The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-11-06, Page 4r �QQ�oi y by S to q/.*i ;Ude at 6th .y��{ �9Mt kn W r . KA C �i• , t, •+f &4n *,A Wane. ne. ^� . . 211 • - ' 2tS ; Fax 51'' }$204529 _. CCN ,%• Thorna$ Om.Ton` T '' v��RManager "!!9 Di't ri n Pat Liv n stun eneral Manager' merewadies, :�a have at boat ihowd to say, • me ever -list's •te 1110 Local FlaVA4r.S. lirc'tija* Loaf senior s1 Oar, 1os L9ob 0;0.0 6 Local Leiter Carrier Goderidijianeirer, full s1::O * Out -Of -Area ( Miles) $18! ph* eof ups :Sq` foreign + s6or. • Publications mail registration no. 0847 Ont Changes of `address, orders for subscriptions, and, undeliverable ,copies, (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent io Lucknow. sentinel' at' the above address. Advertising is acceptedon theconditiortthat .in the event of a typographical error; " the, portion of°the.advertisaing space,'occupied Eby. the erroneous item together with .a reasonable allowance for signature,. will:hot be charged for, but the balance of the- advertisement will be paid at the . a • livable rates. h s thought it fifth* to reprint the following correspOodencefront Gerald S. filirrilhevi,. Minister of Veterans Anatolia - 0.111d t e house, this statement more oftenoften than not rde atier you., havenmade.4 requester Int 'or or o spring Alo something for . you. Suchas the caaat,needS a vacuumed, the kitty litter changed* the oat dish re a ,.he g ss cunt, the eavestrongh cleaned* the dish e +etc. etc.. 'Buis t week a publication we ° rive on a rem' ssis ad- dressed the same sub' t the only oon{• •l�yA'di ffer ice w it : awed to.oM rsonnel* .AS.1 r pit tbiobg*I came up: with brilliant idea. ihy net take the psychology be d the ,lips and . use them in etyma. • 1. Get hubbytoffsp ng.'s attention before you talk. to tin. mem bet: it ►:. uselesstrying to. convey. while they are watching the bui• tube, playm&Nintendo al p ilatitiiiibransie RemembranceDays + ,►t ts` have moved°forwaid at 'an astonishing -pace. Tinel 11 Wa> r ended with 'Kuwait freed once: more, 'OW our"'ai Forces, . MO • home to the kind Of, **Oros Oen. our returning -troops some 45 yearsago: Drama tic changesswat. the Sovtot Uinion, where the People- insteed on the hind o of demoC y We •defended half a century ago:. The -two 1r-.. manioc: were reunited :and the independence of the Baltic states w .generally recognize. These changes have come m to utaimOiftittilfantly on our °televisions sc i . wonder,. as- we pr re .for Remembrance Day, hcw •it . might hate been had reporters carried todgtl's s hIsticatbd equipment -with• them to Hong ong,--Dieppe,-O Iona or Vii*, Ridge. Would we better appreOleb ` the terrible . cost of freedom,- h fhad •f,arwdtans seen, on teMskrau taking pi**,X would we lave a,-betteir dntl rata r ole `o1 the Value of our owncountry.and the awfu!sacrifices 104 11010 been made in.`Ite name? AirkfivoUld wrO, then, .not b ant ► resolute to olar deterrtilli autior!t to .keeps ,aur ;wondorfuf country together?-A`a ; �.• d • On November 11, please take a mons' entad tepietitla r ► who fought and those who died for our`hreeidom` sari`. to. pledge that their valiant efforts will not have been in vain. Express it 'by sending a letter to 6'0 editor of the Lucknow,Sentinel: It must be signed and accompaanied- b : a telephone;• number;-shouldw °e need: to•alarify any: information. • The Sentinel also. reserves the right ta_ ��eee die le ers, ,m w ...• 7 �. r Y J I t A ! :.•: '` .RAS -/•1}: ou`ld engrave it upon.their y aa' r.: 4. When Conversinwith them make-direct`oyecont t. Pool •.."x" + nests or -tell :them'. ,.. Your beet is 0000 eir minds tend to walk F• .5 ff all el fa s put it in wan You could `haveour oper- sOnal - stinal stationery that says "Prom` tine ritchen°of•o.... 70 years ago just south ofLuci roww. Mr. Gaynor, November 190 1921 we are told, was°about fhae mOrning chores, usalg a lanteru. The totem Two more fires The waste by fire goes on. Two more buildings, a dwelling and a barn, in this vicinity, were reduced to ashes during the week... , Thursday night of last week, a fine frame residence on the 4th concession of Kinloss, the home of the late Mr. and Mrs.. John Mirehouse was destroyed: This fire - could not have:: been. due... to carelessness about smve. pipes as the house has not beerroccupied for sonic ..time. Quite .a number •firoin the :iighbi>000d werein Lirack now at the political tneeting°•and it, is believed some evil- ` ded per. son took the° ty - to break, intentionally •the house,., ntenti y or accidentallystarting the fireiNeigk; hours who ;gathered about had hard work to. -save thee barns where„, considerable quantity;otwhr t;arid. implements were stOred The other I , r .Wood to destroyed14r.-. t•. Oay 's ,ham on. the:12th. of West.Vita* , was set down., and and •a n animal es- caping from aat bot stall`, mocked it over. This std'a fir which was almost instantly beyond control. SO years ago November 6, 1941 Local. Branch, Conducts- first f egioii. funeral .The local branch ‘of. M iocoducted its first; milia y funeral, last Ned. tiesdayi, When they officiated ;at the of Mr. lames ldavis, a thtl lief ofthe brach awed. whose quest It Was that his comrades. should 'play thil Pam ,in g.• him to l last resting place. The .graveside- service was con- ductedbyAdlisterliughes president .ef the branch, while six members a• ctedas pallbrers+ Nle Johnston 404 tlititirwin'were thtkrs and the;" t. st'" was souan by '_ ▪ -It was an impressive service- .roottribute to a truly ° "old ,ggiEsts were sold out of •eWranr" Factory is busy - More than thirty los ,men ate currently employed a t • the ,.'.Maple Akircraft.Coa ration plant. 'Receipt of. a sizeable *niton order • last. week resulted in quite number of. cmployeee : being added to, °'the re staff. r ♦4 Oetideld'isaaphot.11 + A auir►p: cif- :the chest or ° drawer where ver •- k Wilt`' it fray frim .• o i k o� a `hist to housew+ives' e Yell dues ens h fora lump on. your usedchest�tio., relied uponto work wonders*, , in "Wiping &ways dish -ger `� Did . ever ,go.ao a ht l -With epi the *wily • stutitatouttd, your n lot it uels that y ,ep 25 -years ago e November 16, 1946 4 IC* Victima. a+" p in coroner Dr. S.C. McKun of Luck - now has received an appointment as coroner for the counties of ninon and Boa and has assumed these duties. Or.. McKim will serve 'this immediate. . woe but is liable to be c4illedatriwhere in thetwo"cties if his services' , nem 9 ,The appointment is made by. the Attorney General 's.. of th e. r+orviatiacial government. , '‘Arilifkld, West Wiaw nosh, loss* Luc ow to share tibias• of arena renovation - A renovation program to the Lucknow arena, With a, total cost of $26, to $27, will commence late in the winter of 1967 , and will be completed6in the Fallof 19675 It will be a joint undertaking by the `"ice of LedmiAte, and the Townships of Wield, West 'awashand Kinloss. Because of the fact that the renovation will be completed under the - winter works program, part of the work will be .done in late winter and early spring Of 1961 with the _completion scheduled, for next fall. 10 years ago November 4, 1981 Lucknow loses .Quit inter.; mediate diate hoock ry team = Lucknow's -ORAL intermediate C hockey wok . the LucluMw Landers, announced • 'last week that the club `wili•fo d due to. -circumstances beyond : -their control. According to the team's coach, Tom.' 111, the major reason behind the clubs decision to hang up their sweaters, is the club's inability to gt '8ntee the Ontario Hockey As- sociation =soci ation that six members of the team at every game will be residents of the village of Luc w. What, rept, according to ancient legend, was able to live in fes? The r.