HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-02-11, Page 18Page 18-Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 11, 1987 Ripley Woman celebrates 95th birthday Feb. 3 Last Tuesday Feb. 3, 1987, Mrs. Jennie McLean of Ripley had her 95th birthday. On the afternoon and evening, seventy-six family members and friends called on her in her apartment to wish her well. The apart- ment is the rear part of the once Commer- cial Hotel in Ripley, and with her is her eldest and only surviving son, George, who has his harness shop in one part, and men's wear store in the other part, at the front. Her other two sons, Bill and Jack are deceased some years ago. Family folks attending the meal last Tues- day for Grandma Jennie were her daughter-in-law, Ripley reeve Mrs. Donalda McLean and family, Wayne, Mary Lynn, Debbie, Brenda, Betty Jean, Lisa, and Stephanie; Ruth and Ken MacDonald, and sons Chris and Jeff of Kitchener; Nancy and Bob Tout of Orillia, and son Rick Tout of Kincardine% Joan McIntyre and Vern Dunlop of Kincardine, Lisa and Linda McIn- tyre of Kincardine. Jennie expresses her thanks for all the calls, cards, flowers and gifts to all who were so kind to her. At present she is suffer - r IMO OM OM NM NM SIMI SNP NM ISIS MN MEM MIMS MPS UM MN MSS MI ISM OM SIM MS MO MO UM SIM IMMO Think big...for better results 1 Send YOUR message across the province or coast to coast 1 1 1 1 CANADA WIDE CLASSIFIEDS _. It's fast! It's easy! ...One call, one bili does It all! awn one Ime .r '" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ARTICLES FOR SALE MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Works'hirts $2.75, workpants $3.50, workboots $15. For catalog, send $2 (reimbursed first order) Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Trmothee, Quebec JOS 1XO. 0.2.6 555 SACRIFICE SACRIFICE $5$ Buildings priced for im- mediate liquidation. All items in stock. 28x40x14 53.996, 40x60x14 56,500, 46x80x14 59,250, 70x90x24 $21,789. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings pnced'tor immediate delivery call toll free 1-800-387-2115 or I -(416) 858-2446.-0-6 LOVE NEEDLECRAFTS? You'll. love- Panda Stitchcroft's Canadian Needlecraft Kits, For Sales Representative information or catalogue write: Peggy Anderson, 2281 Woodward Ave., Burlington, Ontori9 L7R 1T5. --O.6 SWIMMING POOL SALE, 1986 inventory. Ingrounds, ongrounds, abovegrounds. Save hundreds, limited supply. Book early. Don't buy until you compare our guaranteed lowest prices. (613) 547-6434, (519) 658-8221, (705) 472-7850.-0-5-8 GARDENERS --- Send us a copy of your last receipt fog greenhouse or hydroponic equipment or supplies, we send you free copy of our gardening magazine. 21st Century Gardener, P.O. Box 189, Princeton, B.C. VOX 1W0,-0.6 THREE FRUIT MARMALADE RECIPE. Easy, inexpensive, and tasty, sure winner. Send $1 and S.A.S.A. to Tina Field, 9 Donald, Box 70, RR 1, Hawkestone, 101 1T0.--0.6 STAINLESS STEEL L,ter•Carrier Buckets: milk strainer pails on order. Orvie Wideman, RR 3, Wallenstein NOB 250- (No Phone). 2 1/2 miles east of Linwood, near K' , W Stockyards. Save this ad. -0-6 MAPLE SUGARING SUPPLIES for small and large pro- ducers. Large evaporator selection. Free catalogue, Visit our store and warehouse. Jakeman's Maple Pro- ducts, RR 1, Beachville, Ont. NOJ 1A0. (519) 539.1355 or 537.8863.--0.6 NORITAKE CHINA SALE. Terrific discounts on current patterns. First quality only. Delivered well -packed, in- sured. Specify your Noritake Pattern Name & Number. For price list, shipping details, etc, Send today a stomped. sell -addressed business envelope to: Alex- ander's. The Noritake Experts, 158 Wanless Ave. Toronto, M4N 1W2 (416) 764.1222.---0-6 HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home study course. Fast easy method. Guaranteed! For FREE in- formotion,write: Popular Music Systems: Studio 45, 3284 Boucherie Road, -Kelowna, B.C. NIZ 2112. 0-5 NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old foshioned apples, poor, apricot, nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue 51 • Golden Bough Tree Farr».'Marlbank, Ontario KOK 210.- 0.3.13 STEEL BUILDINGS Half Price Sale. Buy one building at regular price and get double length for 50°. 'more. Phone 'Pioneer Econospan 1.800-387-6896 or (416) 678-1585. 0.5.8 MIRACLE SPAN INTERNATIONAL equipment show specials for February only. Example 25x32 $2,967, 32x34 53,714, 40x42 54,871 46x90 $9,887, 70x120 527,887 Other sizes available Call toll free 1-800-387 4910. 0.6 VACATIONS THINK SPRING. Reserve today on Clare Burt Travels's inclusive tour to the British Isles, June 22nd to July 14th, Features ' England, Southern Iceland. Scotland. Wales and Royal' Agricultural Show. Call (416) 451-4944 or 1.800.2683090,-- 0-6 WANTED TO BUY REWARD 5150 paid for Addison Two -Colour plastic rodios. Sorry, none needed with white plastic. Call collect (416) 641-1420. 0.6 HELP WANTED TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future...with Tri•County Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance available. Kitchener 720 King E., (519) 743.5011,, Brant• ford 300 Colborne E.. (519) 756-0223.-- 0-6 FRAGRANCE & HOSIERY Consultants wonted: Market Seasons exclusivf Replica Pure Perfumes 8 Fashion Hosiery. Earn hundreds, saving others thousands. Special. 5315 Retool Kit 599. 1.800.387.7875. -- 0-6 MA CHERIE HOME FASHION Shows Est., 1975. Join our successful family of independent representatives in presenting quality lingerie and lersurewear at In• Home parties for women Call 1-800-263-9183. 0-6 toll free at AIRELINE, CRUISESHIP JOBS now hiring. Big Money Will train' (416) 482.1500, Extension 501 Days 'Evenings/Weekends. --0.6 CONSTRUCTION. Drivers, Mechanics, Welders, Elec- tricians, Machinists, Carpenters, needed immediate- ly Also Airline Jobs. Will train some positions. (Up to $6000/month). TronsContinental Job Search (303) 452-2258. Fee. --0-6 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY LEASE TO OWN your own business equipment. Coffee Shop 5245 per month, Sub Shop $295; Pizza Business 5595; Deli Store- 5659: Variety Store- 5695; Grocery• Store 5795; 40 -Seat Restaurant $948. Installation, delivery and taxes extra. 30 -day limit, Arctic Refrigeration & Equipment, Established 1945. Phone Hamilton (4.16) 528.8525. Toronto (416) 283-2600. - 0-6 A FUN, EXCITING WAY to make exto money in home or office. For- samples and "How -To" booklet send 54.95 plus $2 shipping. Oceanside Enterprises Ltd.. 203-1001 Cloverdale Avenue, Victoria, B.C. V8X 4C9. Call toll free US/CAN 1-800.663.8008. Viso or Master- card accepted. Allow 4-6 weeks delivery. Money bock guarantee! -•0-6 SERVICES OFFERED FARMERS WANTED who ore paying too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today! Appointment times available to process 1986 tax returns in your home. Form Business Consultants, 2109 Oxford St. East London, N5V 2Z9 1.800.265-1002. -0-6 PERSONAL DATES GALORE: For all ages & unattached. Thousonds of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquain- tances call toll free 1.800.263.9163. Hours noon till 8 pm. 0.6 • MEET SOMEONE NEW. Since 1967, we have introduced thousands for friendship or marriage. Write personal Acquaintance Service, 249 Bronson Ave., Ottawa, KIR 61-16.-0-6 AUCTION SALES ONTARIO GUERNSEY CONVENTION Sale, Wednes• day, February 18, 12 noon at Carson's Sales Arena, Listowel, 40 head of top-quality Guernseys. 20 from top Ontario ,herds, 20 from Titus Bros., New York. Dave Corson (519) 291-2049; John Eby (519) 291.2360.- -0.6 EDUCATIONAL FREE: 1987 guide to study -at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting,' Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology; Electronics, Legal Medical secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto 1.800.2681121. - 0-6 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. Conodion Champion in- structors. Classes start March 1987 Jordan & McLean School of Auctioneering, Box 94, Kitscoty, Alto., TOB 2P0. (403) 846-2211, (403) 842.5528.---0.4.7 YOU CAN MAKE MONEY. Be a Bookkeeper. Learn by correspondence. For Free brochure, no obligation, Write• U 8 R Correspondence Schools. 1345 Pembina Hwy. Winnipeg. MB. R3T 286,--0.6 SEM 1•11 1 The .. MS Only way to get 1 1 YOUR 1 1 ad in 2.5 million homes 1 � I 0 in Canada for • 1 1 0659.00 1 or in 1,241,807 homes 1 in Ontario for 1 1 1 1 0195.00 1 ' Placa Your Blanket Classified Ad.. by • calling one of our helpful claesiflee ad - 1 1: !Isere at your nosiest Weekly newspaper I! office for details. Lucknow 5212822 1 Oodetich 524.2814 Kincardine 398.2883 1 Clinton 482.3443 Walkerton 881-1800 f 1 Seaforth 521-0240 Mitchell 34a-0431 •••••• - - r.. Milt •r - - a.i-ttl * ing from arthritis in her knees and is confin- ed to her bed under treatment. She was born on Wed. Feb. 3, 1892 at Swan Lake, which is one mile north of Ferndale which in turn is west of Lions Head. Her parents were Nelson Hellyer and Mary Smith. She is the last surviving member in their large family. After a couple of costly fires in Lions Head, her husband, the late George McLean Sr., herself, and sons George Jr. and the late Bill McLean moved from Lions Head to Ripley in early May 1926. George said on Sat. evening that it must 'have been a late spring down here since there was still snow on some hills as they came in from Pine River along the 8th concession I Bruce county road 6 ) to Ripley. They moved into the MacKay block on the east side of the alleyway just across from the old hotel building. Here George Sr. was B.A. - McDONAGH REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LTD. 528-2031 FARMS LUCKNOW REDUCED, 100 acres, 65 workable, 3 bedroom home, large barn, pit silo and sow barn. '70,000. KINLOSS," 100' acre hog farm, 85 workable, 3 bedroom home, large barn, 2 sheds, 91,2 per cent financing. Reduced to '79,000 HOMES ESTATE HOME, 4 bedrooms, 2, baths, full basement, sundeck, paved drive. HavelockStreet, Lucknow. Asking '29,500. HOME, 11,'2 storey, 2 bedrooms up, one down, garage, paved drive, large lot. Ask- ing '28,000. LUCKNOW-GARAGE, (Truck) 30' x 50', forced air, double lot. 2 ACRES, 2 completely renovated homes, large workshop, trout pond 20'' deep; river crosses property. LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom home, all carpeted, 4 pc. bath, $32,000. COUNTRY LIVING, 8 year old, 3 bedroom, sunken living room, fireplace, drilled well, 15 acres hardwood, 30,000 red & white pine tree, 3 miles from Lucknow. FRASER MacKINNON 528-3013 BARRY neDONAGH DAVID MacKINNON 528-3821 395-2483 a barber. In June 1929 her third son, Jack was born- Donalda's husband. This brings to my mind that Grandma Jennie has hackthree members of her family serve on Bruce County council - her husband George Sr., her son George, and now her daughter-in-law Donalda. It must be a record for our little village - Ripley - "believe it or not". Back in hospital We are sorry to learn that John C. Mac- Donald is again a patient in Kincardine and District Hospital. We wish Jack well. He is another person who has worked for this community over the past years. Happy Hearts euchre The Happy Hearts sponsored a Euchre Party Monday afternoon last, with eleven tables playing. Prize winners were: Reta Ir- win, Donald McCosh, Mary Scott, and Les Manners. The person having the birthday closest to that date was Gladys Cameron. Happy Birthday Gladys! The next party will be Feb. 16th at 2 p.m. Our thanks for this item goes to John W. and Mary Scott. Card party planned We have a note here from Mrs. Helen Ir- win. "The Ripley Agricultural Society is having a card party at the Huron Township Hall on Feb. 11, 1987 at 8 p.m. There will be cards, prizes, and lunch. Everyone welcome. Thank you." We see that Feb. llth is tonight, also Susan VanSickle of the 2nd concession of Huron Twp. is on the committee in charge with Helen Irwin of Ripley. This is the first card party to get things going for the fall fair next Sept. and the craft show in May. R.R.S.P. 19.6% FROM US or 9.2% FROM THEM No Load ... 75°0 Guaranteed 524-2773 1-800-265-5503 INVESTMENTS --'tom INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. mor the tove of 'Your fife. say it with jewelry. r la LUCKNOW ' February 11-12-13-14 Only Agnew Jewellery & Gifts Evening Appointment 528-3940 528-3532