HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-03-18, Page 10Page 1O--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 18, 1987
Chartered Accountants
970 Queen St., Kincardine
Offering income tax, com-
puter, accounting, auditing
and management services.
Steven D. Watson, C.A.
Barry W. Schmidt, C.A.
To All Dog Owners
Dog tags are now
available at the. Municipal
The fine for not register-
ing your dog. is $28.00
under the Provincial Of-
fences Act, and By -Law
10-1983 of the Village of
B.M. Whitcroft
Clerk -Treasurer
We're Moving!!!
is moving to
Hwy. 86 - Whitechurch
And will be
Open For Business
Wednesday, April 1, 1987
our new phone number 3572277
Policeman speaks to Jr. WI
about drinkingand
The Lucknow Junior Women's Institute from many insurance companies to iden-
welcomed Constable Tony Lloyd from tify valuables with a nurnber so they can
Walkerton to their regular March meeting. be traced if stolen.
He outlined the five different charges After a question period, lunch was serv-
related to drinking and driving. Impaired ed; and then business was attended to.
driving can include the influence of any
drug as well as alcohol and also the
absence of a needed drug such as insulin
for the diabetic. Any conviction for a
drinking and driving offence results in a
criminal record, a one year suspension of
the drivers' license and a fine and or a jail
sentence. The person can also be liable for'
expenses if impairment resulted in an
Constable Lloyd also showed a chart
which can be used to calculate the number
of drinks over time which will cause im-
pairment. He illustrated his material with
many examples, both interesting and
He also discussedhome security, with
the main emphasis on making a home look
occupied if the owners are away by leaving
a few lights and the radio on. Keeping the
outside well lit is also a deterrant to would-
be burglars. Engravers are also available
Discip1eJudas studied by Unit 3
• from page 8
chard read the Tale of the Coleus showing
how the many colors show the many
courses of our lives. Mrs. Lemoine gave a
reading which reflected on Lent. Mrs. Prit-
chard read the Prayer of Confession.
Another hymn was sung and Mrs. Isabel
Miller read the story of the origin of the
Hot Cross Buns. Mrs. Arnold closed the
devotions with a Benediction:
As the members had decided to study the
Disciples, Mrs. J. Arnold gave a presenta-
tion on Judas, the traitor. After reading
some of the history of Judas, a question
A donation was made to both the
Lucknow Agriculture Society and the
Dungannon Agriculture Society -for their
respective Fall Fairs. The Annual Spring
Meeting for this district will be held in
Guelph on April 25. Members were
reminded to send in registration fees
should they wish to attend. A donation was
also made to the I.ucknow Library to assist
in the purchase of video equipment.
Election of Officers was then held and
the results are as follows: President —
Deanna Reavie; Vice President — Nancy
Brown; Secretary — Anne Inglis;
Treasurer — Nancy Aitchison; Public
ji.elations Officer Cecilia Miltenburg;
Provincial Director — Laura Hare;
Branch Directors — Pat Porter and Lillian
Abbott. These positions will take effect in
The meeting was then adjourned.
Announces The Winner
Of Our
Subscription Drive
Draw For X25.00 Cash
Carol Nivins
R.R. No. 3 Auburn, Ont.
Readership Survey
Draw For 525.00 Cash
Margaret Errington
bring you, our readers, a better
Dungannon, Ontario
We would like, at this time,
to thank everyone who took
the time to fill out our reader-
ship survey and sent it back to
us. it will be very helpful in
bring you, our readers, a better
period followed.
Mrs. Walden took over for the business.
portion of the meeting. The minutes were
read and adopted, the treasurer's report
was given and the offering was dedicated.
It was also Blanked Fund Day. Happy Bir-
thday was sang to Mrs. Jardine, Mrs. Loth
and Mrs. McFarlane.
The members were reminded of the
Lord's Day of Prayer. Mrs. Walden closed
gwith the UCW7?Benedictioniand
y g m
ever o el san � Grace. The lunch cornit-
tee of Mrs. R. Alton and Mrs. D. Cameron
served cake and ice-cream.
you compare.
Watch for our
Easter coloring
Coming April 1st