HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-07-15, Page 14Page 14—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 15, 1987 RETURN OF saw .aaa' 000. .111100000001.' 110w ■w' .aaa�r- aaaa._W. mamas r a r .40aaaaaaar maaaar aa' 4r .a" at .�is .. saaaaaar 411k.' .tea^aaa' Ula' .\aa.aa rr\raaw /1111111110/111111111011111,a ar maaa►' .p►' \\• IP'- • a■raalar...— ■•ala■111 .a•aaao I \►' N.' .1 4. 41111•\r■0- SOW' 'fa' r t" i iai.....11111101100' �w■ rr^ AP' 81 ..40116. 111 .wlllaaaiMa■ r■r\._ . ra\\■ra\ao'"'" rip■■■aaafaaaaaal .\■\aaaa■\ara ^r• aa\aaaaa\aaaaaaaaaai .r\. raaaaaaaar�' rraaaaaaaaaaaaa■aaaaaafaia aaraaiaaaaara•-.■r+rl•aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarR' laaaaaaf"-..r,raaa■aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar,aat BY POPULAR DEMAND DANCE AT THE DAVIDSON CENTRE FOR KINCARDINE & DISTRICT (ON THE ARENA FLOOR DEFINITELY) F R 1 DAY, JULY 24 9:00 p.rn. to 1:00 a.m. PROCEEDS FOR -KINCARDINE ATHLETIC FIELDS PLAN TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: KWIK-K VARIETY, DAVIDSON CENTRE, PRO HARDWARE TIVERTON, PRO HARDWARE RIPLEY, HURON LANDSCAPING LUCKNOW, AND ATHLETIC FIELD PLAN COMMITTEE MEMBERS. TICKETS $7.00 ADVANCE & $10.00 AT DOOR (1000 TICKETS ONLY) SPECIAL OCCASION PERMIT IN EFFECT "DON'T MISS YOUR TICKET THIS TIME" AGE OF MAJORITY IN EFFECT NO REFUND Hunting violations The ministry of natural resources is responsible for the enforcement of the Fish and Game Act, Migratory Birds Act, as well as a variety of other acts relating to our natural resouces. The following is an example of how citizens have assisted the ministry of natural resources in the past in regard to wildlife violations. On May 29, 1987, a justice of the peace convicted three Brantford area men, in a Brantford court, with unlawfully hunting deer, and unlawful possession of deer. This culminated an intensive investigation by conservation officers from the Cambridge district, ministry of natural resources. An anonymous tip led conservation of- ficers to a barn in Brantford Township where a number of illegally taken deer were found hanging. After an intensive in- vestigation,' charges were laid under the Game and Fish Act in November 1986. Two of the men were convicted of unlawfully hunting deer. One man was fin - CRIME STOPPERS ;:::i:::.:::• Sir •i:; ed $1,600 while the other was given a suspended sentence. The third man was convicted of unlawfully hunting deer and unlawfully possessing three deer. He received a fine of $1,500 and had his 12 gauge shotgun permanently confiscated. Crime stoppers urges the residents of Grey and Bruce Counties to call 1-800-265-3787 with any information relating to fish and wildlife violations. This information will be promptly forwarded to the ministry of natural resources for the appropriate follow-up. Crime stoppers of Grey Bruce will pay a reward up to $1,000 for any information that leads to an arrest in this or any other case. You need not identify yourself, and all information is strictly confidential. q .. .ws ,. .t,, ins k. < ; .a ar,.. - . •::iF' The day was hot and the action on the track was heavy as almost 4,000 spectators Took in the annual Lucknow Tractor Pull over the weekend. Organizors of the big event say attendance was down slightly from previous years due to the extreme heat, but those who came certainly got their money's worth. HAVE YOU GOT YOUR COPY? Some Reader Comments: "Great Book Send Me 10 More" "Couldn't Put It Down" "Our Teenagers Are Reading & Discussing It" "I Bought 20 For Business Associates" ...A collection of 175 Focus articles & Radio Programs by Bob Shrier Tie response to "Let's Think For A Minute has been beyond ex- pectations. The first printing was sold out and the second printing is now available. Reader comments about the book are encouraging others to get their copy. Readers who received one as a gift at Christmas are buying`or order- ing books for friends, family and business associates. Get your copy today! Books Available at: ntinel Bob Shrier B.A. McDONAGH REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LTD. 528-2031 LUCKNOW FARMS CULROSS TWP. -- 300 acres, approx. 250 workable, Theswater loam. Mtge available to qualified purchaser. KINLOSS — 50 acres, approx. 30 workable, spring and fish pond, asking — 135,000. KINLOSS ---100 acres approx. 65 workable, fairly level and drained balance bush. Ask- ing $60,000. HOMES 3 BEDROOM with small barn on 6-7 acres, paved drive. 11/2 STOREY — 2 bedroom home, large lot, 3 pc. bath. Wheeler St. COUNTRY LIVING — 8 yr. old, 3 bedroom, sunken living room, fireplace, drill- ed well. 15 acres hardwood, 30,000 red & white pine trees. 3 miles from Lucknow. LUCKNOW — Handyman special on dou- ble lot on Havelock St., 200 amp service. Asking $22,000. LUCKNOW — Just listed, 4 bedroom home on double lot, 2 and 4 pc. bath, attached garage with door opener. Listings Wanted FRASER Mac KINNON 528-3013 BARRY McDONAGH 528-3821 DAVID MacKINNON 395-2483