HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-11-06, Page 18r,.
Page i q Lucknow *Ai
el, a ne ayy NOVeinber 6, i9R
38. A Ion Sage
39. Educational
47. Cards 0 Thanks
The family of the late. Robed °Cheaabre,
wish to express lhelr singe thanksto
relativee, friends anci neighhOolit far ani
their-kindriess andeupport folieWinil -the
loss of a dear .brother and uncle. Thie•
beautiful floral tribute*, haritabie dena-
tions and sympathy ids Will always be
remembered. Special thanks to Rev
Albert Cook Many thanks to the
Funeral Director* for their unde. rstdnd-
ing and guidance. Our heartfelt thanks.
Wilma, Rhoda; Maurice and families.-
Words cannot express the thank* arid.
gratitude to the Lucknow Fire Depart-
rent for saving,our house last Tuesday
night; for Brock Hasty, even though in
the loss of his house to fire, the help he
gave us was much appreciated; to Jan
_ r
HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO, New and Don Dickson for taking care of our
home study course. Fast, easy method: children; people of Port. Albert who
Guaranteed! FREE information. Writes offered assistance and phone calls of
Popular Music, . concem. These kindnesses will always
p Studio 113 10&10x4
Ellis, Kelowna, B.G•, V1Y 1Z1.--45bo. be remembered. Randy, Patti, Jeni and.
Jessica Maize. -45nxe
FREE CAREER GUIDE to home -study
correspondence Diploma courses:
Accounting, Airconditioning, Book--
keeping, Business, Cosmetology, Elec-
tronics. Legal/Medical Secretary, Psy-
chology, Travel. Granton (5A) '263
Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-
1972. - •45bc
We would -like to say a special thank
you to everyone who attended our wed-
ding and reception. All the beautiful gifts
and best wishes are greatly appreci-
ated. -Also a big thank you to both out
families and friends who helped us out
in so many ways. We had a wonderful
IS TRUCKING FOR YOU. Let's discuss day and enjoyed ourselves immensely.
it. Introducing extended programs and Thanks again. Debbie and Larry. -45
Credit Courses. Call William at 1-800- -- --
----265; 173- l• arkal Trai'nin— Systems: --
41bc Words fail us to express our deep
- appreciation to all who were so kind to
LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the South- Evelyn during her courageous battle°
western Ontario School of :with cancer, and to all our family slim*
Auctioneering. Next class: November 9- her passing. To the, VON, The Red
15,, Information, contact Southwestern Cross, The .Palliative Care Unit and Dr.
Ontario School of Auctioneering. RR 05; ' Taylor, who made it possible for Evelyn
Woodstock, Ontario, .N48 7V9. (519) tube home. To Rev: Jawn KOlohon for
537-2145. --34bc his prayers and visits. Our relatives,
40. Lost & Found
STRAYED from Lot 12, Conc. 19 east-
astern.' div, Ashfield Twp. 2 'beef cows.
Phone 395-5562. -45 -
44. Engagements
Betty -Jane, daughter of John, Foran apd
the late Sophie Foran and Greg, son of
Chester. and Wilda Higgins .will be
joined -in holy matrimony on November
8, 1991,.at the St: Augustine Roman
Catholic Church.- Reception to follow in
Lucknow. -45_
46. in. Nlem .dam.:..
In memory°Of son inlaw, brother-in-law
and untie Bill, who passed away Octo-
ber 29, 1988. Remembered and missed
by Allister and Pearl Mackay and family.
friends and neighbours for' donations,
flowers, cards and food brought in to
our home, and just for being there. To
the ladies of the Church of the Messiah
for the luncheon and The Davey.
Linklater Funeral -home, we are very ,
grateful. , Sincerely "Bert - and Eva
Nicholson, Donna, Karen, Man and
Louis Ann. --45x
Et.. -Coming Evefits
Ripley Complex Friday' Koans■ay--
A er 1V.Y,rttl 8 p.m 12 p,rn. $540parpAr-
son, D.J., 4+ames Teylur. Sponsored by
Ripley Duron, Complex Expansion Fond
Cornmitlue. --45,48
for Jarnu Miltenburgg, November 13 at 8
p,m. Kingsbridge. Church Hall, Friends
and neighbours welcome. «45
NEED A HOBBY? Learncounted cross
stitch. Classes Wednesday night
November 13 84 20 fern 8-10 p.m. Pre-
registration necessary. Limited enrol-
went.or more information call Your,
Favorite Things 5284016.45ar
Ladies get ready for Christmas. Join us
on Wednesday morning, November 20
from 9:45 to 11 a•m• at the''Luoknow
United - Church to : Make Chrit turas
crafts. Cost is $5.00. Nursery and story
hour provided. Sponsored by Lucknow
Coffee Break. -45,46
Like to sing? Join the COMMUNITY
SINGERS -° for .the Care fest.,Thursday
evenings at St. Peter's Parish Hall 8
p•m• --45 - -
Holyrood Municipal Building at • 10:45
a.m.. Sponsored by. Holyrood Women's
Institute. -45. ,
will be held Saturday, November 23 at
Lucknow Community Centre. Tickets'
available NOW from Your Favourite
TThingsr?and Valley Green Flowers. Din-
ner at .7 p.m.-45,46ar
Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, 399" .
Bob St. Lucknow Saturday, November'
16 from 1 p.m., - 3 p.m: --45,46
We would like to : express our sincere
thanks, for help and kindness shown to
us the night of our barn We. To the
Lucknow- and Wingham Fire Depart-
ments for their kindness and ,hard work,
to our neighbours, friends and relatives
who came and helped in any way. Also
for helping with clean up the next day
with tractors and equipment and for all
the food sent to the house and for all
their help. All this kindness is very much
appreciated and will never be forgotten.
Thank You. Wayne and Mary Redmond,
Stephen Picco. --45nx
We wish to thank ali'who attended our
social evening in Ripley: Special thanks
to Joanne, Erima Jean and Lirl'da for all
their time and effort. Also to Pete and
Eric for their excellent bartending. We
will remember you always. Glen and
Penny. =-45
In loving memory of a dear and loving
husband, father and grandfather,
Gordon, who passed away six years
ago November 6, 1985..
Wonderful memories of one so dear
Treasured still with a love sincere
In, our hearts he is living still
We loved him too dearly to forgot
Sadly missed by his wife, Catherine,
Gordon and Mary Tout, Bill and Anna,
Ken and Thea, Joan, Herb' and
Roseleee, Mary - and Ron, Rick and
grandchildren and great grandchildren. -
In loving memory of a dear mother,
grandmother and great grandmother,
Mrs. Orville (Elizabeth) Tiffin, who
passed away November 11, 1980.
There is a place set apart
In the depth of our hearts
A corner that is always your own
No one can replace it or time erase it
We keep it for you ,inane.
Lovingly remembered by Joe, Marian
and family .and Jean and family. -45
47. Cards of -thanks
t wish to thank my friends and relatives
for the lovely cards, gifts, flowers,
phone calls and visits while I was in
Kindardiine and OniVerrsity. hospitals.
Special thanks to Rev. Peggy Kinsman
for visiting me' in London 'University
Hospital. Your kindneste Was greatly
'appreciated. Winnifred Gammie. -.45x
We wish to sincerely thank our family
and friends for the surprise 35th Wed-
ding Anniversary party and supper.
Thanks for all the lovely gifts, cards and
phone calls. Special thanks to Ed and
Dee, Lorraine, Janet and Bonnie for -
arranging everything; also. to Daryl and
Danny for keeping the secret. Thanks to
the management and staff of the
Candlelight Restaurant for the delicious
supper, also to Culbert's-Bakery for the
quaintly decorated cake. All the events
of the day will be cherished and added
to our accumulation of treasured mem-
ories. Sincere thanks to you all. Allan
and Beryl: --45
We wish to thank all relatives, friends
and neighbours for making our _ 60th
Anniversary celebration a successful
and truly memorable day. The gilts,
flowers, cards and phone cans were
very much' appreciated. Harold and
Muriel Ritchie. -45x
48. Coming Events
for Brock Hasty ,who lost hie home to
fire, will be held Sattird ay, No`varnber 9
at 9 p.m. at Dungannon Agricultural
Hall. Ladies please~bring lunch. • -48nx
Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Supper at
6:30_ p.m., speaker at 8 p.m. Thursday,
November 7 at Goderich Twp. Cam-
munity Center, Hotmessville. Ed Phelps
of London will bring information relating
to the Regional Collection at the DB
Weldon Library of the University of
West Ontario, London. Visitors wet -
come: x44,45
Saturday November . 9, 1991 at the
Formosa Community Centre front 8260...
am.. - 4:30: p.m: Admission: Adults --
$1.00; teens and children 500. Over 45
exhibitors. Spacious - country cafeteria
serving light lunches and, meals all day.
Fall beef, dairy, sheep, mineral and -pre-
mix special. 1. flee with. 10, 5 free with
40. In effect - November 1-18.
Thompson Feed - and Supply. Ripley
November 9, Dungannon Agricultural
Hall Registration 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Euchre at 2:00 p.m. Admission $5.00
per person. Prizes . $50, $40, $30.
Lunch, special contest.-44,45ar
All members please purchase your
tickets at Valley Green Flowers from
November 4th - November 18th: Ban-
quet on November 28th.-43416ar
Dabber Bingo every Tuesday 7:30 p.m.
Blyth District Community Centre. Jack-
pot of $1,000. on 46 numbers. Reducing.
by $50 on every number called. Mini-
mum jackpot $300 must go. 17tfar
Lucknow and- District Lions Club, Dab-
ber Bingo, every Sunday night, Lucknow
Community Centre. Doors open 6:15
p.m. Bingo at 7:16 p.m. Air conditioned,
wheelchair accessible. Potential prize
board over '$3.000. $1,000 jackpot on
54 calls or lest. must gol--thhar
Sand;% Nov. 10
Lakeshore Recreation Club,
Port Elgin, lb `AM - 4 PM
Admission $2 per person
Children under 6 free. Draw for
box of cords every hour.
Tables available,
Contact- 2-Q374
41i= CQiiii 9, ,Events
t rich Knigints of Columbus, Thurs-.
days 7:3Q p.m. Saitfgrd V ley wheels
chaiir a essibiek Potential prirO
over OSSA $140031aoltput 011.54 -Oalls
or less, $50Q roost OQ. tfnar
Evelr.... King
Evelyn Wig, of 462 it
liamsburg Sit, Kincardine, Passed
away at her home,. October 1,1991,.
after a courageous four yearbattle
with Cancer. Mrs. King wasin her
45th year.
Evelyn was. born June 10, 1947,
in Kincardine. She was the daughter
of Bert and Eva, (Cuyler), Nichol-
,She was decd by her hus-
bandMelvin- King, on November
25, 1989.
veelynleaves to mourn her pas-
sing iter parents, Bert and Eva
Nicholson, of Kincardine; sisters,
Donna Langford, of Woodstock,
Karen Evans, of Ballinafad, Lois
Ann, of Kincardine, and one brother
Allan Nicholson, of Sombra.
She will be sadly missed by her
nieces and nephews. '
Tell them •how Touch 1 appreciated
the endless flow of - messages of
comfo _ of -encouragement, of
hope, and of affection that :came to
me. To the VON, to the kindnness of
the Palliative Q�HCo�me CateOuand
Rev,KoloveryHit, -a special
thank you. To my nieces and
nephews you have been like family
of my own. To my brother and
sisters, you have made me
understand why we ask God's bles-
sing on families and to those who
have so willingly carried the burden
of my illness, my beloved Lois Ann
and my wonderful mom and dad..
The memory of your courage and
devotion , will be carried with me
into etertliity.;'. -
u . e ole W el`e Was"
B tiful Is
l, of S e h '
The funeral was held from .the sung during the service.
Davey Linklater Funeral Home, Evelyn was laid to rest with four _
Kincardine , on October 3, 1991 nephews Jamie Langford, 'Paul
. v thReveJawn- lohon onducdng ll oroans-rEr
the service. In keeping with Nicholson, and two cousins, Jack
Evelyn's wishes a brief message Campbell and, Glenn. Hedley, acting
was presented by her niece, Kim- as Pall bearers.
berlia Langford. Flovverbearers were nieces Linda
"Aunt uv made- one -request of
me On the . day . that, family and
friends gather to say goodbye, I
would like you to. speak for me.
Bruce County. OMAF . ..� .
Howoften do you head to the
field without" checking the fuel
gauge on your tractor? How often
to you :head out. to plant without
checking the soil's "fuel gauge"?
Soil testing is the only way to tell
how many nutrients you have in the
soil, - and how many nutrients you.
will have to add to produce a goad
Harvest is done for 'most of you,
'so' this is a good opportunity to get
out and take some samples before
you plow. Be sure your sample
reflects your field; don't sample just
the high spots or the corner closest
to the gate. Take -at least one
sample per two acres; more are
better. Sample the depthof the
topsoil about 6". Be sure to send
the sample to an OMAF accredited
We have sample
boxes and infor-
mation sheets at the OMAF office.
We also have soil probes from the
Soil and Crop Improvement Associ-
ation available for sale, which make
the job much easier.
Feed Testing
"A penny saved is a penny
earned." Knowing the 'protein con-
tent of your hay and formulating a
ration for your cattle or sheep can
save dollars on your feed costs. The
Red Meat Program encourages feed
testing and ration formulation with
generous grants.
The sampling kits are available at
OMAF offices along with a list of
accredited labs. We also offer a
ration formulation service free of
Trinity 441 Milkers
The fifth meeting of the Trinity 4-
H milkers was held on October 17
with members enjoying a tour of
the Pine River Cheese Factory.
They were shown a video and
watched how cheese was made.
Joanne Menary was host for the
sixth meeting of the club on Oc-
tober 22. Members visited A & P in
Goderich to compare prices of
different dairy products. The
meeting finished off at Mrs.
Williamson, Kimberlin Langford,.
Lisa Evans, Denise Evans, Bobbi Jo
Nicholson, Michelle Williamson,
° Kristel Calleffi. -
Crime Stoppers of Grey -Bruce are
seeking the public's assistance' in
the investigation of a break, enter
and .. tifeft which occurred ,rn
Belmore, Ontario.
The Walkerton Detachment of the
Ontario Provincial Police report that
during the early morning hours :.of ,
August 19, 1991, unknown per-
erson(s) . broke into a convenience
store in Belmore by smashing the
front window. Once.. inside, the
Culprits) removed approximately 30
cartons of cigarettes ° (assorted
brands). Also taken was approxi-
mately $335.00 in cash. .
Person(s) involved have not been.
identified as. yet, and the value of
the stolen property is estimated at
If you have any information on
• this or any other case, Crime Stop-
pers , of Grey -Bruce are willing to
pay a reward up to $1000 for infor-
mation leading to an arrest. CALL
AT 1-800-265-3787. You need not
identify yourself. No one will know
who you are. You will not have to
testify in court.
Adam - Wellstead, oldest son of
Brenda and Brian Wdllste-ad of
Reit. 3, "%Ingham, graduated
from Wilfred Laurier University
with a B.A. Honours Degree ina
Political Science and Economics.
Adam is now continuing further
studies at Dalhousie University,
Halifax, Nova Scotia.
'AUCl IOI+M.REGIIStER ' .......
Ipevidoon Canis
Friday, November 15 1991
Grant McDonald
Wallace Ballagh
39. Educational
47. Cards 0 Thanks
The family of the late. Robed °Cheaabre,
wish to express lhelr singe thanksto
relativee, friends anci neighhOolit far ani
their-kindriess andeupport folieWinil -the
loss of a dear .brother and uncle. Thie•
beautiful floral tribute*, haritabie dena-
tions and sympathy ids Will always be
remembered. Special thanks to Rev
Albert Cook Many thanks to the
Funeral Director* for their unde. rstdnd-
ing and guidance. Our heartfelt thanks.
Wilma, Rhoda; Maurice and families.-
Words cannot express the thank* arid.
gratitude to the Lucknow Fire Depart-
rent for saving,our house last Tuesday
night; for Brock Hasty, even though in
the loss of his house to fire, the help he
gave us was much appreciated; to Jan
_ r
HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO, New and Don Dickson for taking care of our
home study course. Fast, easy method: children; people of Port. Albert who
Guaranteed! FREE information. Writes offered assistance and phone calls of
Popular Music, . concem. These kindnesses will always
p Studio 113 10&10x4
Ellis, Kelowna, B.G•, V1Y 1Z1.--45bo. be remembered. Randy, Patti, Jeni and.
Jessica Maize. -45nxe
FREE CAREER GUIDE to home -study
correspondence Diploma courses:
Accounting, Airconditioning, Book--
keeping, Business, Cosmetology, Elec-
tronics. Legal/Medical Secretary, Psy-
chology, Travel. Granton (5A) '263
Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-
1972. - •45bc
We would -like to say a special thank
you to everyone who attended our wed-
ding and reception. All the beautiful gifts
and best wishes are greatly appreci-
ated. -Also a big thank you to both out
families and friends who helped us out
in so many ways. We had a wonderful
IS TRUCKING FOR YOU. Let's discuss day and enjoyed ourselves immensely.
it. Introducing extended programs and Thanks again. Debbie and Larry. -45
Credit Courses. Call William at 1-800- -- --
----265; 173- l• arkal Trai'nin— Systems: --
41bc Words fail us to express our deep
- appreciation to all who were so kind to
LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the South- Evelyn during her courageous battle°
western Ontario School of :with cancer, and to all our family slim*
Auctioneering. Next class: November 9- her passing. To the, VON, The Red
15,, Information, contact Southwestern Cross, The .Palliative Care Unit and Dr.
Ontario School of Auctioneering. RR 05; ' Taylor, who made it possible for Evelyn
Woodstock, Ontario, .N48 7V9. (519) tube home. To Rev: Jawn KOlohon for
537-2145. --34bc his prayers and visits. Our relatives,
40. Lost & Found
STRAYED from Lot 12, Conc. 19 east-
astern.' div, Ashfield Twp. 2 'beef cows.
Phone 395-5562. -45 -
44. Engagements
Betty -Jane, daughter of John, Foran apd
the late Sophie Foran and Greg, son of
Chester. and Wilda Higgins .will be
joined -in holy matrimony on November
8, 1991,.at the St: Augustine Roman
Catholic Church.- Reception to follow in
Lucknow. -45_
46. in. Nlem .dam.:..
In memory°Of son inlaw, brother-in-law
and untie Bill, who passed away Octo-
ber 29, 1988. Remembered and missed
by Allister and Pearl Mackay and family.
friends and neighbours for' donations,
flowers, cards and food brought in to
our home, and just for being there. To
the ladies of the Church of the Messiah
for the luncheon and The Davey.
Linklater Funeral -home, we are very ,
grateful. , Sincerely "Bert - and Eva
Nicholson, Donna, Karen, Man and
Louis Ann. --45x
Et.. -Coming Evefits
Ripley Complex Friday' Koans■ay--
A er 1V.Y,rttl 8 p.m 12 p,rn. $540parpAr-
son, D.J., 4+ames Teylur. Sponsored by
Ripley Duron, Complex Expansion Fond
Cornmitlue. --45,48
for Jarnu Miltenburgg, November 13 at 8
p,m. Kingsbridge. Church Hall, Friends
and neighbours welcome. «45
NEED A HOBBY? Learncounted cross
stitch. Classes Wednesday night
November 13 84 20 fern 8-10 p.m. Pre-
registration necessary. Limited enrol-
went.or more information call Your,
Favorite Things 5284016.45ar
Ladies get ready for Christmas. Join us
on Wednesday morning, November 20
from 9:45 to 11 a•m• at the''Luoknow
United - Church to : Make Chrit turas
crafts. Cost is $5.00. Nursery and story
hour provided. Sponsored by Lucknow
Coffee Break. -45,46
Like to sing? Join the COMMUNITY
SINGERS -° for .the Care fest.,Thursday
evenings at St. Peter's Parish Hall 8
p•m• --45 - -
Holyrood Municipal Building at • 10:45
a.m.. Sponsored by. Holyrood Women's
Institute. -45. ,
will be held Saturday, November 23 at
Lucknow Community Centre. Tickets'
available NOW from Your Favourite
TThingsr?and Valley Green Flowers. Din-
ner at .7 p.m.-45,46ar
Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, 399" .
Bob St. Lucknow Saturday, November'
16 from 1 p.m., - 3 p.m: --45,46
We would like to : express our sincere
thanks, for help and kindness shown to
us the night of our barn We. To the
Lucknow- and Wingham Fire Depart-
ments for their kindness and ,hard work,
to our neighbours, friends and relatives
who came and helped in any way. Also
for helping with clean up the next day
with tractors and equipment and for all
the food sent to the house and for all
their help. All this kindness is very much
appreciated and will never be forgotten.
Thank You. Wayne and Mary Redmond,
Stephen Picco. --45nx
We wish to thank ali'who attended our
social evening in Ripley: Special thanks
to Joanne, Erima Jean and Lirl'da for all
their time and effort. Also to Pete and
Eric for their excellent bartending. We
will remember you always. Glen and
Penny. =-45
In loving memory of a dear and loving
husband, father and grandfather,
Gordon, who passed away six years
ago November 6, 1985..
Wonderful memories of one so dear
Treasured still with a love sincere
In, our hearts he is living still
We loved him too dearly to forgot
Sadly missed by his wife, Catherine,
Gordon and Mary Tout, Bill and Anna,
Ken and Thea, Joan, Herb' and
Roseleee, Mary - and Ron, Rick and
grandchildren and great grandchildren. -
In loving memory of a dear mother,
grandmother and great grandmother,
Mrs. Orville (Elizabeth) Tiffin, who
passed away November 11, 1980.
There is a place set apart
In the depth of our hearts
A corner that is always your own
No one can replace it or time erase it
We keep it for you ,inane.
Lovingly remembered by Joe, Marian
and family .and Jean and family. -45
47. Cards of -thanks
t wish to thank my friends and relatives
for the lovely cards, gifts, flowers,
phone calls and visits while I was in
Kindardiine and OniVerrsity. hospitals.
Special thanks to Rev. Peggy Kinsman
for visiting me' in London 'University
Hospital. Your kindneste Was greatly
'appreciated. Winnifred Gammie. -.45x
We wish to sincerely thank our family
and friends for the surprise 35th Wed-
ding Anniversary party and supper.
Thanks for all the lovely gifts, cards and
phone calls. Special thanks to Ed and
Dee, Lorraine, Janet and Bonnie for -
arranging everything; also. to Daryl and
Danny for keeping the secret. Thanks to
the management and staff of the
Candlelight Restaurant for the delicious
supper, also to Culbert's-Bakery for the
quaintly decorated cake. All the events
of the day will be cherished and added
to our accumulation of treasured mem-
ories. Sincere thanks to you all. Allan
and Beryl: --45
We wish to thank all relatives, friends
and neighbours for making our _ 60th
Anniversary celebration a successful
and truly memorable day. The gilts,
flowers, cards and phone cans were
very much' appreciated. Harold and
Muriel Ritchie. -45x
48. Coming Events
for Brock Hasty ,who lost hie home to
fire, will be held Sattird ay, No`varnber 9
at 9 p.m. at Dungannon Agricultural
Hall. Ladies please~bring lunch. • -48nx
Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Supper at
6:30_ p.m., speaker at 8 p.m. Thursday,
November 7 at Goderich Twp. Cam-
munity Center, Hotmessville. Ed Phelps
of London will bring information relating
to the Regional Collection at the DB
Weldon Library of the University of
West Ontario, London. Visitors wet -
come: x44,45
Saturday November . 9, 1991 at the
Formosa Community Centre front 8260...
am.. - 4:30: p.m: Admission: Adults --
$1.00; teens and children 500. Over 45
exhibitors. Spacious - country cafeteria
serving light lunches and, meals all day.
Fall beef, dairy, sheep, mineral and -pre-
mix special. 1. flee with. 10, 5 free with
40. In effect - November 1-18.
Thompson Feed - and Supply. Ripley
November 9, Dungannon Agricultural
Hall Registration 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Euchre at 2:00 p.m. Admission $5.00
per person. Prizes . $50, $40, $30.
Lunch, special contest.-44,45ar
All members please purchase your
tickets at Valley Green Flowers from
November 4th - November 18th: Ban-
quet on November 28th.-43416ar
Dabber Bingo every Tuesday 7:30 p.m.
Blyth District Community Centre. Jack-
pot of $1,000. on 46 numbers. Reducing.
by $50 on every number called. Mini-
mum jackpot $300 must go. 17tfar
Lucknow and- District Lions Club, Dab-
ber Bingo, every Sunday night, Lucknow
Community Centre. Doors open 6:15
p.m. Bingo at 7:16 p.m. Air conditioned,
wheelchair accessible. Potential prize
board over '$3.000. $1,000 jackpot on
54 calls or lest. must gol--thhar
Sand;% Nov. 10
Lakeshore Recreation Club,
Port Elgin, lb `AM - 4 PM
Admission $2 per person
Children under 6 free. Draw for
box of cords every hour.
Tables available,
Contact- 2-Q374
41i= CQiiii 9, ,Events
t rich Knigints of Columbus, Thurs-.
days 7:3Q p.m. Saitfgrd V ley wheels
chaiir a essibiek Potential prirO
over OSSA $140031aoltput 011.54 -Oalls
or less, $50Q roost OQ. tfnar
Evelr.... King
Evelyn Wig, of 462 it
liamsburg Sit, Kincardine, Passed
away at her home,. October 1,1991,.
after a courageous four yearbattle
with Cancer. Mrs. King wasin her
45th year.
Evelyn was. born June 10, 1947,
in Kincardine. She was the daughter
of Bert and Eva, (Cuyler), Nichol-
,She was decd by her hus-
bandMelvin- King, on November
25, 1989.
veelynleaves to mourn her pas-
sing iter parents, Bert and Eva
Nicholson, of Kincardine; sisters,
Donna Langford, of Woodstock,
Karen Evans, of Ballinafad, Lois
Ann, of Kincardine, and one brother
Allan Nicholson, of Sombra.
She will be sadly missed by her
nieces and nephews. '
Tell them •how Touch 1 appreciated
the endless flow of - messages of
comfo _ of -encouragement, of
hope, and of affection that :came to
me. To the VON, to the kindnness of
the Palliative Q�HCo�me CateOuand
Rev,KoloveryHit, -a special
thank you. To my nieces and
nephews you have been like family
of my own. To my brother and
sisters, you have made me
understand why we ask God's bles-
sing on families and to those who
have so willingly carried the burden
of my illness, my beloved Lois Ann
and my wonderful mom and dad..
The memory of your courage and
devotion , will be carried with me
into etertliity.;'. -
u . e ole W el`e Was"
B tiful Is
l, of S e h '
The funeral was held from .the sung during the service.
Davey Linklater Funeral Home, Evelyn was laid to rest with four _
Kincardine , on October 3, 1991 nephews Jamie Langford, 'Paul
. v thReveJawn- lohon onducdng ll oroans-rEr
the service. In keeping with Nicholson, and two cousins, Jack
Evelyn's wishes a brief message Campbell and, Glenn. Hedley, acting
was presented by her niece, Kim- as Pall bearers.
berlia Langford. Flovverbearers were nieces Linda
"Aunt uv made- one -request of
me On the . day . that, family and
friends gather to say goodbye, I
would like you to. speak for me.
Bruce County. OMAF . ..� .
Howoften do you head to the
field without" checking the fuel
gauge on your tractor? How often
to you :head out. to plant without
checking the soil's "fuel gauge"?
Soil testing is the only way to tell
how many nutrients you have in the
soil, - and how many nutrients you.
will have to add to produce a goad
Harvest is done for 'most of you,
'so' this is a good opportunity to get
out and take some samples before
you plow. Be sure your sample
reflects your field; don't sample just
the high spots or the corner closest
to the gate. Take -at least one
sample per two acres; more are
better. Sample the depthof the
topsoil about 6". Be sure to send
the sample to an OMAF accredited
We have sample
boxes and infor-
mation sheets at the OMAF office.
We also have soil probes from the
Soil and Crop Improvement Associ-
ation available for sale, which make
the job much easier.
Feed Testing
"A penny saved is a penny
earned." Knowing the 'protein con-
tent of your hay and formulating a
ration for your cattle or sheep can
save dollars on your feed costs. The
Red Meat Program encourages feed
testing and ration formulation with
generous grants.
The sampling kits are available at
OMAF offices along with a list of
accredited labs. We also offer a
ration formulation service free of
Trinity 441 Milkers
The fifth meeting of the Trinity 4-
H milkers was held on October 17
with members enjoying a tour of
the Pine River Cheese Factory.
They were shown a video and
watched how cheese was made.
Joanne Menary was host for the
sixth meeting of the club on Oc-
tober 22. Members visited A & P in
Goderich to compare prices of
different dairy products. The
meeting finished off at Mrs.
Williamson, Kimberlin Langford,.
Lisa Evans, Denise Evans, Bobbi Jo
Nicholson, Michelle Williamson,
° Kristel Calleffi. -
Crime Stoppers of Grey -Bruce are
seeking the public's assistance' in
the investigation of a break, enter
and .. tifeft which occurred ,rn
Belmore, Ontario.
The Walkerton Detachment of the
Ontario Provincial Police report that
during the early morning hours :.of ,
August 19, 1991, unknown per-
erson(s) . broke into a convenience
store in Belmore by smashing the
front window. Once.. inside, the
Culprits) removed approximately 30
cartons of cigarettes ° (assorted
brands). Also taken was approxi-
mately $335.00 in cash. .
Person(s) involved have not been.
identified as. yet, and the value of
the stolen property is estimated at
If you have any information on
• this or any other case, Crime Stop-
pers , of Grey -Bruce are willing to
pay a reward up to $1000 for infor-
mation leading to an arrest. CALL
AT 1-800-265-3787. You need not
identify yourself. No one will know
who you are. You will not have to
testify in court.
Adam - Wellstead, oldest son of
Brenda and Brian Wdllste-ad of
Reit. 3, "%Ingham, graduated
from Wilfred Laurier University
with a B.A. Honours Degree ina
Political Science and Economics.
Adam is now continuing further
studies at Dalhousie University,
Halifax, Nova Scotia.