HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-12-09, Page 14Page 14-Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 9, 1987
-Christmas means gladness for UCW
Unit No. 1
The December meeting for Unit No. 1 of
the Lucknow United Church Women was
held December 1st at 2 p.m. in the church
parlour. The room was decorated for the
Christmas season including an attractive
table for our social hour.
Mrs. Gordon Morrison took the chair in
the absence of Mrs. Grace Gibson because
of illness. She opened with a Christmas
verse and all repeated the "Purpose". The
carol "As with Gladness" was sung with
Mrs. Edith Webster at the piano.
The minutes were read and approved,
also the Treasurer's report. The roll call
was answered with a Christmas Blessing
by 12 members and one child in atten-
dance. Convenors in attendance reported
and several future meetings and special
services were announced.
The study on the apostles was completed
by Mrs. Gordon Morrison and Mrs. Edith
Mrs. Edna Mac Donald took the chair for
the devotions and read a poem on
The scripture was read by Mrs. Murray
Henderson, Luke • Ch. 2 verses 1-14. The
meditation "Christmas Means Gladness"
was given by Mrs. Noma Campbell follow-
ed with prayer. Several short readings
pertaining to Christmas were read by each
member. Mrs. Edna Mac Donald then
read a very touching true story of a
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▪ wm am errs mos M r - 11111111- MOM OM tater ems
Christmas some 50 years ago, and show
how needy famine • " ere hel - an a
family Christmas coul = �., . e a - ppy
Several favourite carols were sung, ad-
ding so much to our special Christmas
The benediction was repeated and a very
delicious lunch and fellowship hour
Unit 2
Unit 2 of the U.C.W. met at the home of
Mrs. Vernon Hunter with 14 members pre-
sent. Mrs. Hunter opened the meeting with
a Christmas poem and a prayer from Pat-
chwork Pieces.
The roll call was answered with a verse
from the Christmas Story. The Unit
treasurer reported that the Unit offering to
the end of November was $742.60.
A motion was made that the birthday jar
money would be spent by our treasurer,
Mrs. Alex Hackett, in March 1988 to buy
needed things for Friendship House. Two
Christmas friendship cards were sent to
two members who have moved away.
Following the committee reports, Mrs.
Hunter gave the announcements.
The Devotions were led by Laura Hare.
She opened with prayer and read the story
of the birth of Jesus from Luke. The hymn
"0 Come All Ye Faithful" followed.
Candles were lit following the medita-
tions. "The coming of light" was read by
Mrs. Dexter; "the coming of joy" was
read by Mrs. Petter Cook; "the coming of
freedom " was read by Mrs. Albert Cook;
and "the coming of peace" was read by
Mrs. Alex Hackett.
The hymn "Joy to the World" closed the
Meditation. -
Mrs. Grace Campbell told those in atten-
dance of remembered Christmases and
the history of the liottle town of
Bethlehem. Helen Thompson gave all
some Christmas memories and a
testimony of Sanky the soloist. Silent Night
closed the meeting and Mrs. Hunter again
led all in prayer.
Mrs. Mayme Henderson thanked Mrs.
Hunter for the use of her home and for her
many years of faithful leadership. , The,
committee served refreshments and a
social time was enjoyed.
Unit 3
Unit 3 met on December 1 at the Sepoy
Apartments with 17 members and three
visitors answering roll call with a verse
from the Christmas Story.
Mrs. R. Shields, Miss Elizabeth Robin-
son and Mrs, deBoer were in charge of the
program and Mrs. Shields opened the
meeting by introducing Mr. Bill Pike, prin-
100 ACRE HOG FARM on Highway.
Excellent brick home, large barn.
100 ACRE DAIRY FARM on County
Road. Extra 100 acres could be
KINLOSS - 7 Acres - 4 bedroom
house, new siding, new electric
heating and more.
99 ACRES - Whitechurch area. Land
level and drained.
Whitechurch - Lucknow area, 34
acre. Offers??
33 ACRES - 34 acres workable.
Wingham area.
Large lot, full walk out basement to
paved drive, ' living room, dining
room, kitchen, garage. Asking only
s39, 200.
Mel Mathers
Wingham 357-3208
Lloyd W. Hutton, Broker
Kincardine 396-2061
air Jor Jo
cipal of the Lucknow Public School, who
player guitar and led everyone in a sing-
song of Christmas carols.
Mr. Pike was thanked by Mrs. Shields
and presented with a small gift.
The theme for the meeting was "There is
no room at the inn". Mrs. deBoer read the
Christmas Story and Mrs. Gertrude
Walden the story of Silent Night. Mrs.
Shields then told the fable of the three gifts
given to the Christ Child.
Prayer closed the program. Next,
minutes were read and adopted. As well,
the treasurer's report was given and offer-
ings were dedicated.
The Vesper Service will be held
December 13 with the Christmas Concert
going December 20.
Lois thanked everyone for their help
over the past two years and closed the
meeting with a reading of "The Cost of
Christmas". Mrs. Walden, Mrs. Todd and
Miss Isabel Miller served a lovely lunch
following the meeting.
Unit 4
Unit 4 of Lucknow United Church
Women held their Christmas meeting at
the church on December 1st. The meeting
began with a delicious potluck supper at
6.30 p.m.
Following the supper Mrs. Harold
Greer, unit leader, opened with a
Christmas verse, conducted the business
and gave the announcements.
The General meeting will be held on
December 8th; the C.G.I.T. Vesper Sevice
on December 13th and the Sunday School
and the Sunday School Concert on
December 20th.
The roll call was answered with A
Christmas Thought. There was an atten-
dance of twenty-five.
Mrs. Greer expressed thanks ' for
assistance during her term in office and
closed the business with prayer.
The program committee, Mrs. Leonard
Ritchie, Mrs. Jim Boyle and Mrs. Lloyd
Whytock then took charge of the
Christmas service. The theme was
Christmas in Word and Song.
Mrs. Ritchie gave the call to worship,
which was a poem written by Martin
Luther. The service included scripture and
poems read by the committee in charge,
interspersed by familiar Christmas carols.
Mrs. Boyle gave the offertory prayer. A
special offering was taken to purchase a
Poinsettia plant for Pinecrest Nursing
Mrs. Ritchie read a poem, "One Wish for
Christmas", and the meeting was closed
until the mizpah benedicition.
KINLOSS - 110 acres with 90 acres fairly
well drained and level, good drilled well,
electric pump, balance bush. Asking
KINLOSS TWP. - Farrow to finish, 212
acres, pit and upright silos. good 3 bedroom
114).1w. drilled well.
CULROSS TWP. - 300 acres, approx. 250
workable, lbeswater loam. Mtge. available
to qualified purchaser.
KINLOSS - 50 acres, approx. 30 workable,
spring and fish pond, asking - '35,000.
"KINLOSS- 100 acres approx. 65 workable,
fairly level and drained balance bush. Ask-
ing '60,000.
Listings Wanted