HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-11-27, Page 8jaw 8 lateknow Sentinel. Weduesdays, November 27. 1991
Please put. ytiOdes,
in. their plOCer
tionS 1.110mo
Sunda% OttC40100.40r 19 19
• SaturdayINCisuber
DA Unp•lic ThaDire
HEW 29
Ridays 6-1S-20-27
• Saturday 28
CALL 5284532,
3t JOSe nova ion Fund
Elimination Draw November 16th11991
First of all, thetik you to all who supported the purpose of this
eliminatiotidraW. The following are the rem:ills; -
'1st Draw Helen Bender
25th Draw H,-Brouwers
.• 50th Draw ..i.,toretta Doherty
75th Draw Ambrose & Agnes Hartman
100th Draw, John Van Diepen
125th Draw Eileen Wilson
150th Draw Karla Hogan
175th- Draw .,Ed & Cindy Van Osch
200th Draw ,,,,Prgtaherratt:„..
2251h raw Ian Hogan
250th Draw Mark. Frayne
275th Draw Ab Murray
300th Draw Nellie Quinlan •
325th Draw Peter Van Diepenbeek &
Tony Miltenburg
350th Draw Lee Ptoje
375th Draw Mary Crawford
400th Draw Marinus & Lucia De Gouw
425th Draw. David Cann
450th Draw ._Marion Austin
475th Draw Janette Hogan
497th Draw ,Colleen Van Osch
498th Draw Mary McCarville
499th & 500th Draw was split between
Reg & Betty Hesetwood •
• Marcella Courtney
Mark Doherty & Brent Van Osch
Congratulations to all winners! The organization co
would also like to specially thank the following parties
extra support...
Cowan Printing, CatholicWomen's League, Knights of
Columbus Men, CKNX, Lucknow Sentinel, Goderich Signal -Star,
Tony Southwell, Mozart Melody Makers, Elmer Umbach
Pharmacy, all ticket sellers,& buyers..
mmittee •
for their
everal area childr
Thew wiz 10 table$ actiOn
the weetly euchre Party held at the •
Seniors on Wednesdayi
Novembor 20. At the end of play.
Leithleeu Glen was ft t the high lady
position. with Carolyn Cunningham
• tho low lady position, Tofu
Culbert w5,5,100 gentleman for the
ovenitit with Michael( Foley filthg
tho low gentleman position,
Church: News
The Sacrament of Baptism was
heId three out of four churches
within the Dungannon( "Union Pas-
toral Charge this past Sunday,
Rev.. Orilla Bogart officiated at
baptisms .at Nile and TriultY
United Churches. Baptised at the
Nile was Ashton Charles Johnston,
son of Gary and. Patricia Johnston.
Alldfast Geroge Phillips, son of
Frederick and*Brenda Phillips and
Joel Wallace Mathew Alton, son of
Stuart and Donna Alton were
baptisedat Trinity. '
• Rev. Garth Bogart officiated at
baptisms at Dungannon
of James and Lisa Geddes. Nicole.. - Music for dancing was twovided- SialliPtott at. the; pia*); Family
Jartean Elliot, daughter of Darlelle- by -Steven Fisher Gold PT, Service., •members ,assembled..from ,London,:
flunkinrand Donald Elliot, ;. *Oaf Arninpton, and surrounding area for
Murray Jenkins son of .David end Cojigratidatidavare extended: tAY ,thiereative day. ; - -
14orie ;Jenkins, and Shelby Diane Bill and Beth McAllister, of RR 2 , If you have any news for this°
• auk- daughter of Kevin and Auburn, on the birth of their twin column, please give me a call at
ifiberlY Clarlt. were baptised dur- sons Kenneth Mason and William 529.7390. Thanks, . ,
i.ng the service,
Elliott, who was. accompanied by
her mother, Jean Elliot, organist.
• Two beautiful solos were sung,
• entitled One Day .at a Time- and
What a Friend We Have in Jesus.
The selection by the Dungannon
Choir was aptly entitled Open the
Door for the Children.
December 1 will be celebrated as
Communion Sunday. December 8
will be White Gift Sunday with the
CGIT Vesper Service that evening.
West Huron Junior Farmers.
The West Huron Junior. Verniers
held their. 16th AnnualBanquetanci.
Dance On Saturday, November 23
• at the DungannonAgricultural
-welcome was exten
• those in attendance by Anthony
Nyman, With Kay Lngtenher8 giv•
int the toast to the Queen and
Colin Snyder offering grace.
A most delicious roast beef dinner
was served. Following the dinner,
•Colin Snyder -geld -a tribute to
OMAF. Fred Haldcers introduced
the special guest speaker for the
evening, in the person of Kevin
Stewart of CKNX, Wingham, who
) _ .
n baptisedSunda,
, I r
Robert. who were born an N,QVCM'
her It in St. toseples Hospital,
Loudon, Proud grandparents are
di and Vika McAllister of RR 2,
Aubunr, Mrs„ • jauls„ Butts of
Schenectady,. Now York and
SVOICO". tj) 1040 a$Wrablor grOup Ott:, KieefRey letterer - of Goderich.
tho importame boiou Willi° aroma Dotterer of Goderich
.1h lhws olQcnosratunin'efttarrk' oepeePol, 111: A° oijorilvuodWilieWCW0:extrantuladni0045()theaar4
TiieptOseiltatien. QC the award for 160t igc' out this 'WoOlvio
the ille$t"Outsta04ing'itieniber was A104,autl Either •Blaelc of Asbfield .
made to Collo Snyderi*Ith Janice Towns*0 who tolanated thar
Boyde receiving the a*trit fQr ti o .gadeit,.Yeddinit.ariPtiteMityWeent-1
Most aetiye new nteufffe4,Cotwatn4 wan. -a dance 'held- at the
lations to yon both. Dito80000 Agrictdniral
•Tito. 'Here family held its Quist:,
Karl Morrisn. was;• 10A.„• ' :inckY'" —nlag Par- Saturday, November'
recipient of the door prize donated- 23,_Approdmately 21 Inernbers of
by W.G.Jhorarp sou and Sons. -140. - the met at the; borno of
The Fite donated bY and' Dorothy •Bore, of
and Supply Ltd was by,:.„4-41nigantiOn, where games and gifts
Deborah Stewart;',',$ltarow:Sivins Were; enjoyed by all prior to the
had her name 'drawn for the' prize dinner; A turkey dinner, complete
donated by Brttee'RartarskRiencer with oall the triturnings. Was served
Seed and IvIiirlete 00ifft#' won the -1144*;Durtgailion-United Church.
prize donated by hY,FLuc istrict were stint 40flOwing the
Inc° - • drnner, with Dwight Amain or
art you •i
nt4y this
' ' Tite.,PLA1414ING ACT 1983 -
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of West Wawanosh has passed . : •
By-law 13 - 1991 an the 5th day of November, 1991, under Section 34 Of the Planning Act; 1983.' , •
AND TAKE Notice, that any. person or agency may appeal to the Ontario :Municipal -Board' in
respect of the By-law by filing with the .Clerk of the Township of -West Wawanosh, not later than the
17th day of December 1991, A notice' of appeal setting out the objection to the by-lawand the reae •;.
^ SCA -E • "; '''
sons in support of the objection.-- . ., •
AN EXPLANATION, of the purpose and effect of the by-law; describing the lnds to whichilie. by-law' o_________.kcognits -- -
. applies, and maps showing the location of the lands to whichthe by -taw applies provided below, The: s'"--7,-
complete by-law is available for inspection at the Township office .during regular. office, hours; - a com-
plete by-law is being mailed to each property owner as noted on the latest revised assessment roll.
. •. _
THIS 27TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1991 , . , Mrs. Joan Armstrong '
Clerk-TreaSurer, Township of
,West Wawanosh
• - 4.14.10, Lucknow, .Ontario
• • NOG 2H0
. _ . .
This bylaw ieptesents a comprehensive zoning by-law for Township 0 We Wawanosh end repeals
all previous zcirling•by-laws affecting Township of West Wawanosh The bylaw regulates the use:.,cif,
• lands and ,the character, iccirglopi. and us:4, of bUildingslind-Sti't4itreS arittPrOntiitecertain building
and structures in`Varkais-defined.areas of Township of West Wewanosh. The zoning by4aw imple
ments the Township �f iNest Wawanosh Secondary Plan and provides for specific land use regula-
tions to ensure that the policies of the Secondary Plan are realized. The following represents a eum-
Mary of the bylaw's contents:
Section 1- title; administrative details, interpretation, OnfONetnetft and zones used in the by-law;
Section 2 - provides definitions to specify the meanings of tents used lathe by-law; -
Section 3 r presents Generafprovisions which apply to all lands in Township of West Wawanosh,
dealing with non -complying uses, parking requirements, planting strips, Ate,
Section 4 - 27 - sets out the various land LSO zones and permitted uses and. the various provisions
governing the uses of .land; . ,
Section 28 - Code of Pretties- Separlation Distance Table. .
Schedule A - consists of an index map and detailed key maps Which cover all .lands within the
Township. The key maps display the various land use.zories which correspond to S OctionS4 ihrOugh
.27 of the,by-law.
Appendices 1-7 - provide convenient information relating to metric cony • ersion„ definitions, illustm.
tions, process descriptions of rezoning, minor variance -and removal of holding Zone, explanation . of
Natural Environment zones and a fist of changes since the draft by-law.
The by-law applies. to all lands in the Township as shown on the map aside,
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Copies of the by-law have been sent, for information purposes, to all •
ownerof property and tenants in the Township of West Wawanosh, as indicated on thti latest,
revised assessment roll. . •
. t ; •
•• or. Nimisss—
issk •— •
•cat . •••
.3 14 115 tit 17