HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-10-28, Page 11Halloween must be here Kinderg rtes The Kindergarten ass has had a busy week decorating th room for Hallowee �. We have been co ting the days unt'. the happy time. W ave made a Hal +ween Big Book an hope to share it 'tn the other grades nd parents. Grade One This -,week in Grade One we le • ned about amphibians which are animals that live under water and on land. We drew pic- tures and read books about frogs, toads and salamanders. Ainsley brought a very interesting Flutter fish to class. It is covered with spines. We made sentences with action words like "I am skipping" and "She is running". We also made a book called My Friends and I. Jeff Rumble is the `special me' this week. Grade One and Two Mrs. Black's class was very impressed with the talents of some of our local residents at the craft festival at the library last week. At the listening centre this week we learned about Mr. Platypus, a very mixed up fellow with a duck's bill, webbed feet and a beaver tail. Grade Two and Three Grade Two and Three are convinced that winter is not far away. While they were eating lunch on Wednesday, the sky sud- denly got dark. They were amazed to see that it was a huge flock of birds preparing to fly south. On Thursday, we were invited to see the exhibit of the local seniors crafts. Thanks to the seniors and to Mrs. Schuit and Mrs. Robson for walking down with us. On .Friday we sent three brave runners to the Cross -Country Run in Paisley. Grade Three and Four This week in Mr. Dennis' class we finish- ed reading our story "The Monster Fish" in which two small boys caught a 60 lb fish and then let it go. In Phys Ed. we had fun playing many games. with bean bags and in Environmen- tal Studies we Studied a very interesting topic on why we have night and day. Halloween will be enjoyed by all of us as we made ghosts and tombstones to add to the spooky occassion. Happy Halloween to all. Grade Four Mrs. Forrest's Grade Four class was busy this week making Halloween stories and scary witches in creative writing and art. We are learning a lot of new and in- teresting things about Canada and enjoy- ing it in Environmental Studies. f,CPS Amor Grade Five This week, the Grade Fives have been studying the Regions of Canada. On Thursday last week we went to the Lucknow Public Library in town. We are continuing to subtract in Math. Grade Six Mr. Burkhart's class was busy this week preparing for their tests so Mr. Burkhart could record their marks for the report cards. On Tuesday, they tiad their reading test. Thursday was math test and Wednesday was the day of their history test. Most students did very well on the tests and should come home smiling with their report cards. On Friday we got together with our houseleagues to continue to learn about the countries we represent. Grade Seven and Eight In Mr. Mckeon's class we are winding to a conclusion on our studies of the TVO series "Midnight is a Place". We have learned about the dramatic arts and found they are structured like a novel. We are developing a greater sensitivity for the skills of a writer 'as a product of this exposure. Grade Eight This weel(in Grade Eight we have been working diligently on our Halloween assembly. Some of us are writing our own play. We would like to wish Chris Humphrey a happy birthday this week. Mr. Pike's Note Parents are welcome to attend the Grade Eight assembly on October 30 star- ting at 9:15 a.m. Constable Shawn Uppers, our local O.P.P. liason officer, will be star- ting the Values, Influences and Peers pro- gram (V.I.P.) with our Grade Six's on Tuesday. Our students will again be carrying UNICEF boxes on Halloween so please keep some change by your door on Satur- day night to support this worthy cause. Our students are proud to help those children who are less fortunate. Picture day at LCPS will be Tuesday, November 3 and this is also the day we kick off our large fundraiser for the year... Students will be around to conveniently do your Christmas shopping. Thanks in ad- vance for your support. Bernardine Kinney, (left) on behalf of the Kingsbridge Area Senior Citizens, presents Pearl Congran, of Dungannon with a lapel pin in honor of Pearl's 90th birthday, dur- ing a celebration at the Dungannon Seniors Centre on Oct. 24. (photo by Patrick Raftis) Page 10 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 28. 1987 1REM1NDER Village Of Lucknow RATEPAYERS 4th installment of 1987 TAXES are due NOVEMBER 1st, 1987 B.M. Whitcroft Clerk -Treasurer HURON ADDICTION ASSESSMENT AND REFERRAL CENTRE Opening: November 2, 1987 Do you think you have a problem with alcohol or drugs? WE CAN HELP YOU. *Confidentiality *Counselling •Information AT NO CHARGE CLINTON HEALTH UNIT OFFICE 482-341611-800-265-5184 ASK FOR: Assessment Office Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ATTENTION CANADIANS WINTERING IN THE SUN BELT! C ...., Ottawa acc�•.e0 01 I1scat 1Umr`am wr►aolk1a •••:".! s. Postal strike tack called°stw�nq 1er s dr oPP"^9 Ng.11oodwa 1! 1 1 r. 1 1, 1 ,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Great rea Gre ding gh to keep in tou ch W � with home. •■ - •• Canada + News anada News is the largest Canadian newspaper published in the Sun Belt - weekly from Nov. 1 to April 30 - 26 WEEKS! 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