HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-10-09, Page 14i Page 14 — LitAekaow Seatiaet Wednesday, tober Oh . 31. ,Service DirecfQir • BY APPOINTMENT -11.. -ONLY Id Oil 25.00 It &1/2 '30600 Oil 60'1 Dripless a(+GST & PST) •1114mi.'n otos~ ofAmber* • West off Hwy 21 }s (2nd Huron Twp.) ::......... ^`....... r::...... fi........ 13 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 359 Notice To creditor$ :NOTICE TO L'REPITORS ANO OTHERS All 'claimsagainst the tats of Or. Mobile Howard Coffin late of ,.v the Village of Lucknow. In the County, Bruce, deceased, who died on or about the 14th. day of August,. 1991, must be filed with the Usuciers signed on or before November 2, 1901i; thereafter.. the Executrices of the estate will distribute the assets of the: estate having regard only to the claims for which the undersigned then has notice. Dated September 24, 1991. GEORGE J. BROPHY,. Barrister &. Solicitor, Sox 8.10, LUCKNOWJ Ontario NOG 2H0, Solicitor for the l sta'to. -- 40,41,42 6, AnnouincemeQts.- NOTICE ''Mayfair R estaur. art will be Closed Saturday, October 19/91 due to family lied cfi ,9' n ...� 32..Bobysiftin FULL TIME BABYSITTER required for 2 year old and infant to start November 4. Apply to Box 97 c/o The Lucknow Senti- nel, Box 400 Ltjcknow, , NOG 2H0..-- 40,41 ar 34. Personal CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTRE :- Are you pregnant? 'Need Help? Call our 24 hour hotline deflect S23-3751 °or drop in at 178 Main St. S., Mclunt Forest for free pregnancy testing; counselling and support, childbirth coaches, clothing. -- 41ar • • HAVING A DRINKING PFOBLEMt AA can help. Phone Goderich $246QQ1 Or Am- Walkerton 881-3685: —40tf 0 35. Nbfice To Creditors NOTICE TO ertEDITOFts . AND OTHERS IN THE, ESTATE OF JOHN DONALD THOMPSON All persons having claims against, the, estate of `John Donald Thompson, rats of the Township of Huron, in the Ortuntys of Bruce, who died on or about "July 29; 1991, are hereby notified' to ,send par - Smilers of same to the' undersigned on. or before November 13, 1991, after which date, • the estate will be. distrib- uted, with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED September 25, 1991. Allan Thompspn, Executor by his solicitors, Messrs, Troyan Fincher Barristers A. Solicitors 44 North' Street Gedericlt, Ontario it17A 3Y5, 46,41,42 N'c.TiCE It isopinion-that, ari -� t - d o show: my protest of:' the .Farm. Credit Corporation's action of passing. up -their .::lawful ,. right ,.to first mort gage money on their Security 0160448, registered in Bruce County, July 19, 1.978, ,and pass ing an indebtness,to the 'Guarantor of that secuity mitt gage #167045 On Lot'04,,. Con ' #7' E.D. Ashfield Township; regis-. tered in Huron County; July.' g4,, 1978.; an-:irtdebtness' far in_.' excess of the intent and purpose of that guarantee. ' :• = _To the Farm Credit Corporation,' therefore',:i Jatiriea4j''E -6o4fC refuse. to give 'up possession peaceably. ` • NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH Final Installment cif., 1991 Taxes is due • Wednesday, October 16, 1991 payable in person or by mail at the Municipal Office. Hours = Monday to Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 5:00, p.m. „ riday - 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Note - Failtare to receive a tax notice does not relieve the taxpayer from payment of taxes nor liability of penalty for late payment. Joan Armstrong, Treasurer 37. Mortgages MONEY TO PAY SILLSI Start a busi- nossi Bad credit? No Problem! No Oual- •ifying Hasselsi Borrow $10,000, repay $134. monthly! Call intransicon Finan- cial (416) 650-9455. Busy? 1-300-268- 1429. --41b0 CREDIT PROBLEMS? Need a consoli- dation loan? For fast, confidential ser- vice in arranging a 1st or 2nd mortgage OP residential, commercial or rural prop- erties, call Mid -Canada Financial Sar- Vices at 1-376 4914 ryarr' Hodgkinson Mortgage Underwriter,--S9tibcknx 03. Auto n Sole, SPECIAL, HOUSEHOLD CONSIGNMENT SALE at ORINDLEY AUCTION SERVICES DIl Monday octitober 14/91 .12:00 noon . HOUSEHOLD .EFFECTS: f2i dining room suates, living; rooms suite, chrome table and chairs,cot- . fee and amts tables, cherry drop leaf table, wicker chairs, rocking chairs, cane chairs, round table, lamps, cap- tains cap ttainsbed,drapes,TV., pictures, crocks, deepj roozo, fridge, stove. VEHICLES:, 1984 Ford R10. Pickup; ; 1983. y, �y Plymout) Reliant. 1978'27 1'2 5t% Wheel Travel Trailer • TOOLS: floor jacks; drill press, metal lathe, new washer, assortment tment of small toots . , Office desks, and chairs, linoleum and carpet, further consignments still welcome. • PLEASE NOTE: This sale offers Sortie of the. best antique furniture ever offered by publio.auction, TERMS: Cash or cheque with .proper. I.D. - 8% Sales-Taxx and 7% G.S.T. Where applicable., : .Owner. ' or Auctioneer .net;responsibl'o_.for 'acci dents or loss of purchase day of le :Any artitOtrlcenienfs ; yy,ai sale take:preceden-wri ce overtten advertising. 'Lunchrbootl ort grounds AUCTIONEER: :.- A'C'T �.NEER G'+�r�n R F3rindley FOR FURTHER' INFORMATION. ,. CALL:z• R 1 , 5 9 '529-7625 (BUS.) 52$4970 (RES:. r� SIGNMENT. 110 N' YSALE of ' -` , dtde Furnishings, Antiques g, q r� Y• :at: D . , Ay�.�SC►�,�..CEf�TRE *Kincardine Friday, October 11/91 • 6:30 P.M. for Mr. & Mrs., Percy Schacht of Ripley plus other consign-. ments from Kincardine .& . Tiverton. Listen to CKNX for partial list. AUCTIONEERS: Grant McDonald, Ripley 395.5353 Dodio McLelland' -.Kincardine . S96-3252 Wallace Bafagh Teeswator 392-6170 AUCTION SALE of ANTIQUES and HOME FURNISHINGS will„ be held for MISS ESTHER MURRAY (Teeswatery with some added consignments, in TEESVVATE.R AORI- CURL.BUILDING, On MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 Starting at 10:30 A.M. WALLACEBALLAGH TEESATER 392=6170 GRANT MOCoNALD RIPLEY 395-5353 39. Educational IS TRUCKING FOR YOU. Let's discuss it. 'introducing extended programs and Credit Courses. Call' William at 1-800- 265.7173, Markel Training Systems. 41bo TRAIN TO MANAS8 an apartment- condominium partmentcondominium building. Many jobs avail- able. Write for froo brachrue. AMT!, 1801.1 Yong() St., Toronto, Ontario, M5B 1W?. —41 bo 59. ducutiQngI. .FREE career guide to lion -=study coP 'respondence DipDiplotriacourses:Accouo, ing, Airoondt. ening, Bookiieepioa, usi- nese, Cosmetology, Etectronios4 WOW/Medical Secretary, Nychoiogya Travel.- Granton (SA) 2e Addicted. West. To ui to.'`I-g0Q=9 Q `igi ,. —41bc LEARN AUCTIONEERSouth- Western Ontario School. of Auollonoering Nest class: Novembers!-. 15. Iriformatk n, contact: Southwestern Ontarioppy��School, of Auckoneering . RR. 05, yA ogdstock,. Ontario, N45 7V9. (51 9) 537-2115.. b 4t Death Notices FISHER Chelssy Park Horne, London on Saturday,October �p 1991 Mrs. Alva Selena (acKenzie) Fisher, of London in her 81st year. Beloved wife of the. late George Fisher, .pear mother of Ken H, Fisher and hie wife Nancy or Water- loo, ;loved by her 2 granddaughters Lisa and ;Katie, Dpar sisterrin-law of Edward Fisher and his wife Elizabeth of Watford, Mac Fisher and his wife Elsie of Alvinston. Marguerite Cameron of London. Funeral service was conducted at the A. Millard'George Funeral Home, 6O Ridout St.London where, the ;coin • pieta . service was conducted .,in the Chapel on Tuesdaay,.October8 at i p,m. Interment.Lochaish Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to the Cana- dian:Cancer Society or to the Heartand •-.8-.8Foundatwn of Ontario, --41 4. • Engagements.: iAr1E*COOK Lorne and Marion Cook and' Mac and' Mary • Eadie are pleased to announce the engagemo nt of the r Children '4nice • Elizabeth' and 'David George The wedstamely, --41 x '� ding will take place November. 2, 19.91 -\ at Lucknow United Church. Reception to -, . ', VANOSCH ' .•. followat.Lucknow Community Centre, -:+ ."We would like to thank:the::Lucknow Co- at..,.: '- w op, Elmer Umbach Pharmacy, Lucknow Market Mc D o'. a �h insurance • MecRiiEl SON GREIG. Village A, n g 47. Curd Of Thunks • McFARIIANE' Words, can, never expo our gratitude 'tu ail you people who helped us through our timeof sorrow. we certaniy aper aced ail, those wonderful people who brOught us food and more food, Thank you. The kindness and under- standing of Joan Pollard and No staff ,' will always be remembered.. To the. people who donated to Lucknow United Church and The Cancer Fund, we the family say . THANKS on behalf* of Marion. Sincere thanks, to all those who made it possible for Marion tostay. at home, Dr, Shubat, the home. makers,: . the visiting and evening nuts end the friends who spelled ,off the family by sitting" with her. The , choir, Tony Stickirigs, 'Ernie Royle,Glen: MacPherson, and George Philips, you all did an excellent jols in leading us in worship at Marion's funeral service. Thank you. Again our thanks 'to ,every.4 • one, Gerald McFarlane and family. 7.-41x McOUILUN •. My family and I Wish to sincerely thank everyone for, the many acts of hindoesa shown to us in the form Of food sent to .. my house and Sam's dad's, kind words, cards, donations andflowers atthe time of the sudden passing of my husband .and our father Sam.Special'thanks. to Joan Pollard ,and: Bob MacKenzie for their support and super management. Rev. Jack, F..samali, for .his, kind and thoughtful message -Attie diffibUit.time.. Our appreciation also to to ahtbulance... 3 • Ken Mac.Nay of.:the. Wiarton ,hospitak, k ,tf a pallbearers an'd.flower bearers; the; a. ladies of the Lucknow Anglican hurch ,' the lovely lunchprovided, >ld�r orf y pro dad, What.. would we ever do:without;ods. help,' our friends:andrelatives at.Algot :titre. These -kind: thoughts;-words°and:deeds 3.: will be..rernembered always.ryMarion anda Dewayne "arid ,;Marlene. Greig and :.Bill and Isabel' MacPherson all of Lucknow are pleased to announce'the engage- ment of their `children,. Debbie ;and Larry. The `Wedding will take'place ; Satus�y, toher19,1�991 t 3b'p i '!'fit Lucknow- United Church`. Receptiofl to follow at LuckndwrCommunityCentre. -- 4lar .. i 46. In Memoriam F ;' IRWIN • ,,in. loving memory .ot 'a,dear wife' and '. mother'EIaine% who passed away four. years ago October 15, ,1987. TO a beautiful person 'came a sudden end. • She died as` she lived, everyone's friend. She left us memories we 'wilt "never forget • - They say time cheats and.helps us• for- get. orgest. But time only proves h"owmnuch vie miss her yeti A smile, a voice we will always remem- • ber. • . Always remembered' and sadly missed, by Bob, Ken, Chnis;.Craig and daughter • in-law Nancy. --41 47. Cards of Thanks STANLEY We. would like to express our sincere thanks to the doctors, nurses, ambu- lance attendants mbu-lance,attendants in both Kincardine and Owen Sound hospitals. Also thanks to Daddyand all our family and friends for. the comfort an support we received during 'Blake's illness.. It will never be forgotten. Debbie and•Slake. P41,z 1 allies Auxiliary. Winter Sports would like to thank the follow- ing Clubs for their donation towards the upstairs of the Lucknow Sports Complex: Tractor Pullers Lucknow Kinsmen Club Lucknow Jrr Wonneri's Institute Lucknow Agricultural 'Society tSl Lucknow Lions Club Lucknow Legion and `,Reel :{Estate' Brokers,` and 'Finlay Decorators 'forthe-lovely keepsake plate , we receitied°in honour of Bradley's birth. itis something We wilt° lwaya treasure. Perry; Wendy; a'nd-Bradley, -41 - WILKINS We would'. like to thank,: the ,Lucknow and District Firefighters for their quick action in saving, our-barn',a-week ago. We would. like to. thank all the others who were here and,belped at the time. Everything was much , appreciated. Charlie and ` yme. r -41X s I HHALDENSY, We wish to thank family, friends ,arid neighbours for cards, flowers and all the support we received during our recent bereavement Special thanks to Dr. Gear and Dr. Shubat and also Joan Pollardfor, her caring ,support: -Every- thing was much appreciated and will always be remembered by her husband Jack:and family, --,41x CAMPBELL We wish td sincerely thank our:family for the dinners held -to celebrate our 45th 1 ledding Anniversary September 28th. The beautiful cards,' flowers and gifts we received from our family, neigh- boum and friends were very much appreciated. Bob and Wilda Campbell.. - -41x CAMPBELL We wish to express our sincere thanks to everyone who helped make our wed- ding day such a special event. Thanks to our attprldants and their friends for all their assistance: Our parents deserve special mention for all their help and support. Thanks. to Gramme Campbell 'rot making :the cake, Gramma Fairish for her help and opening her home -for the rehearsal party. Bev for her many talents,. Rev. Nugent, Karen :Msirtyn, Lille, Blaine,' Marie, Trinity United Church kfidiies, . Lucknow Lions Club, Gerrie and Tom and to everyone else wile assisted or offered in.pny way. We wish to take ibis opportunity to say Thank You. Your gilts and best wishes were greatly appreciated., Tammy and Robert Campbell: --41 MscKFNiE My sincere thank youto friends, my sisters, and family for -the cards, visits, phone cans, flowers, treats and gifts while i was in hospital andsonvalescing at my sisters -home on highway 66.wost. All Were very much appreciated. Also thanks to Dr: Omelet Dr. Shubat and the nursing staff of theWinghani Hospi- tal. Rhoda. —41x • • PrrteCt your investment. DAVE'S CAR jG�y paQ Q{�Q use .... t.7e use.! note acid frees new oil CARS AND LiGHT TRUCKS Drummond SLE, Rlytit 523-4343 OPEN DAI Ll_f (wea3lter Permitting), • BY APPOINTMENT -11.. -ONLY Id Oil 25.00 It &1/2 '30600 Oil 60'1 Dripless a(+GST & PST) •1114mi.'n otos~ ofAmber* • West off Hwy 21 }s (2nd Huron Twp.) ::......... ^`....... r::...... fi........ 13 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 359 Notice To creditor$ :NOTICE TO L'REPITORS ANO OTHERS All 'claimsagainst the tats of Or. Mobile Howard Coffin late of ,.v the Village of Lucknow. In the County, Bruce, deceased, who died on or about the 14th. day of August,. 1991, must be filed with the Usuciers signed on or before November 2, 1901i; thereafter.. the Executrices of the estate will distribute the assets of the: estate having regard only to the claims for which the undersigned then has notice. Dated September 24, 1991. GEORGE J. BROPHY,. Barrister &. Solicitor, Sox 8.10, LUCKNOWJ Ontario NOG 2H0, Solicitor for the l sta'to. -- 40,41,42 6, AnnouincemeQts.- NOTICE ''Mayfair R estaur. art will be Closed Saturday, October 19/91 due to family lied cfi ,9' n ...� 32..Bobysiftin FULL TIME BABYSITTER required for 2 year old and infant to start November 4. Apply to Box 97 c/o The Lucknow Senti- nel, Box 400 Ltjcknow, , NOG 2H0..-- 40,41 ar 34. Personal CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTRE :- Are you pregnant? 'Need Help? Call our 24 hour hotline deflect S23-3751 °or drop in at 178 Main St. S., Mclunt Forest for free pregnancy testing; counselling and support, childbirth coaches, clothing. -- 41ar • • HAVING A DRINKING PFOBLEMt AA can help. Phone Goderich $246QQ1 Or Am- Walkerton 881-3685: —40tf 0 35. Nbfice To Creditors NOTICE TO ertEDITOFts . AND OTHERS IN THE, ESTATE OF JOHN DONALD THOMPSON All persons having claims against, the, estate of `John Donald Thompson, rats of the Township of Huron, in the Ortuntys of Bruce, who died on or about "July 29; 1991, are hereby notified' to ,send par - Smilers of same to the' undersigned on. or before November 13, 1991, after which date, • the estate will be. distrib- uted, with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED September 25, 1991. Allan Thompspn, Executor by his solicitors, Messrs, Troyan Fincher Barristers A. Solicitors 44 North' Street Gedericlt, Ontario it17A 3Y5, 46,41,42 N'c.TiCE It isopinion-that, ari -� t - d o show: my protest of:' the .Farm. Credit Corporation's action of passing. up -their .::lawful ,. right ,.to first mort gage money on their Security 0160448, registered in Bruce County, July 19, 1.978, ,and pass ing an indebtness,to the 'Guarantor of that secuity mitt gage #167045 On Lot'04,,. Con ' #7' E.D. Ashfield Township; regis-. tered in Huron County; July.' g4,, 1978.; an-:irtdebtness' far in_.' excess of the intent and purpose of that guarantee. ' :• = _To the Farm Credit Corporation,' therefore',:i Jatiriea4j''E -6o4fC refuse. to give 'up possession peaceably. ` • NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH Final Installment cif., 1991 Taxes is due • Wednesday, October 16, 1991 payable in person or by mail at the Municipal Office. Hours = Monday to Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 5:00, p.m. „ riday - 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Note - Failtare to receive a tax notice does not relieve the taxpayer from payment of taxes nor liability of penalty for late payment. Joan Armstrong, Treasurer 37. Mortgages MONEY TO PAY SILLSI Start a busi- nossi Bad credit? No Problem! No Oual- •ifying Hasselsi Borrow $10,000, repay $134. monthly! Call intransicon Finan- cial (416) 650-9455. Busy? 1-300-268- 1429. --41b0 CREDIT PROBLEMS? Need a consoli- dation loan? For fast, confidential ser- vice in arranging a 1st or 2nd mortgage OP residential, commercial or rural prop- erties, call Mid -Canada Financial Sar- Vices at 1-376 4914 ryarr' Hodgkinson Mortgage Underwriter,--S9tibcknx 03. Auto n Sole, SPECIAL, HOUSEHOLD CONSIGNMENT SALE at ORINDLEY AUCTION SERVICES DIl Monday octitober 14/91 .12:00 noon . HOUSEHOLD .EFFECTS: f2i dining room suates, living; rooms suite, chrome table and chairs,cot- . fee and amts tables, cherry drop leaf table, wicker chairs, rocking chairs, cane chairs, round table, lamps, cap- tains cap ttainsbed,drapes,TV., pictures, crocks, deepj roozo, fridge, stove. VEHICLES:, 1984 Ford R10. Pickup; ; 1983. y, �y Plymout) Reliant. 1978'27 1'2 5t% Wheel Travel Trailer • TOOLS: floor jacks; drill press, metal lathe, new washer, assortment tment of small toots . , Office desks, and chairs, linoleum and carpet, further consignments still welcome. • PLEASE NOTE: This sale offers Sortie of the. best antique furniture ever offered by publio.auction, TERMS: Cash or cheque with .proper. I.D. - 8% Sales-Taxx and 7% G.S.T. Where applicable., : .Owner. ' or Auctioneer .net;responsibl'o_.for 'acci dents or loss of purchase day of le :Any artitOtrlcenienfs ; yy,ai sale take:preceden-wri ce overtten advertising. 'Lunchrbootl ort grounds AUCTIONEER: :.- A'C'T �.NEER G'+�r�n R F3rindley FOR FURTHER' INFORMATION. ,. CALL:z• R 1 , 5 9 '529-7625 (BUS.) 52$4970 (RES:. r� SIGNMENT. 110 N' YSALE of ' -` , dtde Furnishings, Antiques g, q r� Y• :at: D . , Ay�.�SC►�,�..CEf�TRE *Kincardine Friday, October 11/91 • 6:30 P.M. for Mr. & Mrs., Percy Schacht of Ripley plus other consign-. ments from Kincardine .& . Tiverton. Listen to CKNX for partial list. AUCTIONEERS: Grant McDonald, Ripley 395.5353 Dodio McLelland' -.Kincardine . S96-3252 Wallace Bafagh Teeswator 392-6170 AUCTION SALE of ANTIQUES and HOME FURNISHINGS will„ be held for MISS ESTHER MURRAY (Teeswatery with some added consignments, in TEESVVATE.R AORI- CURL.BUILDING, On MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 Starting at 10:30 A.M. WALLACEBALLAGH TEESATER 392=6170 GRANT MOCoNALD RIPLEY 395-5353 39. Educational IS TRUCKING FOR YOU. Let's discuss it. 'introducing extended programs and Credit Courses. Call' William at 1-800- 265.7173, Markel Training Systems. 41bo TRAIN TO MANAS8 an apartment- condominium partmentcondominium building. Many jobs avail- able. Write for froo brachrue. AMT!, 1801.1 Yong() St., Toronto, Ontario, M5B 1W?. —41 bo 59. ducutiQngI. .FREE career guide to lion -=study coP 'respondence DipDiplotriacourses:Accouo, ing, Airoondt. ening, Bookiieepioa, usi- nese, Cosmetology, Etectronios4 WOW/Medical Secretary, Nychoiogya Travel.- Granton (SA) 2e Addicted. West. To ui to.'`I-g0Q=9 Q `igi ,. —41bc LEARN AUCTIONEERSouth- Western Ontario School. of Auollonoering Nest class: Novembers!-. 15. Iriformatk n, contact: Southwestern Ontarioppy��School, of Auckoneering . RR. 05, yA ogdstock,. Ontario, N45 7V9. (51 9) 537-2115.. b 4t Death Notices FISHER Chelssy Park Horne, London on Saturday,October �p 1991 Mrs. Alva Selena (acKenzie) Fisher, of London in her 81st year. Beloved wife of the. late George Fisher, .pear mother of Ken H, Fisher and hie wife Nancy or Water- loo, ;loved by her 2 granddaughters Lisa and ;Katie, Dpar sisterrin-law of Edward Fisher and his wife Elizabeth of Watford, Mac Fisher and his wife Elsie of Alvinston. Marguerite Cameron of London. Funeral service was conducted at the A. Millard'George Funeral Home, 6O Ridout St.London where, the ;coin • pieta . service was conducted .,in the Chapel on Tuesdaay,.October8 at i p,m. Interment.Lochaish Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to the Cana- dian:Cancer Society or to the Heartand •-.8-.8Foundatwn of Ontario, --41 4. • Engagements.: iAr1E*COOK Lorne and Marion Cook and' Mac and' Mary • Eadie are pleased to announce the engagemo nt of the r Children '4nice • Elizabeth' and 'David George The wedstamely, --41 x '� ding will take place November. 2, 19.91 -\ at Lucknow United Church. Reception to -, . ', VANOSCH ' .•. followat.Lucknow Community Centre, -:+ ."We would like to thank:the::Lucknow Co- at..,.: '- w op, Elmer Umbach Pharmacy, Lucknow Market Mc D o'. a �h insurance • MecRiiEl SON GREIG. Village A, n g 47. Curd Of Thunks • McFARIIANE' Words, can, never expo our gratitude 'tu ail you people who helped us through our timeof sorrow. we certaniy aper aced ail, those wonderful people who brOught us food and more food, Thank you. The kindness and under- standing of Joan Pollard and No staff ,' will always be remembered.. To the. people who donated to Lucknow United Church and The Cancer Fund, we the family say . THANKS on behalf* of Marion. Sincere thanks, to all those who made it possible for Marion tostay. at home, Dr, Shubat, the home. makers,: . the visiting and evening nuts end the friends who spelled ,off the family by sitting" with her. The , choir, Tony Stickirigs, 'Ernie Royle,Glen: MacPherson, and George Philips, you all did an excellent jols in leading us in worship at Marion's funeral service. Thank you. Again our thanks 'to ,every.4 • one, Gerald McFarlane and family. 7.-41x McOUILUN •. My family and I Wish to sincerely thank everyone for, the many acts of hindoesa shown to us in the form Of food sent to .. my house and Sam's dad's, kind words, cards, donations andflowers atthe time of the sudden passing of my husband .and our father Sam.Special'thanks. to Joan Pollard ,and: Bob MacKenzie for their support and super management. Rev. Jack, F..samali, for .his, kind and thoughtful message -Attie diffibUit.time.. Our appreciation also to to ahtbulance... 3 • Ken Mac.Nay of.:the. Wiarton ,hospitak, k ,tf a pallbearers an'd.flower bearers; the; a. ladies of the Lucknow Anglican hurch ,' the lovely lunchprovided, >ld�r orf y pro dad, What.. would we ever do:without;ods. help,' our friends:andrelatives at.Algot :titre. These -kind: thoughts;-words°and:deeds 3.: will be..rernembered always.ryMarion anda Dewayne "arid ,;Marlene. Greig and :.Bill and Isabel' MacPherson all of Lucknow are pleased to announce'the engage- ment of their `children,. Debbie ;and Larry. The `Wedding will take'place ; Satus�y, toher19,1�991 t 3b'p i '!'fit Lucknow- United Church`. Receptiofl to follow at LuckndwrCommunityCentre. -- 4lar .. i 46. In Memoriam F ;' IRWIN • ,,in. loving memory .ot 'a,dear wife' and '. mother'EIaine% who passed away four. years ago October 15, ,1987. TO a beautiful person 'came a sudden end. • She died as` she lived, everyone's friend. She left us memories we 'wilt "never forget • - They say time cheats and.helps us• for- get. orgest. But time only proves h"owmnuch vie miss her yeti A smile, a voice we will always remem- • ber. • . Always remembered' and sadly missed, by Bob, Ken, Chnis;.Craig and daughter • in-law Nancy. --41 47. Cards of Thanks STANLEY We. would like to express our sincere thanks to the doctors, nurses, ambu- lance attendants mbu-lance,attendants in both Kincardine and Owen Sound hospitals. Also thanks to Daddyand all our family and friends for. the comfort an support we received during 'Blake's illness.. It will never be forgotten. Debbie and•Slake. P41,z 1 allies Auxiliary. Winter Sports would like to thank the follow- ing Clubs for their donation towards the upstairs of the Lucknow Sports Complex: Tractor Pullers Lucknow Kinsmen Club Lucknow Jrr Wonneri's Institute Lucknow Agricultural 'Society tSl Lucknow Lions Club Lucknow Legion and `,Reel :{Estate' Brokers,` and 'Finlay Decorators 'forthe-lovely keepsake plate , we receitied°in honour of Bradley's birth. itis something We wilt° lwaya treasure. Perry; Wendy; a'nd-Bradley, -41 - WILKINS We would'. like to thank,: the ,Lucknow and District Firefighters for their quick action in saving, our-barn',a-week ago. We would. like to. thank all the others who were here and,belped at the time. Everything was much , appreciated. Charlie and ` yme. r -41X s I HHALDENSY, We wish to thank family, friends ,arid neighbours for cards, flowers and all the support we received during our recent bereavement Special thanks to Dr. Gear and Dr. Shubat and also Joan Pollardfor, her caring ,support: -Every- thing was much appreciated and will always be remembered by her husband Jack:and family, --,41x CAMPBELL We wish td sincerely thank our:family for the dinners held -to celebrate our 45th 1 ledding Anniversary September 28th. The beautiful cards,' flowers and gifts we received from our family, neigh- boum and friends were very much appreciated. Bob and Wilda Campbell.. - -41x CAMPBELL We wish to express our sincere thanks to everyone who helped make our wed- ding day such a special event. Thanks to our attprldants and their friends for all their assistance: Our parents deserve special mention for all their help and support. Thanks. to Gramme Campbell 'rot making :the cake, Gramma Fairish for her help and opening her home -for the rehearsal party. Bev for her many talents,. Rev. Nugent, Karen :Msirtyn, Lille, Blaine,' Marie, Trinity United Church kfidiies, . Lucknow Lions Club, Gerrie and Tom and to everyone else wile assisted or offered in.pny way. We wish to take ibis opportunity to say Thank You. Your gilts and best wishes were greatly appreciated., Tammy and Robert Campbell: --41 MscKFNiE My sincere thank youto friends, my sisters, and family for -the cards, visits, phone cans, flowers, treats and gifts while i was in hospital andsonvalescing at my sisters -home on highway 66.wost. All Were very much appreciated. Also thanks to Dr: Omelet Dr. Shubat and the nursing staff of theWinghani Hospi- tal. Rhoda. —41x •