HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-11-25, Page 1829. Tenders 4.\ MINISTRY OF HOUSING — BRUCE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY The Bruce County Housing Authority re- quires experienced Electrical. Plumbing, and General Maintenance Contractors to perform Maintenance repairs on an "as and when required" basis at several loca- tions within Bruce County during 1988. Those contractors wishing to pre -qualify for this work may obtain contractors packages, which specify wage rates and conditions, by contacting: Walter J. Arnold Maintenance Supervisor Bruce County Housing Authority 325 Lambton Court K;ncardine. Ontario Phone: 1-800-265-3022 or (519) 396-3439. Closing time and date for submissions: 11:00 a.m. local time December 9, 1987. TENDER FOR SNOWBLOWING Pinecrest Nursing Home, Lucknow requires responsible person for snowblowing. App- ly in writing to: Pinecresting Nursing Home P.O. Box 220 Lucknow, Ont. c/o Maintenance. Tenders should be in by Friday, November 27, 1987. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. 30. Employment Wanted SINGLE MAN looking. for any kind of light work, will travel if necessary. Phone 528-3343.--45-48x WILL BABYSIT in my home.. Call 5282241.--47 131. Service Directory SMALL EQUIPMENT, RENTALS - lawn and garden, concrete, automotive, mov- ing, painting, cleaning, sanders, power tools, much more. Doupes Equipment Ltd., 3 miles East of Kincardine on No. 9 highway.395-2685.-42tfar MacLyn Car Oiling & Driveway Sealing HOURS: Monday - Friday 8 - 5:30 Saturday 8 - 5 Weather Permitting 395-3352 11/4 miles North of Amberley West off Highway 21 John Hickey Construction •New Construction •Replacement Windows • Renovations •Decks •Patios and doors •Roofing *Sidewalks FREE ESTIMATES LICENSED CARPENTER 529-7872 10 YEARS AFTER 6 P.M. •rr 1 RIPLEY ABATTOIR 395-2905 CUSTOM BUTCHERING Hogs, Cattle, Lambs Mondays. Beef and Pork sold by the 'A, '/i or whole. Homemade Sausages our speciality. OPEN DAILY 7 A.M. TILL 6 P.M. SATURDAYS 7 A.M. TILL NOON PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & Appliances Service. Dependable repairs to all makes and models of major appliances. Phone 1-887-9062.-42tfar REFRIGERATION AND Appliance Ser- vice - rebuilt appliances; cash for your us- ed appliances. Call Lucknow Appliance Centre, 528-2946.--4tfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE, Grant McDonald, Ripley; Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater. Licensed Auctioneer, Sales of All Types. Phone Ripley 395-5353, Teeswater 392-6170.—tfar PLANNING AN AUCTION? No sale too big or too small! Call Allan Miller, Licens- ed Auctioneer, 395-5062 for information .—ltfar WOOD FLOOR FINISHING, hard or soft wood floors, old or new. Finishing or refinishing. For an experienced profes- sional phone Peter Martin 529-3107.--32tfnx 34. Personal PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357-1066, 357-1769 or London 432-9197 collect.—tf HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655.--40tf 35. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN ROBERT ORR ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, who died on the 16th day of September, 1987, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 28th day of November, 1987. AFTER that date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 3rd day of November, 1987. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES WINGHAM, Ontario NOG 2W0 Solicitors for the Executors -45-47 36. Announcements NOTICE RATEPAYERS of WEST WAWA - .NOSH TOWNSHIP FINAL IN- STALLMENT OF 1987 TAXES Is due NOVEMBER 30th, 1987 RALPH'S BARBERING Teeswater HOURS Mondays - Closed Tuesdays - 9 A - 6 P Wednesdays - Closed Thursdays - Fridays - Saturdays - 9AM-6PM 9AM-6PM 9AM-5PM Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 25, 1987 --Page 17 LOST: a heifer about 700 - 750 pounds. Should have a yellow tag in left ear. It strayed away at grass time from the 6th concession of Kinloss Township. Believed to be between 4th and 2nd concessions a couple of months ago. Anyone finding this heifer please call 395-5491.-47nx LOST at Ale Lucknow Community Centre Saturday, November 21, two grey suede jackets. Would the persons who took the jackets by mistake please contact Tom An- drew at 528-3725 so they can be returned to the rightful owners. Thank you. -47 ILS!,. In Memoriam REID in loving memory of my dear husband Milvert who passed away November 25, 1987. Those we love don't go away They walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard but always near Still loved still missed and very dear. Beautiful memories are wonderful things They last to the longest day They never wear out, they never get lost And they can never be given away. Lovingly remembered by his wife Gladys. --47 CHESBRO In loving memory of a dear mother Nellie who passed away November 29,1985 and a dear sister Esther who passed away December 17, 1962. We think of them often, In our own special way, Oh, how we wish, They were here with us today. We will cherish the memories They gave us, forever, Till someday we will meet, and all be together. Lovingly remembered by sons, daughters and grandchildren. -47x 47. Card of Thanks WHITBY Thank you to the Aqua Fit Class for the lovely birthday and retirement lunch, especially Ruth and Betty; to Belle for the flowers and to family and friends for cards and best wishes. Jean Whitby. ---47x DURNIN I would like to thank everyone who remembered me with cards, gifts, flowers and visits while in hospital and since com- ing home: Lois Durnin.-47x • GIBSON Sincere thanks to all who remembered me with cards, gifts, visits, phone calls, flowers and home cooking while I was in University Hospital and since returning home. Kathy Gibson. -47x MacKINNON Many thanks for the flowers, .cards and treats I received during my stay in St. Joseph's Hospital. F. MacKinnon. --47x IRENE KEANE The family would like to express our sincere thanks to all our friends and relatives for their thoughtfulness in memory of our mother. Thank you for the beautiful floral tributes, donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, St. Mary's C.W.L., Canadian Cancer Society and Mass Cards. Thank you for food, offers of accomodation, phone calls and the flowers that were sent to our homes. Many thanks to the pallbearers and flower bearers and to those who called at the funeral home to extend their sympathy. To St. Mary's C.W.L. for serving lunch at the hall follow- ing the service. Thanks to Father Ed. Den- tinger for conducting . the service and the graveside service. We wish to also express thanks to Bernardine Kinney for her very kind words at the luncheon. Your kindness and thoughtfulness will never be forgotten. Ruth and Bob Currie & Family, Roy and Marlene Keane & Family. -47 FERGUSON Our sincere thanks to our family, relatives and friends who helped celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. Special thanks to our family who planned the occasion. Your good wishes, gifts and cards are a treasured memory. John and Myrtle. -47 MacDOUGALL We wish to thank ouriatives, neighbours and friends for thei�r� les. t wishes, cards and gifts to us on our 45th wedding an- niversary. Special thanks to our family for taking us out to dinner and arranging a party at our home afterwards. It made our anniversary one we will always remember. Lloyd and Ann MacDougall. -47x 48. Coming Events GIANT BOOK SALE of new books for entire family, Friday, November 27, 6 - 9:30 p.m., Saturday, November 28, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Lucknow District Christian School, 2 miles east of Lucknow, on Hwy. 86.-46,47 JINGLE BELL ROCK Christmas Dance featuring LOWDOWN, Friday, December 11, Lucknow Communi- ty Centre. $8.00 per person in advance, $10.00 per person at door. Sponsored by Lucknow and District Kinsmen. Tickets from Kinsmen, McDonagh's Sentinel and Buffys.-45-47ar 80TH BIRTHDAY The family of Jane Hamilton invites friends and relatives to help celebrate her 80th birthday on Saturday, November 28, from 2 - 4:30 p.m. at the Sepoy Apart- ments. Best wishes only please. -46,47x HURRY,, HURRY! Only 20 - 30 spots left on the Lucknow Sports Complex 50/50 draw. Only 50 tickets will be sold (500 spots at $10 each spot). Draws to be held last day of each month. Tickets available at McDonagh's Insurance 47_nxe__ ._ . RECEPTION for Grant and Karen , (Binder) Murray in Lucknow. Saturday, November 28. Ladies please bring lunch. Tiffins Orchestra. -46,47x ST. AUGUSTINE TURKEY BINGO St. Augustine Parish Hall, Wednesday December 9/87, 8:15 p.m. Door prize, 10 turkeys, 2 share the wealth. -47,48 BAZAAR Saturday, November 28, 1:30 - 4 p.m., Kinloss Municipal Buildings (former school). Sponsored by Holyrood W.I. Tea table, baking, crafts. -47x CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE at Huron Landscaping Limited, Lucknow, Saturday, December 5, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sunday December 6, 12 noon to 5 p.m. Complete Christmas line, Christmas trees live and artificial. Come and bring a friend. -47, 48ar COMMUNITY CAROLFEST Wednesday, December 2, 8 p.m., Lucknow United Church, Area choirs and Lucknow School Concert Band participating. -47 BOOK FAIR At Lucknow Central. Public School, December 1st to December 7th. -47,48 LUCKNOW KINETTES CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Saturday November 28, 11 a.m. _ 4 p.m. Lucknow Legion. Local crafters. -45-47 ONE OF A KIND CRAFTSHOW • Bus to Toronto, November 27. Over 500 ex- hibitors with restaurant, parcel check and coat check on premises. Great Christmas shopping experience. You can see designer decorator rooms; choreographed fashion shows, twice daily; gift suggestion showcase; craft photo gallery; demonstra- tions by skilled crafts people and other Yueltide exhibits. Seats on bus and admis- sion ticket $15.00 per person. Senior Citizens $1.00 discount. Call Thelma at 528.2818, Gordon T. Montgomery Ltd. --48,47 -