HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-04-08, Page 4Page 4--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 8, 1987
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Violent society behind
proposed death penalty
As Canada's parliamentarians gear up to consider the proposed
return to capital punishment. some aspects of the matter are a lot
clearer than others.
One thing that is abundantly clear is that opinions on the question
vary widely.
At one extreme, the leaders of the three national political parties
are apparently unanimous in their opposition to the idea of returning
to the death penalty.
At the other, opinion polls suggest that an overwhelming majority of
ordinary Canadians want such a return, although not necessarily the
accompanying return of the hangman.
We suspect that this enormous gap will be reduced significantly if the
matter becomes the subject of extensive public hearings by a
parliamentary committee..
Although there is not a shadow of dougt that the average Canadian
favors capital punishment, opinion polls are an extremely ineffective
tool for finding out why they want it.
Our strong suspicion is that mos of th =e favoring ther death penal-
ty are reacting to the fact that we live in an age of increasing violence.
Everytime we hear of a notorious murder, and particularly when it
involves the killing of a police officer, it is almost instinctive for or-
dinary citizens to cry out for. revenge.
- Orangeville Citizen
Write a letter
to the .Editor
This and that
After a week of witnessing the "Lion"
portion of March, local residents will be
no doubt be glad to see winter finally
finished for another year and the return
of the spring weather.
NHL Playoffs
Spring also means the NHL playoffs
will be starting up once more. The
Toronto Maple Leafs, although they
have played some miserable hockey
during the year, were full marks for the
win over the Chicago Blackhawks on
Saturday to clinch a playoff berth. Will
the Leafs beat St. Louis in the first
round? Can Aardvarks fly? Stay tuned!
Cancer Society sale
By all reports, the Daffodil Serviette
Sale held on Friday and Saturday by
Cancer Society in Lucknow was
According to one of the ladies mann-
ing the table set up at the Hair Creation
shop, three-quarters of the serviettes
were sold by Friday at 4 p.m.
She said a number of people who
bought the serviettes had inquired why
the society had abandoned their sale of
the daffodils. The change was made
because of the poor quality of the daf-
fodils which had arrived frozen in the
past. Judging from the public's
response to the serviettes, the change
was for the better.
The Lucknow Girl Guides also played
a big part in the fund-raising campaign,
packaging and helping out with the sale
of the serviettes.
Coaches Banquet
All the minor hockey coaches in
Luckiow enjoyed a banquet at the
Mayfair Restaurant last week to bring
the 1986-87 hockey season to a close.
While this is my first year of coaching
in the Lucknow Minor Hockey system,
it has given me a greater understan-
ding of what hockey is like from the
behind the bench. Believe me, it isn't
easy, but definitely worthwhile.
Coaches in Lucknow give freely of
their time and hockey expertise for the
fun and challenge of working with
young hockey players. As evidenced by
the solid minor hockey system and the
excellent calibre of players in town,
they must be doing a super job.
It's nice to see the coaches' efforts
are appreciated through the banquet.
Lucknow News
Remember to phone in your Lucknow
social news to the Sentinel's Lucknow
News correspondent Geraldine
Schlosser at 528-2218. In the past couple
weeks, the renewed response from the
public has been really gratifying. So,
please, if you've got a social news item,
please write it down and phone our
Lucknow correspondent or simply br-
ing it into the Sentinel office by Monday
at 3 p.m. and share it with all our
the April
Michelle Andrew (left) and Jennifer Porter of the Lucknow Girl Guides show some of the
Daffodil Serviettes they helped to sell for the Cancer Society in Lucknow last Friday and
Saturday. The serviettes were completely sold out by Saturday. (Alan Rivett photo)
70 years ago
April 12, 1917
Report not confirmed - Last week's
Ripley Express had the following :
"Harvey Lindsay, post -master at
Lucknow, has resigned." On being asked
as to the truth of this, Postmaster Lindsay
merely said: "The editor of the Express
apparently has resurrected some of that
famous cellar whiskey."
Lucknow boy promoted - In a recent let-
ter home Lieut. E. Cameron reports hav-
ing unexpectedly met Corp'. Huntley Gor-
don on the street in London. Gordon had
just arrived from the front in France, and
stated that he had been recommended for
a commission in his battalion, the 18th.
Huntley's friends will be glad to hear of
this as the promotion certainly comes -well
deserved. He was sent up to London to take
some special training, which one does not
get at the front, to qualify for his new posi-
tion. Cameron further stated that Corporal
Gordon is not the only man of his original
platoon of the 18th who is still on duty. We
often thought this Lucknow soldier was
fortunate in coming through so much
without a scratch, but did not think that his
luck had gone so far as to single him out as
the last man left of his platoon.
50 years ago
April 8, 1937
Hundreds view Dungannon ruins - Fire
that raged through half a block of Dungan -
's business section on Thursday night,
left little more than a heap of ashes to be
viewed by the hundreds of motorists who
have poured into the village since then to
learn for themselves the devastation
wrought ,by a blazeā¢ that came within an
ace of wiping out practically the entire
business section.
Heroic efforts of a bucket brigade,
Dungannon's only means of fighting fire,
were of little avail, as the windswept
flames kept leaping northward along the
west side of the street. Calls for aid were
sent to nearby towns, but it was not until
the arrival of the Kincardine pumper that
the blaze was checked at the alleyway
beside the telephone office, after the
flames had raced through four business
places including three dwellings.
Buildings destroyed included Mon-
tgomery's General Store and residence;
Lorne MacKenzie's Hardware with dwell,
ing above, and Thomas Rivett's restaurant
and dwelling. Total loss was estimated at
from thirty to forty thousand dollars, and
eleven people were made homeless.
25 years ago
April 11, 1962
Sewage disposal system could cost
around $112,000 - A limited sewage
disposal system that would serve little
more than the main street area, would cost
an estimated $112,000 or a tax levy of
around 12 mills.
This report was tabled at the April
meeting of the village council, and 'apart
from its cost was considreed to limited in
its scope to relieve the pollution problem
that is reported to exist.
A survey of an area a block south and a
block north of Campbell from Ross to
Outram Streets was made by the Ontario
Water Resources Commion last
The report pointed to a lack of sufficient
property for septic tank installations and
poor soil conditions in this area. The Com-
mission which it: pressing for action said:
"the most satisfactory solution would be
afforded by the collection and treatment of
sewage from the problem area."
10 years ago
April 13, 1977
Andy Whitby is "player of year" - Andy
Whitby, son of Mrs. Sid Whitby of
Lucknow, has returned to Lucknow after a
very successful hockey season with the
Mohawk Valley Comets; Utica, New York.
The Comets are part of the North
American Hockey League.
Andy is the property of the Buffalo
Sabres of the NHL and after attending
their training camp was farmed to Utica.
The Lucknow right winger was the win-
ner of three awards while playing with the
Cometsthis season.
He was voted "Player of the Year" by
press, radio and TV accumulating the
most points in the three stars after -game
selections. A travel agency awarded him a
week's vacation in Bermuda and Nassau
for achieving this and he will take this trip
April 23.
Port Carling takes Ont. Championship -
The Lucknow Bantam hockey team was
defeated by the Port Carling Bantams in
the Ontario Minor Hockey Association DD
finals in Port Carling on Sunday, April 10.