The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-10-14, Page 7Bible Society meets
The Kinlough and District Bible Society
held its annual meeting on Tuesday Oct 6th
in the Kinlough Anglican Church hall. The
President Walter Breckles welcomed
everyone and all joined in singing the
hymn, Come let us sing of a wonderful
love. The scripture from Isaiah was read
by the president. followed by a minutes
silence in memory of the late Evelyn
Hodgins and Ezra Stanley who were
faithful supporters. Pastor M. Christensen
gave the prayer. Numbers for the program
were from each of the village congrega-
tions, Mrs. Bruce Bushell and Mrs. Wm.
MacPherson favoured with a duet, Mr.
Reg Powell with his trumpet played "How
great Thou art". Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Cooper and Rev. Merelyn Letson sang a
sacred trio.
Rev. D.L. Howlett District Secretary
from London gave a most encouraging ac-
count of the work of the Bible Society and
the need for more scriptures and then he
showed a wonderful film on China entitled
"Winter is past" — how the Bible has`
changed lives in China. The Bible Society
working closely with Chinese Christian
leaders and many souls have come to know
the Love of Our Lord. Their faces beamed
as they sang hymns and had prayer
Mrs. Ronald Thacker received the offer-
ing and Walter Breckles gave the offertory
prayer. All joined in the lovely old hymn
"What a friend we have in Jesus."
Rev. Merelyn Letson offered prayer,
Rev. Howlitt presided for the election of of-
ficers. The present executive were re-
elected, President - Walter Breckles,
Secretary - May Boyle, Treasurer - Mrs.
Frank Moulden. .
The 1986 minutes and financialstate-
ment were given and Rev. Howlett re-
quested that all the canvassers make their
collection as soon as possible. The new
_packets were headed out and canvassers
are as follows; Kinloss and area, Mrs. Ron
Stanley, South and Base line - Mrs. Don
Bushell and Mrs. Bill Burt, Kinlough
village, Mrs. Delbert Hedley, Con. 12 W,
Mr and Mrs. Tom McDonald, Con. 12 E,
Mrs. Agnes Hodgins and Mrs. Don
McEwan, Con 10 W, Mrs. Allen Rhodes,
Con. 10 E. Mrs. Weir Eckenswiller, Mrs.
Wm MacPherson, Holyrood and Con. 8,
Mrs. Sheila Dawson.
The 1988 meeting will be held in the
Kinlough Presbyterian Church on Oct 4th.
Rev. Howlett expressed his appreciation to
everyone, the executive for faithfully car-
rying on year after year, the canvassers
and their supporters and closed the
meeting with a prayer and all rePeated
• The Lord's Prayer.
The Presbyterian WMS Autumn
Thankoffering was held at the church on
Wednesday afternoon with guests from
Teeswater WMS and Kinlough Pentecostal
WM and the Anglican ACW ladies. Mrs.
Bert Thompson presided and extended a
welcome and began the meeting with a
poem "Autumn Weather," The Scripture
from Psalm 92 and The Lord's Prayer
from St. Matthew were read by Mrs. Tom
McDonald, Mrs. Don Bushell gave the
meditation and Mrs. Don Reid the prayer,
Mrs. Bruce Bushell favoured with a lovely
solo, Mrs. Frank Maulden introduced the
guest speaker Mrs. (Rev.) Douglas Mac-
Donald of Bruce Beach and all read the
words of two hymns bringing out the
thought on Thanksgiving, How firm a foun-
Saturday, October 17
Marlene Murray & Russel Mackie
Saturday, October 24
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By May floyie
dation making it so clear that our Lord will
never leave or forsake us. It is we
ourselves that fail to be truly thankful for
all of God's mercy.
The other hymn read was Let Christian
faith and hope dispel our indifference and
pettiness. The speaker read from St. Luke
the healing of the Biblical women, Is Jesus
here to -day? What have we done for Him,
Did we give our offering in Thanksgiving
to God. Do we take time to meditate and be
truly thankful. Let your love be not in word
was sung. Mrs. Tom McDonald thanked
the speaker and presented her with a gift.
Mrs. Lloyd Johnston and Mrs. Alex Per-
cy received the offering and Mrs. Bert
Thompson read "Let us give thanks".
Hymns were sung throughout the meeting
with Mrs. Wiliam °MacPherson organist.
Delicious refreshments were served in the
Sunday school room. Rev. Douglas Mac-
Donald joined us for the social hour. Each
guest society expressed appreciation for
the pleasant afternoon and time of
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burt spent last
weekend a t,Toronto where they attended' a
wedding anniversary and helped their
grandson Michael Burt to celebrate his
12th birthday. They brought their grand-
son Matthew Burt home with them for a
few days.
The Anglican Church Women held their
Thanksgiving meeting at the church on
Thursday. The president Mrs. Roy Collins
opened the meeting with scripture and a
poem Our blessings. Each member
answered the roll call with what they were
thankful for. Mrs. Ronald Thacker read
the minutes and a thank you card of ap-
preciation from Mrs. Bert Nicholson
whose home we were at for the„September
meeting. The financial statement was
given and the new 1988 Church Calendars
are available from the secretary.
Prayer followed and all repeated the
Lord's Prayer. A luncheon for the Confir-
mation was planned, also the Bazaar Nov..
12th was planned. Mis Edna Boyle was
asked to preside for the election of 1988 of-
ficers which are as follows: Honourary
Past President - Mrs. Delbert Hedley,
President - Mrs. Roy Collins, lst Vice
President, Mrs. David Haldenby. Social
service convener - Miss Edna Boyle,
Secretary -Treasurer - Mrs.Ronald •
Thocker. All others accepted their former
The Spring Deanery meeting will be held
at St. Lukes Church, Pine River (Lurgan) .
A lovely amount of good clothing, and knit-
ted things for babies, adults and children, 6
bales, were packed ready to mail and
hopefully received before Christmas. Mrs.
Agnes Hodgins and Mrs. Midford Wall
served a delicious lunch. Mrs. Eric
Thacker gave the courtesy remarks. Some
of the Sr. ladies worked on the new covers
for the church pews.
Ladies from here were in attendance at
the Silver Lake Women's Institute's 30th
Anniversary Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Fred Page returned home from
Kitchener where she was with Rosita who
had nasal surgery:
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 14, 1987 --Page 7
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Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1987
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Wednesday, Oct. 21, 1987 Thursday, Oct. 22, 1987
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Chippewa Hill
Fire Hall Wiarton New Fire Hall
Fire Hall Mar __. Institute Hall
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Town Workshop Cargill _� _ _. ___..._ _ Cassidy's Shop
Township Garage Elmwood _ _ Fire Hall
Township Garage
Fire Hall
P.U.C. Shed
'Kincardine Town Garage
Mildmay .,_._ Carrick Twp. Garage
Holyrood Township Garage