HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-02-11, Page 15Card party enjoyed at Holyrood Eleven tables were in play on Monday evening at the Holyrood Hall Women's In- stitute euchre party with ladies' prizes go- ing to Mrs. Marjorie Thompson and Mrs. Annie Scott. The prize winning men were Chester Enunerton and Steven McEwan. The Presbyterian Congregation held their annual meeting last Tuesday with a successful year reported. However, the members are still without a permanent minister., but have had some very splendid ministers for the past month since Rev. Shaw left. A number of people from here attended the farm show at Toronto during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Pleiffer and Jimmy. It was Jimmy's third birthday. The ardent horsemen in the area en- joyed a good sleigh ride on Sunday giving folks a look back at yesteryear. It all ended up with a delicious pot -luck super at Don Scott's home on Concession 10. Mrs. Ellwood Elliott and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston went to Wingham and enjoyed a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Eadie and made a presentation of a lovely clock, a farewell gift from Concession 8 neighbors and friends who wish Lorne and Doris a pleasant retirement.. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles of Kin- cardine spend an afternoon with Mrs. Frank Maulden. Mrs. Lorne Eadie of Wingham and her grandson Timothy visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Eadie and Joel at Holyrood. WI meeting The Public Relations meeting of the Holyrood Women's Institute was held on Thursday at the home of Edna and May Boyle with an attendance of 18. • Pat Livingston, general manager of the Lucknow Sentinel, was the guest speaker, giving a splendid video presentation to show the members how the paper is put together, step by step, on a weekly. basis. Tle presentation was a real eye-opener to ail the ladies present. The weekly advertising, the faithful cor- respondents from the surrounding areas, all the meeting reports, along with the coming events, the classified ads, births, weddings, obituaries, and everything from the front page to the back page, is of in- terest and makes for good reading for many people in the area. The Sentinel is compiled in Lucknow by a capable staff and put together and published at Signal -Star , Publishing in Goderich. Pat explained the duties of each staff , member and had a question and answer period. The subscriber the greatest distance away is Russell Barr of Africa (a former Kinlough native). The Kinlough news is picked up each Monday morning at the Boyle -residence on the sunporch by editor Alan Rivett as the rural mail wouldn't get it to Lucknow on time. The deadline is .10 a.m. here. Pat also left a questionaire for the members to fill in to be returned with Mon- day's Kinlough news. Everyone found Pat's presentation to be very interesting and informative. After hearty applause, Edna Boyle expressed appreciation on behalf of the ladies and presented her with a gift. Following the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect, Doreen Mali spoke of starting a new Day Care -Play School at the new hall and wished assistance from the WI. A donation of was made. Mrs. Harold Smith presided and by INLOUG May Boyle welcomed everyone. The rollcall was answered with "a recollection of something noteworthy in the HWI in the past decade". Mrs. Douglas McEwan, the secretary, read the minutes of the December meeting and gave the financial report. She also reported on the crd parties which have been successful. There were several "thank -you" notes and cards from former members , the Christmas Cheerio gifts, and other letters. The FWIO is holding their 90th anniversary at North Bay in July. The .4-H Club "Habitats" is for both boys and girls. Pennies for friendship are for administration. In. January, anything belonging to the Holyrood WI was moved to the new hall (Kinloss Central School) . Six decks of cards were a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller of the Holyrood store and accepted with thanks. A calendar and post card from Dorothy Peach who was -Mrs. Maulden's guest two years ago and she so much enjoyed her visit here and sends her love. She was such a delightful person. The secretary read an article from the Bruce County Historical Society. Mrs. Lorne Eadie presded for the pro- gram which opened with a sing -along. She then read a 'paper clipping on self-esteem. Mrs. Frank Maulden gave a reading and Mrs. Agnes Hodgins conducted two contests. Mrs. Eadie thanked the hostesses and 0 Canada closed the meeting. The Institute Grace was sung followed by refreshments. Store's first anniversary Friday and Saturday were busy days at the Holyrood General Store when shoppers dropped in for the first anniversary specials and a, good cup of coffee courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller and family. A dance and a social evening was also held at the new Holyrood Hall. If everyone didn't have a good day and evening at the new hall, it wasn't the fault of the Miller fami- ly. It's nice to still have a country store and we all wish Allan and Lucy and family more happy times and good days ahead until the next party. "Shop at Holyrood where the price is right and where you're a' .. stranger only once." Mr. and Mrs. Don .Haldenby, Sally and Lisa, Mrs;, Ken Brown, Julie, Heather and Vicki, Mrs. Michael O'Malley and Lori of Toronto visited with relatives and• with their mother in Kincardine District Hospital. We send get -well wishes, Bertha. Relatives and friends attended an ap- preciation dinner and dance at the Ripley Complex honoring Clayton Nicholson (who was born in our village) who retired as the manager of the Huron -Kinloss Municipal Telephone System. Happy retirement, Clayton. • After all the bragging we did about the lovely February weather, Sunday came bringing the fury of Old Man Winter. It was a good day to be on the inside, looking out. Some of our dear Kincardine friends felt the winter chill without any hydro for hours. but don't despair — "Spring is just around the corner." Mr.and Mrs. Bert Thompson and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonald went to London where their cousin Richard Guests remains rested at the Millard George Funeral Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brace and Traverse moved on Saturday to their home in London. Kintail couples 35 years married Jim and Yvonne Sinnett celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on Saturday evening January 31. Best wishes to them from the community. The Brownies and Girl Guides held a mother and daughter banquet at Kingsbridge on Thursday night, January 29. Gord and Nora Saunders, John and Helen Nicholson, Bill .and Mary Mole and Kevin and Cathy Cook took Jim and Isabel Hunter up to the Feed Lot in Kincardine on Friday evening for Jim's retirement din- ner. Jim had been road superintendent for 12 years. Alex, Cindy, Corey and Maggie Simpson had Sunday dinner with Bobby and Mary KINTAIL Simpson and family. Best wishes to Joe and Teresa Courtney who celebrated their 35th wedding an- niversary. Due to the storm on Sunday, 20 persons were stranded at Amberley. The hydro was also out for 12 hours in many areas during the storm. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 11, 1987—Page 15 It's my... BIRTHDAY SALE CHRISTIAN FARMER'S FEDERATION OF ONTARIO SPRING MEETING Tues., Feb. 24/87 1:00 PM Lucknow Community Centre Speaker: BILL JONGEJAN CFFO President, Goderich Area Pork Producer TOPIC: "Government Intervention In The Marketplace" Help or Hindrance?? MEEVING OPEN TO ALL Come out and share your views ursday February 12/87 One Day Only off Oar everyday Law Prices IN STOCK TIRES Fid INSTALLATION Free Cake & Coffee MURRAY'S AUTOBODY LUCKNOW 528-3503 THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO Faculty of Part -Time and Continuing Education We want to hear from you! Our summer calendar will be available March 2 and will be sent to Western students registered in the past year. We're also planning our fall program, and we want your input. Come to thecounselling/information session: Wednesday, February 25, 5:00-6:00 p.m. Room 30, Goderich District Collegiate 260 South Street, Goderich Wednesday, February .25, 6:45-7:45 p.m. Room 132, Central Huron Secondary School 165 Princess Street East, Clinton If this visit is cancelled because of weather problems, it will be held at the same place and time on Thursday. March 5. You may also call collect to (519) 661-3631 on Wednesday, March 11 and April 1, 5:00-8:00 p.m. Anevergar Dauphin-- Feed and Supply Ltd. Dungannon 529-7951 Working together to serve you better... Check out the special prices at our new Animal Health Display Centre Your headquarters for all Shur -Gain Animal Health Products. WE ARE NOW OPEN Saturday Mornings from 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 Noon NO GRINDING PLEASE r-