HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-01-03, Page 3OW
st Wawa
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ters' r.ttitude
osro .arty
from page 1
ing. They were sitting around on their
trucks angling .it anss. They Ciente we
were scared."
After ; •e second occurrence, Stevens
dn,u, 't c.•, i ; either the Ministry of Natur
Resources (ram) or the Ontario Provin-
cial Police (OPP) because "after I c
ed the first tfnne they were very non -
ch.: ant. All I wanted them to do was
drive by because they would have seen
the trucks by the roads. I didn't think it
would do any good to call."
They (the person Stevens spoke to at
MNR) actually suggested : s me that I let
someone trap on our .1.< <d. I was to ; g
high what was happening and he was
tallying down to me. It was almost as if
he was saying you'll ' s ve to leaser w! t
it's like here," says Strvens.
"I couldn't believe nen. reactaion. I sent
letters : , Ottawa and to the premier (last
week) . I don't want to get shot."
Terry Matz, a conservation officer at
the MNR in Wbngharn says his seam has
no record of a comp,: int from Stevens.
"We didn't hear about anything such as
this. When people are drinking and hun-
ting, or trespassing, that's what interests
us" says Matz.
Stevens says the employee she spoke to
identified himself as a part-time biologist.
"I can't figure out who in this office
would fit that description. We're here to
serve the people and look after them but
they need to help us too," says Matz.
referring to the two stipulations used by
the MNR before charges are laid.
Matz says people must be able to iden-
C w try
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tfffy the people who were on their land
and they mast ralleo be willing to testify
in court. An owner mut say the person
either did not have pert7mieenon to be on
their land or would not leave whoa
"Since most of the hunting is done on
private d, we get mostly trespassing
cognpissints. We go night to the site of the
complaint," s.H ys I dime.
Dining this year's hunt, Dam record-
ed four phone calls, which were not for-
mal cemmplants. "Two people were charg-
ed by an officer who wast happened by
and saw theme gangs conning off the land,"
says Mate
He ad,a • that the fine is ahead pp and
there is no prohibition of licence
After speaking to Stevens Monday,
Matz says the communication problem
has been work ayes Out. "She is quite will-
ing to mill our reluiremente iff a any fur-
ther problems arise. There w some
misunderstanding with whoever et talk-
ed to here," says Matz.
Although the Stevens are new to the
area, they still spend a lot of time in
London but plan to move to the sanc-
tuary in early summer. They want to fit
into the community but they are not go-
ing to give in.
"That's too bad if i ,ey think I'm nas-
ty because I remember the night in
November when John d I were scared
out of our wits," says Stevens.
"If the people want to walk it (the
sanctuary), that's fine, but leave your
.gins at the road."
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Alegi Mef at, Ila, of EL ILtaeliasew is
o grade eight student rat Lucknow Vaitral
Public Sabo& Her essay won fist place
in 1Lnu o ow I eegion'e 1a say, Pomata and
Poster =test-
qr Alesl a Moffat
It was a eIld day en November ath.
My friend and II were getting a movie to
watch that afternoon. As we waited in
the car while her nnotlaar was • buying
scene popcorn and soft drinks for us, II
Bevy something II woagM never forget.
Out in the cold, raw wind steed an old
man named George McMurray. He was
wearing a long, dant trench coat and e
navy blue leeeion beret. A bright read
puppy was clearly viable on his lapel. He
proudly walked up the street carrying a
tr er of poppies. The people who weed
tap to him smiled as they put a donation
in the tray and took a poppy. Mr.
McMurray was a ne' : bear who lived
near my house.
Just then, a young man drove his red
convertible next to tine Inman and park
his car. The young mann jumped out of
his car. He vas , carrying a brie? case.
Mr. McMurray walked tows the young
man, smiled and asked it he would like
buy a poppy. The young man replied,
"Not now Cramps, I'm busy." I saw Mr.
McMurray's face and my heart sank
deep into my stomach. How could t; ,. t
man s th:t? No matter wh.::t the
wea t t er, Mr. McMurray had sold poppies
every year. He loved seeing the people
and it was a special tribute to t 's best
friend, William, whom he had met and
spent two years with during World War
II. William was killed in a fiery explo-
sion. Mr. McMurray would be about the
age of the young man in the red conver-
tible when Cana', an troops entered t ,e
war. fie hod l alai4ed. Wbeei
Mr. McMurray was lard for the vara
he and NS wiW were
e was proud to give up those
precious years with his wife and now
born son to fl a : t for his count.
Olden when my ffrieads and H wan*
walk past, Mr. McMurray would invite
in for some milk and comes. e used to
notel stories of the war. My mem
says .he won a medal for bravery after
trying to save his best friend, William.
II lniow them will aiways .be thoughtless
people in this world, but Eta glad there
are also men like Mr. McMurray, who
gave wap so much so we could live in a
free coanantrv.
It's invent
ry time
January is inven i ry time Ear those
farmers who keep boob on a January to
December basis. Ann accurate beginning
and en<., g inventory is needed for both
crops and livestock in otter to determine
how cash sales ;d n ve been influenced by
haven . ' ry mange in the barn or bin.
These figures are also needed for the an-
nual net worth statement that shows the
change in equity for the year.
Other values are need= to give a com-
plete picture.
- Year end value of accounts receivable
and accounts payable.
- Market value of purch :sed feed
- Market vue of machinery, quo .<:., land
and buildings.
O.M.A.F. Publication 37 includes forms
that can be used to take inventory. There
are also pages where you can use the
figures to complete an accrual income -
expense statement and an annual net
worth statement. Ask for Publication 37
at your local O.M.A.F. office.
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