HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-10-16, Page 5iseetemessessimmissaimpoommanawbut keeps Canadam being a:
Wo4d like t4 4°41a. few 4111Y 0 THE���wow � fotall other ux'
affecting Our .farmyo �.the,...t sic of tries who can't get 'their ,
- T
lust =nine- the e�io; ye supply i nt
And � � ewe
�y�{{ ,y[, me,�q.., ..n OW }�p� y� 6414040$*
y��t Ga fearful,qqp�
a meat has n e uiat 19 pants n Canadian64140 0$* ev , that me
. ►di ors,. ord ..and Chrysler our pension ; would be r dn uhouey, u$h
e. �peosl �
have dedded to close up all their jeopardy..egotlato�, w
Canadian plants shiftduoQ° � kind of far-out, at irebuckle :under American _ �i
non • tot a Unci States, .and. i culou's 7 et, that is . to end i on -o o1 x laa'
imps the autos; d; for the ly what could happen f Canadians faimers wider Ara& 11; It would
Canadian a tG tin the ups..Oflost all or part orilielr aglieuitarai allow Americans.Canada as
course, there would; . be instant'
industry. First there is havoc f� a duumpin�d for their
howls of Protest front Canadians as the free-Wadefree-Wademoment withthe .
and.chiclkn products, and would.'
they quickly realized the drastic. United Mates' and now here is a effect. transfer billions of dollars
out,of the: Canadian economy and
impact such a move would eve on. new. threat from the.Americans at
our country.,. m- the Oene Agreement on Tariffs into the U,S. C economy, long
`mat's because most of us have .a and Trade (GATT talks. Presently , of. ana n farms,
idea of 'what devastation Such . being, negotiated among 101 other w.g, hundreds of ProCessin plaints, '
an announcement would have cin. • countries in:the world � in Bft1s�lS, and giving�us the �o.�enar�,ribed-
this country's ecconomy. There Belgium, d: poo'rr
. deal at o at the beginning, of this.column.
would be massive layoffs in the would mean the loss of a Already ,.we are seeingsome of
industry � � , large part � s9me
auto and its ' suppliers, of Canada's agriculture industry omt devastation caused to our econ-
., thea
followed bya . bloating. of unem- which annually sputs ss bion in y and rural communities by the
oyrnent lls,. and a collapse in Ontario. fanners pockets. Qltstimu- collapse of grain and oil seed
consumer spending because .unem- fates the Ontario ° economic. to the prices, the result of an unfair grain
ptoyed ' Workers wouidn:'t.. have tune of $20 billion a year when you trading war in which Canadian
moneyspend. That in turn would count in supplies and equipment farmers are caught in the crossfire
lead to an even bigger increase in
personal and business bankruptcies,
a heavy draw on unemployment
insurance, to be followed later by, a
huge lump in welfare payouts when
of subsidies between U.S.and
purchases, processing, ���
tion, etc. Unfortunately, most Euro.,..Pan fartileirS. .
people don't 'realize that: food. pro- we cannot allow such a scenario
duction is the second largest Indus- to happen to our dairy and poultry
try in the province and that its loss industries as well. If you've never
the people's UIC cheques run 'mit. couldcause the devastation outlined had a strong reason m the past to
Of course over m i ,w�� .,a , -.... ..,�
have to increase taxes or the deficit . A "deal" is expected to be, made
to cover the increased welfare pay- this, fall at GATT, and one . of the
ments. items on the table for negotiations
Canadians would also howl at is an item called "Article 11" which
those large tax increases needed to is little understood by .the general
support health care, education and public. Basically, what it does is
social Services on shrinking rev give a few countries like Canada
enues, and would demand (and the ability to 'match production of
eventually get). tax -cuts from ' certain farm commodities, such as
embattled governments. It . would • dairk and poultry products, with the
certainly mean cuts to some of the • domestic demand. At the , same
public services that we now take for time, it sets the prices the farmer
granted. Even those publicly sector will receive for these products. It
professions 4- which are now:,insu--. must be stressed emphatically at
fated from 4'he free market and this point that farmers : have no.
inflation - such as government control of the retail price, which
workers, doctors, teachers, and can be considerably -higher than the
university professors, would event- farm gate price. -
ualiy. have to take pay cuts, redo c- This SyWM, called Slimly man-
tions in fringe benefits like pen- agement," has worked very well in • Dear editor: _
sions, etc., and might even face the the.. last 25 years in Canada, both Diabetes affects over one- million
layoffs. for the farmer and the consumer, Canadians. It can cause heart attack,
'As the effects of such collapse and has .becomethe envy of the stroke, kidney disease, blindness
rippled 'through the Canadian econ- world as a sane way to market. It and' amputation. Its complications
omy, ' hundreds of other sectors has given us a stable, -safe, and make it the third leading cause of
would be adversely affected. For nutritious supply of dairy and poul- death by disease in Canada.
instance, real estate values would try products for consumers at a Although the discovery of insulin
plummet as unemployed families, reasonable price, while giving farm by Doctors Banting, : Best and
enables to keep up their payments, families a ' fair rate of return for MacLeod in 1921 was a major
would be forced to dump their their huge investments and labour, breakthrough (and the reason . like
homes on the market at . fire sale based on . a "cost of production myself and many others are alive
prices. This in turn' would threaten formula."insulin has meant that. there today) in not• a cure.
equity values, which in turn would has been no excess production for Canvassers will be going door to
emde potential retirement incomes Canadian taxpayers' to buy up and door shortly to collect money for
of our senior citizens who rely 'on unload, on the world market at fire research. Please give.generously to
selling their homes for: substantial sale prices, as is the case now with the Canadian Diabetes Association.
part retirement money. it could American and European farmers. It Your support will be appreciated.
even affect the viability of some of also allows a certain amount of Together we can do a lot,
our weaker banks and trust com- those products to be imported, in - Teresa Courtney, Pres.,
panics. Our savings, our invest the event there is a shortage here, Huron Bruce Branch,
' Canadian -Diabetes Assoc.
ment about the future of this.coun-
try, surely now is the time. All this
talk about a new constitution will
be meaningless if we don't have a
strong economy on which to base it.
We must stop the sellout of Cana-.
diian agriculture now!
Yours sincerely,
Jim Fitzgerald, editor
The Rural Voice magazine
Blyth, Obtario . .
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Hallowe'en �. • • ..� �
Dungannon Agricultural Society
Hallowe'en Dance
Saturday, October 26/91
Music by: Star Trek
Dancing,: PM - I AM
Lunch Provided..
Adcission $9:69 per person
Prizes•forbest co tome
judging at 1'1 PM
driZtaretieety. lret MI;
ou rats h tilyid to attend
of the NEW •
SAY O TIER 1$, 11 99,1
, en ngd erernonies will commence at $:30 p.m.
at the site of the mirage on Highway f i.
0,Ca Eraiier, Chatrusan
Road Conandittee, County of Huron