The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-07-15, Page 7waelselerrAzaWiN
Despite the hot weather, it's berry pickin' time. We saw these happy pickers looking
for the juicy treats to be found under the cool leaves of the strawberry plants at Mor-
rison Berries. The good folks at Morrison's tell us the strawberries are abort finished
for the season but the raspberries are ripe and ready to go. Look for raspberries to
last about another two weeks.
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 15, 1987—Page 7
Summer playground opens
Several members of the Kingsbridge
Youth Club along with youth club leader
Denise Dalton recently enjoyed a day at
Canada's Wonderland.
The summer playground sponsored by
the Kingsbridge Community School
Association and held at St. Joseph's com-
munity school began another season Mon-
day, July 6th. The playground is supervis-
ed and conducted by 3 leaders with a full
•slate of activities and crafts. It is open to
children 2 and up and attendance is entire-
ly voluntary on a day to day basis.
Father Ed and Brother Carl were on
retreat from- Monday, July 10th until Fri-
day, July 18th at the Waterloo Resurrec-
tion College.
Father Ed Garvey, a native son of
Kingsbridgepis spending the month of July
at the Garvey homestead. He has the care
of the Teeswater Parrish and its mission at
Riversdale for the Saturday evening and
Sunday Liturgies for July. As well, Father
Garvey continued to offer daily Mass at St.
Joseph's during Father Ed's absence.
On Monday, July 13th several members
of the parish travelled by bus on a
pilgramage to St. Mary's Shrine in St.
Mary's, Ontario. This was a Pilgrimage of
special significance as this is a Marian Ho-
ly Year recently inaugurated by His
Holiness Pope John Paul II when special
and extra devotions to our Blessed Mother
are encouraged and recommended.
The Catholic Women's League held their
regular monthly meeting in the Parish
Hall on Monday evening, July 6 with Presi-
dent Denise Dalton presiding. The minutes
of the last, meeting were read by Dane
Lalonde and adopted as read. Elsie
Dykstra gave the treasurer's report. Cor-
respondence was read by Diane Lalond.
Clarice Dalton gave a brief report on the
recent activities of the Pro -Life Group. A
report on Joe Borowski's fight in the courts
for the rights of the un -born and his re-
quest and need for financial assistance in
this fight was given by Rita Howard. By a
unanimous decision the members of the
league voted to donate $500 to his cause. An
update was also given on the upcoming
telethon for Pro -Life to be held in October.
Betty Lou Dalton reported on the
barbecue she catered to in Port Albert on
July 4 on behalf of the C.W.L. Betty Lou
also read an invitation to a com-
memorative celebration to be held on Aug
9th in Kingsbridge in tribute to the
memory of surveyor William O'Neill who
staked the original claims in Ashfield
Township from Kintail to the 4th Conces-
sion. A mass of Thanksgiving celebrated
by Father R. O'Loughlin at 10:30 a.m. will
be followed by a memorial service in the
cemetery. Lunch will follow in the Parish
Hall at 2:30 p.m. followed by a program.
Dolorse Van Osch reported on a 4-H
workshop on fruits and vegetables to be
held in the fall. She also reported that 4-H
leaders are needed.
It was reported that a new vinyl flooring
is being laid in the Parish Hall excluding
the kitchen and stair entrance.
Members agreed on a donation to the
Youth Club for their help at the Knights of
Columbus Communion Breakfast.
A final catering policy was outlined and
agreed upon by the members. It was also
suggested that an attachment be made to
the Sunday bulletin giving an outline of
what the league is and does.
,President Dalton asked members for
ideas and suggestions on a special project
for the League in honour of- the current
Marian Year,
Brian and Cathy Knechtel
upon the opening of their brand
new store
Lucknow Village Market
Wednesday, Ju1y\i5, 1987
10:00 AM
Please join us in wishing them continued success in the future!