The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-06-24, Page 4Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 24, 1987—Page 3 Whitechurch residents wish speedy recoveries from hospital stays Mrs. Gertrude Tiffin of Wingham spent a few days this week in Toronto with friends. Dan Bellmore is a patient in Wingham Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Keller and family are sell- ing their home and moving to Guelph. where he has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Biasing of Neustadt visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson at Bray Lodge, Wingham. Gordon Rintoul went to London on Sun- day to the hospital. We wish him speedy recovery. On Saturday evening, John deBoer had an unfortuntae rnishap when he met at the No. 10 school corner with a small car as he was proceeding up the 2nd concession. His hay machine received some damage and the smaller car was badly damaged but no one was hurt. The meeting of the Whitechurch UCW was held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Sleightholme. Mrs. Ball played a tape on the celebra- tion of the United Church Women which was held in Metropolitan United Church, London on April 6, 1892. Mrs. Ball read from the Loose Coin Bulletin telling of the hardships to be a good steard at San Salvador. Rev. Ball closed the meetiro with prayer. The president thanked Mr Sleightholme for the use of her home ar, those taking part in the meeting. Helping Mrs. John deBoer celebrate he birthday last week were Mrs. Sim.ui deBoer of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Dir} Logtenberg of Dungannon, Mrs. Nicholson, Erin, Ryan and Craig of Egmondville. Celebrating their 40th wedding anniver- sary at Walkerton on Sunday was Mr. and Mrs. Archie Forsyth. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hertel and daughter Catherine Wilson who spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Beecrogt. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ducharme of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw and family of Dorchester gathered at Lon- don with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vannus to celebrate Lauren's 2nd birthday. She call- ed her birthday her "happy cake". On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw were invited to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Don Bushell of Holyrood. Congratulations to Miss Karen Elliott in passing her high school year in the llth grade. WMS The Women's Missionary Society met in the Chalmers Church on Wednesday. The scripture was read by Mrs. Norma Rin- toul. Mrs. Jean Ross gave the meditation. Mrs. Rintoul gave two readings. The topic, The Father like Love from God, was given by Mrs. Norma Rintoul. Eight people answered the roll call. The minutes were read by Mrs. Archie Purdon and final plans were made for the 100th an- niversary on August 17. Mrs. Rintoul clos- ed the meeting with prayer. Wesley Tiffin passed away on June 12 at the Wingham Hospital in his 86th year. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tiffin of Langside. He leaves to mourn his wife, Jean, sister-in-law Mrs. George Tif- fin of Lucknow, nephew Joe Tiffin and niece Mrs. Hugh MacMillan. He was predeceased by brothers Orville, George and a nephew Dan Tiffin. He farmed in Kinloss for many years until he sold the farm and went to Whitechurch to take care of his mother-in-law Mrs. Dawson. He worked driving a Wingham High School bus for years where he was loved by all and every Christmas he was presented with a lovely gift by the students. He was a member of Chalmers Presbyterian Church and a valued and faithful member of the choir for years. His funeral was held on Sunday at the McBurney Funeral Home with Rev. George Ball officiating. Burial was in Wingham Cemetery. The com- munity extends its sympathy. G Presbyterian auxiliary holds meeting The evening auxiliary of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church gathered at the home of the president, Mrs. Bert Moffat on June 16 at 6 p.m. for a pot -luck picnic supper. After relaxing over a delicious meal, an outdoor meeting was held. Mrs. Moffat opened the meeting with a poem. After singing a hymn and repeating the WMS purpose, the group was led in devotions by Mrs. Leonard MacDonald. Mrs. James Aitchison gave the topic on Bangladesh where the main religions are Islam and Hinduism. The people are very slow to accept Christianity. Society makes sure that the woman's lowly position is evi- dent. The women eat only after the men and children have finished the meal. A' woman is referred to only as her son's mother. If she has no son, she is in a pitiable situation. Marriages are arrang- ed for business reasons, divorce is quick for men, impossible for women and aban- donment of wives is more common than divorce. We made plans for serving a noon meal to members of the Presbytery on June 23. The offering was received with prayer. Mrs. Ralph Cameron read a poem about likes and dislikes. The group is sending $25 to the Alzheimer Fund. The meeting closed with a hymn and pray er. When renovating the basement of the town hall, this picture of the Lucknow Women's Institute members was found. It was taken on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the institute in 1947. Out of the group pictured, there are only five members still living. Pictured are: front row, left to right, Margaret Rae, Catherine McGreger, Mrs. George Andrew, Mrs. Wes Joynt, Mrs. Elmer Johnstone, Jennie Lyons, Mrs. Howard Robinson, Mrs. Wm. Fisher, Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mrs. J.S. McKenzie, Mrs. Nel Greer, Mary McLeod, Mrs. Ira Campbell and Mrs. D.C. Taylor; back row, Eva Greer, Mrs. Thomas Salkeld, Mrs. Charles Con - gram, Mrs. Charles Cooke, Mrs. Charles Stewart, Mrs. Annie Jewit, Mrs. Temple Clarke, Mrs. A.J. Wilson, Mrs. William Douglas, Mrs. Sam Reid, Mrs. Harry Nixon, Mrs. P.S. Stewart, Mrs. Bert Roach and Mrs. Alex Havens. (submitted photo) Dungannon Tempo Gas Bar Customer AppreciatIon. Days Friday .and Saturday, June 26th and 27th To show our appreciation for your business we are offering you a chance to WIN A NEW SHEPRED BARBECUE with every minimum 25 Litre fill -up. This Offer good for these two days only. General Automotive Repairs Class "A" Licensed Mechanic \ DUNGANNON 529-3101 Hot Dog and Drink 25' with gas purchase