HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-10-21, Page 14211 ESTABLISHED IN 1873 "THE SEPOY TOWN" ON THE HURON -BRUCE BOUNDARY ',rfi p. a • The work on repairing the roof at the Lucknow and District Arena is down to its final week now'as crews have finished one side of the building and have moved to the other. In addition t� the roof repairs, last Friday saw a new compressor installed . at the facility. The compressor, which cools the arena floor to permit ice making, should have Recreation Director Bill Hunter making ice by the endof the week. A huge crane was brought over from Wingham to move the one -and -a -half ton compressor into posi- tion. (Rob Bundy photo) frrp•.iy. :,:rr: .Ea"iJ` .,• rr;r,'...:r Crra..•. r1.e%lj/.• : ,fJ: �/%/• . i;,rr f/i ,?: Rables a munized at these clinics should receive booster doses this year. If in doubt, check with your veterinarian. Low cost rabies clinics will again be pro- vided by the Grey Bruce Veterinary Association this year. The dates are as follows: Bruce County, October 20, 21, 22; Grey County and Owen Sound October 28, 29. Check last week's Sentinel for complete listing of clinic times and locations. Dr. W. C. MacPherson, Medical Officer of Health for Bruce and Grey Counties has issued the following rabies advisory. The Ministry of Health has notified all Medical Officers of Health that Norden Laboratories, based on retesting, has determined that two of their rabies vac- cines may not provide inununity to dogs and cats beyond one year. One of the Norden vaccines was used at the low cost clinics in both Bruce and Grey Counties in October 1986. Therefore, dogs and cats im- Council has requested housing unit delay The October meeting of the. Village Council of Lucknow was held last week in the. Town Hall with Reeve Herb Clark presiding. Only two councilors were able to be present which unfortunately restricted the carrying of motions at the meeting. ,council has forwarded a request to the Ministry of Housing to defer the allocation of 20 non-profit housing units for a period of one year.. The delay was requested by council to allow time to change the zoning regulations and to determine the' final completion date of the recently granted sanitary sewage system. The housing units, which were approved last spring, will be built on the two lots beside the Liquor Store. The request to delay construction will await ministry approval. Sports Complex. It was also revealed at last week's meeting of council that a letter of ihtent has been drafted to be sent to Murray Simpson Contruction of Wingham. The let- ter simply states that council intends to proceed with the first phase of construc- tion of the complex and allows the com- pany to ;develop the blueprints which will , then be reveiwed by the Arena Board, which is chaired by Grant Farrish. Some changes may be made in the final plans at the time with respect to cost. The Village currently controls a •grant of $191,0000 which represents a Maximum of one-third of the total cost of the project. The remaining two-thirds will be absorbed by the Fund Raising Committee and the four municipalities involved. Snow removal Subject to the approval of all members of the Village Council, Kinloss Sand and Gravel will once again be hired to handle snow removal this winter. Excess snow is generally piled rrt.•drte s new, the river which rep, mires the deo'f ray snowblower and a truck. - Also, council has moved forward to ac- cept tenders for the planned downtown bridge repairs. Advertisements will be placed in local and trade publications to announce the acceptance of tenders by the Village.. fa`' ' .`. 44 fir. :i F . s Y ase a, rF• F. x . Details of non-smoking policy released Treasury Board President Robert de Cotret today released details of the government's October 1, 1987, smoking restriction and how it will be applied in Public Service workplaces. The details were •contained in a policy statement sent this morning to deputy heads of those departments and agencies for which Treasury Board represents the employer. The policy was developed following Mr. de Cotret's announcement on April ' 22, 1987, that the government intended to ban stoking in the Public Service workplace by January 1, 1989, and to restrict smoking to specially designated areas as a transi- tion measure beginning as early as Oc- tober 1, 1987. Effective immediately, smoking by employees will be banned at all service counters, waiting rooms, desks and wickets where the public is served. No - smoking signs must, be posted to identify these areas and to remind the public of the no -smoking policy. , For a 15 -month phase-in period beginn- ing October 1, 1987, smoking will be per- mitted only in areas specially designated for this purpose. These smoking areas will use existing physical barriers and ventila- tion systems to minimize the movement of smoke into adjacent non-smoking areas. No additional costs are to be incurred in in- stalling separate ventilation systems for the interim period in which these smoking areas will be in use. Departments will involve their local safety and health committees - made up of employer and employee ( union) represen- tatives - in planning th.; impletnentation of this policy. Smoking will be prohibited in private of- fices and in any general areas that non- ••, smoking employees must use, including hallways, meeting rooms, elevators, washrooms and government vehicles. A total ban on smoking in the workplace will begin January 1, 1989. Under the policy, ' departments may make suitable arrangements to provide smoking cessation programs for those employees who wish to quit smoking. However, no additional funds will be pro- vided to departments for this purpose. Deputy heads will be accountable for im- plementing this policy, which recognizes that some departments • must contend with unconventional operating locales suchas prisons, veterans' hospitals, ships,. isolated locations where an employee works alone, and residential accomtinoda- tion centres. In these cases, and upon the recommendation of departmental safety and health committees, deputy heads may • 1 r authorize exceptions to the smoking ban after a process of careful review. Mr. de Cotret said: "The Public Service smoking policy incorporates the recogniz- ed ingredients for a successful employer smoking policy. (1) Sufficient notice: employees will have been given over 20 months notice from the time the govern- ment first announced its intention to ban smoking until the ban in the workplace is introduced on January 1, 1989; (2) input and participation by employees in plann- ing interim arrangements; (3) senior management support and involvement; and (4) provision for exceptions for unique circumstances where enforcement of a strict ban is impractical or unreasonable. in addition, the, policy provides for smok- ing cessation programs for smokers who wish to quit." , •