HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-11-25, Page 19AMP
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Page 18—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 25, 1987
$$ SACRIFICE 55 Buildings priced for immediate li-
quidation. All items in stock. 28x40x14 54,750;
40x50x14 56,950; 46x70x16 $9,850: 60x80x20 $16,900.
Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory
direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buidings
priced for immediate delivery. Coll toll free
1-800-387.2115, or 1-416-858-2446.— 47
work pants 53.50: work boots 515. Send 52 for
catalogue (Reimbursement 1st order). Military
Surplus, Box 243. St-Timothee, Quebec. JOS 1X0.-47
METAL BUILDING Year -End foctory clearance. Straight
wall or Quonset styles, certain models special dis-
counts, (will) hold for spring delivery, Save thousands.,
limited quantities. Pioneer/Econospon.
1-800-387-6896 24 hours. -47
Fall Clearance on all Steel BUILDINGS. Quonset and
Straight wall models. Large selection.
ICY SIDEWALKS! Introducing Ice Guard (Reg)'. The
easy to apply anti -slip agent, Special adhesive and
grit formula which applies to all footwear. Help pre-
vent winter fall!! To order call tollfree (519, 416, 705)
1-800-265.2550, 5.10 p.m. or send cheque for 512.95 to
Ice Guord (reg), Box 273, Elmira Ont. N3B 2Z7 (Div. of
624839 Ont. Ltd.) --47
HYDROPONICS - Garden Indoors all year. Even in
Winter, in your spore room, basement or greenhouse.
Largest selection, best prices in Canada. Send 52 for
catalogue to Canadian Hydroponics, 8318 - 120 St.,
Surrey, B.C. V3W 3N4.-47
GUN BARGAINS - Save up to 40% - by subscribing to
"The Gunrunner". The Canadian monthly newspaper
listing hundreds of new, used, modern and antique
firearms for sale or trade. Subscription $20 per year to
Gunrunner, Box 565T, Lethbridge, Alberto T1J 3Z4.
Sample copy $1.50.--47
No. 1 WILD RICE $6.95/1b, with recipe book directly
from grower, 10 pounds plus postage paid. Makes ex-
cellent Christmas gift. Visa or Mostercharge.
1-800-667.9100. Riese's Canadian Lake Wild Rice, Box
899, La Ronge, Sosk. SOJ 1L0;-47
GREENHOUSE & Hydoponic equipment, supplies.
Everything you need. gest quality, super low prices.
Greenhouse $175, Halides 5115. Over 3,000 products
in stock! Send 52 for info pock & Free magazine to
Western Woter Forms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver,
B.C. V68 3N9. 1-604-682-6636.--47
WELL WATER PROBLEMS? New Advanced Technology
for efficient treatment of problem water, offering pro-
tection throughout entire water system. Rusty .. Smel.
ly .. Bad Tasting .. Water, hardness, staining,
bacteria, & more. No Solt or Messy Chemicals :.
maintenance free. See the results for yourself with
our 6 month trial offer. Coll tollfree 1.800-387.3423 or
write Aztec Purification Systems. 6380 No. 5 Tomken
Rd., Mississauga, Ont. L5T 1K2. "The lowest cost
system that really works." Area code (807) cail (416)
672-2300. (47
BOTHERED with aching back? Sore feet? Arthritic
pain? Sleeping hands? BEULAH LAND Ltd., Box 1086,
Portage la Prairie, Mon. RIN 3C5.-47
MARCH BREAK Mor. 12-19/88, Air only from Detroit -
Tampa from $299; Ft. Lauderdale from 5319. Addi-
tional packages to Orlando, St. Petersburg, Jamaica,
Acapulco, Mexico Cruise, Las Vegas. Call
1.800-265-0900, T & S Tours for information, —47'
FREE 88 Brochure on scenic Rideau & Trent Severn
Canal Cruises aboard comfortable cruise ship Kowor-
tha Voyageur. Write Ontario Waterway Cruises, RR
No. 3, Peterborough K9J 6X4. (705)748-3666.-----47
Rolex and Patek Phillip wristwatches wanted. Also
wonted Eotons "Quarter Century" Rectangular
wristwatches (25 years service). Will pay 51000 & up
for this watch. Phone (416)365-7240 or write 8. Walsh,
173 Queen St. Eost, Toronto, Ont. M5A 1S2.-47
WANTED: Wall clocks and Grandfather clocks
manufactured by The Arthur Peguegnat Clock Com-
pany in Berlin or Kitchener, Ont. Also wonted other
antique woll & mantle clocks. Write Box A, 309 Mutual
St.. Toronto, Ont. M4Y 1X6 or call 1-416.365-9411.-47
TRAiN FOR A .108 with .a future ... with Tri -County
Truck Driver Training. Job seorch assistance
available. Kitchener 720 King E., (519)743-5011, Brant-
ford 300 Colborne E., (519)756-0223. --47
AIRLINE Cruise Ship Jobs, All Positions Amazing
recorded message reveals employment information.
Guoranteed to get you hired or no fee. 1.416.482.4100
X101 Days; Evenings/Weekends.-47
LEASE OPERATORS. Positions available for qualified
operators interested in purchasing fully rigged
highway tractors under a fleet program. Financing
package available. Minimum 510,000 investment re-
quired. Phone Steve Collect at (604)525.3481.-47
HEATING & A/C Company requires experienced ser-
vice person/installer for Oil, Electric and Heat Pumps.
Please reply with resume to: Walker's Heating & Cool-
ing, Box 43, ffatiburton, Ont. KOM 1SO.-47
SHEETMETAL Mechanics, Apprentices, Plumbers,
Sheetmetal Foremen, Heating 'Ventilation Installation
Supervisor & Installers required full-time. Resumes:
Neuron Mechanical, Box 2370, Huntsville, Ont. POA
110. No phone tolls please. --47
ADVERTISING Representative with record of success
required immdiately by targe Eastern Ontario weekly
newspoper Located in heort of outdoor recreation
area. Good compensation & benefits, including profit
sharing. Call Chuck Hudson (613)283-3182 or write The
Record News P.O. Box 158, Smith Falls, Ont. K7A
HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS - Toking a semester off
school? Would you enjoy spending the winter season
working at one of Ontario's leading resorts? We hove
live in accommodation & need friendly, outgoing peo-
ple for positions in our dining room, reception & reser-
vations desk. Please call (416)861.1358 direct Toronto
line to Wigamog Inn or (705)457.2000., ask for
Mary. - -47
DYNAMIC Business Opportunity! leaders &
Distributors needed. CALORAD family of weight con•
trol products. Colored is sweeping the country. For
free information package contact House of Sherwood
- Colored, 3345 North Service Rd., Burlington, Ont.
L7N 3G2 (416)332.5000.-47
WOULD YOU LIKE to earn 5600 per week? Flexible
.hours. Work from home, Write: Galaxy Cookware &
Chino, II latonia Drive, Rexdale M9W 211;-47
International Domestic WATER TREATMENT Manufac-
turer offers local distribution rights for new dealers.
• Remarkable newly invented iron filter & softener. Ful-
ly patented water distiller & patent protected reverse
osmosis system. No franchise fees, inventory pur-
chase only. Phone toll-free 1-800-661.3986.-47
GROW FOR IT! 555 Raise boitworms at home.
Guaranteed market. Odorless, Low investment. We
Train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird
Ecology (1975) RR 1, Smithville, Ont. LOR 2A0
(416)643-4251, 856-2248, (705)435-7463:-47
DATES GALORE: For all ages and unattached.
Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige
Acquaintances toll toll free 1-800-263-9163. Hours
noon till 8 p.m. -47
COMING TO GRiPS with grief - An Audio Cassette that
guides the widowed successfully through the early
years without a life partner. Mail 510.65 including tax.
Cheque, VISA, M/C, including expiry date to: People
in Touch, Box 101, Station U, Toronto, M8Z 5M4.-47
SFCOND"MORTGAGES (416)694-8124 Pot. 1st, 2nds., &
3rds., from 10%. Poor credit, power of sales, low in-
come - no problem. Home Service 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Mi
Financial Services. -47
ONTARIO'S LARGEST Farm Machinery Consignment
Sale, Norwich, Ont. Fri, Dec. 11/87 10 o.m. (Soles con-
ducted second Friday each month). Approx. 150-175
tractors plus all types of form equipment. Con-
signments welcome. For more information call
(519)424-9093. Proprietors K.S. Hamulecki & Sons. --47
LEARN AUC.TIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario
School of Auctioneering. Next class Jon. 16 -23rd. Box
145cn, Innerkip, Ont. NOJ IMO. (519)-469-3936, (519)
537.2115.--47 .
FREE: 1988 guide to study -at-home correspondence
Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting,
Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business,
Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretory.
Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide W,
Toronto. 1-800-268-1121.- 47
START A NEW CAREER! Income Tax or Bookkeeping by
corresporidence. Free brochures no obligation, U & R
Tax Services. 205. 1345 Pembina Hwy. Winnipeg, MB,
R3T 2B6, Franchises available.
(204)284-1806. ---47
MARK it on your calendar now! The 8th Annual
Christmas Craft Festival returns to the Progress
Building, Western Fairgrounds, London. 4 Days: Thurs-
day Dec. 3rd 1-10 p.m., Friday and Saturday, Dec. 4th
and 5th noon to 10:00 p.m. Sunday Dec. 6th noon of
6:00 p.m. London's largest Craft Show and Sale. The
perfect place to find original quality hand crafted gifts
for your shopping fist. Admission only $1.75, informa-
tion (519) 679-1810. Don't miss it! --47
VENDORS WANTED: The Elmira Maple Syrup Festival
on March 26, 1988 is accepting applications for the
Downtown Malt antique Craft & Toy Shows. Apply to
Elmira & Woolwich Chamber of Commerce, 5 First St.
E. Elmira, Ont. N38 2E3 --47
Iamwwwmug Imo Imo elm _wmAwe
The Only way to get
11 $250.00
Place Your Blanket Classified Ad by call-
' ing one ofour helpful classified advisors
I at your nearest weekly newspaper office
1 for details. Lucknow 528-2822
Goderich 524-2614 Kincardine 396-2963
1 Clinton 482-3443 Walkerton 881-1600
1 Seaforth 527-0240 Mitchell 348-8431
..Y me r vim am am — — roe gian w son raw
ad in 2.5 million homes
in Canada for
or in 1,241,807 homes
in Ontario for
Back from hospital
We extend sympathy_to Mrs. Brian Mur-
ray of here on the death of her grand-
father, the late Andrew Bannerman.
Mrs. Harold Smith returned home from
the Wingham Hospital this week. We send
get well wishes, Betty.
Sympathy is extended to the Bonnett
family in the passing of the late Archie
Bonnett of Con. 10. The funeral was held in
Kincardine on Saturday last.
Mrs. Cora Thompson of Kincardine and
May Boyle were to Wingham on Wednes-
day to call at the funeral home where the
late Albert Weims, husband of Elsie
(Anderson) Webb Weims was resting. We
extend our sympathy to Elsie and her
family; Jean Hodgins and her family;
Mrs. Dorothy Anderson and her family
and to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Anderson and
their family.
Kinlough W.M.S.
Mrs. Don Bushell was hostess for the
Kinlough Presbyterian W.M.S. at her.
home last Wednesday.
The president, Mrs. Bert Thompson,
opened the meeting with a prayer and a
The business portion of the meeting was
followed by the election of officers. Presi-
dent, Mrs. Bert Thompson; first vice-
president, Mrs. William MacPherson;
secretary, Mrs. Bruce Bushell; assistant
secretary, Mrs. Don Bushell; treasurer,
Mrs. Don Robertson; assistant treasurer,
Mrs. Dom Reid; pianists, Mrs. William
MacPherson and Mrs. Bruce Bushell; sup-
ply secretaries, Mrs. Alex Percy and Mrs.
Weir Eckenswiller; literature and library,
Mrs. Don McEwan; fellowship and ser-
vice, Mrs. Frank Maulden and historian
Mrs. John Barr.
Mrs. Tom McDonald read the Devotions
from Psalm 40. So often we have people
ask "What's new?". God's mercies are
Moy Boyle
new every morning and we should think
and thank the Lord for His many mercies.
Mrs. Bruce Bushell had the study on
Russia. Their objectives are to study the
churches and develop a better understan-
ding of Russia and America in peace time.
Mrs. Maulden read of women who have
tried to bring up their children in the Chris-
tian faith and all the difficulties that are
faced as the children are pressured by
their peers.
The ladies then divided into groups to
discuss their feelings of this situation in to-
day's society and filled in a questionaire.
Prayer closed the meeting and grace
was sung before refreshments were served
by the hostess.
Mr. Donald McEwan returned home
from Wingham Hospital on Friday where
he had been since Monday following an ac-
cident while sawing lumber. Donlad
received a bad cut between the fingers of
his right hand. We send our best wishes.
Mrs. Pearl Lloyd and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Lloyd of London visited on Sunday with
Edna and May Boyle.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burt of here and his
sister, Mrs. Cecil (Helen) MacMillan of
Mount Forest, attended a celebration par-
ty and dinner at the Cedar Br` ae Gold
Course, Toronto, for their brother Bob
Burt. Bob is a 25 year food retailer with the
Oshawa group. There were 200 people in
attendance when Bob was presented with a '
trip for two to England. His wife, Rosem
was given a dozen roses. Friends from
here pass alonf their congratulations at
this time.
Kairshea W.L meets
The November meeting of the Kairshea
Women's Institute was held at the home of
Mrs. Cliff Roulston on November 19.
Vice President, Mrs. Frank MacKenzie
opened the meeting with a poem, the Open-
ing Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect,
followed by Mrs. Roely de Boer reading
the scripture.
The minutes of the October meeting
were read by the assistant secretary, Mrs.
Lloyd MacDougall. The Financial Report
was given by Mrs. Donald MacKinnon. A
report was also given on two recent events
that the group catered to.
Motions were made that donations be
sent to the Lucknow Christmas Fund and
the Wingham and Area Day Centre for the
Homebound. Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall and
Mrs. Ted Collyer delivered the quilt which
had been quilted by institute members to
Mrs. Wm. Maclntyre.
The rollcall - what events are affecting
agriculture now or will in the future,
received many good replies. Mrs. Roulston
read an exerpt from Peter Newman's book
on the Hudson Bay Co., giving an Indian's
description of a Scottish bagpipe player.
Mrs. Donald Matthews chaired the pro-
gram she had prepared on Ontario
Agriculture. The topic she chose was the
growing of cranberries in the Muskoka
area. Indians used cranberries for food, in
curing meat, to make dyes and poultices.
Whaling ships carried barels of cranber-
ries for the Vitamin C which prevented
scurvy. Indians still are in charge of grow-
ing cranberries - in marshes near Bala.
There is -a colourful Cranberry, Festival
there each October. Mrs. Lloyd Mac-
Dougall and Mrs. Ira Dickie read accounts
of how the plants develop and how the
cranberries are harvested_by flooding the
Mrs. Matthews then played a recording
of the old song, When you and I were
young, Maggie, written by Geroge
Washington Johnston in Hamilton, Ontario
in 1860. The Americans claimed this song
as theirs for years. The Maggie Johnston
W.I. erected a plaque in her honour near
her birthplace in 1963.
In her Citizenship Report, Mrs. Roy
Finlayson told of hearing Vera Lynn sing
many of the songs from World War II. She
also gave a Remembrance Day reading on
how the Dutch remember the Canadians
and care for the cemeteries.
The December meeting will be held in
the Parish Hall December 17. Mrs. Don
Matthews gave the courtesy remarks, then
with the hostess and Mrs. Donald MacKin-
non helped serve lunch.
Clark says "Thanks"
The Lucknow and District Horticultural
Society held their Annual Meeting and
Banquet in the Legion Hall last Friday-. A
full house was reported for the meeting as
the Trinity Church Ladies were kept busy
serving the lovely meal.
Edith Webster opened the evening with
O'Canada and Rev. Cook said the grace. Vi
Arnold thanked the ladies of Trinity for the
Lucknow Reeve Herb Clark was on hand
to relay a message from the Village thank-
ing the Society for the flower beds they
tend and the trees they have planted in and
around Lucknow.
Evelyn Henderson gave the treasurer's
report followed by the presentation of the
auditor's report by Mary Nelson.
Mr. Lange from Chesley installed two
new officers and brought greetings to the
gathering from Chesley. He then spoke on
what horticulture should mean to
Mrs. Shephard entertained those in at-
tendance with several numbers from her
Scottich Dancers.
The guest speaker was then introduced
by Jean Whitby. Mr. Martin Parker, a
naturalist in charge of the Municipal Cam-
pground in Port Elgin, showed slides and
spoke of the wild flowers seen in and
around Bruce County.
Mr. Parker was thanked by Mr. Logan
and the meeting was closed with the