HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-08-19, Page 5Interest commended
To the Editor,
The Grey -Bruce branch of the Victorian.
Order of Nurses wishes to express
gratitude to the citizens of Grey and Bruce
counties for their generous response to the
VON fund raising appeal.
Your donations of over $20,000 has enabl-
ed us to purchase a much needed computer
and will enable us to continue to provide
services that are not otherwise funded. It
is beacuse of the support of the citizens in
the communities in which we serve that we
are able to continue to provide high quality
nuring care.
Again, thank you for your continued
Victorian Order of Nurses
To the Editor,
I read with interest your recent article
on the Sepoy Town'.
I would offer two short comments.
The first is that you describe the conflict
as the Indian Mutiny and that it was a bar-
baric uprising of native rebels in India. I
would suggest that the term 'muntiny' is
prejudicial. The event was a revolution
against an imperial power. Whether it was
a true national uprising is debatable. It is
clear that the revolt was by persons native
to the country against forces which were
imposed upon them by a foreign power. As
for the barbarity of the conflict I would
submit that the British were as barbaric as
the Indian Revolutionaries.
Even Winston S. Churchill in his book
'The Great Democracies' at page 67 wrote
that, "...the British troops took horrible
vengence. Mutineers were blown from the
mouths of cannons, sometimes alive, or
their bodies sewn in the skins of cows and
swine." and again on page 68 "...terrible
atrocities had been committed by both
sides." This, from the last of the great im-
perialists, is clearly a condemnation of the
viciousness of the fighting.
I take one other exception to your arti-
cle. You state that the word Sepoy comes
from the name given to Indian foot
soldiers. I do not quarrel with this. You go
on to state, however, that those soldiers
known as Sepoys were the ones who fought
alongside the Scottish regiments in the
battle later known as the `Relief of
Lucknow'. My understanding of the word
Sepoy is that it applied to any Indian
soldier in the employ of the East India
Company. This would include both those
who fought for and against the British
Your interest in.this matter is to be com-
mended. It certainly adds some historical
status to Havelock, Outram, Willowby and
Canning Streets to know that they have a
connection with the great events of the
British Empire. It may be of interest to
note as well that Canning was later made
the first Viceroy of India. His nickname
became 'Clemency' Canning for his mer -
•cifulness after the conflict was settled.
George J. Brophy
Dear Editor :
There may be readers of your
newspaper who would be interested in
knowing of the forthcoming 42nd Annual.
Reunion of No. 6 Service Flying Training
School, Dunnville, Ontario. Details of this
get together are as follows:
42nd Annual Dunnville
Airforce Reunion
For the past 41 years Canadian Air
Force personnel who were stationed at
No. 6 S.F.T.S. during the war have
gathered in Dunnville to celebrate their
station reunion. 1987 marks their 42nd get
together which takes place September 18,
19 and 20.
The week -end kicks off with a "Mood Ad-
justment Hour" and the Mayor's reception
on Friday evening and a golf tournament
Saturday morning followed by a parade,
memorial service and a banquet.
Mr. Raymond Z. Munro, O.C., wartime
spitfire pilot, balloonist, parachutist.
Reporter and author of renown, from
Oakville, Ontario, will be our guest of
honour. He will take the salute and inspect
the air cadets and veterans at the
memorial service on Saturday afternoon,
September 19. The service is in memory of
the 47 commonwealth, American and
'Canadian personnel who made the
supreme sacrifice at Dunnville from 1940
to 1944.
The parade will be led by the pipes and
drums of Branch 142 ° Royal Canadian
Legion and the memorial service will be
preceded at a formation fly-past of Har-
vard Aircraft led by Norm Beckham of the
Can. Harvard Aircraft Assoc. of
A banquet will follow at the legion
auditorium at which time Mr. Munro will
be the speaker and will bring a wealth of
his many experiences.
The week -end winds down on Sunday
morning with an outdoor "Flapper and
Banger' breakfast at the Riverview
Motel. .
All veterans and all ranks of No. 6 and
their spouses are invited! If not on the.
mailing list, please contact:
Frank Scholfield
Adjutant -General
646 Alder St. West
Dunnville, Ont. N1A 1S5
Mrs. Emerson retires
from Sentinel duties
It is with regret that the Lucknow Sen-
tinel accepted the decision of Mrs. Victor
Emerson to retire as the correspondent for
the Whitechurch area. Valetta cited failing
eyesight as the reason for her decision to
step-down from the job she has performed
faithfully for many years.
Each week, Mrs. Emerson reported the
community news and personal items of
Whitechurch and has been a valued
member of our staff. We at the Sentinel, as
well as her readers, will miss the time and
effort she displayed in carrying out her
duties as a rural reporter. We would like to
publicly express our deep appreciation for
her contribution to this newspaper over
her years as correspondent.
While Valetta has left some big shoes to
fill, filled they must be. It is often difficult
to find someone willing to take the time to
hunt out and report the events that take
place in the smaller communities which
dot our province. If you feel you have the
qualifications to do such a task, we would
ask that you contact the Sentinel office in
Lucknow. The job does not pay vast
amounts of money but the work, we
beleive, is as important as any we do here.
It has been suggested that a member or
members of the Women's Institute of
Whitechurch take on these tasks. Such an
organization is dedicated to the purpose of
community service and would certainly
fulfill. our requirements and the re-
quirements of the surrounding
Anyone interested in the job of
Whitechurch correspondent is asked to
consider their decision carefully and con-
tact Pat Livingston at the Lucknow Sen-
tinel at 528-2822.
Once again, thank -you Valletta for your
many years of dedicated service to your
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 19, 1987 --Page 5
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