The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-11-06, Page 8Page 8 — Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 1991
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• ELECT lar
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East, Wet WOCanoshi,Ashfidd
0 livel kl East wawonosii
0 Two.oblicirenin public achoo
• Active comMunitii vOluntt 2r
1 Wei work for quality edua alkyl
for All students and practise
,:iriancigglespq psiaii , witp. tp.x-
_, koriilthef,4
' ?i:,
NTIPw'MPIIP"tr "-I'm'
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' . '
* Financially responsible government
Highly concerned with high property tax
* Will -deal with everybody honestly and fairly
- Resides at Point Clark
Previously owned & operated small business
Municipal Elections
- This is a notice to all residents of Ashfield Township that the fol-
lowing individuals have been declared elected' to the indicated
Offices by acclamation!
REEVE. Allan Gibson
Linda Andrew
Returning, Officer
Township of Ashfield
jfaving a plan is an essential
tool for business success
process by which the guiding
members Of an organigation
vision its future and develop the
necessary procedures and
operations to achieve Mat end." --
John Geddes, ilynaink Planners
A football. coach .uses a game
plan. A teacher uses a lessokplan,
,a director ases a script. in games,
in education,: in entertainment,'In
business - a plan is an essential
tool for success and surviVal.-
John , Geddes, president of
Dynamic Planners inc., London
was at The Red Maple
Vangstra, on Ott& 17 to ad-
dress more than 70 Invon County
business people on the necessity
of strategical -business pianning.
The workshop was 0.; second in
a srles of 10- being sponsored by
th ederal Business Development
Bank's - Community Business
Initiative program for Huron
County. '
• "Strategic planning," W. Ged-
des said, "is not crystal ball
• inWherWiig
and, how do we get there."
He told b audience that plans
generally fall into three categories
five per 'cent of business people
who have a written business plan;
the greater number who, have a
business plan' in their heads,; and
the "four o'clock in the morning
For the business oilier, a
strategic ,plan works like a
blueprint. It works to define and
guide, to focus and plan for
business. It is applicable to all
businesses, large and small, and
specifically examines product,
marketing, competition,
management, goals and future
"deireloPinent. •
Using -a Simple step-by-step
process, all business owners can
develop their own° strategic plans.
Mr. Geddes suggested that the
first step is in analyzing -the
business, its strengths, weaknes-
ses, opportunities and threats. It'S
putting your business under the
microscope and taking an objec-
tive look at the .operation, he
Such an analysis looks at , the
product, customer, perception of
the business; internal organization
and management, * financing,
research and development. The
process is certain to reveal
problem areas, .and records of
achievement as well. Mr. Geddes'
stressed that business owners must
carry out this exercise if they are
to maintaina successful operation
in the 1990s, and the future,
Paints make up between 50 and
80 per cent of the wastes taken to
household hazardous waste collec-
tion centres, says the' Ontario Waste
Management Corporation, and a lot
of leftover paint is still ending up in
municipal landfills..
• You can reduce the amount of
waste paint you have to get rid of
by making sure to buy the proper
amount needed for the job, Buy
only what you .need. Ask your
retailer for assistance.
• Always be sure to read the label
which gives important information
regarding the product.
• The easiest way for you to dis-
pose of leftover paint is to use it all
up. Apply a second coat or touch
up areas which need improvement.
• Leftover paint can be. given to a
'neighbour, friend or -relative who
can use it. Churches, theatrical
groups, high schools; recreation
departments and community service
organizations are often pleased to
accept free paint. Make sure that
any paint you donate is in its orig-
inal container with the label intact.
determined t 'oui'reap larger
revenues front land sales. A&W
then re -defined its product and
servieeo and has fe-established its
tisit food outlet business in malls
and food uii;.., and sells root
beer on a large scale to grocery -
and coitiveni011ee SIM markets. -
Planning, focasing, analyzing,
changing - ies all part of the
strategic gaol' Plan, and site- .
cessful business mnagement.
The business awnermust look at
specific aspects of planning in the
- effort to Compete and succeed, •
Can he, offer the lowest prices in
town? Does quality servicing,
warranties or product make his
bosiness unique? Can he focus on
one product, or one market, suc-
, -
"You pick you niche and you go
Business consultant John Geddes _ for it," Mr. Geddessaidprter ;
He's an avid supot
of Dynamic Planners Leris i lamh
strategic p ing, it's is
don. business and, he stresses' that it's
"Don't ignore your problems.. an essential exercise that every
Don't bury yourself in your work business owner must -carry out.
when the bank is calling, the "You can't takeyour finger off
suppliers calling," he warned: the pulsefora minute, You're
Many -banks are requesting never done assessing, but the
Writteti strategic_plans— frinn------process-is: -critical:ICI:41s you
businesses before they you will market -
loans. These strategic plans assist
- the banks in guaranteeing their
"You Shouldn't grow or 'change
your business without a blueprint.
your • strategic plan is your
blueprint fo,r business,"•ivIr. Ged-
des urged.
Once . a business has gone.
through .the analysis process, it is
ready to set a mission statement -
a brief, written description of what
the business does, how it operates
• and who. it serves. This written
mandate helps businesses make a
positive statementabotit who they
are and what theyare ac-
complishing. It also advertises
busitfegs strengths and helps deter-
mine future goals.
Mr. Geddes suggested that a
statement should be no
more than° 100 words brig. It may
take five or six drafts, to finalize,
and in the final analysis, he noted,
"It's got to feel good. WS got to
sit right. It's not something you
want to change every -six months.'
A well defined plan works to
help the, business owner develop
specific strategies, The owner can
now readily identify products and
seivices, determine' areas of
growth, areas where service can
be maintained, methodicallY
thinned out; or cut.
The popular A&W fast food
chain 'has gone • through this
procedure in recent years. The
large; drive-in retaurants have
been slowly phased out over the
past two decades after A&W
your product." -
Mr. Geddes advises that
business analysis and strategic
plan development is not a process
that can- be accomplished over a
cup of coffee, while you're
waiting on customers, or stocking
It is best done on a separate
agenda, away from your place of
business, and should include other
key employees and management
people., To be done properly it
takes time, thought and objec-
• tivity. Once -the first steps are,
taken, the plan can take form with
• relative ease and becomes an
ongoing dynamic process that is
key to the tuskless.
• He warned that strategic plans
work well, as long as they're not
cast in stone, filed away in - a
forgotten desk draiver, 'or left
. unattended.
Goal setting -is a popular exer-
• cise for business, but if goals are
to be effective they must include
specific time &ales and amounts.
Every goal needs an implemen-
tation plan, every irriplementation
plan needs specific, dates and the
assigned people who will carry the
"Humans are great strategists,
but we need to say when we'll do
it and who will do it," Mr. Geddes
Strategic planning may be a
relatively new business tenn, but
its a program of action that may
make the difference between
business success and failure.
• Latex paints can beleftto dry by
removing the lid. This. should be
done in an area which is away from
children and aninials. Allow the
paint to dry completely. In most
areas the container can then be "
disposed of in your household trash.
Leave the lid off the can so that
your household refuse hauler can
see that the paint is hardened.
• Solvent -based paints (also known
as alkyd or oil-based) require
special disposal practices. These
paints are ignitable and present
particular hazards. They should not
be disposed of down storm sewers,
household drains (especially if you
have, a. septic tank), or on the
Solvent -based paints should be
disposed of as a household hazard-
ous waste. Hold for a household
hazardous waste collection day. If
your community does not have a
household hazardous waste pro-
gram, contact your local works
department or provincial environ-
ment ministry for guidance on
• Paint thinners, turpentine, mineral
spirits and solvents should not be
poured down a drain or storm
sewer. With a few simple steps, you,
can reuse these types of products.
Leave used turpentine or brush
cleaner in a closed container until
the paint panicles settle out. Then
pour of theclean liquid which can
be reused. Add an absorbent such
as cat litter to the residue and let it
dry completely. Contact -a house-
hold hazardous waste program,
local works department, or regional
environment ministry -office for
advice on proper disposal.
The Ontario Waste Manage-
ment Corporation is a provincial
Crown agency responsible for
bnproving hazardous waste man-
agement in the provnee.