 31 1161—Page 17
147. Card of Thanks
Barry and Diane would like to thank
everyone who so thoughtfully helped in
anyway while Diane was aick>
ly time � andwho prayed
for her. am getting better, Tl>aenk you
very much. Barry and Diane.—lx
48. Coming Etants . ,
Saturday Jan 1�, Dungannon Agricultural
hall, Registration 1-2 p.m. Euchre at 2
p.m. entry feeee $5.00 per person, cash
prizes $50.00, $40.00 and $30.00, lunch and
-special contests.-01,02ar
Keep those New Years resolutions! The.
womedns Fitness Classes, winter session is
about to begin. Start date Monday,
January 15 with 2 classes offered. Stretch
and Tone; 6:30. pm, class focus is on ton-
ing specific trouble spots and . overall
stretching. Activation : 7:15 a large com-
ponent of this class is spent on car-
ardiovascular conditioning with some floor -
work and stretching. John WI at the
Lucknow. Sports Complex for this, 8 week
course, -classes :Monday` and Thursday
evening. Fee $30.00.01ar
The Women's House of Bruce County is
having a.open house on Sunday January
7, 1990, 12-2' p.m. for Service Providers
and Referral Sources. 3-5 p.M. General
public at 42 Queen St. North Kincardine.
Help us celebrate our January 8, 1990
reopening. -1 .
every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Blyth and
District. Community Centre, $300 Jackpot
must go. Over $1000 in prizes.-43tf .
Lucknow and District Lions Club, Dabber.
Bingo, every Sunday night, 'Lucknow
Community Centre. Doors open 6:15 p.m.
Bingo at 7;15 p.m. Air conditioned,
wheelchair accessible. Potential prize
board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot on 54
calls or less. $500 must go!—ttnar
into .the 94's
The Ontario March of Dimas is mar -
into 1990 with its annual Winter
CampaignJanuary 2nd to
February 15th, ru.Over NO corn.
amities across Ontario will be r
money to . suppoet adults with physic
The March of Dimes' Kit-
chener/Waterloo region, which includes
the counties! of : Grey, Huron, Perth,
Bruce, .Wellington and Waterloo, will
undertake community campaigns to raise
a goal of $137,360.
Money raised lar the 1990 campaign will
support the March of Dimes' three ma-
jor services which include;. independent
living assistance; assistive devices; and
employment services, Other programs
range from a post polio network to cam-
ping and recreation.
,There are two sides to every story.
Two sides to every dime," says Veronica
Tennant, former Prima Ballerina of the
National Ballet and HonouraryChairper-
son of the March of Dimes. "At. the
March of Dimes we concentrate on abili-
ty rather than disability,"`
In 1951 when the Ontario March . of
Dimes was founded to , battle the ,polio
epidemic, .the Marching Mothers raised
$14,000 iii their. 1951 campaign. Today, the
1990 Fundraising Campaign which pro-
vides support to all disabled adults in On-
tario, has • set the highest goal of the
campaign to date. Withthe assistance of
dedicated 'volunters across Ontario, they
will work towards a provincial goal of
The March of Dimes provides practical
supports to persons with physical
disabilities to overcome everyday bar-
riers, Be a part of the solution. Help sup-
port their 1990 Campaign and join the
people across Ontario' who give to the
March of Dimes.
Who says a dime doesn't go very far
New Quit Line Program
to help smokers
"Well it's that time again, New Year's
Eve, and I do want to quit. I know I
should quit smoking, but I find it hard to
imagine myself without a cigarette with
my morning coffee, or when"I'm with my
friends. "It's not easy. I work up my
• nerve to quit, but then r feel that I can't
do without it. And if I quit,, I'm • afraid I
might gain weight or I'll be tense, , and
probably want to start smoking again. "I
know how it is.. I've tried to quit a
'million times. But this time I really want
• to quit. I know I'should quit, for me and
' my : family. If I try again I really want
to. succeed!"
This litany of back -and -forth decision-
making is° common among smokers. ,If
you recognize this .kind of talk going on
in your head, you are not alone.
To say it's not easy to quit smoking is
an understatement. In fact, the • U.S.
. Surgeon General's Report showed that a
majority of illicit drug addicts felt that it
would be easier for them to give up their.
hard drug addiction than it would be to
give up smoking, and their addiction to
nicotine. Research also shows that once
people stop smoking, the benefits are im-
mediate, and health and, vitality are
restored quickly. f
To help smokers become tobacco free,
the Canadian Council on. Smoking and
Health is launching . the Quit Line.
Established through an educational grant
from Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals
(Canada) Inc., the Quit Lute is a toll free
telephone number smokers can call all
through January, 1110, to receive infor-
mation on the hazards of szitoking, on
quitting options, and referral to a
healthcare professional and further
assistance in quitting.
"Tobacco use kills over 35,000 Cana-
dians per year. Yet we know that most
smokers, want to . quit," said Elinor
Wilson, vice president, Public Affairs for
the Canadian Council on Smoking and
Health. "As with most addictions, quitting
is something that people may require
help with, and that's what the Quit Line
is all about," she added.
"The Quit Line has three goals," said'
Wilson. "We want it to help educate
smokers about the health risks involved;
to identify quitting options; and to refer
smokers to a healthcare . professional for
support in that big decision. "It's ' not a
miracle phone call, but it could be the
first step toward a smoke-free life."
7'lte Quit Line will begin on January 1,
1990, and run throughout the month. The
Quit Line number is 1 -800 -267 -STOP.
What's its Use?
Little Jimmy went with his mother to
stay with an aunt in the country, and his
mother was very worried as to how he
would behave.
•But to her surprise he was angelic dur-
ing the whole visit - always did as he
was told, and never misbehaved.
As soon as he got home, however, he
was his natural self again.
"Oh Johnny," she said. "you were so
good while you were away, why do you
start behaving badly now?"
"What's home for?" asked Jimmy in
pained surprise.